Defeat the Mandates March on D.C.

Hey zekard, christinemg, and dreinmund- I was at the March as well, but I also had a hard time spotting others from PP. I’m sorry I missed you! I had my “Let Doctors Be Doctors” FLCCC shirt on…under a sweatshirt and winter coat! So that didn’t help!
I walked around the Washington Monument for an hour or so before the March, checking out music and signs, and talking with people. If you happened to see a woman there with a small sign saying “Save Freedom for our Children!”, That was me!


Because the present “Pope” is a globalist shill. I say this as a Catholic. The chair of St. Peter is empty in my opinion. There are some archbishops who are true to the faith but you have to seek out their writings. This is my only thought on matters of religion since that topic is usually not covered here.

  1. Money and time off from work. Its easier and cheaper to go to DC for a rally in you live in the area. For some of us it would cost much more and require taking vacation days.
  2. people see what happened to the jan 6 protestors and figure the odds of a false flag were high and they were not willing to risk it.
  3. acting locally instead of nationally. A bunch of us our working with our state politicians to secure favorable state legislation, renting billboards and attending local events. It is much more likely that we can get things accomplished at a local and state level in many areas. I was at an event with my governor a couple months ago. I have been in contact with my state senators and state congressman to get legislation pushed through. Some of us believe that working this way helps more than waving a sign in DC. To each their own. You have to do what you are comfortable doing.

when he backed out…. I had mixed emotions. He has been a huge influence and inspiration to me over these last few years, and I was so pumped that he was going to be there (I can say the same for Chris, and obviously understand since he tested positive that he couldn’t make it… still bummed though).
But with Brett, I first felt like it was a little cowardly, then was disappointed in myself for thinking that since he’s done so much and put so much on the line already, and his thinking that this was going to be massive and possibly could get out of hand, maybe justified his retracting from being there… but after spending the day in DC with my sister and meeting people and seeing how peaceful and united everyone was I went back to being disappointed in his lack of presence…
I’m not sure how much it would’ve changed anything with the crowd size, but maybe he could have drawn more people with his attendance, and his hesitation and speculation of this “massive uncontrollable situation with a high likelihood of bad actors” may have even deterred other people from showing up. Idk…
I was glad to be there, it was a great event, but definitely left feeling like this was such an important thing to get behind and the numbers just weren’t what I was expecting.


I’m sure more than 10,000 people in that part of the US feel passionate about it. The poor turnout was probably from lack of awareness and promotion.
For some reason Canada and the US have poor turnouts, I don’t think it’s because people don’t care, it’s because 1) they are shut out from these circles due to censorship, and 2) they just aren’t aware of the events. Also I think we are a little bit more comfortable couch potatoes here. We think that we are owed freedom and democracy and it should be delivered to us on a silver patter. I’m sure we’ll eventually wake up but will it be too late by then?


I watched from home from 11:30 to 1:30 when I had to sign off. I was GREATLY encouraged by what I saw and heard. Sincere thanks to all who gave of their time, energy and heart!


Unlikely given the paralysed condition of travel these days. The rally got small publicity here; and I doubt we’ll get much more in the aftermath, except to denigrate it.
While there’s a large and increasing level of unhappiness with the way the pandemic has been handled here — the PM is copping a LOT of stick from the MSM — I really don’t know if a large-scale resistance movement will emerge locally. Rather, what happens in the US will to a great extent determine what happens here. For instance, if New Hampshire re-permits the prescribing and dispensing of the medication-that-shall-not-be named, that should count for a lot.
Please keep up the good work, USA. We need you. We don’t seem to have a mind of our own.


Comparing it to Nascar or Football turnouts is indeed a depressing way to look at it. But comparing it to European turnouts is not really fair either because in at least some of those nations mass demonstrations is just what they do on the weekend.
I remembered this when people were getting all excited about what was going on in France a few months back. It looked so big. So powerful. So undeniable…
And now the French live under vaccine mandates…
This event today will inspire people to say, “yeah, I don’t really agree either” or, “yeah, this does feel like its gone on long enough and its time to go back to normal now”.
Not every place will. For some, Covid really does mark the turning point towards authoritarianism. Towards people saying, “you know what? I’m sick to DEATH of having responsibility for my own life. Can’t someone else takeover?”
But not everywhere.
And those places that pull out of the dive we’ve been in are going to be like North America during the days when the best/brightest and most individualistic of immigrants came rushing in from lands that didn’t know how to value them.
I read something Malone sent out on his substack today and had that “tide is turning” feeling that others here have. More and more people are gonna start hearing these messages.
This isn’t the end, its the beginning


Geez, not a surprise to me. Just look at the history with the Catholic Pope and the politicians. They used each other to control their people. I was a Catholic too, no more. Just like the current narrative isn’t about our health, the Catholic church isn’t about doing what’s right. All the traditions in the church…compare to the new tradition of masks. Sorry, I understand the frustration. However your question just struck a cord in me.


