Defeat the Mandates March on D.C.

Was there today with a friend who’s a retired NYPD lieutenant. Worked lots of events over the years and is pretty good at this kind of thing. She put the crowd size at 10,000.
As I’ve stated previously, I’m an old lefty so I’ve attended my fair share of protests. This one was generally well behaved. The biggest pains in the ass were some rather over the top “religious” nuts who used a bullhorn to spew some (mostly homophobic) nonsense including during the speakers’ addresses. Bullhorn man had a couple of male accomplices and they were followed at a subservient distance by some women who were dressed in long skirts. Quite cult-like creepy actually.
All protests are magnets for whackos and this was no exception but probably no more than one might expect.
Must admit, we were daytrippers so we left after Dr. Malone. It was getting very overcast and it got cold standing around. Was sorry not to stay to hear RFK Jr., but knew he’d be scheduled last since I’d imagine he’s a big draw and certainly has name recognition.


Fox news estimate.


I agree with your statement, as far as the extreme overreach goes in the US(apart from certain states) it has been no where near what has been seen in Europe, Australia, most provinces in Canada. TPTB in the US are excellent mouthpieces, but they are more bark than bite. I think they would have an extreme problem trying to enforce the types of non stop lockdowns like they have in other western nations. Americans have freedom built into their DNA, so when/if they actually try to enforce this bullshit across the entire USA, you will see the American Public rise up mightily. But until that happens it will be largely ignored, the simple statistic of 62 percent fully vaxed and only 30 percent boosted tells it all. The vast majority are no longer buying this shit, but until they get the stick out, not much will happen. And the way the narrative is breaking, hopefully never. I’m just scared of the next tactic they will take, who the hell knows what that will be. I’m in Canada and I’m praying our Freedom Convoy for next Saturday in Ottawa is everything and more than they are making it out be. We need to bring them to their knees and end this. Hoping for the best, planning for the worst….


I’m admittedly not a great photographer.


It was so cool to be at this event!!! Although turnout could have been better, there were thousands there. The FLCCC docs, and all the other speakers did a great job. RFK, Jr. spoke from the heart, as did all of the others, and hopefully we are heard. This is just the beginning. We (the informed, the read, the bold and the brave) must spread the truthful information, converse with everyone and anyone who will listen. Silence gets us all hung. Communicating to our elected office holders that we expect them to uphold the constitution, be moral, be just, and be truthful lets them know how many we are. Talk this up everywhere in your lives. So great to be there today and see Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Petere McCullough, Robert Malone, RFK, Jr., and all of our beautiful people supporting these brave doctors and causes! Peace, Love, Rock and Roll!!


I’m just being as honest as I can be based on his stated reason not to go. I know he is a hero, has sacrificed, and has influenced a lot of people. However, I know others who also felt let down. I was an hour outside of DC after driving 1100 miles when I heard about it and was disappointed based on his stated reason. His concern about wanting to be able to tell the story if bad things happened did not sit well. I was still impressed with everyone else there and the event (almost overwhelmingly so).


The fellow with the QR code sign gives me a wonderful Idea,
We have to scan to sign in everywhere, right?



brett punked out pure and simple. his excuse was pretty lame.
i can imagine the man who stood on those steps saying " hey ralph i’m gonna stay in the hotel today you and jesse take it and let me know how it goes. there might be some trouble and i wanna monitor it from a safe place" or at the bridge in selma where he prayed and then turned around as symbolic gesture.
i marched in civil rights demonstrations in the 60’s i marched in anti war demonstrations in the 60’s, in the 90’s and 2000’s i didn’t give a damn about what the opposition would do. i was ready to die on this hill.
brett is an academic (liberal ) at heart. he still thinks the system can be reformed.
he is not someone i would follow into battle.
he will regret his decision the rest of his life.
the real heroes showed up.
btw he sits behind a desk. can’t see gonads.


