Covid-19 Is On The Rise In 20+ States

But of course, the odds of surviving dwindle with age.
So true, getting old leads to death 100% of the time. The rate has not changed much in millennia. Unless you are born in a left turning or right turning then you will die sooner or later. Living does better than expected.

I don’t believe education would make much difference. The appearance of intelligence is just that, appearance only. I think belief systems have more to do with it than intelligence. One does not need to be intelligent to understand right and wrong.

Stores here are hit and miss with masks. Walmart finally got with the program. Where as Menards has not only been requiring their employees to wear masks, but won’t allow customers in without one. Many small businesses have no requirements and show no inclination to do so. Can’t blame them, they want and need all the traffic they can get, but it does present a conflict. Finally, the people…the people here are hopeless. Very few mask here except for some elderly, not all, and some infirm. In my small town I get looked at like I’m some sort of pariah for wearing a mask. Some people are friendly still, but others, who I know and have conversated with in the past, want nothing to do with me and it is palpable. Go down the road to a little larger city/town and it is slightly better, but on a guess, only 30% maybe 40 wearing masks. I don’t go out much. Thank goodness I have a good sized chunk of land in the country or I’d probably go crazy.

I have made the exact same arguments to people and made the exact same claims that I hope I’m wrong. Not once has anyone been able to refute me with evidence or data, but of course, I’m the one in the wrong. It does get tiring. I have decided to let go and let people suffer the consequences of their irrational, unthinking actions, even long time friends. I am going to make my little corner of the world as good as I possibly can.

Dexamethasone reduces death in hospitalised patients with severe respiratory complications of COVID-19.

My bro-in -law owns a batting range.
As far as I know NY still requires masks in public.
A guy showed up with a group, no masks. They were not permitted in and a fight almost broke out.
The IQ of the average Amerikan is 98. That means half the people are less than that
“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
H. L Mencken

It looks like the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons is suing the FDA for it’s ban on HCQ stating severe conflict of interest by senior FDA officials responsible for the lame decision as well as anti-Trump bias. Very interesting read.

The IQ of the average Amerikan is 98. That means half the people are less than that
It doesn't mean that. If the median IQ was 98, it would mean that but an average is different. However, it's probably a good enough statement, though I don't actually know what the average IQ of Americans is.

Thanks for posting this, it is a very good read. Our government is one HUGE fustercluck. Notice in the complaint: 51 “Rick Bright, Ph.D., an outspoken critic of President Trump, was the Director at BARDA as appointed by prior President Barack Obama” Yes we are political footballs with our lives at stake. This suit should be brought to attention of media/news outlets that will make it known to the public at large. Let’s just hope the judge doesn’t have a political agenda. We live in insane times. Those that believe the government has their best interests are nuts. We are on our own.

Chris’s latest video seems to draw the completely wrong conclusion from the dexamethosone branch of the Recovery trial. It was used on severely ill patients and increased their chances of survival significantly. Chris seemed to be making light of the result but that is wrong; it certainly seems to be a useful treatment for the worst cases.

I was kind of surprised at Chris’s reaction as well. I had watched the Medcram video report on it and Dr. Seheult had a different take, which was more positive.
Of course the MATH protocol has already been using steroids. Once they found out Covid 19 was an inflammatory disease, they started treating with them.
However the connection with the good Dr. Madray was certainly interesting.
Bottom line my interest lies in NOT ending up in a hospital on oxygen or a vent. MY interest is avoiding this thing altogether or somehow getting HCQ. Once again the criminal enterprise known as the US government is destroying my freedom and right to choose what I do with my body.

What is the median?

The median is another form of an average. It usually represents the middle number in a given sequence of numbers when it’s ordered by rank. When the quiz scores are listed from lowest to highest: 30, 56, 65, 70, 84, 90, 90, 91, 92, or highest to lowest: 92, 91, 90, 90, 84, 70, 65, 56, 30, we can see that the median, or middle, score is 84.

“irrational interference…biased and unlawful process” Thank you for this article. This is great news, a big story, and needs to be on every media outlet. Finally doctors are fighting back for their patients. They are calling out deep state bureaucrats (like Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, head of Bioethics at NIH, helps make decisions on what drugs get funded for research) for their political bias against Trump, and their illegal obstruction of medical practices that will save lives. I said it earlier, these HCQ/Zinc/Z-pack DENIERS will go down in history as some of the worst medical malpracticers in history. They have killed thousands with their blocking of this protocol, and they need to be investigated for it. Nuremberg trials, crimes against humanity.

Yeah - I have not heard one peep about this on the corporate, globalist, biased media. Just stumbled upon this randomly. I don’t know how to get this out to more people. Thanks for your feedback.

