Court Blocks OHSA Vaccine Mandate

Thanks for sharing that story. I had to look up pulmonary embolism to see what that was about and now I have to tell you a story.

So last Thursday, the night security guard in my building was found by his supervisor, unconscious in his car. He radioed for help and I responded (I’m the chief engineer for property management there). We found a large pool of thick coagulated blood draining from his mouth and didn’t find a pulse so we knew we needed to start first aid. He’s a large guy, so it took some effort to get him out of his car, but once we did I started CPR while the security supervisor went to get the AED. With every chest compression a lot of thick coagulated blood and spit frothed out. I continued until the EMTs arrived to take over but we knew he was already dead at that point.
They pronounced him dead at the scene a short while later.

The fire lieutenant talked to us and said he had never seen so much blood in someones lungs and they tried to suck it out (some kind of vacuum basically) but it couldn’t keep up. There was too much blood. Very thick coagulated blood.
Point is he had been vaxxed about two months ago for this job. He was a nice guy, from Africa, 30 years old with a one year old. He apparently had been smoking R34 or fentanyl they suspected, but the embolism was not caused by that and had been there for some time.
Given the story you shared above I’m starting to see a trend here. Yeah for my guy, the drug officially killed him, but the vax sped up the process. Pulmonary embolism looks like one of the chief symptoms of the vax. And a killer all on its own.
And I’m still seeing ambulances everywhere. They race up fast and loud and drive away slow and silent. Almost everyday now near my work.


”And I’m still seeing ambulances everywhere. They race up fast and loud and drive away slow and silent. Almost everyday now near my work.” Feels like we are in a sci-fi horror movie except it never ends.


Guyman dude,
I understand your anger and resentment at having to justify your beliefs to keep your job. We too have suffered many sleepless nights over this mandate and are angry that 2 employees with outstanding ratings have to deal with this. With that said, I’m a 22 year Fed who just wants to work another 2 years to full retirement. Between my husband and myself, we have over 60 years of Federal service. My husband served in 2 wars. For you to attack us and basically call us cowards is wrong. We don’t attack other tribe members on his site. I have no doubt that my exemption will be approved and on that day the only thing I will feel is relief. Will I still be upset that I was put through all of this nonsense? Absolutely! At the end of day though, I’ll thank my pastor and boss for their support, give thanks for both of them and move on with my career.


I think fat guy and smoking drugs are all you need to know here. You have zero proof a vaccination has anything to do with his death. Stop spreading lies, misinformation and speculative BS

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my god this is crazy…

Island Girl and all,
The current vaccines are based on the original virus as discovered in Wuhan. The Alpha development came 9 months later!!! Have to say I thought one of the strengths of the mRNA technology was how easy it was to update. What’s stifled that I wonder? :-/


This is happening all over. And it sounds like you’re vaxxed so I’m going to assume you are more scared of this reality and pulmonary embolism doesn’t look fun but you might consider that you may have one right now and be unaware. Have you had any trouble breathing? Have you had any issues coughing up blood? Have you felt lethargic or like you just can’t get enough air? You can discount it all you like to your own detriment, but you’ll have to increasingly find more convoluted ways to justify a persons demise just to protect your mind from the consequences of your decision. That’s on you.
The EMT had not seen this before. Not amongst the obese, not amongst the overdoses, not amongst the obese overdoses and he’d seen a lot of all that. You can deny it all you want, pretend there’s nothing to see here, and desperately dissuade others from seeing evidence to protect your own fragile psyche, but I’m looking for signal in society for what’s coming, what we’re all going to start seeing. And it looks like pumlonary embolism may be the way many are going to go. But that is only ONE clot location that forms after the vax. Good luck to you though.


Private Membership Associations (PMA) are being set up all across the US. Think of alternative hospitals, supermarkets, schools.
Mike Colomb is a driving force in this. He calls the alternative medical places The Healing Hub.
They are in the process of setting up right now. Some contact info, search terms to use to find them:
The Renegade Nation (which when it goes live, will list all the PMAs across USA).
I wish Chris would interview Mike Colomb.