We had 2000+ in Albany on 1/5 so 15K in DC does seem small. There is momentum to build. BTW, My daughter read coverage from CNN and WaPo out loud to me as we watched the livestream. CNN was surprisingly balanced and fair. The WaPo article was allegedly news, not opinion, but the entire first few paragraphs set the stage with highly opinionated propaganda, and reporting on “misinformation” as if there is some sort of consensus on what is misinformation.
However, there is a silver lining. In this WaPo piece and another actual opinion piece yesterday (the one Chris linked to in his twitter stream), they included a very clear statement that the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection and transmission before going on to tout the reductions in hospitalization and death. Each article essentially included a statement about infection and transmission that was entirely sufficient as a standalone proof that mandates serve no useful purpose. Thankyou WaPo!


Seriously? Though I’m disappointed, not a surprise. It sux

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I’m pretty sure that some people likely did not show because of Bret Weinstein backing out. Between his YT post with Chris and the one he did Friday night with Heather, I was disappointed. I appreciate his intellect and all, but his lack of valor was stunning. Maybe it was contagious.


My wife and I flew from Colorado to be here. I knew I’d regret it for the rest of my life if we didn’t. It was amazing. All my heroes were there! Kory, Marek, Kennedy and others. Except Chris of course! We missed you. Quotes from religious leaders and others were two numerous to remember
Gonna sit down with my family when we get back home (my Brother works for Merck)


I can assure you that the average European has a lot more reason to show up at a Vax Mandate protest than any American.
My son is married to a Belgian woman and took his wife and two daughters from the US to Belgium to visit the kid’s grandparents for Christmas.
While there, he reported: “The state of fear is high in Belgium. QR code sentries are in full effect to enter outdoor Christmas markets!! I don’t think Jesus would approve.”
I asked him if they were inspecting paper passes or scanning QR codes. He said ‘scanning’ and noted that cell phones have become the de-facto ID card.
At the end of the trip he said he had forked over $800 for Covid tests and lost at least 20 man hours because of covid related delays on airline and train travel in Europe. He said there were huge fines for falsifying documents plus an effective system for tracking testing to QR.
This is a level of oppression which is unknown in the US. Small wonder the Europeans are out in the streets en-masse.


It’s great that you made this long trip just to attend.
I felt the same as you did - I knew I had to be there, and that I would regret it. I asked myself - what would I tell my hypothetical grand-children in 30 years what I had done to stop the madness ?
Well, at least I can say I took a (small) stand.


“ This event today will inspire people to say, “yeah, I don’t really agree either” or, “yeah, this does feel like its gone on long enough and its time to go back to normal now”.
Walking back to my truck my sister and I were basically saying this same thing…. Hopefully more people will see this and realize they are not alone in how they feel and that there are others willing to stand up with them.


Bret has shown his gonads numerous times and continues exposing himself to ridicule by promoting truth. Like yourself, I would have been disappointed if I traveled to DC without him, but who am I to judge what he’s currently got on his plate. And honestly, I wouldn’t go to DC based on just one personality…the cause was HUGE and the other speakers outstanding! But…that’s just me



I can excuse their ignorance at the onset of this “pandemic”. We had so little data, only pictures of dead people on the streets in China. Many actual Christians (not the main liners) did pray for a vaccine to alleviate the suffering and death we saw in Italy . We were told there would be massive death worldwide. It’s not wrong to pray for what one perceives as good. It become wrong and foolish to continue to do so in the face of damning evidence to the contrary.


I watched the whole event live from the CHD feed. It was a very well done event with great speakers. I enjoyed the whole presentation and felt inspired by the unity expressed by a diverse group of people.
I think the fear of reprisal is real and kept some people away. Lack of awareness kept others from knowing about it. Cold weather probably didn’t help, either. A lot of places had poor weather conditions on would-be travel days before the event. Us southerners aren’t used to driving in any ice or snow!
As others have said, comparison to Europe isn’t reasonable in many ways. Geographically, there are more people in smaller areas that make larger protests easier. And, as others have noted, protests/strikes are a way of life in some countries (for example, France).
I has no particular expectations for the event, so I enjoyed watching the feed and was excited to see that people did show up. The first trucker blockade attempt in Canada a while back only had one truck. Now their convoy is actually making the news.