Crisis Watch! The Informed Consent Livecast


With all due respect, interpretive problem. The vaccinated and unvaccinated groups were not matched for health status/comorbidity. It is likely that some in the vaccinated groups self selected for the vaccine because of their higher morbidity in the first case.

Plant-based Memes

Here, I made a meme to represent your “plant-based” joke at the beginning, lol!


Railroads! Food Is A National Security Issue! Letter To Stb Chairman Oberman

Dear Chairman Oberman, Vice Chairman Schultz and Board Members Primus, Fuchs, and Hedlund:
On behalf of our constituents and farmers around the country, we write regarding poor rail service, which has limited fertilizer shipments, among other essential agricultural inputs and commodities, including grain and feed. Thank you for the time you have already spent addressing this urgent matter. However, we strongly encourage the Surface Transportation Board (STB) to continue its work with stakeholders to address the short-term challenges and to minimize the likelihood of their recurrence through practical updates and changes.

So good. And such interesting timing. Husband and I just discussed this yesterday morning as it applies to the chaos of the last two years, the “fourth turning”…this time and place we find ourselves in right now. As the fragility of our systems set in… we find ourselves more and more anchoring into our individuality…as much as husband and I love the idea of being “ prepared”, growing our own food, rising up to the challenges. The truth is and the laughter we shared last week is we really suck at it. We laughed about how I am literally the worst “prepper” on the planet. But what we are really good at is building community. As we buckle up for this ride…whatever “this” is and whatever it becomes….mad max, 1984, the slide back to the actual 1986. … we will be loving on our family, taking care of our team and trying to navigate this life being the highest version of our selves we can muster. Thanks for this video Dave. It is so on point.


World Population & Energy

Near the end (1h33m) of Informed Consent 7/14 Chris mentioned his estimate of ~12Billion carrying capacity.
Likely a pretty complicated calculation. I’d guess a major factor is energy cost.
What would energy cost have to be (Relative to current costs) to support the entire current world population at a high modern standard of living?
Would energy at just half todays’ cost get us there? Would it need to be a thousand times cheaper?

For Those Of You Under 50, A Description Of The Last Inflation Crisis And Some Thoughts

Throw the wage earner under the bus suggests Larry Summers, the former treasury secretary, “We need five years of unemployment above 5 percent to contain inflation — in other words, we need two years of 7.5 percent unemployment or five years of 6 percent unemployment or one year of 10 percent unemployment.”
Because, god forbid, we should take this out of the hides of the wall street speculators who created the problem. A crash of the everything bubble and higher interest rates and a huge spread for risk is what’s needed. All of the rich holder of our rental homes and share-dropper run farms are leveraged to the hilt with 0% loans. Time to foreclose and let the renters buy their homes back at a more realistic level.
We don’t need higher unemployment. It’s common to lay of 10-20 clerks so you can keep a vice president whose incompetence is causing the problem. We could lay off and cut salaries from the top and leave main street employed. An even more radical idea - we could share the pain.
A true story:
I used to research our corporate land records in search of oil and gas rights. Most of the records were in an unbelievable mess. However, I went to the Alabama office and walked into records in better shape then the library of congress. I asked one of the old guys how they did it. He explained that during the depression, the company only had money to make less than half the payroll. They could lay off half the people or could cut everybody’s pay. They voted overwhelmingly to cut pay and share. Then, there wasn’t much they could do, as the factory wasn’t making much. They decided not to sit around. So they did maintenance that took only labor. Somebody thought about records, and they organized property records, updated maps and plans, etc.
In 2009, the computer engineering department where I worked proposed that to management. Cut hours, lower rates for all rather than layoffs. Executives laughed. The rich entitled creeps couldn’t imagine a community willing to take a little less individually for the health of all, because corporations are all about the greed at the top.
The 70’s inflation was driven by poor governmental decisions, but Volker was also the era of the Arab Oil embargo. Not just high gas prices, but major fuel shortages. The underlying energy crisis was a major driver of inflation and also of the job losses. Prices were high, but the economy was not good, especially for jobs. The difference was American energy companies were encouraged to solve the problems.

