Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

A couple of picky points, but don’t want anybody discrediting the great video with stupid stuff. Commercial doors are 7’-0" high as a standard not 6’-8", that is the standard for residential doors. Secondly, commercial stairs by code can’t have a riser greater then 7". The higher riser heights you mentioned would be permitted in a residential construction, but not in a commercial building. Thanks for the great work that you do.


I think most logical assumption is that the patsy was told by his handlers to wait until he heard shots being fired, and then to open fire himself. It was reported that when he had tried to join the school rifle club, “he couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.” If so, his few shots before being taken out probably went in unpredictable directions.


Benny Johnson has an excellent video review of Chris’s 2 shooter analysis.

Benny has a huge channel and is a great patriot and family man.

I’m watching it now. 20 minutes in length.


Immediately after the shooting one of the top democratic strategists indicated for all operatives to push on the theory that Trump staged his own shooting, and it hasn’t stopped.


Did y'all catch this? 🔥🔥🔥 Pres Trump closed his acceptance speech at the RNC last night, standing with his family, while Christopher Maccio performed "Nessun Dorma" (No One Sleeps). This song was featured in the finale of "The Sum Of All Fears" (2002). It's known as the "Payback Ending Scene."

This is the only thing they can do to try to deflect the absolutely horrid appearance that they probably had the inside information about this event before it took place.

But there will be millions of American that will believe their lies. Surreal times and more surreal times ahead. This ain’t over.


Hi folks, I’m reporting for duty for the Red Team. My job is to keep the rest of you investigators on your toes.

Here’s my working scenario for the fake assassination attempt. Prove me wrong.

Imagine that you’re masterminding the operation from Klaus Schwab’s offices at Davos. Your Great Reset plans are in disarray. Biden’s cognitive decline is going way quicker than expected, and yet your WEF Young Leaders in the Democrats will do anything to win (that is, steal) the election. Meanwhile, your Young Leaders who are handling Trump are worried that they can’t win because of his bad reputation as “America’s Hitler”.

What you need is a powerful leader with a mandate from the people, to usher in the CBDC and all your other plans. And you’re looking at a lame duck clusterfuck. What to do??

Compartmentalization is the key!!

This is your Team 1. This group is really deadly determined to murder Trump by all possible means. They recruit a team of highly skilled snipers equipped with the finest rifles. A simple call from WEF HQ in Davos, giving the go-ahead, and the plot is in motion.

Somebody from Team 1 tips off Wall Street traders who go heavily short $DJT. Photographers at the New York Times also get the advance word.

This is Team 2. Your WEF contacts in the USSS make sure that resources are diverted to NATO, and besides, Jill Biden also needs extra help. If necessary, vacations can also be scheduled.

Davos Team Three!! Somebody from Dr. Evil’s office at Davos calls Trump’s team with unexpected and disturbing news. “There’s an assassination plot under way, but it’s been partially infiltrated. We know something’s up, but not sure exactly what. We need to draw out the plotters and force them into a massive cock-up. The president will be completely safe, but we need him to act as if he doesn’t suspect a thing. If he goes up on stage, we can draw out the assassins and kill them.”

But, it’s quickly recognized, this is also the opportunity of a lifetime for the Trump Team! With a little vial of ketsup, Trump himself will have the opportunity to become the beneficiary of miraculous providence. Fortunately, as a reality show TV star, Trump is well known to be a pretty good actor.

A key part of Team 3’s plan is to send out a 20-year-old mind controlled “doofus” from the MK-ULTRA lab. This kid’s goal is to be as conspicuous as possible with his 15-foot ladder and his AR-15 rifle and his surveillance drone. Team 1 sees this clown in action. What to do?? Their well laid plans are in danger of being exposed, as even the few remaining honest agents from the USSS are on alert.

I’ll leave it to the rest of the PP Citizen Investigation Team, to work out the details of how Team 3 makes sure that Team 1 doesn’t succeed in their horrible mission to kill President Trump.

Consider the possibility that loudspeakers can be used to imitate the sound of bullets.

No problem!! Davos Team 4 is at the hospital with free beer for everyone.

Hopefully there won’t be any problem with anyone’s personal safety in this investigation, either. The truth is so bizarre that nobody can believe it. It’s not going to catch any traction. The best thing for Davos to do, is to avoid calling attention to this little corner of the Internet.


Chris, not sure if you and your team saw this, but seems plausible.

Warning: graphic image of deceased shooter.


Sorry, but I really think the doctors would be able to tell whether they were looking at a bullet-injury or a knife-injury.


The helicopter footage shows 2 ladders. The ladder by the trees that was against the walkway between buildings, and the other ladder beside the small storage shed, but not on top of the shed. I have seen the instruction manual for assembling that exact model shed, and there was no 5 foot ladder on top of it, but a ladder beside it with one of the sheds doors open. The roof of the shed can not support a person and the ladder, and then there is the problem of getting on the ladder from the ground, even if the sheds roof could support the weight. The 5 foot ladder story, along with the alleged receipt for it is manufactured evidence.


