Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

I agree. The left’s calm all year and lack of election campaigning while knowing all along that Joe was a lot more than just sleepy and thus had no chance in a debate once they came along (which is why they had none in 2020) had me feel as well as you that somehow they had another plan, especially since they were so lackadaisical these last few months with campaigning. God only knows what’s going to happen next but something will.


love the citizen’s investigation. I am also focused on next steps and what we should be preparing for. “They” are not going to be happy about the epic fail to kill Trump. I notice Blinken is posturing that Iran will have nuclear capability within 2 weeks this morning. So do they do something radical? Nukes at the Paris Olympics? Nuke Trump? Blow up the White House?


SkyNews video clearly shows two windows open on the 2 story building to the left of where Crooks was killed (credit to Legally Armed America). With all those AC units, I wonder why.
My theory is the Crooks met the other shooter in that 2 story building, got his rifle and backpack, then crawled out the second floor window (not facing Trump) onto the roof of the building that supposedly was where the cops were. He dropped his backpack after transiting to next roof, then bear crawled to the peak where he took his shots. He did not believe his life would end there, which is why his backpack was left on the path he planned to exit (back through the window). Would love to know what was in it.


Did they find the drone and it is now in LEO possession? What kind of a drone was it? Did they pull footage off of his phone, his computer(?), or the drone itself?
How do we know that it was his drone/footage? Decent drones aren’t cheap, and according to the little information we’re fed the guy cheaped on basically everything.

How about disabling all computers using CrowdStrike worldwide? That’s bound to clean up the news cycle. Just think how inconvenienced everyone will be. [/sarcasm]
Really, the CrowdStrike situation seems too ridiculous and too conveniently timed. It is just disruptive enough that it’ll directly affect enough people that it’ll dominate the headlines in most places regardless whether the assassination attempt succeeded or not. It potentially functions as a dry-run for the “cyber-pandemic”, too.


İ still have not heard anything about whether Trump had any security experts of his own monitoring security plans?

Does Trump simply trust USSS and local law enforcement? With no one of his own hire watching over security preparations?

That seems unlikely to me.


I think the position indicated in this link might be plausible for the kill shot on “Crooks”


Got the wrong guy.


maybe the tall ladder came from the parking lot, from the top of a work truck. I saw a TT video of someone spotting the same tall ladder on a google view of the parking lot. maybe that’s the ladder a local cop crawled up and got shooed away from.


Someone on another forum pointed out something to me that does poke a bit of a hole in my contention: Doctors, nurses, and hospital staff are bound by HIPAA to not disclose information about or discuss individual patient cases. This law is pretty comprehensive and the consequences of violating it are rather severe. A rational fact such as that is a lot more convincing to me than “they were all in on it because…well, they just were!”


There is a guy on Twitter going by the name of ‘Oliver Alexander’ who purports to debunk the second shooter hypothesis. My main question is, who is Oliver Alexander?

(see tweet and sneering reference to Chris : ‘As for the PhD in Neurotoxicology’s audio analysis…’)

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Oh my God! I did not catch that! Brilliant!



Incompetence beyond belief due to government mass formation psychosis:

ALL currently in power think MAGA, conservatism, critical thinking, self awareness, curious type people are threats to national security:


1-300 pound, 75 year old cripple saying stupid things on facebook MUST be SWAT raided and killed. Done.
2-Dad in VA who told school board he didn’t like daughter raped placed on terrorist watch list and arrested
3-grannie escorted through Capitol by police armed with MAGA hat and cell phone is a dangerous insurrectionist who tried to overthrow the government
4-Ukraine can win a war with Russia and noticing Ukraine’s 600k dead soldiers in 2 years means you love Putin.
5-a single bat infected with Covid flew 1,000 miles from its natural habitat to a wet market a few blocks from “former” Chinese bioweapons labs to poop on food and infect the world with Covid
5-the jab is safe and effective.
6-masks can provide almost one hundref percent safety against an airborn virus that can infect you through your eyes. Wear masks alone, in a car, with windows rolled up, doing 65 on a freeway in DC
7-double, triple mask works even better
8-men can have periods, get pregnant and not believing it is dangerous up to beng a national security threat
9-Biden is sharp as a tack
10-bringing up excess deaths, strange clots found by embalmers, 20 sigma event increase in life insurance payouts is conspiracy science denying
11-85 year old communist country escapee praying at an abortion clinic is a national security threat
12-currency created to pay for created currency to buy stuff because there’s not enough created currency is good

I could go on for weeks.

