Coronavirus: World Leaders Now In Panic Mode

First hand account from patient (I do not know them, just circulating) :
I think someone posted this link re Dr. Murray and his thoughts that a new flu vaccine may be causing some of italy’s heightened numbers… anyone seen similar elsewhere? I haven’t had a chance to look into this, but I am aware of the issues that pertussis vaccines are said to cause re other respiratory illnesses so this wouldn’t surprise ESP with a multi strain vaccine.

Fuel consumption in the Netherlands last week was 43% less ! Since pricing is mainly tax this will be a blow to the fiscal budget (price at this moment = EUR 1,55 / ltr = USD 6,34 / US gallon)

There is a thread on 911 here

Thank you for your reply. I didn’t intend to belittle your belief in the dilute H2O2 “cure” you outlined and I can see that you are sharing a treatment that you believe has helped you and are not trying to sell anything. I just like to see peer-reviewed scientific studies to back up claims for alternative medical treatments or for any theory or idea that I don’t have knowledge of.
I tend to be skeptical of things I read on the internet, until I can find enough scientific evidence to prove or refute the information. I like to follow the maxim attributed to Edger Allen Poe “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see”.
I looked at the link you provided ( and read about the proposed benefits of H2O2 treatments as you suggested, but I’m still not convinced.
Anyway, good to hear that you overcame your illness in December and good luck.

Someone (you @dtrammel?) posted a link or a pdf some time ago, showing an old US army instruction about how to sew your own N95 equivalent mask. I haven’t been able to find it again, but I remember some of the basics, I think. So I decided to try. (No sewing machine here so it’s not going to win a beauty contest.) This is work in progress, and I still need to make and attatch straps to make it fit properly. This is eight layers of heavy duty T-shirt material (I sacrificed two of my old work T-shirts), half of the layers laid at 45 degrees angle. Two layers straight, two diagonal, two straight, two diagonal. This makes it pretty hard to breathe through - I would have been worried if it didn’t. I really can’t answer to the reliability of this mask, but I am taking it as a better-than-nothing option. It’s supposed to be boiled for ten minutes after each use and hung up to air dry.
To the right is another work in progress, surgical type masks. I am attempting three layers, the middle layer at 45 degrees angle for maximum filtration. Same thing here: No guarantees, but a better-than-nothing option using old pillow cases.

My wife saw an article of how to make a quick, simple, inexpensive, disposable mask with paper towels, stapler, and rubber bands. While not an N95, anyone could make these and have immediate access to a mask. She improved it a bit by doubling the paper towels and adding a twisty wire for the nose. Kleenex makes anti-viral tissues which the masks could be lined with. Everyone should be wearing a mask.

MCH - Mark: Appreciate your comeback again and wanted to mention that within the website I provided at: Dr. Lodi discusses peer-reviewed scientific studies on one of those pages, but it is for IPTLD cancer treatment: . He responded to your very question, except that was in relation to H2O2 treatment for cancer (virus(es) cells), etc., not specifically for a corona or Covid-19 virus, and the peer reviewed studies were done in Uruguay and China. For those who want further studies, perhaps that can be done by administering this Food Grade H2O2 to Covid-19 patients who are terminal. I think that as long as a patient is still alive, this will begin to work on them and perhaps save their lives. Even doctors opposed to this treatment acknowledge that no harm is done to people who use it, so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by it. Doctors and treatment personnel might then be surprised by the results. Skip below to the second bullet-point – To me this is revealing, as it does not distinguish specific viruses or bacteria or fungi or cancer cells – it is all-inclusive of those. It would not surprise me to learn that China likely used similar means via H2O2 and/or high levels of liquid Vitamin C intravenously injected, to fight and treat Covid-19 in Wuhan, etc. On the front page of Dr. Lodi’s website mentioned above are included various important info, including the following:

Using Hydrogen Peroxide For Cancer Treatments Is Highly Effective And Part Of Our Comprehensive Cancer Care Program!

