Could These Mysterious Clots Be Causing People To Die Suddenly?

The Jab

Thanks for your detailed presentation. I am thankful I never took the jab. Even after my sister ( a retired MD) sent me a NYT article promoting the jab. The presentation inspired me to continue with seeing my health (physical, mental & spiritual) as my wealth.



Folks working in pharma and medical fields should be out protesting and walking out of work until lab leak & clotting issues investigated


One Of My Favorite Substacks


Weight Of Clot

Interesting video, but I think you are off in your estimate of the weight of that clot per cm of length. Assuming a clot is more or less as dense general human body tissue, a 1gm clot would have to be about a cubic centimetre to weigh a gram. Looking at that clot on the gloved hand it looks tape like (thickness of a 1mm or two), and probably less than a centimetre wide. It could easily be 0.1gm or less per centimetre of length which, after taking into consideration the water content would match with your calculation for the aorta.


p.s. not that this negates any of the other arguments that point towards these clots being ante-mortem, just that I don’t think your weight of fibrin argument holds for the clot in question.


Live Blood Analysis / Fasting/ Ultrasound Question/ Nattokinase

I’ve heard that live blood analysis is being done in Europe but not in the US, which can show whether your blood is micro-clotting. If there are folks on this site who are in Europe who have had that done, I would be interested to hear what your experience was with it and if anyone knows a practitioner in the Northeast US who performs this test in relation to Covid. (I found 1 doctor in NYC who does live blood analysis, but when I inquired further in relation to specifics about Covid, did not ever hear back).
One question is whether an ultrasound would show clots like these? I have been doing intermittent and longer-term fasting, as I expect autophagy can break micro-clots and these bigger clots down. But I imagine extensive fasts would be required to eliminate some of those huge clots seen in the movie. Which is why I wonder whether a test like an ultrasound could show them. And then if you were fasting, if you could see the size of the clot reduce over time? 
I guess the other way to gauge effectiveness of an approach is how one feels. I’ve been recovering from long haul Covid for a while now and I notice a marked increase in my energy levels since I began the intermittent and longer fasts. Combined with super low carb intake for meals.
I have been taking lumbrokinsase which has helped a little (I feel worse when I don’t take it), and have ordered nattokinase, which I have heard is supposed to work better, and haven’t tried it yet, myself, so can’t say if it works better than lumbro. I am anxious to try it, though, because the things I’ve heard about natto are pretty remarkable.



Chris, are you still going to try to get samples of these clots to have them analyzed? Or you’re pretty clear what they are now, without analysis?

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Nanoparticles Used In The Mrna Platform Are Key

Chris, have you given much thought to the lipid nanoparticles used as the delivery mechanism for the spike mRNA? As I understand it, these were specifically designed to be able to carry payloads through membranes that would otherwise significantly reduce bio-distribution. Additionally, the Pfizer nano-capsules (not sure about Moderna) are at least in part (mostly?) composed of graphene, which is very reactive/responsive to RF radiation with respect to electric charge (another factor which might be influencing membrane permeability to these particles). IIRC, graphene is not directly listed as an ingredient in the mRNA vaccines, but people have determined it is one via a patent number (I believe Acuitas Therapeutics of Canada is one of the main manufacturers, but the tech was developed by a Chinese firm).
Even more worrying, is the fact that there have been various groups across several countries which have observed unexpected contaminants in differently sourced, untampered vaccine vials. Some of the material looked very much like graphene fiber, images of which had been previously published in the literature. It’s not clear if these impurities were due to poor quality control, or possibly from nanoparticles breaking apart.
In any case, the net outcome is a very effective drug delivery mechanism carrying a recipe for a very toxic protein to many parts of the body other than immediately around the injection site. You’ve probably seen the study showing the spike in brain tissue. A Covid infection, as opposed to vaccination, was ruled out as the source of the spike protein in that case as there was no evidence of virus nucleo-capsid proteins.
It’s also possible, based on what at least one paper has described, that DNA could be modified via reverse transcription of the RNA, leading to a permanent production of spike protein at sites heretofore inaccessible to “normal” viruses. With regular boosting, more and more mRNA is introduced into the body, and, with the long “shelf life” that’s been observed, the result is the disaster we’re seeing unfold.

Autophagy Can Remove Spike Proteins According To Dr Kory And Dr Marik

Autophagy can remove spike proteins according to Dr Kory and Dr Marik and if true this should be done by anybody who had the jab or Covid.
After all it is inexpensive, you just don’t eat for at least 16 hours or more.
Here I have a problem on how many hours one should not eat to get good effect and for some reason I cannot find definitive answer.
Would be nice if somebody could help me to make sure .


Hello! Over the past few months, a tribe member shared this 2019 video by Dr. Pradip Jamnadas which talks about the benefits of fasting. One of the YT video commenters nicely made time stamp notes and at about 27’53", Dr. Jamnadas discusses autophagy which he said maxes out at a 3-day fast. While it isn’t directly related to CV-19, the information therein may be helpful. Good luck!



I get so so squeamish regarding blood and arteries. I wasn’t as a child, but now I am, so this was hard to watch and the viewing stress alone was practically causing a cardiac event for me. But I need to know this stuff.
My maternal grandfather had 5 stents or bypasses (he’s still alive somehow at 95), I had heart surgery as a baby to correct a defect, and sadly I got the Moderna as a 30-something Male. I figured the risk was overblown/sensationalized and I was a high risk for the virus itself due to my heart condition so I hedged my bets, though I still believe the vaccine should never have been developed. I really feel like I’m going down young with 2 young boys and a wife. Pray for me tribe.



