Court Blocks OHSA Vaccine Mandate

Thanks for the link Kenwdelong
Must read.

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Thanks for the link about Archbishop Vigano, helmadi.

It's getting to that crisis point, it seems: The Manichean throw-down. The collision of myth and the mundane--Star Wars without the light sabers. (Jeff is in his cock-rocket, Klaus is already garbed in his absurd jacket.)
Vigano's out to get Blackrock, Vanguard, Klaus, Fauci, Bill, Zuck, ZomBiden, and the Build Back Better mob. (And they do need to be stopped.)
"First a health emergency, then an ecological emergency, after that an internet emergency..." (It's all going according to plan ...)
Fair to say that Vigano will also want to invite non-Christians into the tent, to whatever extent politically and philosophically possible, because Christians are only a third of the world population (appx 2.5B of 7.8B), and many of the globalist crowd are nominally Christians, but a godless immoral bunch, so hardly pillars of integrity. He needs to aim for an ecumenical consensus based on deep integrity and human rights--attracting anyone who smells the dead rat under the floorboards.
Where will/can this anti-globalist convention be held? Will it go off without interference or be sabotaged, attacked, hacked, raided, bombed? Will the soy-boy antifa crowd show up with umbrellas, fireworks, and bricks? Or more formidable forces like the Australian police and military? Will it need to meet in small pods and link up online?
One thing's for sure: the globalist regime won't be liking any competition for its One Ring To Rule The World.
Vigano will also need to get some tasters for his afternoon tea--Davos interns perhaps.
It's fair to say that we are living in interesting times--but I think we knew that already.


Great post - thanks for sharing - should be required reading
Here it is again

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Wouldn’t that be nice? Seriously doubt it though. My inner tin foil hatter suspects the whole point of the aggressive push for universal vaccination is to get rid of the control group. I guess we’re still supposed to follow the science, even though we all just saw them lead the science behind the shed, and then heard a loud noise, and didn’t see it come back…


Despite Chris’s clarity about “Three times is an attack,” he keeps returning to public health as the framework for analyzing pandemic management. Being honest with myself, I feel forced to recognize that the increases in excess deaths must be being seen by Our Leaders as a public policy success. Yes, it is very uncomfortable to see that, but that’s where we are now. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball, and not get distracted by what should be (if this were a sane and reasonable world).
I think it would be far more productive to be discussing what the internal debates must be in Washington, as they plan to further clamp down on our rights, and how to fight back.


Plant-based diets: Putting veggies at the center of our plates - CBS News

Western Digital and plenty other big tech companies are still 100% onboard with the mandates even in light of OSHA’s recent moves. Our company receives edicts from the big tech firms regularly.
While the largest Navy shipyard in the US has lifted mandates of any description. Which is good news for those who want freedom of their own medical choices. This article touches on how some of the 25,000 employees feel about having gotten the jab when the mandate threat was being enforced. I would be pissed off.
And are we all still supposed to believe the ‘virus’ came to humans from bats or pangolins, then jumped from humans to tigers, house cats and white tail deer, and back to humans again over the course of 2 years?
Why argue such idiocies with anyone?


…I, Marianne, am the senior citizen of the family, born in 1930, 91 years old. What I am currently experiencing reminds me strongly of the times that I have already experienced twice.… Now I am witnessing the entry into the third dictatorship. It started with the law of epidemic emergency. This law is similar to the Enabling Act of the Hitler era. Parliament is overruled, and under the aspect of “epidemic emergency of national scope” a kind of emergency regime was started. In 1933, not all anti-Jewish measures were passed immediately. They came only little by little and got sharper over time. Because of this, many Jews thought it was unnecessary to leave the country until it was too late and from 1941 onwards almost all of them were sent “to the gas”. Now it’s starting exactly as it was in the thirties. A mask mandate is imposed, although a large number of studies since 1974, i.e. long before the Corona period, have shown that these masks, including the surgical masks, do more harm than good. Our decision-making elites are impervious to logic. Back then I wasn’t served for being one quarter Jewish. Today I am no longer served without a mask or am not even allowed to enter the shop. Then the vaccination is propagated, so that many get vaccinated because of social and professional pressure, even though they do not want to do it voluntarily. They hope that they will be able to participate in social life again. You are not convinced, but just too weak to defend yourself against the vaccination pressure. Gradually, 2G and 1G will be introduced. Unvaccinated people are marginalized and basic rights, which are not called basic rights for nothing and which we have at birth, are converted by the rulers into privileges for vaccinated people.… …I am currently experiencing the same thing that I have already experienced twice, in the Third Reich and in the DDR. The opponents are silenced, possibly sent to prison (or later to a concentration camp), the compliant and the followers are rewarded and the whole dictatorship now starts over for the third time. I never believed that I would have to experience such a development again. But a large part of our population, especially in the western federal states, has learned very little from the history of the Third Reich and the DDR. Almost everything is currently running as it was in the catastrophic years. I hope it won’t end as terribly as 1945. I’m still a living witness. But in a few years I’ll be dead and my story forgotten.          

As bad as things are in the US, it’s still one of the more “free” Western countries out there.
I feel that as long as you are outside of major urban areas, things will not be quite as tight and controlled. I wonder at what point people from restrictive Western countries will try to claim political refugee status ? The Catch-22 is that they can’t come to the US via airplanes w/o vaccination. They might have to come by boat ?!?!


Indeed indeed, I’m investigating the possibilities of moving to the US with my family, if needed by boat…


I have long held the view, based on an enormous body of historical evidence and precedent, that the only way to effect change when things have progressed this far is to induce fear for their very existence (be it financial, biological, or otherwise) in those responsible for creating the situation in the first place.
I have seen nothing to cause me to change this view and everything to cause me to believe it more than ever before.
The masses are waking up.
We would do well to heed Churchill’s words.



I’d like to believe that IVM is the reason Japan has nipped Covid in the bud.
Does anybody have some reliable links / resources that show this ? All I see is data-free assertions. Thanks.


There is a victory in the fight of vaccine Mandates. A nurse in Quebec talks about the case that was filed and challenged the vaccine mandate in Quebec. This is hopefully a trend that will continue in other areas. It is a spark of reality grounded in reality. That’s something.



You should see the work of Dr. Juan Chamie of the FLCCC on Japan. There is a clear correlation between mass ivermectin use and a declining case rate.

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Unfortunately, the most critical two questions were just never asked.
Who and whom exactly are the ones behind the “pain” and the tyranny?
And why, exactly, and also, or for what ultimate ends?
As David Icke aptly described, “If you know the destination, you know the journey.”


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