Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

Do we have any footage of Crooks firing the weapon?


I have not seen any video of Crooks firing the weapon. I would be shocked if at least one video did not exist. There were many people recording the rally with cell phones.


This is something that confuses me as well. We have a lot of citizen footage of him or people around him that were trying to get LEO attention up to about 10 seconds before he shoots, but none of him actually shooting. There’s a lot of people that were aware of him and was warning law enforcement, after all. Hard to imagine there wasn’t at least one who kept recording all the way up to the moment.


Jeff Ostroff on YouTube seems to have many additional videos from on the ground cellphones that should be of interst to you. I hope you can collaborate resources with him.
He also has access to a person with incredible 3D animation that he previously used for his reports on the disastrous dive to the Titanic that imploded. Having that 3D animator work with you once your group works out the timing distances and the elevations of victims should depict a clearer picture of what happened.


That is a good lead. Can you post it in one of the threads for data collection?

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He postulates a second line of sight - Crooks was 80 feet from the open window in the building SS were stationed. They do not analyze the other ends of the lines - i.e., where the bystanders were hit. This is no JFK conspiracy. This is so obvious it is laughable. As Andy Scheckman says: This is too stupid to be stupid.

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I’m less convinced about Cullen’s analysis.

He’s forgetting about parallax, and one cannot simply rely on a single angle/photo to figure anything out.


In the angle taken on the left of the above image, the tree is clearly on the right side of the mountain. It would be impossible to shoot a bullet, graze the right side of the tree, and hit the mountain.

In the second angle, one would come to the exact opposite conclusion.

So, knowing that even this one photo could be as misleading as Cullen’s, here’s an angle that says it’s entirely possible (at least to my eye) to shoot his right ear:

The truth won’t be pulled from such photos. In fact, all angles drawn on photos and trajectories are suspect and in my firm “yellow” category until confirmed or unless they all agree that, say, there’s something in the way of the shot, like a jumbotron or something.


With respect to the hair, consider that earlier picture of him shows a very close to the ear near-side part, so the hair from the entire top of his head would be in addition to that quantity on the opposite side as in the picture from the shooter on the roof.


Here’s an argument for Occam’s razor but he completely leaves out the requirement to get Trump off the stage for the three minutes of knowing a guy with a gun is on the roof. Still very good information.


I am no firearm expert, but as far as I know snipers do not shoot at a rapid pace. The reason I am saying this is that the audio track clearly indicates the first 3 shots were taken at a slower pace, white the 4 or 5 ones that followed were done at a very rapid rate, I don t own a rifle, I am not a firearm guy, but as far as I know when you pull the trigger repeatedly and fast, that is not good for precision shooting…my point being the first 3 shots at a slower pace sound like a professional sniper, while the following shots sound like an amateur pulling the trigger as fast as he can, as Crooks would…


Yes they would need the on scene paramedics and half the ER staff in on it. No way.


Just watched this: More Occam’s razor but very credible. He ignored something though: probably forgot, about snipers and other SS having 3 minutes to get Trump off the dais.


Oliver Alexander mentions that some gun audio expert ( Robert C Maher ) hired by the New York Times concluded there was only one rifle… …then last evening ( Saturday July 20th ) The feds admitted there was another counter sniper who also shot Crooks… …So either that Robert C Maher is very incompetent , or he was lying to help hide the evidence( or was bribed to lie ) … … I repeat, the feds last evening admitted a second counter sniper shot Crooks on top of the first sniper…Experts who say the audio does not indicate more than one rifle are either lying or are mbecles


Hi Chris, you do a fantastic job but as an English citizen I would caution you about believing ANYTHING published by the BBC. They are evil scumbags and there is a strong possibility that the BBC report you are using has lots of deliberate false statements to confuse and deflect from the truth. Sorry to have to say that, but I appreciate all the hard work you do to keep us informed


There is another perspective which Catherine Austin Fitz and John Titus present, which I find very compelling. It is definitely worth taking a look at their analysis and compilation of videos from the event.

I am not sure if nonsubscribers can access this, but if your team reached out to them perhaps they would share with your team on behalf of your citizen’s invistigation. For others, The Solari Report is worth it’s subscription price. I get a lot out of both PP and Solari.


These kinds of roofs generally creek when someone walks across them. They are not that thick.

I’ve been in plenty of barns like that with people working on the roof. They are not made to be so sturdy that they do not move when you walk across them.


Doors on metal buildings are usually 7’0”. 6’8” is residential……this is commercial. Also your roof ridge is probably 2” above the plane of the metal roof.
Hope this helps to be the most accurate possible.

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Yes, it’s subscribers only. If you have time, could you briefly summarize? Thanks


There will not be any evidentiary ballistics analysis. The named suspect is dead, so there cannot be a trial. Therefore there is no reason for any type of ballistics analysis because there will simply be a report issued at some point which will be the official version of events and that’s that.


A standard AR platform 5.56/.223 16" to 18" barrel. The platform has two takedown pins that divide allow for cleaning and separate the upper from the lower. Front pin allows the barrel for pivot forward to remove the BCG (Bolt Carrier Group) and clean. The read pin remove divides the rifle into two sections. IF he had a backpack, those two pieces are easily hidden in teh pack (divided) and takes 30-45 seconds to reassemble once removed from the pack. Sight/optic is on the Upper … and stays zeroed for reassembly. as an aside it also allows lowers to be swapped in teh same timeframes… that woudl mean different barrels and possibly calibers… .300 blackout (.30 cal similar to 7.62x39 AK round but 7.62x35 in length) is an obvious choice since it uses same lower and magazines and is an consistent 300 - 400 yard shooter. Anyway it has a .30 cal audio signature, rather the higher pitched one of the 5.56. It is slower at about 1900 fps slowing to about 1400 fps at 400 yards. Bullet weight is from 78 gr to 220 gr … lighter the bullet the faster it goes… average is about 125 gr… vs teh 5.56 at 55gr to 72… standard federal being 55 gr @3100fps… 62 gr is usually a green tip AP round… over that is custom or exotic like black hills. The “Youve got the wrong guy” video by crooks has good hair BTW… full frontal and close … looks like a heavier face. Maybe they removed it since I can’t find the link now. Iff the officer dropped down and could not use his service weapon on the bad guy… all he had to do was unholster his side arm and do a mag dump in the air … just incompetent.