@Sparky1 You mention likelihood and probabilities, but I don't see where you cite your sources; or any science or evidence behind your statements. I believe in the power of positive thinking, but I think your statements are a bit of a stretch. I'm not interested in getting into a pissing match on the matter. Just sayin'. I guess I'll just think happy thoughts and I'll be just fine.
I'm glad you asked. Well the human scientists I'd recommend the most are: - Rupert Sheldrake - to understand the corruption and limitations of the methodologies adopted by our scientific institutions (also Terence McKenna) - Peter Russell - to understand the different ontological lenses of objective vs subjective reality (Alan Watts is also excellent for this) - Tom Campbell - the first scientist to create a real Theory Of Everything (as opposed to a 'small TOE' that doesn't even address how consciousness emerges) - Bruce Lipton - to bridge this new (meta)physics and biology - John Hagelin - bridging Vedic/Eastern understanding and non-duality as well as non-scientists Terence McKenna and Alan Watts, as mentioned. Even the founding fathers of quantum physics gave more than hints. "We have numerous, extremely naïve assumptions built into our thinking, and our most venerable explanatory engines, such as science, happen also to be our oldest explanatory engines, and therefore they have built into them the most naïve and unexamined assumptions." -- Terence McKenna And the above scientists do the best job of bringing those assumptions to light. "It will remain remarkable, in whatever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of consciousness is the ultimate universal reality." -- Eugene P. Wigner "Stop yelling at the movie, you ain't never gonna change it like that. Go change the movie in the projector. You are the projector." -- David Icke But my favorite summary explanation comes from Bashar:  
The median is another form of an average.
That's not right. As you point out, the median is the middle number. This is quite different from the average and could be far removed from the average, depending on the numbers in the sequence. Mind you, for large populations, the median and average are probably quite close (IMO). Oddly, there is a wide variation in IQ averages across countries. The variation is so great that I highly doubt that IQ is a good measure of intelligence (I would expect all countries to be quite close since they are all populated by humans).
@sofistek I disagree. He claims it's a hoax. Where is the data for that? He claims it's influenza and nothing unusual. Where is the data for that?
The unfolding events can be perceived as a hoax on multiple levels or layers. The ultimate "hoax" could be thought of as the idea that it (or any other pathogen) could affect/reach you if you're at a higher frequency; your energetics have to be quite dense for the vibrations to be compatible enough. Another layer of "hoax" is the lockdowns and resultant economic depression and increasing poverty, i.e. government reactions/"solutions" never seen before which seems worse than the problem/challenge. Another layer is the ignoring of the immune system and its ability/competence, as if such a thing never existed. Another is the suppression of cures/treatments in favor of deadly vaccines and useless expensive patented antivirals. The most important "hoax" to notice is of course the falseness of the official narrative on almost every level.
He claims there is a cure. Where is the data for that? He claims the rest of us are sheeple, with no data. There may well be useful treatments, if caught at an early stage, and there may well be treatments that help the body fend it off, but there is no cure, per se.
What you're describing is as good a cure you're gonna get. If it works in most cases, unless the disease is too advanced, it's a cure. If you're looking for a borderline miraculous kind of cure, well, CDS might be that, and entheogens would also be that, or could be used that way. If remdesivir or a vaccine had the success rate of HCQ+zinc, it'd be declared a cure.
There is so much we don't know about the virus, including the effectiveness of treatments and medicines and how to help the body fend it off.
That's always gonna be the case; it doesn't mean we don't know enough already to say we have effective treatments/cures, which the alleged "health authorities", i.e. the global health mafia, are clearly suppressing.
But I've never seen data that show it's a hoax or no worse than seasonal flu. If nelson47 can show how Chris's analyses of the data he's found, then nelson47 should show that, instead of espousing baseless claims about the virus. I would love to alter my view on this; I'd love it to be a hoax (though I wouldn't love those responsible); I'd love it to be only as bad as seasonal flu. If the data end up showing this, I would have no problem saying I was wrong and I'm sure Chris would say the same.
It's worse than flu by some numbers, but it's not clear it's so much worse that all the government actions are justified, nor even that your immune system will be able to take care of it if it isn't incompetent/attenuated from nutrient deficiencies which are extremely common and the "health authorities" say nothing about and pretends isn't even a relevant factor. That a small number of young people get really bad symptoms is very likely due to these deficiencies, but doctors normally don't know anything about nutrition so they don't perceive any "pre-existing conditions". The same happens with flu (here's an example of a 20-year-old without recognized pre-existing conditions dying a few days after contracting influenza).
Yes, we see so many cases of poor face mask etiquette. Maybe there is simply not enough education on the use of face masks and of the different types of face coverings. If you really knew the dangers of wearing a face mask under the nose or under the chin (!!) then would you wear it that way? And I see so many apparently intelligent people (in some cases, medical workers) wearing a face mask badly, that I sometimes wonder if it is even possible to get 80% face mask usage with proper etiquette.
Before happily declaring "everyone should wear masks", how about you wear it for 8+ hours a day, 6 days a week, like many people are being forced to do? And do it during the summer months. And do it if you have any kind of oxygen-deficiency condition/issue, or if you're old. You know, wearing it for 15-30 minutes when you go shopping is easy and hardly unhealthy or annoying. People have fainted, some have even died, from wearing a face-mask/muzzle for too long. Like with most things, there is a trade-off. The control system wants to turn protective face-masks into obligatory muzzles, while they censor the actual cures and preventive factors on the Internet.