Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

I have a question:

Apparently people were shorting Truth Social and Trump’s win on the betting markets. This indicates that SOMEONE wanted money, probably on the outside of the conspiracy who got greedy.

Any idea how to find out who? Because THAT gives one an idea of who was leaking this conspiracy to everyone.


Can you commit suicide with a 16" rifle?

The people who shorted the DJT stock were Austin Capital. It is a firm that represents the Cheney’s and the Bush’s.


Thanks Jennifer. I dispatched with the Yearick angle in the video that went with this post. Take a gander (it’s toward the end of the video) and tell me what you think.

To me it’s 99% positive that the dead guy on the roof is Crooks.

Ears that distinctive just don’t lie.


A skinny kid standing on the corner? Totally feasible. Heck, I’d give it a go.

Jumping up and down in the center of the ridge line? Maybe don’t do that.

But center weighting and side loading are two different things.

Also, this PA, so the roof has to at least hold snow loads, so that’s not nothing.


Interesting take.

I’m quite sure that a sniper positioned somewhere beyond Trump’s position on the stage shot toward Crook’s position.

My evidence is from lining up multiple audio files and making measurements.

Here’s the data:

There was a mic in the audience out front of trump by ~150 feet. It picked up nothing. That’s the top line. The blob at that point on the timeline is someone making noises about something. Not a bullet, not a boom.

The second audio set comes from an .AIFF mic feed that the Died Suddenly team graciously provided to me. It’s the highest possible quality recording we could hope for. That single sharp line at 17.31 is the sonic snap of the bullet traveling over the mic.

Weirdly, or perhaps not, there’s no corresponding “boom” of the gun. I am going to guess that their suppressors kick some serious ass. While I’m sure there’s some noise, I must have been close enough to have effectively carried with the bullet and its snap was so loud it drowned out what little was left of the boom?

The final audio feed is from the phone camera at the back of the event near the AGR building (the same one that captured 3x and 5x shots). That 'snap!" of the bullet arriving is 0.227 seconds after the sonic crack…so a perfect alignment for a sniper shooting from 601 feet away if they are using a 168-grain HPBT bullet (pretty std I would think?) leaving the barrel at 2650 fps.

That’s 200 yards and fits quite nicely, give or take, with the second sniper team on the rightmost red building (not the team we all saw scoping and flinching).


My understanding of that is that he DOES have his own people, but they’re largely secret service. It’s just that they all got pulled away by “coincidence.”

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I would agree, BUT there’s another angle in. Who showed pre-knowledge of the shooting?

For example:

  1. Someone shorting Trump’s electoral chances in the betting market.
  2. Someone shorting Truth Social.
  3. Someone like Mike Pompeo saying hey, I’m going to be VP before the convention. Since he was NEVER on the short list according to Robert Barnes, how would he think that? Because he was sure TRUMP wasn’t going to be doing the picking!

But the first two are going to be interesting. Someone who knows and is a core conspirator is likely wealthy enough not to care about the money, so if they do this it’s a braggadocio move. Someone who’s outside the core but caught a leak might actually do it for money or for the same braggadocious reasons.

But if you catch a group of associated people doing it, say staffers of:
Lindsey Graham
and so on, you can map out who knew and what was being leaked.

If you can map it to staffers of someone like Nikki Haley, you know she knew and was up to her warmongering neck in it.

And one wonders if Eyepatch McCain or his intimates did some wandering into those markets as well…


I think Chris’ sound analysis of shot’s 6 and 7 is better. If you swap the assignment of reports you find shot 7 has a crack report delay of 0.22 seconds like the first 5, and only shot 6 is a different distance.

Having said that, on the sound recording near the building, it appears that shots 4-7 all came from the same source…still leaves open the question of what happened to the report from shot 6, but I think the analysis that has shots 6 and 7 both being different distances from all the other shots doesn’t pass the Occam’s Razor test without further evidence.

Also, I think the shot at 15.8 seconds is not the shot that killed Crooks. There is a shot just after shots 4-7 (you can hear it in the second recording) that sounds completely different, and I think it is telling that not more shots towards Trump were heard after that.

AR15 magazines tend to have at least 10 rounds, so if someone was firing wildly at the crowd you would think they would empty their magazine. Crooks shot at most 7 bullets, not 10. Those missing rounds are a dog that didn’t bark.


Slightly off topic but has anyone else seen the footage of someone on the water tower? I saw it on Redacted a couple hours ago.

Yes , the last shot is very different then all the other shots . If the SS team shot more then one shot , they should match .
The anomaly I’m seeing is that the shooter was in a prone position and would remain in the exact place where he was shot . That place we see is below the roof line . The counter snipers couldn’t have shot him .
The rifle ending up roughly 5 feet to his left is also puzzling . It should be underneath him on his right side . With a head shot like that there would be no involuntary spasms , none that would account for throwing a rifle from his right side several feet to the left . (Crap , It just occurred to me , was he left-handed?)Now , I have to find that out.


Maybe one of the first officers on the roof moved the weapon away from Crooks, because, you know- Zombies…


This youtube video shows that there were as much as 44 different shooters. The assassin was not the only shooter


Proof that shots were fired from 4 different distances at Trump rally


The roof is not so light weight. The roof must be able to support the weight of a couple of feet of ice and snow, likewise the ceiling would be insulated.


