Could These Mysterious Clots Be Causing People To Die Suddenly?

I also recall going through Dr Fung’s site. I found it really helpful. And (I’d guess) people who have a harder time executing on a fast (due to some unique situation they have) might be helped by some specialized guidance that his group could provide.
The one thing that struck me was when he debunked the myth that fasting will lead to muscle loss. If fasting led to muscle loss - well, those people that had this disadvantage would have died out 100,000 years ago. In the survival course I took, we were fasting pretty much every day. Did we have a big fancy breakfast, and snacks all during the day? Yeah right. I think I lost 15 pounds in two weeks. And I wasn’t particularly fat going in. We did a three day fast right off the bat. First time ever for me. Boy did it make me cranky. Had to hike 15-20 miles per day too. At 9000 ft elevation. And not exactly on trails either. At no point did I have “low energy.” I just was not used to fasting back then.
Big Food will do whatever it can to stop people from doing this - allied with Big Pharma. “No Fasting For You!” Its worse than the fearporn about the niacin flush. Literally the best thing you can do for their income statement is eat constantly.


Hello DaveFairtex,
I tried fasting 18/6 about a year ago and have been doing it ever since about 5-7 days a week just out of curiosity. I am 73 years old, it worked great for me but I can understand that it might not be ideal for others. I had a slight brain fog every morning after eating breakfast before that time.I had a BMI of about 22 at that time. I almost immediately lost weight and dropped to a BMI of about 19.5. (That was not my intention to lose weight) But what I noticed right away was that my energy level jumped up and I was more alert in the morning before my first meal at noon. Now I do all my physical chores and walking during that time. And food tastes better when I do eat. I also notice that I did not lose any muscle mass (i.e.strength) as gaged by my stamina or ability to do tasks. I am totally hooked.


Dave are you doing coffee too or no coffee? I feel like coffee was doing something seriously wrong hormonally but don’t know what. I had shared that ever since 2021, my female monthly visitor started getting really weird. When i started my fasting a year ago with Niacin Flush 16:8, things got much better for me but recently getting a little strange again so i’m getting even more religious with my diet. I have cut sugar, gluten, dairy, coffee and alcohol. I feel like a million bucks since then but I can’t pin point what is causing me to feel better as I have eliminated so many things. Would love to introduce alcohol and sugar but scared to go back to the “invasion of the body snatchers” :frowning:

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As I understand (and practice) intermittent fasting, coffee or tea by itself does not interfere with the process. Adding sugar or cream would.
During my fasting period I avoid all caloric intake. It’s possible that zero carb foods in small quantities would be ok, but I abstain. I’ll have water or (unsweetened) iced tea. I may take vitamins during the fasting period but usually wait until lunch, just in case.
16/8 fasting is not hard. I have done low carb for years. I suspect that had I not, and kept to a regular diet of sugar and carbs, the hunger pangs would be far worse. So FWIW I suggest to anyone considering fasting to first switch diet to low carb, going through an Atkins-like induction period for 2-3 weeks to shift your system away from carb cravings. When you’re able to do ketosis regularly then fasting becomes easier.


What will be the endpoints?

Nhk (japan News) Says Korea Rethinking Covid Response

It might be common knowledge in S. Korea that covid vaccines and lockdowns weren’t a good idea. See this NHK segment.

Comment image failed to load? Was that intended–failed to load?

What About Vets?

Are veterinarians seeing clotting in pets, or are they having more health issues? Just wondering because then we know if it is environmental (climate change, 5 g etc) Is is only in people, is it certain countries or all around the world. Although it is clear animals get Covid.
One of my relatives mentioned that she knows a number of people in the hospital with clotting issues and they are all unvaccinated. When I heard that I was wondering exactly how many and if they were really unvaccinated. I like many others here really don’t care what the truth turns out to be, but we do care that we get to the truth, even if it goes against what I currently believe. Something feels really off that no one is trying to answers these questions, it is like we live in a modern version of the dark ages.


Dod Is In Charge Of The Fda, Cdc, Pfizer Etc.

Great discussion between Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt about the democide going on since 2020. Must watch IMO. And share.

I don’t know. Spontaneously running a marathon? General health and energy levels? I could get bloodwork done before and after. Any suggestions what to measure?

I use NR and NMN.
I read NMN is a lot more potent than NR, but it is very vulnurable from the acid in your stomach.
And because I am a weird guy, I can’t swallow pills. So I open the capsules up and just take the powder inside with water or milk.
In the understanding that part of the NMN will be destroyed by the acid in my stomach, i supplement it with NR.
Will it work? No idea, but after almost 3 weeks I can say I’m feeling good (increased stamina)

Actually, there are different opinions out there on whether adding cream to your coffee during a fast is helpful or not. Jason Fung says that it can help some people and will not necessarily keep you from achieving your goals.
Cream has next to no carbs, so it depends on what one’s objectives are. Does fasting mean no carbs? No solid food?
FWIW, Fung adds cream to his coffee, and so do I :slight_smile:
I ate a max of 60 carbs per day when I was initially shifting my diet. It was challenging for maybe the first 3 days. After that, I had difficulty even getting in all 60 carbs.
BTW, Fung also says that eventually one will probably reach a plateau with any fasting regimen (such as 16:8). It’s necessary to shake it up a little, which is why I also do periods of brief fasts (24-48 hours) each month. I have definitely reached a plateau after one year. Now I need to shake it up again somehow.