True, however I now know of a 13 year old with heart problems, and a 14 year old with Type 1 diabetes. Both healthy kids prior to the rollout. These guys are in an age group where they are not the most vulnerable to covid, but their life spans could now well be shortened because of the cure rather than the disease. I don’t think we will ever see decent data…


There are some in the unvaccinated group who self selected not to have it because of their health risks too - guaranteed. I have allergies/anaphylaxis that could kill me any day - I avoided the jab like the plague. Hubby has a heart murmur, also avoided the jab. Unless we have detailed data recorded on every person,alongside their vax status, and matched - as you say, we are only working with junk. But there are signals over and above normal that are concerning.

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Steve Kirsch just wrote on his SS a good set of rules for avoiding hospitals.

There may be several ways to rank this. Total food product, food only consumed as food (rather than fed to livestock), by weight, by value, by finished product (say soybean oil vs soybeans used to make soybean oil). I swear I once heard that the US shipped pork to China for processing. Then, it came back to the US for consumption in the US.


Evie, I would just like you to know how much I appreciated your readings of the two poems, by Rumi and by Marianne Williamson. Your contribution adds a depth of meaning to these broadcasts that complements Chris" offerings beautifully. I am not sure that Chris fully understands them, but I do. Thank you! Keep going!


UGH! The one thing big thing in the last 3 years that truly dashed my hope…my daughter and SIL both got the P-jabs ‘because they were planning to get pregnant’. We had long talks about the narratives, their fear, the decision in light of known corruption & frauds, and yet they got jabbed with no data and without informed consent. Adults. They get to decide and I hoped for the best.
Fast forward, today my beautiful, healthy grandson just turned 3-months old. For the first time in my life I carried hopelessness for him, should he be jabbed at the 6-month mark.
I realized I was so down because I knew if it happened- the decision my kiddo was about to make may haunt her the rest of her life.
I took action. I sent (unsolicited) every bit of data I could find - thanks for all your public contributions Chris and Evie! - refusing to stop until the kiddo could change my mind with data.
I stopped fearing destruction of my cherished friendship with my daughter, because it was the right thing to do for my grandson.
Well last night, my efforts paid off. No more Covid jabs are in their future.
I have hope for all of us again.
We can’t accept fear of loss, remain silent, live in hopelessly, and expect positive change.


More Detail On The Uk Vims Data

Chris, you missed the slow pitch on the Fauci story! While he said his 4 jabs prevented a severe case, he doesn’t actually believe that or he wouldn’t have run for Paxlovid right away!
On the UK data, that was an excellent analysis, thank-you! I looked up the dataset and would like to add a few additional observations. First, if you look at Table 9, you’ll see an odd pattern where the mortality is consistently lower in the first 1-3 weeks after vaccination. That makes no sense. But if you look at Note 17 in the Notes tab, it says, “There were some people who were vaccinated but not included in the NIMS data as they died soon after vaccination. Of these, 1,436 linked to our Public health Data Asset dataset. We included the latest vaccination records for these people in our dataset. This data is provisional and extends up to the 25 May 2022. This will be updated in future releases.” I assume that means that there were people counted as unvaccinated deaths (or maybe just not counted at all) who should have been counted as vaccinated deaths, and that later reports will update that. That will only magnify the trends you discussed.
Next, you took your data from Table 1. Even more revealing, I think, is Table 2, which adds age stratification, and Table 5, which breaks it down by sex as well as age and vaccination status. A few observations about Table 2:

  • Even after the booster, non-COVID deaths were higher in vaccinated than unvaccinated people in the lower age groups. For example, it was about 50% higher in 18-39 y/o’s and almost 400% higher in 40-49 y/o’s. 
  • At ages 70+ those >21 days after the booster had similar mortality rates to the unvaccinated, but before reaching that point, mortality rates were multiples higher.
  • These differences will swamp any differences observed in COVID-19 mortality, if one looks at all-cause mortality.
I graphed the all-cause mortality from Table 2 on a log-scale because on a linear scale the young age groups can't be seen, but don't be fooled, for what looks like a small difference on a log scale is actually a large difference. It shows the adverse effects of vaccination especially on the younger age groups' all-cause mortality.

Removed Video

Did Youtube remove this video from the PP site?

Video Removed

Harsh. I came back to finish watching tonight and they yanked it! It must have been that Amish meme…

Hi there,
We are gonna repost the video here today. You will get to watch =).

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You know what they say; if you’re catching flack, you must be flying over the target!

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Can You Please Place This Video On Something Else That Is Not You Tube

Can you please place this video on something else that is not you tube.
Cannot watch it.