Here is a thread on showing where that first picture of crooks was taken from, that it was taken by a law enforcement sniper, and that the photo gives evidence that there was an operation plan to have snipers in the 2nd story windows of the building right behind Crooks that would look straight down onto where he was shooting from!!!


One of my core friends for ~40 years is a retired Green Barret and Ranger Battalion guy who, after honorable discharge, worked with Black Water and DOD on dangerous intelligence operations in Afghanistan. His specialties were small arms and explosives, not snipping, but of course he knows a lot (and was shot at plenty). He also bought out a retiring gun dealer. He also dealt high-end art for years–-smart guy. He never indicated political allegiance (again, smart), but I know he’s a patriot. I’ll ask him if we would volunteer time to consult with Chris and the PP team.


Where are the “Crime Scene Photographs” of the Shooter, the Rifle, the spent casings, the ammunition used, bullets still in the magazine, the view from the exact position and line of sight from where the alleged shots were fired, etc.? Who were the people on the bleachers where at least one of the event’s attendees was shot and the puff of a bullet can be seen striking a railing? Does the Secret Service let just anybody, first come first served, sit so close to a former, and soon to be next President of the USA? Where’s all that facial recognition and biometric tech when it should be used? National Security requires that We-The-People must be secure in the knowledge that factions within OUR GOVERNMENT are not responsible, so why have these questions not been addressed? Why aren’t arrests for Obstruction Of Justice being made for anyone, and everyone, censoring this information crucial to the public’s interest? Everybody call their Congressman and demand answers. If they say “Ongoing Investigation, National Security, Policy…” let them know what your policy is, that you are going to do your job as a citizen and do everything possible to make sure they have no job security by telling all your friends and everybody that will listen, to vote against them. Call, fax, email and snail-mail everybody that you can think of that sup[ports them. Somebody died and three people were shot via negligence, (at minimum) it’s criminal, and arrests need to be made now. Every policeman/law enforcement person and every person in command should be known by the public already.


Maxwell Yearick has/had two weird bumps on the helix of his right ear too. The van that Fox news reported as being owned by Crooks had Arizona plates on it They also reported Crooks owning a white Hyundai Sonata at the rally. Why would a 20 year old local kid own 2 vehicles and one with Arizona plates? Doesn’t add up.

Link to article mentioning Sonata

Facebook link to Fox News interview of homeowner about white van in front of his house:

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Hello everyone, I’m just reiterating some plausible theories and what it would take for me to be convinced of any of them.

  1. No conspiracy: again just another random solo want to be assassin and pure security incompetence.
    a) Evidence: simple explanation
    b) Proof: Just extraordinary hard to prove
    c) My judgment: Not sure if it’s could ever be reasonably proven or I could ever be convinced.
  2. Political conspiracy: The white house and government influences choose to be stingy with Secrete Service assists. They reduce access, budget and time for use to political opponents with or with out notification. Use of top Secrete Service agents is replace by less skilled security agents in other departments and/or cooperation with other agencies with hope or possible motivating would be assassins
    a) Evidence:
    1) despite consistent above 10% pooling J. F. Kennedy Jr. had not received Secrete Service Protection before the assignation attempt.
    2) Extraordinary incompetence and lack of actual Secrete Service agents.
    3) Major hatred of Trump and willingness to file ‘novel legal theory’ trials to convict him and remove him from ballets.
    b) Proof:
    1) proof would require showing previous events for former president Trump’s rallies also had
    inadequate protection.
    2) lack of evidence for a second shooter.
    c) My judgment: currently I believe this to be the most probable at this time.
  3. Second shooter conspiracies: Crooks was just a patsy and there was a second gunman with experience. Was a conspiracy that also involved actors higher in the government to coordinate the security incompetence, recruitment of Crooks and a actual assassin that just missed to luck as Trump
    a) Evidence:
    1) Recorded sound inconsistencies for only two guns, Crooks and the Secrete Service Sniper
    2) Some evidence of possible grooming with Crooks
    3) Extraordinary incompetence and poor press releases
    4) Hatred of Trump within CIA, FBI and Military organizations
    b) Proof:
    1) require either laser shot angle analysis at crime scene by third party or requires a very accurate
    3d model of scene with good enough video to mark shot impacts and must show that at least one of first three shots was from a low elevation and at least one of the next 5 at a higher elevation. The reverse has the problem that Trump was already down after the first three shot and assuming only a patsy would fire after that.
    c) My judgment: Possible but less likely because it requires more people in a conspiracy and with
    out much plausible deniability.

Join the Elite Sloped Roof Division: Secret Service Recruitment Video


Been a fan of Robert Malone since the 'rona nightmare.

I also read the two links in his enshiitification piece regarding the “loud banging incident” where “Trump fell on the stage.”
Both were excellent. Thanks for the link to Malone’s piece. I had that notification in my email but hadn’t seen it until after you replied to me.
I’m glad there are several analyzers like Chris and the two links in Malone’s substack.
Aprapos of nothing, I now believe the '83 Marine barracks explosion was done on purpose, known by Rumsfeld (special envoy to Beirut at the time) because of the past few decades of government involved shit shows. Couldn’t keep the evidence as to why but from what I read in classified message traffic back then and what I saw many times of the destroyed barracks, I come to no other conclusion now. Been doubting myself for decades about obvious things I didn’t want to believe.
Thanks again for the Malone substack piece.