Cant make this up. Crooks had a drone at the rally but the usss did not.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination.

Thomas Matthew Crooks flew the drone on a programmed flight path earlier in the day on July 13 to scour the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Trump’s ill-fated rally, the officials said. The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site.


Yes, and probably a third of Americans will still go on believing the lies being fed to them and remain brainwashed by corporate media. But, I believe there are many now who have witnessed the evil propaganda fear campaign that came with the “a killer virus is one the loose” false story. Few will deny that Trump is still alive except for an unanticipated head turn which now was according to divine providence. The mesmerism that has captivated so many of our population, for so long, may now be breaking! I believe that “speaking truth” wherever and whenever we can, does destroy the hypnotic lies cast by the evil actors/doers.


The same doctors who can tell the difference between Long COVID and a vaccine injury? Or do you mean the ones like the Parkland doctors who treated JFK, and finally started confessing the truth of what they saw, but years after the fact?

Really, after all we’ve just been through with Covid, I don’t see how the vast majority of medical professionals have any credibility left at all.


Excellent point. What, exactly, is the evidence that “Crooks” had anything to do with this? The identification came from DNA tests that were completed at warp speed by our highly trusted and esteemed government officials??

Yearick seems like a reasonable alternative candidate, but then there are lots of young men with long blonde hair.


Chris, at 19:35 of todays (Friday’s) video, the photo you display shows the bullet trajectory lining up between Crooks while on the rooftop (he’s mocked up as firing toward Trump at the podium) then the bullet goes beyond Trump to eventually hit the spectator located in the upper right corner of the bleacher - where the bullet famously disintegrates into the railing after passing through the victim.

But, when you look at the spectator video I provided this morning, where you can see the trajectory of the fateful bullet which hit the man in the corner of the bleacher, you see the bullet not only hit the man in the corner but first it also hits another man in the SAME top row of the bleacher, approximately 20 FEET away from the guy in the corner? Even a few shirt sleeves were pushed by the wind coming from the bullet as it passed through the first victim on its way to the guy standing in the corner of the bleacher. All these people were in the top row, either hit or having their clothes blown by the passing bullet. The bullet which hit the man in the corner of the bleacher was therefore on a trajectory in perfect alignment with the TOP ROW of the bleacher. This means it was NOT Crooks, as the trajectory of the top row of the bleacher does not point anywhere near Crooks on his rooftop.

The top row of the bleacher used as trajectory points ironically at the 2 secret service snipers who famously are filmed for 20+ seconds watching Crooks through their scopes until Crooks finally fires, startling one of the agents and making him obviously flinch. So, the shot came from their direction which is also behind the bleachers, just like the deceased man’s family said that the shots came from. They were ironically located on the far opposite side of the bleachers.

Editorial: Maybe part of the job was to create some distraction by shooting people in the bleachers, too, as the double victim single shot video with the famous disintegrating bullet was nowhere near hitting Trump. I don’t see how that shot was intended for Trump otherwise.


I agree with you. Some of the USSS agents assigned to President Trump were less trained US Marshalls. This was reported in several places.

This comment which may hold some merit is a very sad indigtment of the state of the US government and culture in the current year. One of the great things about America and the general West was that we used to be a high trust society but so much of that has been lost.


Maybe that was their plan, they’d let sleepy Joe have no chance to win, take out Trump then have their neocon puppets fund the military industrial complex’s gravy train another 4 years. Plus, I noticed and many other left leaning political websites push Hailey a lot when she was in the race as a good substitute to Trump before she dropped out. But time passed, Hailey was out and Trump was the obvious candidate, so he had to be put to rest. Vivek (the former 2024 presidential candidate) said the same thing very recently. He said Trump’s enemies are within his own party and implied it was the neocon’s wanting him out for endless war.


Gadfly Suite Op97: Finale by Shostakovich

Theme song for your research, perhaps… ?


And it’ll be signed no doubt by 50+ intelligence experts.


Yes, like this:

Think about it, how do you win the election? You kill Trump and you get rid of Biden all in the same week. And then you easily, on two days before the convention you kill Trump, you install Haily, the republican party is thrown into a complete tizzy, the country is as angry as all get out, everyone is demoralized massively. Hillary step in and gets to be the friggin nominee, which is what she’s always wanted…so to me it was really obvious that on their Gantt Chart, this was their plan because of their “calm,” their whole demeanor of all of these people that I follow on a daily basis…my spidey senses were telling me that they have this ring fenced, “so don’t worry about Trump “this is ring fenced.”” “We’re going to take care of this.” That he’s going to get killed, or he’s going to be taken off the board, and they never for a moment expected him to survive. - Tom Luongo