Crash Course 2.0: Chapter 1 - Setting The Table

Good question.
My question: “What are they going to feed the insect larvae?”
Answer: “Probably grains grown the usual way”

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Oh My!

Just watched this. I was totally absorbed with it. It was like you were looking right at me. man that was awesome! Chris you are an exceptional person. Not only did I see the original from 08 when I started. This totally resonated with me. Wow you rock!

Thank you! I am very happy to see your progress in getting the word out.
Warm wishes to you and the community from


And maybe the two of you could have a conversation here on Peak for all of us members to enjoy at some point in the near future…? That would be great!


Input To Consider In Explaining The Crash Course

Thanks for the opportunity to provide input.
I am a great fan of “Crash Course” and have been for well over 10 years.
What perhaps needs some more input is “Why now” as a way to explain unsustainable. Captivation by Peak Oil – Hubbard left us with our pants down. We were saved by “ingenuity and technology”. We might still be saved by new energy that does not require transmission lines or simply a form of energy other than from elector-magnetism. This aspect needs a bit more addressing.
Another area of possible reprieve is to be found in demographics. We look backwards and ask how am I going to survive when I can’t take care of one or more of the acts of daily living. To live, I need so many of the things a complex society delivers and that takes a work force. We have no control over where people choose to work. But if we follow the reasons people use to chose where they work, perhaps we can imagine the gaps that will need to be filled and work on those gaps. But once over the hurdle of demographics things look better… provided some other issue does not create more problems. In addition, we really need to accommodate old folks desire to leave the pain and suffering of being kept alive. This is a hard subject as you well know and society is highly divided. Success is not simply being “alive” just waiting for the end to come.
Waste is phenomenal. But the concept of waste needs definition. If everything beyond than the basic essentials of life such as food, water, heat/cooling, air and safety is waste, then, there is a huge amount of waste. But one must also look at quality of life. Quality of life goes hand in hand with simply being alive or wanting to continue living.  
Human adaptation is amazing. We can actually live in space. Climate change will make some areas less productive and others more productive. In order to accommodate adaptation, government and tradition has to get out of the way.
Our greatest hindrance will be government. That really needs to be addressed. Politicians look for problems to exploit, not to cure. Government abhors reductions in size. Governments reduce resource use by percentages which is to say without a plan and no decision-making. Politicians always make the easy decisions first and get themselves painted into a corner by all the bad ones. Government is incapable of responding effectively or r efficiently. That is simply not in its genes, not in it organic makeup. We absolutely cannot rely on government/politics. Until into my 60s, I really did not know the mechanics of politics. One can not expect anything from politics other than to be destabilized by uninformed public opinion being instituted by politicians.
Beliefs vs facts & opinion needs a bit of a rework, in my “opinion”. I disagree that belief is strongly correlated to emotions, etc. Instead, I think beliefs are tied to how one correlates the world around you. How you assimilate everything you encounter from pre-birth to whatever age you are today. Much of it is learned. Is mathematics a belief or a set of facts? We believe it is a set of facts, but strangely, primitive society seemed to get by without mathematics. I view human development as traversing from basic hardware you are born with (brain neurons) to which firmware is added (new neurons) during one’s youth and filled through education and other learning. It becomes hardened into the adult that is literally incapable of change. For example, how do you get culture out of the human mind? It is suck there like an accent in speaking. How did religion get into our heads? For me, emotional response comes from a set of neurons in the brain that we are born with and certainly work together with the mental hard-wiring, but are not a foundation for beliefs. I have found that the only way beliefs can be overridden is when humans face an intractable situation in which the belief cannot handle. I trust someone (a belief) but then I am betrayed. That belief is modified by the betrayal. And even after that situation, some residue remains. Anyway, something to consider.
Hockystick. Debt is a combination of things. First it is an accumulation of obligations that are measured by a variable called money over a denominator that is stable. The value of money declines at almost the same rate as the obligations. This happens because debt encounters the very real limit of supply of goods and services. When you adjust for inflation, the hocky stick becomes much more linear. So how much debt does Zimbabwe have? In real terms it has almost none. But in units of account, the debt is huge. The US has a debt of $31 trillion. We fail to adjust that to the supply of goods and services that actually determine the value of the US dollar. The value of the dollar is not determined by the FED, the U S Treasury or our belief about its value but, instead it is determined by the production capacity of the USA. Debt is a belief, nothing more. Bonds are the modern mattress-cover storage for excess money. But that belief is going to come to an end when it meets supply realities. We need to get our heads out of the beliefs we are in. We need to realize that all those promises (debt) depend entirely upon what is for sale. Our financial system is a pyramid of promises tucked away in IOU instruments that do not come due, because they are rolled over. Those claims (money) are issued by an entity that cannot control what is for sale. So, one has to look at the production vs debt to arrive at a value for the US dollar. What we have is a belief system that is wholly out of touch with the reality of production.
I hope I have provided some input into how individuals can circumvent some of the coming turmoil.