Dr. Thomas Lodi was asked his opinion on hydrogen peroxide treatments being used to treat cancer, specifically intravenous, and other treatments like hyperbaric oxygen and other oxidative therapies. Here is Dr. Lodi’s reply on using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidative therapy to combat cancer. If you look in the alternative cancer world, one of the groups of interventional protocols involves oxidative therapies. And, when you mention hyperbaric oxygen, that’s not really oxidative it’s more oxygenation, so what you’re doing is you’re increasing the amount of oxygen in the body, that’s important. Oxidative protocols involve hydrogen peroxide, ozone, ultraviolet light, and blood irradiation. These therapies stimulate the oxidative pathways. Why is that important? Well, because the way in which cancer is halted by our immune system is through oxidation. Oxidation is an essential aspect of life on earth. Its counterpart, which is called reduction and in the popular world, lay world, it’s called anti-oxidation. All cellular functions receive their energy as a result of oxidation. Oxidation is used to halt cancer, it’s used to kill viruses, it’s used to kill fungus and bacteria. If you use things like hydrogen peroxide, ozone, ultraviolet light, in a particular way, you can enhance the body’s ability to stop the production of cancer or any other cells that are unwanted. This is very important. Even to neutralize toxins, neutralize things you’ve breathed in or chemicals that have entered your system, is critical to enhancing your immune system. Oxidative therapies stimulate the body’s oxidative capacities, which are required for energy metabolism, detoxification and immune system function and result in multiple benefits including, but not limited to the following:
  • Stimulate white blood cell production.
  • Both directly and indirectly eliminates viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells.
  • Increase the oxygen delivery from our blood to our tissues and it’s important to remember healthy cells require oxygen and cancer cells are damaged by oxygen.
  • Anti-angiogenic, which sounds complex but simply means that they inhibit the growth of new blood vessels that feed tumors.
  • Oxidize petrochemicals (gas, oil, etc) and other toxic substances so they lose their toxicity.
  • Prompt the production of interferon, tumor necrosis factor, and other cytokines, which are required to combat infections and cancers.
  • Increase the efficiency of the anti-oxidant enzyme systems, which search for and collect an overload free radicals in the body.

Here you can watch Dr. Lodi explain in more detail why hydrogen peroxide used for cancer treatments plays an important role in healing.

People can view this short video on his website if they wish, but I wanted to also point out that per the second bullet-point is mentioned -- To me this is revealing, as it does not distinguish specific viruses or bacteria or fungi or cancer cells -- it is all-inclusive of those. :
  • Both directly and indirectly eliminates viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells.

Thank you for that info as I was not aware of this but I know that back in the early 60’s a doctor was able to cure people with the polio virus via intravenous injections of high levels of liquid Vitamin C. I would not be surprised to learn that China may have used the Food Grade H2O2 and/or the Vitamin C protocols to stem Covid-19 virus there.

Absolutely – I agree with everything you say and perhaps cotton might work as well, although it would not be my first choice. If that is all one has then it is better than nothing. Yes I know I have concentrated my answers to the H2O2 issue because if we don’t start using the cure for this virus real soon, we could end up with more problems than any nation or the world can deal with. At the same time, prevention is equally important and masks make sense, along with all the other things they are advising like washing hands, social distancing, etc.

Shimz try this link. there is a pdf on a mask pattern

Perhaps a better word for it rather than ominous is prophetic. My interpretation of the picture is a young Mayan looking into the future, around 7 years past the time that they ended their calendar to December, 2019. That may be where we end up if we do not stop this Covid-19 virus post-haste! There is still time, but it is running out very fast – freaky, scary, and stupid combined since the cure is right before our very eyes.

I made one of the masks from kitchen paper and it seems to work quite well, though it can tear if not handled carefully. If the nose section is folded again, as in the video a wire seems unnecessary but I’m sure that would help.
However, even if everyone wore a mask, it would have limited impact since many I’ve seen wearing masks have worn them incorrectly, with many loose masks and some even worn just over the mouth! So I think Chris’s notion that if everyone wore a mask, then restrictions could be loosened is a bit simplistic, since many would wear the mask ineffectively.
I guess that, for more complete protection, one would not only have to wear the mask correctly but also wear goggles and gloves. I just can’t see that happening.

Sofistek I think you are overlooking two things.
First the concept of “viral load”. The idea with masks, gloves and goggles isn’t 100% protection. Its minimizing the amount of viral particles you are exposed to. Ideally you want the highest protection you can get, but anything over 50% helps a lot. Paper masks, cotton masks, biking and pollution masks and surgical masks are all inferior to N95 masks but they still offer some protection.
The lower the amount of particles you breath in (aka the viral load you are exposed to) the more time your body has to fight the infection. In some cases I bet you even give your body the chance to kill it completely.
That’s why getting everyone to wear some sort of mask, even inferior ones is important.

However, even if everyone wore a mask, it would have limited impact since many I’ve seen wearing masks have worn them incorrectly, with many loose masks and some even worn just over the mouth! So I think Chris’s notion that if everyone wore a mask, then restrictions could be loosened is a bit simplistic, since many would wear the mask ineffectively.
I wouldn't make minor air gaps and inferior mask fitting as big of an issue as manufacturers and health care experts make it. Take a look at this article where they actually used an expensive fit-test machine, to check how much infiltration air gaps provided outside contaminants. It wasn't as much as we are lead to believe.