Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

Originally published at:

As we await further insights and analysis into the audio and bullet tracing evidence, it’s time to explore the colossal “errors” and oversights we are led to believe “just happened” on the very day that a loner 20-year-old kid waltzed up onto a sniper’s paradise only 140 yards from President Trump, and lolled about for 20 minutes before shooting.

It’s simply unbelievable.

Worse, when you see the layout of the American Glass buildings you’ll notice that there’s a glaringly obvious spot to set up a sniper team.

Clearly, the official story is full of holes and doesn’t make any sense at all. The amount of incompetence and “lucky for Crooks” events you have to accept pass well beyond any threshold of credibility. IT’s just too much to swallow.

Which is exactly how ‘they’ have rolled over us for decades. They are counting on people to be lazy and dumb…but instead, people are now feisty and tired of rolling over.

I guess it’s too bad for them that it isn’t 1963 anymore. Dozens of analyzable recordings exist allowing us to piece this all together in near real time.

Also, I am announcing the formation of the Citizens’ Investigation of this event, where we will tap the collective wisdom and skills of those who wish to participate. We’ll need audio, ballistics, weapons, security, 3D reconstruction, math/geometry, and crime scene expertise. And we’re going to need contrarians and gadflies and people who can effectively red-team all of our findings and conclusions.

If we’re successful, perhaps we can finally make a dent in the deep state’s ability to simply cover up its misdeeds and crimes.

We’ve already received incredible offers of help with 3D modeling the site, audio analysis, and raw video footage from professional media cameras at the event.

We deserve a better world and that begins with accountability.

So let’s dig in and get this done!



I think it’s plausible that the first 3 shots came from inside the building, causing the sound difference.
Where the FBI was staged, and uh, turned into professional pressure washers where brass would’ve been.



I still don’t know what the shooters of shots 6 and 7 were aiming at since Trump had already ducked behind the podium and was covered by USSS agents. Mike Adams of NaturalNews said that shot 6 came from about 600-800 ft away and shot 7 came from ~1400 feet away. What were these guys shooting at? The USSS sniper shot much later then shots 6 and 7 at 15.8sec


If the report of 448 yards on the snipper kill shot is correct, and assuming Crooks’ head was still facing the stage area, this building would be the most likely. Has any footage shown a team up there?

Blaze Media report of 448 yards Police sniper reportedly shot Trump’s would-be assassin from 448 yards away | Blaze Media


Trump Gunman Flew Drone Over Rally Site Hours Before Attempted Assassination - WSJ


Part of the citizen investigation will also need to generate our own experimental data of shooting at a microphone. I think shooting conditions need to match as close as possible the pressure and temperature conditions that were present at the rally during the shooting.

I am also wondering if we could find enough unaltered cell phone video to get multiple muzzle reports. We can’t rely on the sonic crack at the location of the cellphone recording the video. We would have to use visual data of Trump when the sonic cracks are detected to align the videos. The delay from that visual cue to the muzzle report can then give us a time difference between bullet arrival to Trump and the muzzle report to the cellphone. Add in the approximate flight time and we will have the total time that the muzzle report was traveling from the shooter to the cellphone.

Assuming we can get 4 good data sets, we should be able to triangulate an approximate location of the source. With two data sets, we should be able to pin it down to two likely locations that intersect with the surface that the shooter is on (ground or roof).


Anybody seen this. Chris is in this one also.


actually watching now


Hear me out guys. Nikki Hailey never endorsed Trump, so retained her delegates. Pompao had told some of the Ohio delegates that he was going to be the pick for VP before the RNC kicked off. If Trump had been killed she would have been picked. With the Democrats in what looks like intentional disarray, she would have walked right into the white house. If Pompao was her VP you have motive and ability. Pompao being former head of the CIA and Nikki being the the deep-seated plant.


Special Agent in Charge:

“The USSS Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke reportedly told law enforcement partners that the USSS had limited resources that week because the agency was covering the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, D.C,” the letter adds.


Did Joe know?

I think this incident was hatched by the biggest brains at the highest level in the WhiteHouse. That goes all the way to the top guy there, Joe Biden.

