Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

Mongothepawn–I’m 5 minutes into this video.

I think it’s good and a bit entertaining at least for me.


The thing about the BBC is that they are awful about brit news but they are pretty balanced for USA and Canada.


Brandon almost won the primary against the Rhino that currently represents the Texas 23. He came within a few hundred votes of winning.


I read that both parents are behavior therapists. I don’t know what to do with that information. And I hope I’m remembering correctly in the deluge of information.


Would the R15 round have enough energy to pierce the steel hydraulic speaker hoist at 200 yrds? If solid steel tip maybe, but not soft / copper tip?


I think it was to use the tree as cover from the SS snipers. Why else would he be on the furthest side of the roof and closer to his target?

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The medical report indicates a 2cm (0.8 inch) injury to DJT’ ear, a 0.556 caliber would cause minimal injury to the top of the ear as is discussed and tested by many ballistic experts currently. So it makes me wonder… would a small explosive device e.g. a remote detonated bullet shell primer installed in the lining of DJT’s red cap not cause such injury? Therefore no need for bullets flying by his head… ps, i would love to foresically analyse the famous photo of the projectile passing his head…
And on that note, doesnt the réd blood look a little bit too red, blood normally has a bit of a darker reddish colour.


It seems the shooter had a hair wash&blow just before his daring bearcrawl vs the SS photo of Crooks minutes before the chaos seems he didn’t visit the same hair salon.


The “bear crawling” individual on the roof also appears larger in body shape than the SS photo of skinny Crooks.


I have read all of your posts in the last half hour or so. I am not following any of it. Why would Trump put a primer in his hat for the purpose of getting shot?

The AR-15 used by Crooks at best would have been good for 1 MOA (minute of angle) precision. The people that say this shooting was staged are fools. There is no way that any rational person would ever accept the risk of being shot at with an AR-15 at 130 yards for the purpose of scoring political points.

If the bullet is somewhat intact but tumbling to the hydraulic hose after hitting an ear, I see no reason why that bullet would be unable to cause the hose to rupture.


This video acquired by TMZ appears to have the sh00ter in view during two of the three sh0ts fired in the first round of gunfire. Someone that does video analysis could break it down, but i don’t see any muzzle jump or recoil.

I wonder if we can get the raw video. The stuff posted by TMZ has been edited.

You would be surprised how little recoil the AR-15 chambered in 5.56x45 has. In the hands of a trained person, you would see little to no muzzle movement while it is being fired.


Here is some big picture context from Whitney Webb on the week’s events. I’m not even all the way through the interview but it explores the connection between JD Vance, Palantir, Peter Thiel, and CBDCs. The piece that’s especially pertinent to this conversation is how this event can be used to manufacture consent. They are much more deeply informed than I am as a casual observer!

Here’s a gadfly take. Obviously, this situation was an inside job. Multiple shooters seems clear. But did it come from the left or the right; the deep state, or WEF??? I think that’s worth exploring.

Honestly, the “security failure” of this event is SO conspicuous, I wonder if it was intended to be understood as intentional by both sides? They’ve been trying to pit Americans against each other for years to incite civil war. (See also: Police shootings, Jan 6). We’re all plugged into our algorithmic silos. So they infuriate the left by calling it “staged” and infuriate the right by saying the left tried to assassinate Trump. Everybody is angry.

Don’t get me wrong - Dems have every motive to kill Trump and they were unabashedly disappointed when the bullet missed. At first blush, it’s an obvious conclusion. The ENTIRE news cycle before the assassination was about how much Biden sucks. But he’s out anyway.

Here’s the question that gets me: why did they stop shooting? With that many shooters, I find it hard to believe that they missed and just stopped shooting. That doesn’t make any sense. They would have kept firing if they were serious. Especially with the folks on stage fumbling like idiots.

The more I think about it, the more it seems like it all played out exactly as planned.

So people in left social media channels are being told it was staged.

Meanwhile, people on the right are righteously outraged at Trump being targeted (understandably).

…But Trump is a reality TV star. And that shit was definitely a made for TV movie quality performance. DHS took over security that day and they’re full of Trump supporters. I would not put it past them for one second to fire live rounds at the crowd and hand Trump a ketchup packet for his ear. Another commenter has already pointed out that the martyr in the stands was shot by a bullet whose trajectory was coming from the snipers on the barn. And they can say they took Trump to the hospital but I haven’t seen any real detail on that. Wouldn’t hang my hat on that.

I’m open to being wrong! Chris, I appreciate you taking the time to dig into the facts and the details I don’t have time to dig up. Appreciate the conversation here too! This community is one of the first places I turned to for info when this happened.

…It will be interesting to see what the Dems do next with Biden out of the race. .

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I thought about that too. Take weapon down to what fits easily in a backpack. I am bothered by the “You’ve got the wrong guy”, and this description of Thomas is different than what I’ve read previously. Mystery surrounding Thomas Crooks, the Bethel Park man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump, deepens | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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That TMZ video seems pretty worthless to me.

I own ARs and know they don’t kick like a 12 gauge. I don’t even see his hair move or any brass eject, but the video is zoomed in and grainy.

That’s the only video i have found. I have been searching for anything better, but to no avail.

I’m with you on this. I spent WaaaaaAAAaaay too much time today trying to resolve all the possible combinations to find one that made sense.

It’s pretty much this with a couple of down-the-range anomalies to address.


plus changed from shorts to long pants

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I did not see the shooter shooting. I missed it.