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Absolutely, but Anthony Fauci was more interested in playing God. He wanted to be the Gatekeeper. He wanted to be worshiped. He never cared about anyone’s health, whether they lived or died. In fact I bet he smiled every time someone died from using any of the alternative treatments. He made it a point to make sure the doses were wrong and the treatment was given at the wrong time, just to rub their noses in the ground.
This is what a corrupt and failed civilization looks like. When the people you trust work against your best interest and look to ruin you or even kill you if you are not disposed to be controlled. But we shouldn’t worry as the next crop of leaders want us to eat bugs, fake meat and drink recycled piss water. While they pop open the best wines, champagne, eat caviar and order their steaks from Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.

I was streaming OAN last night and the program host was interviewing a guest who wrote a new book about the WEF. He showed a picture of their lunch menu. It had the finest wines, caviar and cuts of meat, which on that menu was lamb.

They really don’t care, on the whole. They’re too worried about profitability and the 7 minutes they spend with each patient so they can rush to the next one. My MD parent complains when patients want to actually talk and spend time in the exam room.

Just testing to see if this shows on the front page

I do morning green tea (sometimes black tea) - no coffee. No negative effects. I am not as good about no-sugar as you. During my feeding state, I do eat bad things I won’t tell you about. (I.e. chocolate). Oops.
I also am continuing my niacin at night, in a fasted state, right before I sleep, to make HGH during sleep time, supposedly when it can be used to repair, per (just an example) this link here:
I like to cheat, in that when doctors tell me I need some drug or hormone, I look for a non-drug way to make the compound. In this case, niacin in a fasted state. Or testosterone, using a short PBM exposure on the leydig cells. Both of which are important post-surgery. So I’m told.
The HGH-niacin approach has one negative effect, in that it seems to wake me up about 5 hours after I take it, a few hours after the peak in HGH. Then I have to get back to sleep again. Mostly this is fine - but sometimes, not. This along with T recovery is at least theoreically helping me to rebuild the muscle I lost. I am hungrier and eating like my old self now, which is nice.
Here’s an old chart on fasted-state-niacin-HGH I’ve posted before. Dotted line is HGH produced when you take niacin in a fasted state (i.e. no lipids). Given the sleep effect, I’m not sure I’ll do this as often once I recover. Maybe just a few times per week. Supposedly ‘pulsing’ things is good too. Or so I’m told. Otherwise your body gets too used to it. Or something.

Ancient study as mentioned:
all cause mortality benefit (11% after 15 years, 9 years after trial termination)
dose: 3g niacin/day, p=0.0004
To be in the original RCT (I think it was started in the late 60s), you had to have had a heart attack. This what convinced me that flush niacin (even in quite high doses) is safe, relatively speaking. On average, people who had a heart attack, then took flush niacin for 6 years, lived longer than those that had a heart attack, and then took placebo. As for NR vs NMN vs NA vs NAM: NAD test. Blood stick at home, then send it into the lab. It is not cheap: $892 for 4 tests, and $248 for one test. Labcorp doesn't have this one. The NMN supplements are not cheap either. Note: I have not tried any of these. But I must admit, as a former game-player, I'm dying of curiosity to see if NA can beat the 20x expensive NMN.

Flu Shots

Apologies if this is off-topic but I just had this forwarded to me from a fellow farmer who raises small lot turkeys. British Columbia has had a few cases of Avian Flu this year. I think I will file this under “WTF!”

--- Original message ---
Subject: BCCDC Recommendation - December 8, 2022
From: Natalie Veles <>
To: <(none)>
Cc: <>, Nancy Sampson <>
Date: Thursday, 08/12/2022 3:41 PM
Dear Growers and Processors,
The BC Centre for Disease Control has asked us to share the attached document with you. They are recommending that those in direct contact with poultry receive a seasonal flu vaccine.
Thank you,
Natalie Veles
Executive Director
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Ok, I went off to read the guy’s “NA/NAM are lame” challenges. He’s wrong on several points.
I posted those studies recently that shows NAM replenishes NAD in neurons (in mice/TPrP), and NAM also replenishes NAD in human CD4 cells (MF Murray/HIV).
And NA has been shown in a clinical trial to reduce Parkinsons effects. (Parkinsons is a gut-brain thing, at least in part).
Likewise, more dietary niacin is associated with a reduced chance of Alzheimers.
Likewise, NAM was shown (in rats) to reverse Alzheimers, when used early enough.
And here’s a paper which said the SIRT1 issue for NAM was brief and probably inconsequential. Example:
Since the finding that NAM exerts feedback inhibition to the sirtuin reactions, NAM has been widely used as an inhibitor in the studies where SIRT1, a key member of sirtuins, may have a role in certain cell physiology. However, once administered to cells, NAM is rapidly converted to NAD+ and, therefore, the cellular concentration of NAM decreases rapidly while that of NAD+ increases. The result would be an inhibition of SIRT1 for a limited duration, followed by an increase in the activity.  We conclude that NAM treatment can hypothetically be stimulatory to SIRT1.
Cells convert NAM to NAD+ all on their own. Its as if humanity evolved to make NAD+ from NAM, without forcing those humans to pay big bucks for some fancy product which never existed until just recently. Or something. Dying to see your result, QB. :)