Chris what disturbs me most about AI is the race to the top by Big-Tech. Glenn Beck had an excellent segment on this topic called “Man’s Final Invention”. He talked about the exponential growth within AI, from "General AI to Super AI. It’s when you get to S.A.I. is when you start to say look out because Super AI begins to learn by itself just as a human. That’s when the concerns of Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and others could be realized.


My Deepest Appreciation For Your Work

If it wasn’t for the original Crash Course I would be one of those folks living in my RV in one of those urban homeless encampments. Based on what I learned, I lived frugally and made plans for the future. My income consisted solely of Social Security, odd jobs here and there, and small investments. After 13 years I still own the RV but I was also able to purchase 20 acres of high desert property, build a totally off grid tiny house, obtain a deep pantry sufficient to feed me for a year, provide for my personal safety, save some precious metals, and start forming connections in the local homesteading community. Soon I will be investing in chickens and building a green house. My friends and family probably regard me as some kind of crazy prepper but I expect at least a few of them will be knocking at my door soon. I’ve urged folks to study your work and make plans accordingly. They may not have the time I had to prepare but most of them have more resources than I. I tell them it’s not too late and it’s better to be a year early than a day late.
Going to have to change my screen name to NoLongerTravelingGerry. Thanks for all your work.


“ Starting next year they will do more than harvest our communications and massage what information comes to us. They will actively create 100% believable spoofed/contrived audio and video messages…”
Next year? I’d like to learn more.

This bill needs to move thru the Texas legislature followed by Gov. Abbott’s approval which than requires a gold dipository (several exsist) and the plan would follow with a distributed electronic ledger, digital currency. That would ultimately be a game changer! Other state like Utah, Wyoming, Nevada and New Hamphire should follow. Maybe Florida might jump in!

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My Reaction To This News? Hurray! I Know. I’m Weird.
Back when I first discovered Chris Martenson and then met him in person at an event in Guelph, Ontario, I felt like I had finally found the answer to all my questions about why nothing made sense. I not only watched the original Crash Course series multiple times, but the Transition Toronto group that I was a member of as well as on the steering committee brought it to the public over a 4 week period which included discussion about each of the ‘three E’s’ and how we might all adapt to a changing world.
Fast forward 12 years later, and two bouts with cancer, a move out to BC, and back again and many other major setbacks, the knowledge I gained by watching the original video series and buying the book (including the recent update) has kept me grounded in reality and inspired me to radically change my life, to stay healthy and support others on their journey to the truth. In fact, I chose not to do chemo/radiation and instead used alternative therapies and I’m 8 years clear. There’s just so many lies about cancer and other diseases but the truth is out there if you work hard enough to find it.
So, today, I’m not only surviving, but thriving in my new home in Brantford, connected with an amazing group of like-minded activists and feeling not just physically prepared, but emotionally resilient and confident that I’ll be able to handle the changes coming. My only stressor: getting my family on board. It’s just not something they’re interested in. So, I’ll be going it mostly alone, I think. And I’m ok with that.
So, now that the new series is out, I plan to offer it to my community along with a question period to discuss the solutions you present on your website. If my audience is receptive, you might see a spike in membership and book sales from our event. I have exhaustively researched many other authors, websites, activists on these issues and your is the ONLY one I’ve found that packages this information in a way that anyone can understand, even if it’s challenging to actually accept it.
So, THANK YOU Dr. Martenson. :heart: You’ve impacted many lives in a very positive way. In spite of the world going over a cliff, I believe those of us who follow your work, will be strong enough to fight back and then pick up the pieces. If only for our children and grandchildren.


