Covid-19 Is On The Rise In 20+ States

June 12, 8:30 p.m.
“California residents have been fighting back against mask-wearing rules. Health officials in the state have strongly recommended strict safety measures being used as a way to keep new case counts low, according to KTLA News. Despite the concerns from the officials, the fight against masks has become so intense the health officer in Orange County, California, resigned after receiving a death threat and attacks for weeks. Her replacement, after pressure from her supervisors, rescinded the rules on masks. Orange County now “strong recommends” face coverings in public and although they are not mandatory, the county’s top health official said they can prevent more deaths from COVID-19.”
Meanwhile not far to the south of California new coronavirus infections are at an all time high (and reports say hundreds now die of it daily).

The lady I spoke with didn’t say, probably because she didn’t know, how long the testing took. So I don’t know either. But Thursday she told me that a doc said he tested 8 people on the previous Monday. 6 came back positive for Covid. I didn’t inquire as to the timeline. I don’t know when her acquaintance went to the clinic. She was a retirement aged lady working in a grocery store. I don’t figure she was making up a story.
Obviously there is room for information to get twisted. I’m going with the gist of the old lady’s report. Six out of eight sick people tested poz for the virus at a doc-in-the-box in Lufkin on a single day. I think prudence would require that one take that at face value.

I was just interested in knowing whether there is a test that can produce a rapid result. It would be a very useful test which could help control the virus, at the border and in the general community. Seems like the timeline was a case of Chinese whispers.

So, a florida covid 19 scientists builds her own website showing how under reported Covid 19 is and how she was fired because she did not want to manipulate the data to justify the state reopening… Very nice… . Sounds like someone committed some serious crimes - and she is the one who gets fired… but meanwhile her superiors should not just get fired but go to jail… I wonder when someone will wake up>>? this is has nothing really to do with the data - but more the governing and handling of the virus. How do these people take money and sleep at night? how? Florida also is not counting victims who reside in other states and contract and are hospitalized or die in florida. Meaning all the snow birds from the NE with second homes in FL… And there are tons of people in florida who fit in this group… Hence, why they want to eliminate those numbers. That is crazy… ( about half of ny fled after the outbreak there… either to their homes or friends and family homes in florida - remember florida telling NY not to come… )
her data shows that roughly 20-30% of cases present to ER - 16-22% of cases are hospitalized, 25-33% of all hospitalized cases die. basically, once officially diagnosed you have 25% chance of being hospitalized and 25% chance of dying once hospitalized. ( 75% of all cases less than 65 years old… - Its not a old peoples disease or death sentence ) That is very very serious – I mean crazy serious , and none of this accounts for the permanent injury from the virus… that will leave you maimed.
You do not want this - and it looks like we are not even in full first wave… NOT even close. we will have 2 million dead with first wave and maybe 10 million with second… and maybe 50 million or more permanently maimed. ( US cases )

I am all for the people deciding what they want. if they dont want masks, not my problem, just stay in your town. This is not what I call a mobile town , so I am not much worried about them. Besides, once it gets bad enough, they will wake up and put the crap on. which it will. Its self rectifying. Again, we need no policing for this disease… WHAT we need is honest authorities and media , so people understand the issues… and they are the only ones who can make a difference.

I’m of the opinion, and I’ll admit I’m in the minority, that a “cure” has been found for those with compromised immune systems. Additionally this influenza is not that out of the ordinary, other than the MSM pumping the fear hype and bogus numbers from the CDC and WHO on IFR, and the Fauci & Birx duo covering their arses daily. But that’s another discussion, this article of course hasn’t been publicized, too anti-Gates, but deserves more attention, imo, not that any “journalist” is looking for a “scoop”. Check this out:
Bottom line Sheeple, this is a utter hoax, testing is ludicrous and worthless, it’s a FLU, an annual occurrence globally, 10K+ people die DAILY to respiratory diseases and have been for decades.
Red Pill
Med Free
70+ Without Fear

I’m not sure why you’re here, Nelson47, if you choose to ignore the data. Thank goodness you’re in the minority and that minority is tiny.