In 2020, he said this before the election:

Biden: “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics”

Perhaps it was a verbal gaffe but it was very clearly what took place once the counting started.

A few days before this assassination attempt, Biden proudly claims

time to put Donald Trump in the bullseye

I think the conspiracy of the plot to kill Donald Trump goes all the way to Biden, perhaps he did not hatch this plot but he must have been aware of it in advance. He’s a massive goof fuckup and that’s why people don’t want to trust him with information. but this is election related so he was probably involved.

First Spotting of Crooks

The first sighting of Crooks was at the far end of the fairgrounds. Crooks was spotted roughly an hour before with the range finder outside of the magnetometers which were placed at the far end of the fairgrounds. He managed to escape and was lost to the local police force in the building behind or across that road.

He would have had an hour to make his way to the building and get into his position. He had preplanted the weapon before hand.

Does anyone know where his car was found?

The Local Officer who saw crooks

Apparently when he fell 8 feet to the ground he twisted his ankle and must have wanted to take care of his pain and probably forgot to use his radio to report the suspicious individual with a rifle on the roof of the building. Mistakes happen. Certain things can be overlooked.

Citizen’s Investigation

I like this idea that we need to share and collate as many sources and witnesses from this incident. What I find terribly sad and disheartening is that we have to do this at all. That there is no trust in the authorities to actually do this accurately and timely. It seems there is more interest by the Government to cover this up as much as possible. Therefore this Citizens Investigation is that much more important.

J6 vs J13

Hundreds of people were locked up without charge, many in solitary confinement for the peaceful protest on January 6, 2021. The one where the Capital Police opened the doors to let them in and most walked within the velvet cordoned ropes. Some were assisted by the Capital Police to find certain offices or Senate Chambers. Yet the government spared no effort to find every person who was within cell phone service area of that area.

For this assassination attempt of a former President and the leading candidate for a future election, we see almost no investigation. We see more efforts to clean up and deflect from this actual crime.

Which incident do you feel was more historic for American Politics?
  • January 6, 2021
  • July 13, 2024
0 voters
Effort Expended in the Investigation of January 6
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters
Effort Expended in the Investigation of July 13th, Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters
Do you feel the investigation of the Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump is a high priority for the government
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t care, I am tired of this topic
0 voters
Do you trust the investigation will be truthful?
  • Yes
  • No
  • The government hasn’t been honest in decades.
0 voters
Based on all the information you have heard, How many shooters do you think were there?
  • None
  • One (Crooks acted alone)
  • One (Crooks was there as a patsy and wasn’t the a shooter)
  • Two
  • Three or more
0 voters

The results of these polls should be interesting.


At least someone had the foresight to fly a drone over this area. It’s clear that the government is too poor and cannot afford such high technology or the operators to fly the drone and monitor the output.


I am not an expert in any one area but I am a gun guy. This kid lives near me, I know all of the local stuff going on. The rifle and the way it was set up didn’t look right to me immediately. There is no clear photo of the rifle, just blown up screen shots. First, the optic. This is not a scope or magnified optic. It’s just a red dot style sight. Not good for a precision shot at 150 yds, but doable if you practice with it. Second, the flip up iron sights are both up. All three are not usually used together. Usually you use the iron sights or a red dot and the front sight. Third, the stock of the rifle is fully extended. The fully extended stock pulls your eye further away from your sights. Now his eye is further from the rear iron sight, he has to look through a hole called a peep sight, then through the optics red dot, then line those two up with the front sight. Then looking at your target at 150 yards away there is a lot keep perfectly still, then fire his first precise shot. However, keep in mind he was just discovered by a cop. TC pointed his rifle at the cop then went back to lining up his shot. I say there is no way he could keep calm enough to send a shot near Trumps head under that kind of pressure. Fourth, he went to my local gun shop and bought a box of 50 rounds. Target ammo comes in 50rd boxes. But why buy 50 rounds of target ammo when next to it is precision match grade ammunition. Made for accuracy and hunting, they usually come in 20rd boxes. Lastly, this my be a bit morbid but it’s relevant I think. With AR15 ammo (.223/5.56) I really believe he could have certainly gotten 1-3 body hits before Secret Service got to Trump and would have most likely been lethal. But going for that head shot with a questionable rifle setup and target ammo leads me to believe that this kid didn’t know hardly anything about guns and ammo. Then that leads me to believe that he didn’t need to know anything because the rounds that left his rifle weren’t meant to be precise, that was someone else’s job. This is by no means proof of anything. But when coupled with the rest of the evidence coming out it has relevance. If anyone has gun questions about what I stated above I’ll try to answer them. Thanks for reading.