BUT, if the government/people in authority actually believe and demonstrate daily in news cycles with their own words, etc MAGA bad (and I can’t stand Trump) government good, wouldn’t a mass formation psychosis of the SS be something like, “In Trump country (Butler, PA), he’s so safe and him being in danger amongst his people is too low a number to worry about,” be a reason for utter breakdown incompetence? Mass formation in government sure seems to make actual danger, actual reality insignificant over their unquestionable narrative. Reality denial isn’t just a thing in DC. It’s a requirement or you lose your job up to you get your life destroyed. Displaying or even hinting at reality over narrative means destruction.

Could mass formation psychosis in government employees and its resultant incompetence to anyone outside that MFP bubble be the reason all the blatant security lapses took place and therefore it’s NOT a nefarious plot against Trump?

Full disclosure: I don’t believe it’s due to mass formation psychosis. I believe it was a nefarious plot to take out Trump.


If I were taking the shots, I’d have assumed there’s at least a good chance the target would be wearing a vest at a public event, so only a head shot would be guaranteed to do the job.


You’re rockin’ it, Bradford! Keep bring me those excellent vids. I don’t care if no one else likes them; I love them!

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Looks pretty glowy to me.


Secret Service Training:

In '82 I was president of the Potomac (DC) Chapter of the National Society for Performance and Instruction. We had members of the SS training staff as our members.

In that year (or near about) we hosted the national convention at the Mayflower hotel in DC.

I was attending the session that the local SS trainers were putting on, there were four of them, using slides discussing use of our training principles applied to the SS.

In the middle of their presentation, the four of them launched into a pre-planned but not pre-announced “chase” around the classroom, where one guy was the perp and the other’s actually ran after him around the group listening. They fired several loud blank rounds from their pistols as they ran!

It really woke us up.


I’m not sure a DNA test can be completed that quickly. Chris and others may have mentioned this, but how do you identify the shooter, someone with no criminal record (and therefore no DNA or biometric data in official record) unless you already have a database with everyone’s DNA profile and biometric data?

I suspect at least the latter, because I was watching a video of cops driving down the street, and in it they identified a woman walking down the street as someone with outstanding warrants. A completely unremarkable woman, walking down the street with her back to the squad car. I think we are all already surveilled and tracked to an extent that would horrify us.


You’re not wrong in thinking that. The “vest” you’re referring to is made of Kevlar. The vest would have to be extremely thick and worn over the clothes to be effective against this kind of round. A thin vest that is worn under the clothes is only rated to stop pistol and revolver rounds. It would not stop a high velocity rifle round traveling at 2500-3000fps (Feet per second). This is a military style Kevlar vest rated to stop sniper rounds (high velocity), AK-47 rounds and shrapnel.

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“Fox News learned from the source the kill shot was a single shot taken by a Secret Service counter sniper whose view was obscured.

A local tactical team also took a shot at the would-be assassin, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, but missed.

The Secret Service sniper who killed Crooks could only see Crooks’ gun scope and the top of his eye and forehead because the lip of the roof was blocking the sniper’s view.

The source described the shot to Fox News as a ‘one-in-a-million shot.’”


Great point. The default assumption really needs to be that all hospital staff would feel honor bound not to say a word.

But, sometimes people decide that their duty to the truth, is more important than any HIPAA or NDA obligations. Maybe there could be a whistleblower?

Does anybody remember the first “Citizen Investigation Team”? Aldo Marquis and Craig Ranke, went to DC and Arlington in 2006 to interview eyewitnesses to the Pentagon 9/11 explosion. They interviewed several witnesses who saw the approaching airliner fly towards the Pentagon on the NORTH side of the Citgo gas station. This was, in my view, decisive proof that the airliner must have flown OVER the Pentagon, and the damage to the building must have been caused by demolition explosives.

In my view, any “CIT” worthy of the name, needs to be doing onsite interviews. Somebody needs to talk to the hospital staff.

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