nelson47 @ protonmail
It ain’t the flu.
Educate yourself. Covid-19, like any coronavirus, is a positive-sense RNA virus, whereas by stark contrast, a flu virus (whether influenza A, B or C) is a negative-sense RNA virus. So in terms of its genome - and a virus is precious little else than a vagabond genome - Covid-19 is radically different than a Flu virus.
I had covid-19 this spring. I’m in my 60’s - born in the 1950’s… It doesn’t feel like flu, nor does it act like flu. I recovered. Nobody on this website is alleging that the majority of people don’t recover from it.
But of course, the odds of surviving dwindle with age.
If indeed you are 70+ and take no precautions against infection with covid-19, the most amicable thing I can say is that I admire your derring do. You seem to be like a one-legged man who happily accepts an invitation to a big-time ass-kicking contest. As one of the folk you condescendingly refer to as “sheeple”, I urge you to not waiver from your chosen course, and I salute you

@sofistek I'm not sure why you're here, Nelson47, if you choose to ignore the data. Thank goodness you're in the minority and that minority is tiny.
He's not ignoring THE data, he's following a subset of all the data that allows him to adopt a belief system that might well be more positive/useful than yours. It's rarely not this way -- you are choosing subsets of all the data, or worse yet many people are (still) choosing subsets of scientists/storytellers (the ones presented by the false official narrative) while ignoring contrarian ones. We DO have the cures: 1) avoiding/correcting nutrient deficiencies (e.g. almost everyone is between deficient and suboptimal in vitamin D) 2) HCQ+zinc 3) CDS and they are suppressing all of them while continuing to pretend the virus is super dangerous to everyone and not just to vulnerable groups OR if you don't use the appropriate medicines listed above. But more important than any of these physicalist ideas, is the attitude (vibration) you choose to adopt: if you're scared of the virus you're far more likely to get it as you'll be attracting that kind of experience, because your Higher Self / the universe doesn't understand of like/dislike, only of likeness, so if you keep the idea in your mind of not wanting to get the virus every time you're outside, the probability of getting it becomes much higher (because what you put out is what you get back; reality is a reflection of your resonant vibration). Wearing masks and/or social distancing in crowded places is not a bad idea, but not doing that while not being afraid of the virus is better than wearing masks and social distancing while being afraid of the virus. This is quite true even on a purely physical level, as (the experience of) fear and (the physical correlate of) chronically high cortisol levels will activate your sympathetic nervous system and shut down your immune system.

@ Nathalie # 4:My opinion: Bolsanaro wants a mass cull of the indigenous people.

He's not ignoring THE data, he's following a subset of all the data that allows him to adopt a belief system that might well be more positive/useful than yours. It's rarely not this way -- you are choosing subsets of all the data, or worse yet many people are (still) choosing subsets of scientists/storytellers (the ones presented by the false official narrative) while ignoring contrarian ones.
Yeah. I couldn't have said it better. This is my philosophy too. Assume, in everything, that I have a vote - the most important vote - in how this all turns out for me. "Someone" out there wants you to give up your vote. They want you to give up all your power to them. They want you terrified. That much is really clear. If you catch this virus, or you don't, if you have confidence that you can deal with it - your contingency plans, your adjustments to your "terrain", your understanding of who it tends to target, etc - you will have a better outcome. Even on just the physical level. I mean - of course, don't throw yourself in front of a train - but if your dominant emotion is fear in your daily life, that's a bad thing on many, many levels. Moreover, that's exactly where they want you to stay.  
"But more important than any of these physicalist ideas, is the attitude (vibration) you choose to adopt: if you're scared of the virus you're far more likely to get it as you'll be attracting that kind of experience, because your Higher Self / the universe doesn't understand of like/dislike, only of likeness, so if you keep the idea in your mind of not wanting to get the virus every time you're outside, the probability of getting it becomes much higher (because what you put out is what you get back; reality is a reflection of your resonant vibration). "
You mention likelihood and probabilities, but I don't see where you cite your sources; or any science or evidence behind your statements. I believe in the power of positive thinking, but I think your statements are a bit of a stretch. I'm not interested in getting into a pissing match on the matter. Just sayin'. I guess I'll just think happy thoughts and I'll be just fine.