You haven’t considered all the variables, powerg.
It not speculative to consider pulmonary embolism as a potential vaccine side effect, as the FDA anticipated and reported the possibility of venous thromboembolism in its VRBPAC meeting of October 22, 2020 (see page 16). This meeting predates the first vaccine administration.
NIH defines Venous thromboembolism (VTE) as a disorder that includes deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the lower leg, thigh, or pelvis. A pulmonary embolism (PE) occurs when a clot breaks loose and travels through the bloodstream to the lungs
Other cardiovascular events anticipated, all of which now have been observed, included:
Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Myocarditis/pericarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle/heart lining)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (micro blood clots throughout the blood vessels, evident from elevated D-dimer post-vax in the absence of clots large enough to be visible by imaging)
Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)
The latter (low platelet count) occurs in a vaccine-induced syndrome known as VITT (Vaccine Induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia). This syndrome is characterized by blood clotting in sites like the gut or the brain, accompanied by low platelet count.
A possible mechanism for low platelets in the presence of clotting is that spike protein induces the blood clotting while an autoimmune reaction develops to Platelet factor 4. Why might this be? It turns out that Platelet factor 4 (PF4) can bind the spike protein receptor binding domain, raising the possibility that this interaction could prompt the development of antibodies against PF4 in the presence of clotting.
The October 22, 2020 presentation demonstrates that FDA anticipated that the spike protein produced in response to the genetic inoculation could lead to neurological, autoimmune, and cardiovascular events. Yet none appeared on consent forms until recently (myocarditis). This is inconsistent with the Helsinki Declaration and with FDA’s own guidance on EUAs.



Is there a vax control group we can join in the US to be a part of the unvaccinated control?

Most interesting about spike protein affinity to PF4 possibly causing an autoimmune attack on it. I have some personal interest in looking into that as it could account for my episodes of foot swelling.
And ignore powerg. “Stop spreading lies, misinformation and speculative BS” is the last resort of a clueless troll. Or maybe a bot in learning mode.
Don’t know how finely tuned the antibodies can be. I expect that the initial production of variants would be modulated by how quickly they are taken out by corresponding antigens. With many infected cells producting live virus the response to those might optimize quickly. Once they are taken out the remaining antibodies might cause some response to any non-replicating spike protein-native organelle hybrid until those are eliminated.
But introduce the spike protein again and those hybrids will reappear, causing another antibody flareup. Note just the spike needed, from spike producing vaccines, from the air, through the skin.
Speculating that the initial attack on PF4 would be stronger from the vaccine than from an actual COVID infection, because the immune system would have nothing to go after other than spikes and what they have affinity for. And subsequent boosters might be more and more dangerous.

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As we see these very sad cases occur we see them always having another reason why these people died. The vaccinated die of cv instead of the double jab they had. If you get some type of quickly progressing serious illness we’re told they were too scared to go to their doctor and the disease wasn’t diagnosed early enough. But they weren’t afraid to get jabbed? This is horrific but it seems evil has learned to cover its tracks.




Frick yeah! This is huge I’d say.
This is why you hold the line. Big win for those that held on for dear life, and probably pretty sucky for the people that caved in the last stretch.


Wow, helmadi, the Archbishop’s call for founding an anti-globalist alliance is very powerful. I loved how clearly he communicated what we are dealing with: a global coup d’etat to centralize power and establish a planetary dictatorship. And how those fighting for good need to step up to face them at the global level as well.
I am not Catholic, nor am I familiar with the Archbishop, but this strikes me as an important moment within the context of this globalist power-play we’re living through.


PLEASE WATCH, well with the 2 hours. It’s well put together and worth the time. It’s something we can pass along to our doubting family and friends: