Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

How do you identify the shooter? Well, let’s see… we’re being told that Crook’s parents called into the police hours before the shooting, worried that their son was up to something.

Maybe you have the parents come in to the station, and identify the body? And if you didn’t do that, why not?? Why the cockamamy story about warp speed DNA testing?


I sent a request for help on Kentucky Ballistics and Ballistics High Speed


M855 vs. M193: Which 5.56 Round Is The Best? (


the front of that building is only 348 yards, and the rear only 408 from Crooks

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A detail only - Screenshot of heavy kit tactical team getting lased in leaders right shoulder as they run into frame. It’s part of the early primary video all have seen and Occurs as trump departs in the SUV and very clear in video.

The team enters and then retreats.
Who is that team? They have .308 caliber.

Also note on your audio of shot #8 it’s a triple tap auto burst - not a single shot so it’s from AR platform similar to what these gents are carrying. Sniper rifles don’t shoot burst. Also 300 win mag would explode a skull where an .308 does not. Shooter head is not exploded.

Is there a third sniper team because the 300winmags did not appear to take him out based on damage.

Kill shot is last audible shot after initial volley delay and it sounds suppressed.

He never went through magnetometer and he stashed the gun prior but brought the ammo in fear of gunpowder dog inspection. The explosives were only for diversion no destruction so he could detonate to escape with distraction.


Another point about buildings, Crooks was climbing on a metal roof. The building is a pre-engineered metal building, and you notice there is not a single piece of mechanical equipment on the roof because these buildings are typically engineered to the gnat’s ass and metal roofs are difficult to flash into. Point being, when someone is up on metal roofs, becasue the construction is very light weight, the weight deflection is very loud and you can usually hear them inside the building.


20" barrel on that AR?


Is it possible the shooter hid his gun and the 5ft ladder in the garden shed? We see the 5ft ladder propped on the garden shed in the aerial shots of the building, post -shooting. The doors of that little shed are open in that image.

I’ve seen speculation the shed couldn’t have held human weight. I’m not convinced.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It sure looks like 20”.


UPDATE: Trump Assassination Attempt — Weird…

:rotating_light: Crooks Spent 97 Minutes at the Meridian Lanes “BULLSEYE” Sports Bar & Kitchen — Two Other Devices at Question

• Tony Seruga and his team specialize in mobile data analysis, and they have been combing through what I suspect is Thomas Crooks publicly available geo-location cell data.

:red_circle: WHAT HE FOUND

• Crooks visited the fairgrounds five times the week of the rally

• he visited AGR Corporate office for 6 minutes.— 603 Evan’s City, Rd

• he walked the AGR Building for 12 minutes. — 615 Whitestown, Rd.

• After the above visit Meridian Lanes Bowling Alley where data indicates he spent 97 minutes at the Bullseye Sports Bar & Kitchen.
—— “Bullseye” is interesting given Joe Biden’s recent “Putting Trump in the Bullseye” comment.

• Lastly, while Crooks was at “Bullseye” Sports Bar & Kitchen, there were two other devices that were located a meter away from crooks, for most of the 97 minutes he was there.
—— this indicates, possibly, he was meeting with two other people.


should release this data to verify these claims… which day exactly did this happen?
—— Tony, can you help answer some of these questions bud?
—— Meridian lanes in PA does not appear to have a Bullseye Sports Bar & Kitchen… there’s one in Idaho, bun not in PA, did he drive to Idaho?

• Using that info, Meridian Lanes, Bullseye Sports Bar & Kitchen needs to be checked to see if they have video of Crooks, and possibly who was near him.

• Crooks went inside AGR Corporate and inside the AGR Building… a little unusual. Especially the corporate one…
—— again, which day/time did this occur?
—— AGR should be checked to see if they have video of Crooks?
—— did he meet or speak with anyone?

Crooks comfort level in visiting both AGR sites, and flying drones over the fairgrounds freely the week ahead, is very unsettling… it suggests he wasn’t working alone and he had help to roam freely.

NBC highlighted Biden saying “Bullseye” just before Trumps Assassination Attempt

(update: bullseye kitchen serves the food and drinks)


Gateway Pundit researched the structure that Crooks might have used to get on the roof. It’s a Craftsman resin storage shed that they claim wouldn’t have supported his weight (the manual warns not to stand, sit, or store items on the roof).
There have been reports that Crooks used an AC unit to get onto the roof. Here’s a potential point of access in the rear of the AGR facility where it looks like one could use an AC unit to climb onto a (more substantial) storage shed and then onto the roof of the building. This looks feasible to me.


The huge psy ops both in number and kind that have been perpetrated on the American public have destroyed a lot of brains…four years of non stop LYING on the MSM…from the CDC, (masks covid cases safe and effective masks,etc what do you mean excess all cause mortality) CIA (laptop russian disinfo…pee tapes…djt is an existential threat to our kleptocracy…SORRY I MEANT DEMOCRACY.) , from all federal agencies… (border is secure, most secure election in history, .no inflation, jobs market great…no the whales arent dying from wind turbines, Maui fires were natural…yada yada yada).
I AM amazed we arent all drooling idiots by now. I know im coming close…and its gonna speed up until we are all zombies. And i don’t read the papers or watch TV …
Its not negligible what has been and is being done to us all…and i want the people at darpa or barda or wherever the hide exposed and punished. And every agency that had and used a backdoor to any social media platform shut down to the ground…along with the break up of the MSM the TNI and all the rest of the censorship industrial complex,
Its gonna take generations to clean out the Augean stable that used to be a constitutional republic…


More on Oliver Alexander, the ‘OSINT analyst’ who has descended in to ridicule of Chris’s theory on X.
Here he is presenting at ‘Stratcom 2022’ , whatever that is.
No further comment.


At least your looking at the other side of the site. I still think it’s a cross fire setup. This would explain the injured in both stands at opposing sides of the stage.


At the end of your broadcast, you were looking at the side of Crooks head,and comparing with his school photo… but here is a picture of him from the same angle, and it looks more like the one they showed of the shooter.
love the show!!


I’ll add possibility three, this whole thing is a faction war. Team Red is fighting Team Blue for the control and couldn’t give a monkey’s about the collateral damage inflicted upon the herd.


Great post Larry. To expand on your ideas a little - I noticed the term ‘enshitification’ has popped up recently. As far as I can tell it describes the decay of complex systems due to corruption. The article I read related to tech systems, but the general principle applies across the board of human endeavor- governance, health, social etc across the western world.

This tendency towards disorder seems to be one of the unforseen outcomes of policies forced on to the population. Apparently the elites want to control us with seamlessly coordinated CBDCs and social credit system - a tremendously accurate and precise undertaking. Well good luck with that!

So there we have it - corruption leads to corruption. Who would have ever thought it?

Edit. Snap! I have just been sent an article by Robert Malone on this very topic The Great Enshittening - by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Edit 2 - from Malones article


I think the 9th and final shot is not the CST taking out the shooter , but the shooter actually turning the rifle on himself . If you look at the aerial view , the body is well below the apex of the roof and the rifle is several feet to its left . If he was shot by USSS his body should be higher up on the roof with the rifle underneath him .
Also the damage we see in the death picture is not consistent with a large caliber ‘300’ round used by the CST .
There is also an article on the Gateway Pundit about an ER doc who says that she expected to see more blood , brains and bone from head shot like this .



At some point in your busy life, Chris, I would love to see a compact, concise summary of the evidence available, that I could give to non-red-pilled co workers.

With the words “the trump assassination story is deeply wrong.”



please watch Legally Armed America on YT. He has a great analysis of where the second shooter is located at.