Home run video.
This is what I wish Died Suddenly had done in the first place: present the observations from embalmers and others in the context of actual science. Specify what’s known and provable based on the evidence, and what is still an open question.


A biologist friend shared a paper with me that showed the insulin spike after eating takes about 16 hours to get back to the level before the prior meal. If you don’t allow the body at least 16 hours to get blood sugar levels down, you are living in perpetual inflammation.
Going for longer fasting periods on occasion gives you even more health benefits, including boosting your immune system.
I am not a doctor but I have been doing 8/16 intermittent fasting for over two years. Lost a bunch of weight and feel healthy.


By making them aware that you know these vaccines are not safe based on the prevailing and overwhelming data. When I am asked if I have had my Covid shots, I quickly say no, they are too risky and are not safe. And when the doctor responses with, that’s not true that’s when I say, I am going by the data that’s available by the CDC where it shows, hundreds of thousands have been injured as a direct result of these vaccines and thousands have died as well. Then tell them, you agree with the top experts in the field such as Drs Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone who have warned, these vaccines are not safe.
Also tell them that executives from Pfizer, admit that their Covid vaccines were not properly tested to stop the spread of Covid and catching Covid and that you have the video’s where they actually say that. I have saved over a hundred bookmarks related to these vaccines.
Put them on the spot.


Misfolded Proteins And Nad+ Deficiency
Neuronal death induced by misfolded prion protein is due to NAD+ depletion and can be relieved in vitro and in vivo by NAD+ replenishment
"Neuronal" means the communication parts of the brain and nervous system. Misfolded prion protein = TPrP. [My guess: the spike protein could act similarly, but probably not identically]. NAD+ = a chemical in your body that's required for maybe 400 different processes, and once depleted by TPrP in the neurons, ends up shutting off ATP generation, and causing neuronal cell death. A lot of dead neurons = bad outcomes for you. How to replenish NAD+? In this study, they used niacinamide (a.k.a. nicotinamide).
... nicotinamide proved to be a critical factor for the rescue of neurons subjected to TPrP injury. Even when added 3 days after TPrP-exposure, nicotinamide, within 3 h, reversed the fate of neuroblastoma cells destined for degeneration, as inferred by the loss of neuritic extensions, cellular vacuolization and, at 3 days, caspase 8 and 9 activation (Fig. 1) (Zhou et al., 2012). This complete rescue indicated that nicotinamide is a key metabolite of the failing pathway in TPrP-treated cells. We determined that the rescuing effect of nicotinamide is because of its role as a precursor of the vital metabolite NAD+, of which TPrP-injured cells are up to 200-fold depleted
So TPrP horribly depletes NAD+ in the neurons. Niacinamide repletes NAD+, saving the cells from death. Note that they applied the niacinamide intranasally to the mice, in order to pass the blood-brain barrier. Required? No idea. My guess: early treatment could result in better outcomes. Also - this is a patch, not a fix. Getting rid of TPrP [another guess] would be the fix. But staying alive and functional to buy time to apply the fix is useful too. Given the multiplicity of pathways for creating NAD+, my favorite compound (flush niacin) might work, so might the (10x) more expensive NMN. But this experiment used niacinamide. One more intriguing paper. Alzheimers is thought - maybe - to also be a result of misfolded proteins. Here's an RCT that used a NAD+ precursor (called NADH) to treat alzheimers patients. The treatment group didn't deteriorate further, and many patients improved. The RCT happened back in 2004; no follow-up that I saw. NADH dose in this trial: 10 mg/day.
Treatment of Alzheimer's disease with stabilized oral nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: a randomized, double-blind study
After 6 months of treatment, subjects treated with NADH showed no evidence of progressive cognitive deterioration and had significantly higher total scores on the MDRS compared with subjects treated with placebo (p < 0.05).
And as you probably know, I'm not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. And I'm not selling any compounds, either. Do I have a big "niacinamide farm"? I do not. I encourage you to read these papers - hopefully prior to any unpleasant NAD+ deficiency event, from misfolded proteins or otherwise. And, last guess: getting rid of misfolding-protein mechanisms (such as - possibly - spike) in advance of widespread NAD+ deficiency is probably the best choice. Ounce of prevention >> pound of cure.

I know, this is off-topic for “clots” per se. But the “misfolded protein” thing got me going. Apologies for the digression.


Hey Chris I’ve been holding on to this meme (didn’t make it) for awhile is it possible you can look into the validity of this? It contains a lot of jargon so I think it’s trying to look scientific and might not actually be so. Regardless thank you for all of your and your team’s hard work and dedication to integrity


Dr. Been said in one of these videos that the number you need to hit is 14-16 hours a day to reach autophagy and one would think to spend some time beyond that in order to give your system time to clear things out. You also want to do autophagy sometimes while you are sleeping, so timing your last meal well before bed, so that your brain can also clear itself out.
This one covers the different types of autophagy and what time-frame they happen within:;t=3s
These may also be useful to you:;t=690s


As a guy who can’t tolerate flush niacin, I have settled on this NAD+ precursor that is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth.;keywords=liposomal+mnm+supplement&amp;qid=1670414489&amp;sprefix=mnm+liposomal%2Caps%2C907&amp;sr=8-3

Liposomal NAD, improves my energy levels noticably in recovery from Long Haul. Although, the active ingredient is listed as NMN (β-Nicotinamide mononucluotide), not the niacinamide as you suggest.