Well, I know a lot this stuff is hard to prove. Though there is some evidence this kind of science is real ( though very poorly understood ) Never the less, as you say , positive thinking may help. All, this may help. It certainly wont harm. I have enough personal experience not to heed this statement. Chances are you wont blow the virus away with your thinking of vibrations, thoughts, energy. But, it may give you something - and that something is better than nothing… Conversely, negative actions and thoughts will effect you negatively. I could give you some scary and frightening personal first-hand examples of what you might refer to as Karma.

My prediction has been, since the lock-downs were rescinded in the first states (once I observed the sheer recklessness people were exhibiting exiting the lockdown), that:
By Mid-July most places leaving lock down earliest will be as bad-off as they were before entering the lockdown - and in places where case numbers were formerly mild, they will be worse-off than they were before.
Fear was breeding caution, the lack-of is breeding recklessness.

Chris, I know you are right about facemasks, that wearing masks makes such a difference with this virus. The thing is: it´s not that easy to wear them in the right way. I am in Costa Rica. Many people wearing masks touch them a lot, touch their faces, adjusts the mask a thousand times, feel they can´t breath so they move it down to expose the nose, move it all the way down to speak, etc, etc, all kind of mistakes! Maybe it´s a cultural thing, but I also feel it´s hard to breath, I sweat, etc when I have a mask on. So I decided to use a face shiled instead. Do you think a face shield also works well? or is it better to keep learning and trying with the face mask? Thank you.

He's not ignoring THE data, he's following a subset of all the data
I disagree. He claims it's a hoax. Where is the data for that? He claims it's influenza and nothing unusual. Where is the data for that? He claims there is a cure. Where is the data for that? He claims the rest of us are sheeple, with no data. There may well be useful treatments, if caught at an early stage, and there may well be treatments that help the body fend it off, but there is no cure, per se. There is so much we don't know about the virus, including the effectiveness of treatments and medicines and how to help the body fend it off. But I've never seen data that show it's a hoax or no worse than seasonal flu. If nelson47 can show how Chris's analyses of the data he's found, then nelson47 should show that, instead of espousing baseless claims about the virus. I would love to alter my view on this; I'd love it to be a hoax (though I wouldn't love those responsible); I'd love it to be only as bad as seasonal flu. If the data end up showing this, I would have no problem saying I was wrong and I'm sure Chris would say the same.

So…at the end of the day, data is a lagging indicator since it takes time to collect it, analyze it, verify it, double-blind it, etc… Unfortunately, it’s the best we can do. However, to muddy the waters a bit more…whose data do you use? Just about all of the “experts” have contradicted themselves and back-tracked and published phony studies (hello Lancet). So who to believe anyway?

Yes, we see so many cases of poor face mask etiquette. Maybe there is simply not enough education on the use of face masks and of the different types of face coverings. If you really knew the dangers of wearing a face mask under the nose or under the chin (!!) then would you wear it that way? And I see so many apparently intelligent people (in some cases, medical workers) wearing a face mask badly, that I sometimes wonder if it is even possible to get 80% face mask usage with proper etiquette.
Sadly, we’ve just had our first two cases in 24 days, here in New Zealand, and it’s a comedy of errors of the supposedly effective border restrictions. I could be dusting off the face masks again.

Its hard to believe that it takes someone with IQ slightly more than monkey to wear a mask correctly. I just don’t get it… But to be honest, while I am out locally, I do not see people wearing masks incorrectly like i see in videos and on tv etc…

Last time I went to town, all grocery store employees were wearing masks properly. I was the only masked person in the post office and I got the “stink-eye” from another customer. Luckily, our county is still claiming only one case. There is little reason for outsiders to travel to this remote area. However, one main attraction here just opened up, again, our beautiful hot springs swim area.
People travel from all over to use the hot springs. Today I was in town and the grocery store employees have gone rogue. I only saw pulled down face masks, some only around the neck. I had to ask my checker to pull hers up and she was continually touching and adjusting it. No gloves or hand sanitizers any where. It’s going to be a long hot summer. Rebels without a clue.