Could These Mysterious Clots Be Causing People To Die Suddenly?

Are they claiming that the current flu vaccine has an avian flu component?

Are we thinking we should demand autopsies for any family deaths?

You can get NAM as powder, so you can dissolve or take smaller amounts. I;m also sensitive to the flush, so I’m very careful to take tiny amounts with food.

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Steve Kirsch Newsletter Referencing This Video

I just received Steve Kirsch’s latest newsletter referencing the Died Suddenly video and Chris’ video here on the clots. Kirsch is asking everyone to reach out to their congressperson’s staff (doing an end run around the congressperson’s ever-present excuse of being to busy to discuss kryptonite, er, covid gene therapy) to get a meeting with said staff person to discuss concerns. Kirsch said he’ll join anyone who lands a meeting. He’s got a form letter on his site for anyone interested in pursuing this. Just FYI that the letter seems very confrontational and therefore unlikely to result in a meeting. If any Tribe member is interested in having me wordsmith a less abrasive draft letter, just reach out.

Are there other things in your life that could be causing problems? Hormonal birth control? Foods or supplements with xenoesteogens? A lot of stress in your life? (Cortisol and progesterone have the same precursor). Synthetic fabrics? Heating foods in plastic? How is your light usage? Do you get morning and evening sun? Have you tried any herbals like chasteberry (vitex)? These things can all have an impact.
There a great book called Beyond the Pill that walks you through determining which hormone is dominant for you and steps you can do to correct the imbalance.

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Hi Derek:
I’ll pray for you, but please keep in mind you come from healthy rootstock. Your maternal grandfather had 5 stents/bypasses and still lives to tell the tale at age 95. You came through infant heart surgery with flying colors. Apparently it takes a lot to kill a flatlander, and let’s chat about that over coffee in three or four decades.

Just found the attachment with the email. No, they are not claiming the flu vaxx protects against Avian Flu. What they are claiming, I’m really not sure. Here is part of the attachment.
“Influenza viruses are changeable; when strains from humans or different animal species mix and exchange genetic information, it could become more serious if the virus develops the ability to spread from person to person. To prevent co-infection with both seasonal human influenza and avian influenza virus, it is recommended that individuals that work with poultry receive a seasonal flu vaccine. The vaccine will not protect against avian influenza but protects against infection with human influenza virus.”
Does anyone know if this is an issue? We’ve had Avian Flu here before and I’ve never seen a recommendation like this.

Or you could add butter and mct oil to coffee (bullet proof) especially on days where you fast and you want to take your fat soluble vitamins, many vitamins need the fat to be absorbed.


I think I got that. Did I miss though - was the film saying the clots were appearing in vaccinated people only? Or only the timing of this clot appearing (within 18mo) was suspicious? Does the J&J shot not have these effects?

Yup. Thanks. Done that, too. Usually just go with cream. We use one that’s local and not ultra pasteurized (which is hard to find). Good fats and usually better tasting and more easily digestible to me…but I can go with whatever works!

Lab Analasis Of Covid Clots.

Please pass this along to Chris, Del Bigtree just released a video of him visiting Dr Ryan Cole’s lab in Idaho. Del is doing a report on Dr Cole’s findings of his chemical analysis of the clots and whats in the vaccine. It would be great if Chris could reach out to Dr Cole and the 2 of them discuss his findings. Its exciting to finally be finding out the truth and who is behind all of this. Here is the link to Del’s site. The interview with Dr Cole starts about 1 hour into the video.

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Soccer Journalist Collapses And Dies

A Tragic Upclose And Personal Look At Clots From A Canadian

A short ~ 9 min video - please watch and share far and wide. This is representative of how things are in insane Canada! ?

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Jan, thanks for sharing. I salute the fighting spirit of this woman, and hope she survives the side effects and her deep depression.



The volume/mass of the clots seems too large to be fibrin and amyloid alone. I wonder if the endothelium is sloughing off and being compressed to form these clots, with fibrin amyloid involved as well.
In the world I thought I lived in, a finding like this by a few embalmers would result in a van full of CDC doctors careening through the streets at a high rate of speed and pulling up to the morticians office with a screetch, and before the van was even completely stopped, the doors fly open and doctors pour out and rush into the autopsy suite to figure it all out.
If amyloid is involved then what is God’s name is happening in the brains of these patients? I would hope that on autopsy they are examining the brain to see if any signs of Alzheimer’s exists.
We are on the verge, I can feel it. This is poised to burst into common knowledge. And once that happens, then the economy crashes.
Buckle up, tribespeople.

‘hugh your baby, bc there can be no tomorrow’

I will pray for you but also, remember, Dr Marik says intermittent fasting is the only thing that gets rid of the spike protein – the process ramps up especially after hour 14 of fasting. So that would mean eating no food every day except within a small window of time.

12 Million People! - Vaxxed Americans Report Major Side Effects, And Question Efficacy

Are The Mrna Injections Really Vaccines?

I think I know Chris’ response to this but thought this was an interesting development by the Thought Police. The definition of “vaccine” has been “enhanced”. I looked it up in my dictionary from the 1980s. It was pretty similar to the definition on the Merriam-Webster website from Oct 2019.
But today it’s been changed to:

Vaccine Dangers, Uk Parliament Debate

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