Starting to notice that the position of Crooks on the roof is shifting about, could be deliberate to obfuscate line of site / trajectory this one is from


Continued from my earlier post. This is TC’s rifle from an aerial view and one set up to show what it looked like but not exact.


It is also interesting that he is reported being in two places at the same time. The BBC timeline reports Crooks being seen on the GROUND with the rangefinder at 5.52pm, but the ABC timeline reports being seen on the roof at 5.52pm. There is a discrepancy between the time of the shooting , with ABC at 6.12 pm, and BBC at 6.11pm.


This is a reproduction of a comment I made on James Howard Kunstler’s blog which raises an important point that I think is worth sharing in other places where the attempt on Donald Trump’s life is being fervently discussed and analyzed:

As is par for the course in a major event such as the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, there are people on the Internet, and not just the TDS crowd, saying that Trump’s injury was faked and everything we saw was stage-magic as Trump and the Deep State colluded with one another to contrive a hoax assassination attempt. What makes this theory appealing is that the lapses of the people who were responsible for security at that Trump rally were so glaring, that it makes cynical people such as myself wonder if the whole thing was just a show staged for the benefit of the gullible masses as the Deep State selects Donald Trump for its new front man.

The big hole in this theory is that Trump went to a hospital for that injury to his ear and had it treated there. A big part of this “alternative” theory I have laid out here rests on an assumption that Trump was sporting a fake injury. But for that to be the case, the hospital staff would have to be in on the conspiracy, and that is just too much of a stretch for me, and, I would hope, reasonable people in general.


I don’t buy that theory but if it was the case it wouldn’t be hard to numb his ear and then cut a piece off in the van.


Chirs, if you are running an investigation like this be sure to have your life insurance paid up.


JUST IN: Whistleblowers have come forward with damning new information that Donald Trump's security team was not comprised exclusively of highly trained Secret Service agents.

DHS had assigned low-skilled, inexperienced and unprepared security personnel to protect the former president prior to the assassination attempt.

The whistleblower report provided by
contradicts the statements from Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle that her agency had enhanced security prior to the Trump rally shooting.

Numerous credible reports had indicated the Secret Service had instead turned down multiple requests for increasing Donald Trump’s Secret Service protection.

Director Cheatle’s claims also contradicted reports of an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the former president that would have warranted enhanced protection.

The new whistleblower report is corroborated by video reports of the Trump security detail being wholly unprepared for the assassination attempt:

  • Crooks was on the Secret Service’s radar as a suspicious figure at least 40 minutes before the assassination attempt
  • Local counter-assault team was staged inside the building where the shooter was located, which rendered it ineffective in the response
  • The rooftop where the shooter attempted to k*ll the president was carved out of the Secret Service perimeter despite it being an elevated threat area
  • A female agent had crouched down in front of Trump to allow a potential "kll shot
  • Female agents scrambled after the shooting, one being unable to properly holster a weapon
  • No surveillance drones were used

Secret Service Director Cheatle had also implausibly claimed that an agency counter-assault team was not stationed on or near the rooftops where Crooks had made the assassination attempt because of “sloped roofs.”

The Secret Service counter-sniper teams behind Donald Trump were positioned on sloped roofs, which throws into extreme doubt Cheatle’s dubious excuse for her agency’s security failure.

The Secret Service director’s lack of honesty and transparency with the American people will only fuel the widespread belief that the Trump shooting attempt must have been an “inside job.”