Elon Musk and others have been warning about the dangers of AI, which is being developed at breakneck speed via competition by both Microsoft and Google. Elementary AI was used to spoof internet communications when Ron Paul threatened to become popular in a run for the presidency years ago and has been used for years in text spoofing and nudging voters and consumers. The biggest danger is said to be the ability to provide complete made up audio and visuals. This ability will mature next year and is a major reason for the alarm. Of course, next year never comes and my comment is that it will start,next year and not necessarily completely take over all communications. Also, Congress is starting hearings on this and will protect us, and these companies act in our interest and would never hurt us. Elon and a few prominant AI pioneers who are kind of upset about the danger can be safely ignored.


Just Saw A Documentary On About Population Collapse

The demographer who’s been studying this for some time, Stephen J. Shaw, tells a compelling story - which is the opposite of the current cultural narrative - that the human species is currently in a shocking population decline. Some regions of the world are in more dire straits than others, like South Korea. But there’s no doubt based on the statistics he presents. Watch the video Birthgap - Childless World Part 1

This is something I’m really excited about. I’ve been following for close to a decade when Texas first started talking about creating its own Texas Bullion Depository in ~2014 (
One thing I’m a bit concerned about is what history has taught me about Gold Standards: if there is more demand for the digital currency, than they have gold, they might dilute the ratio. There really needs to be regular third parties that can audit the amount of gold.
If they settle that concern, then there’s always the risk of a programmable currency. Hopefully they can allow it to be converted to physical gold and keep it completely fungible. I don’t want to have any digital currency that an idealogue can control and reprogram it. You can’t let it become something that is restricted to your 15min city, minority owned businesses, or whatever ideology that person thinks they should ‘help.’

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I gotcha. Yeah I’ve been following the AI risk discussions for a long time. I thought there might be something specific about 2024 you were referring to.

Uranium Rocks, Uranium Recycling, Uranium In The Ocean

We have thousands of years of prosperity in the known uranium resources. The peak prosperity thesis is fundamentally flawed for this reason. We can replace the coal boilers with fission heat on a crash transition. I didn’t mention thorium or fusion. With uranium, thorium and fusion, we can manage global warming while rising living standards to European levels for every human. We need a social movement to protect the environment from unchecked exploitation but with abundance this is possible. The financial collapse can be transitory for the above reasons. Now, with that out of the way, my primary concern is the AI alignment problem. If this problem is not solved well, nothing else matters. Unfortunately, the energy aboundance I outlined means that AGI will not be energy constrained and will be able to evolve without limitations. Please refute or add to the above argument. Sorry for being a buzz kill and challenging the fundamental premise of this community. I appreciate everything Chris did for me during Covid and i have followed him down the energy rabbit hole and the above os what i found.

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Rat city

Sorry Rat Utopia or Population Density and Social Pathology

Roses, Unicorns And…skittles?

Everyone I know hates Skittles. Just sayin.

This Could Be The Beginning - Please Check

Check your spider sense. The crash could be upon us very soon.
“You Are Being Set Up” I Allegedly


It’s not a flawed thesis but a nuanced one. Yes we can replace all coal burners with Nukes in the US but certainly not by the dates the greenies say we have to become carbon neutral. Besides, that is only if those in power had any intention of doing so. They are all talk when it comes to green energy but have absolutely no understanding of the problems involved. As long as they get reelected they really don’t give a crap.