Covid-19: Is The Worst Behind Us?

Thanks for bringing it forward. But how can we know that the Reuteers/Havana press is any more reliable than the Pravda news we already have here in the U.S.?

msnrochny - Thanks for the post!

MM - Incompetence is rampant in all bureaucracies and seats of power.
I see plenty of mistakes by both parties. Trump did one thing right (fairly) early: blocking flights to/from China. It should have been earlier and stronger, but at least it was what it was. And for that, his political adversaries saw it as an opportunity to attack him. This implies the actual consequences for the rest of us were a secondary concern to scoring political points. That tells you everything, in one clear case, about their values, character, and ethics.
I’d include the mainstream media here as well. Because Trump asked a question about HCQ, that potential treatment became instantly and deliberately stigmatized - again, to score political points at the expense of health and science. Again, that tells you everything about modern journalism’s ethics.
I really hate being pessimistic. I deliberately look for reasons to be optimistic. When assessing the nature, character, and direction of major institutions like the media and government, I find far more reasons to despair.
We literally are having potential treatments banned by politicized bureaucracies. That is unspeakably evil at any time, but far more so in the face of a pandemic and novel virus. We should have every option on the table. We should be able to learn from testing done overseas, to use drugs tested elsewhere without having to repeat the tests ourselves and delay treatment to untold thousands. We should be able to discuss these issues publicly and openly as adults, able to set aside political differences and focus on the facts.
So if we are to cast a wide net to see who is contributing to our current crisis, I’d include politicians of both parties right at the top. But I would include the media, for fostering partisanship over science, health, and objectivity. I would include the national and international science bureaucracies, for not standing up for objectivity in science and making health subservient to partisan politics and (in some cases) financial concerns. I would include a large portion of the public for deciding to pick a side rather than getting the facts. I almost blame the general public for not knowing how to think (as opposed to expressing feelings) but that blame lies far more with the horrid education system.
Looking at that context, I am not optimistic about our path forward as a culture. The Titanic is slowly sinking, and the crew is arguing over the color of the drapes.
I want optimism. I have despair.

I offered 2 options and it appears you have chosen incompetence rather than intention. Yes most would like to believe that to be the case since to believe intention would open up a Pandoras Box of the unimaginable. It would entail a journey into “the Heart of Darkness” Or more contemporary “Apocalypse Now” , “the horror”
On the one hand incompetence can be forgiven, a few scapegoats sacrificed, some minor punishments meted out (then pardoned like Scooter Libby). Then all will soon be forgotten amidst the chaos of pandemic or the anesthesia of sports entertainment. That is all well and good till the next time.
But what if one were to entertain even casually that all of this Kabuki theater is intentional? This would require removing a lifetime of myth and propaganda. It would also risk a great deal of ridicule should one even publicly whisper the very possibility. One would have to open ones mind, be objective, and think more critically than perhaps one ever has
We then get into the realm of as I mentioned conspiracy theories. That is not as far fetched as it might seem at first glance. After al the genesis of this site came from the reading of a single book “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. I doubt more than a couple of days has gone by in 13 years where the subject of the Fed does not come up. There just might be more than a financial connection between the Creature and the virus. Perhaps it is all one giant “amoeba” and we are just now seeing another aspect of a plan that goes back before we were born?
WestcoastJan posted the following a few weeks ago and I don’t think many saw it or read it. I don’t think one can read it and not at least have some doubts as to who is incompetent. As I have posted before if you sit down at a gaming table and can’t figure out who the sucker is then it is you. One interesting question is what ever happened to that nano scientist Lieber from Harvard? He seems to have disappeared from the news pretty quickly.
Well here is the Red Pill
It is rather long but the end is quite interesting.

We can’t know. What we can do is look at the history of health care in Cuba. It has been among the best in the western Hemisphere for a very long time. It has trained drs. from all over Central and S. America. Just as New Zealand is an island so is Cuba. This makes it much easier to control the borders. It has a strong central government. There are not 50 governors with 50 different ideas on the best approach. there is not a political divide illustrated by BLM and Antifa. If you factor all the variables it is not far fetched to believe they are doing well.
I believe it.

MM -
I’m sure there is a lot of corruption and deliberate action. I see a lot of Deep State action. The Marxists, foreign and domestic, are working hard to crash the economy, government, and culture.
But at the biggest level, I apply Hanlon’s razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” The difference is intent, and having the evidence to prove it. I’m more confident in leaving the assessment at incompetence. Incompetence is an easier case to make.
Also, does it make a difference whether it is malice or incompetence? The end result would be the same, or at least close enough. And it is likely both. Is there such a thing as a controlled economic crash? I don’t think so. They may think they have the skill to control it, though.
P.S. I know there is a lot of corruption in the world, but I don’t subscribe to the view that the Rothschilds are pulling the strings.

I’ve been wanting to ask you near the end of your video, you have the three visitors in your garden kind of close to each other without wearing face masks. Is it because they are outside so you’re okay with it? They don’t look 6ft. apart to me…

I operate under the principle that all governments lie whenever they think it will benefit them. If they have control of the dialogue they will ignore facts and repeat their lies over and over again until it becomes embedded as "truth."That is certainly true for the USA (Russiagate) and China (economic statistics). Cuba’s public health system has been one of it’s claims to success for decades, and as such has been subject to viewing by numerous organizations not part of the Cuban propaganda system. So I would conclude that there is some element of truth in it’s claims. And statistics like life expectancy and child mortality (where it ranks somewhat superior to the US) have also been subject to international scrutiny. So without the ability to determine absolutely the accuracy of Cuba’s reported response to CORVID19, I conclude that it at least demands consideration.
Simply from the standpoint of technical statistical analysis, the magnitude of difference between the official death count in New York and Cuba is so vast that it is impossible to not believe that Cuba and New York are in different universes when it comes to their response to the pandemic.

Rueters: “Those who tested positive were transferred to hospital, where they were given antivirals and immune system boosters” With few intubation machines in the entire country, that process was rarely used.
This is one of the key differences between the Cuban treatment protocol and the New York one. In NY 1/3 of the patients admitted to hospital were intubated, a very invasive procedure that requires the patient to be placed in a coma. Once intubated, the death rate is 80-90%. The US federal government compensated hospitals with payments of $35,000 for intubation but only $13,000 if the patients didn’t receive it.
Follow the Money: The US profit maximization medical extortion system at work.