I was inspired by the many speeches and do agree that many people wanting to attend didn’t make the final push to join for likely several reasons. I believe part of the challenge is distance. The US is a massive country and if we really want to get people together to have our voices heard, we need REGIONAL events that will make it more feasible as well as logical to get people from similar parts of the country connected and raise the probably of attendance. It also helps in developing parallel structures at a more community local level giving them higher probability of success. Hoping that this aligns with Chris’s goals for 2022 and that we can start some of this discussion at the virtual event next weekend. don’t lose HOPE…


Leaders need to lead. He is indicative of why others did not come. There is fear in the country stoked by the media based on the last year that kept some people away. I let go of some today.


I support these protests but there was no way I was walking into the hornets nest that is DC. We’re lucky the turnout was small or they would have turned this into a Jan 6th part two. I think these events need to be distributed. 1000 people in front of the local court house in 10 middle sized cities on the same day makes a bigger impact than 15,000 in DC. I think the most important thing any of us can do is talk to our local sheriffs about mandates and creaping authoritarianism. Ask them how they will manage it if they are asked to come remove your family to a detention center? Ask them how they would like it handled if it were their family. We need to make people see how slippery the slope is that we’re on.


Fox covered it:



Thanks for posting that. I knew I’d love to have heard him. I’m part way through his book on Fauci but there’s still nothing like the spoken word.
Favorite quote, “fascism is a merger of state and corporate power … what we’re seeing today is turn-key totalitarianism.” Amen!


I think an obvious reason for the small crowd is due to the size of this country.
I personally was planning on going, but with a 10hr drive one way, along with the fact that I have a family with two little ones, my wife and I having side hustles, and a farm with animals. It makes it damn near impossible to get away. This is one of the major flaws in any governance system; the power elite spend all of their days working towards expanding their influence and power, while all the peasants grind away. We don’t have time to deal with their overreach, which is why people always let it creep further and further along towards totalitarianism. The peasants just deal with it, because they have to and nothing changes until the power elite break the system. Which, with the Fed Res’ current actions, we may be getting close to that point.
Anyway, super happy to see the large crowds around the world, but really disappointed about the US turnout. I know a lot of people that support the cause of today’s march, but 99% didn’t know about the protest and the two I asked to go with me had their own life circumstances “getting in the way”.


Apologies for the upload quality, but glad we could join with others today!


I think the problem is that the unelected planners at the top of the international corporate financial technocratic structure, who de facto own elected officials, do not care what the lowly citizen voters think. Actually, a majority of the populace go along with the propaganda that they are fed and for the most part agree with them. In this kind of reality, no marches or protests will have any effect. Especially ones that are permitted, scheduled, and that have strictly adhered to timeframes.
Being required to, and going along with the process of getting permits for protests against government tyranny and overreach is actually pretty hilarious in a very dark depressing ironic kind of way. And very exemplary of both how bad things really are, and how as a people, things aren’t yet bad enough for them to care.


He invoked those fleeing from past totalitarian / oppressive regimes, to show the difference between a time when electronic tracking was impossible. To talk about the line that digital IDs cross in these corrupt times. There was no disrespect of Jews or Anne Frank or anything remotely like that. They were mentioned but not in the way the media is saying. If anything he was inviting us to think how even more horrific the Holocaust would have been if there were QR codes then.
The media’s eagerness to insult, not engage …


Ok Sinners. Take Heart. Is it time to change with the data?
The hypotheses informing the expectation and measurement to count turnout seems to have had low significance. As the Saturday talk with Brett intimated, if we are the species that can look forward evolutionarily, then I propose not judging by the metrics of public relations. If the resource problem is going to overtake us all, perhaps there are other methods of engaging the public while factoring C19.
Dr. Desmet was clear that a meaningless ritual seemingly made the anxiety go away. Any “protest” seems to become a meaningless ritual because the cause/effect relationship which is discussed are statistics: “attendance”, “mostly riot”, “mostly peaceful”, “speakers”, “media coverage”, etc. And leaves the multiplicity of cause/effect relationships a group could try unexplored.
Piling on this or that explanation for a failure to address an anxiety just replaces which anxiety is addressed and tempts the groupthink to appear.
Although I might have speculations for my own actions in my community, it is more important to me to get the above caution out there. The challenges with hypothesis testing when using more than two hypotheses while having no underlying model for comparing the hypotheses are brutal. So I am respectful of that problem by i) keeping my speculations to myself at this time and ii) remarking the above caution that protest is a collective of observer-bias.