Crisis Watch! The Informed Consent Livecast

Unfortunately, I think we know the answer - $$$$$$$. Maybe a dose of psychopathy and zero sense of morality sprinkled in.


Well the most advanced and powerful military the world has ever seen couldn’t manage to beat several thousand poorly armed goat herders after 20 years of fighting in Afghanastan.
I’m pretty sure they would fail even worse if it came to fighting their own fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers. Plus, there would be mass defections within their ranks.
In addition, how man soldiers would be willing to fight 100k’s of angry hillbillies and rednecks armed to the teeth hiding in Appalachiastan?


twitter link to more analysis
link to data on ONS public data
Deaths by vaccination status, England derived from data over 1 year xlxs file

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3rd Shot Data

The UK data on the result on vaccines and deaths was quite interesting. I showed it to all my family and have been finally having real discussions. Thanks.
One question did come up. My daughter-in-law has had 2 shots and considering a booster. She points out that, while the data suggests that taking the vaccine increases your chances of dying vs unvaccinated, It looks to her that if she had 2 shots, she was better off getting the 3rd since deaths drop from the 2 shot group to the 3 shot group. Is she right?

I was thinking the same. Chris and team, would greatly appreciate your help to share the link please.

Probably with weaponry we are not familiar with.

I’m frankly a little surprised that so much of the conversation was based on this data set with no reference to the origin. Hopefully that was an oversight, but otherwise, I find it a bit unsettling.

Just think about what will have to happen when they get into court.

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That’s one of my (many) favorites as well.

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Chris Martenson

First, love you and Evie, thank you so much for what you do. After that, there is a conversation I had back in college in 1978 that I keep trying to remember to tell you about and always forgetting. A gal on my dorm floor’s father was an engineer on the North Bank in Alaska at a time when Jimmy Carter was saying we were running out of oil but we were drilling the hell out of Alaska. She told me, and I have no reason to not believe her, that there was a standing order to say there was nothing there on many sites that were bulging with oil. Carter making good on his point? Anyway, there is no good way to reference this information that I can find - and I have not tried hard. But I have never forgotten. Her father also told her it took six months to find the right type of table to sit at for peace talks with North Vietnam. Six months. That said, if she was correct, and nothing has changed, there are problems with the ‘peak oil’ numbers. Best and thanks always, maybe one day we can make it to your hoedown. :slight_smile: To the CIA people - I’m kidding. Yep.

North Slope, not bank. Decades will do that.

I agree. The most vulnerable (older people, immune-compromised, etc) have been encouraged to have all the vaccines, so there will likely be higher numbers of deaths in these groups. We can’t draw conclusions without further info, imo. Tina, UK

IMO it is the boy pointing out the emperor has no clothes.
Sadly Twitter is used to push and control the narrative. If Musk had purchased Twitter, the thought was then he would control the narrative. (Emperor’s clothes change but he is still considered dressed). By walking away from the deal, because of bot count, everyone can see the emperor is naked.

that’s why TPTB are training people in one country to fight strangers in another country. no sympathy involved. face masks and uniforms are used to hide their identities. the same technique was used in Hong Kong in 2019 when the government used mainland Chinese military to crush the demonstrators. the military were instructed to never talk because local Hong Kong people could recognise immediately from their accents that they were mainlanders.
Turd-eau used the same technique against the truckers in Ottawa.
infiltration by government agents is always a very big problem for groups fighting/demonstrating against their governments. just ask the J6 people.

Why does all cause mortality suddenly drop to baseline 21 days after the 3rd dose.
. many months ago, there was one analysis of the data (from the UK?) that identified that the authorities had time-shifted the mortality line. when the line was moved back to its proper position, mortality matched perfectly with vaccination. there was also the need to allow for the authority's shifting definition of 'fully vaccinated' which at the time was 2 shots plus 14 days, so anyone who died within the 14 days was *not* counted as fully vaccinated.

imo, none of the big social media platforms are corporations. they are deep state entities disguised as corporations, and controlled by the most part by TPTB.
the infrastructure required to run these platforms can not be financed by normal corporations, although Apple might be an exception.
and speaking of Apple… they have made almost no statements about the plandemic since day 1. makes me wonder how they’re involved in the digital control grid.


almost all of today’s leaders are puppets, with little or minimum intelligence and huge egos. that they’re boring is not a surprise.

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and watch this very recent interview with Jon Rappoport about viruses and HIV.
Dr Sam Bailey: The Virus Cover Story with Jon Rappoport

only true in absolute numbers because there are fewer triple-vaxxed people out there. the more jabs you get, the more likely you are to die sooner (in your sleep if you’re lucky).

Vaccination – A War Against The White People

this is now getting attention. adverse affects of the jabs are far more prevalent in white populations, which makes some people wonder if China is one of the big partners behind the culling exercise.
the black populations will be completely destroyed by famine as a direct result of the ‘sanctions’ against Russia.
there is also the 1993 statement that the plan is to leave just 500 million Chinese and 500 million Japanese because these populations are used to be ruled.
a recent interview with Dr Naomi Wolf:
Dr. Naomi Wolf – Grand Jury Trials in Oregon Commencing! Worldwide Fight for Freedom

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