Defeat the Mandates March on D.C.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Seen it estimated that, over time, not more than 12% of the American populace fought the British in the American Revolution.
We Shall Prevail! Aloha, Steve.


I really think the main reason the crowd was smaller than we had all hoped was due to the weather. Most people cannot handle standing outside that long with the temperature so low.
I thought Weinstein made a very good point about why he chose not to attend. Someone needed to be the back-up witness to the organizational meetings that were behind the march. It was a good legal strategy and only looks unnecessary now that we know how things went. It was a wise safeguard.


Saw you, but didn’t know it was us!

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We weren’t sure what to expect coming out to DC. Fears of a January 6 repeat (or a similar media response) almost scared us out of it. I imagine this kind of thinking was likely reflected in the crowd size at scale. But I was compelled. If not us, then who? If everybody collectively thinks that way, then nothing happens. We have to act now because if we wait, we may not get an opportunity later. The energy of the gathering was incredible. Although I too am disappointed with the crowd size, I am impressed by the diversity of the crowd. I met medical professionals, college professors, and people from every walk of life representing every race, creed, and demographic imaginable. Having recently been successful in securing my own religious exemption and successfully helping others in my circle, I wanted to share the fruits of my research with as many people as possible. I put together some documents outlining the legality of the religious exemption process and Title VII. It has occurred to me in my research that most beliefs, both theistic and non-theistic, are protected, and could often be used to secure exemptions, but that most people are unaware of how best to formulate the language of their exemption request so that it would be protected by Title VII. It was an extremely rewarding feeling to be able to distribute this information to everyone we could. I printed 200 copies of the pamphlets I put together, thinking that we would have a hard time getting rid of them. Turned that we should have made at least 200 more! The QR code on the sign, and in the pamphlet, will link to a Google drive attached to an anonymous email that contains both the pamphlet itself and a longer document that goes into further detail and includes some examples. If anyone saw me and missed out, or is otherwise interested, that information can be found here. Finally, it was a pleasure to bump into some of the Peak Prosperity community members there. I’m sorry that we couldn’t spend more time together, we were on a bit of a mission! Until next time, hopefully not far in the future.

According to the child’s mother, the parents were encouraged to do so by the child’s pediatrician! ??‍♀️??‍♂️

I completely agree. I would attend a local/regional event. I looked for something, but everything was a bit too far away. Like others, I have a young family and animals to tend to. Yesterday morning was our coldest morning of the year and all animal waters were frozen solid. Events within 3-ish hours are pretty much my max so I can care for animals.


At some point parents and grandparents of those with young children are going to break free of the formation. I suspect there are already many at that point. Earlier this month my son’s daughter (and the entire class) was sent home from daycare because a child tested positive for covid. He had to take off work 2 days, and his wife 2 days because they were unable to find a sitter, mind you, they still were paying for their daycare. Our granddaughter tested negative and was able to return the following week. Other kids remained out because results hadn’t returned or they “tested” positive even though asymptomatic.
My daughter called Friday saying a child in her daughter’s class tested positive for covid (4 yrs. old) no symptoms. No child will be able return until they have a negative test. She couldn’t get an appt. for testing until tomorrow, with the results a few days later. She is fortunate to have us available. Other parents without someone to sit for free will have to pay a sitter while also paying for daycare. This REALLY puts people in a bind. I asked my daughter who is a PA what the cycle threshold of the test was…33. Some of these kids may not return to daycare for weeks. Even those pro-covid vaccine are starting to see through the lies. Started on ivermectin today just in case our granddaughter is positive. Fortunately, our children have stated emphatically no jabs for the grandchildren. How many other thousands has this happened to? This should be a major talking point to help end the formation.


I am not willing to take the backlash on social media to promote these ideas and events.
Epic fail. The lack of moral courage you are displaying is why we are having such a tough go defeating the mandates. All the speakers at this event have shown indefatigable moral courage in spades, blowing up careers and relationships to do the right thing for humanity. As have countless others across the globe, as have many of us on a personal level. But you cannot do it because you are worried about social media backlash......... poor you! Instead of complaining and pleading for others to show you what to do how about you grow a pair and take some initiative? I am out of patience with all the spineless cowards, wilfully/blissfully ignorant and arm chair critics who are unable to grasp the gravity of the situation we are in. People may not like my strongly expressed sentiments. C'est la vie. I hold my head high walking in my integrity, doing my patriotic duty to support our Constitution, and to make sure that this and all future generations are able to live free. I am standing tall, no matter the price, for Integrity, Dignity, Community. No one will ever be able to say to me "why didn't you say or do anything?"  

Total MSM blackout. CNN published one poison piece on RFK Jr.


BIGGIE! Great stuff.

Last November there was a 5,000 person anti-mandate rally on a Sunday afternoon in front of the Massachusetts Statehouse in Boston. Huge by Boston standards. Zero tv coverage. One newspaper briefly mentioned on a back page that a few hundred people were there. Another newspaper focused briefly on what a particular politician had to say. So I wasn’t expecting any mainstream media coverage of yesterday at all. Which to me means it didn’t really matter that massive crowds did not show up in DC. Not saying it was a waste. Very important it was held. But just one of a deluge of the recent awakening.


Is quite good and live
and what it really sounds like
or what I wish it could be
is a grand jury criminal indictment
of regulatory agent heads,
the pharmaceutical industry,
the “news,”
and many medical journals.
UPDATE: Holy ___ did you catch the testimony from using McCullough protocol and the unmentionable drugs
Cool - Dr. Kory is now using the word “criminals”
UPDATE #2 They are now talking systemic corruption and the insanity of excluded test groups (like pregnant women) still being under mandate and how that defies all prior rules and medical ethics
UPDATE #3 They are now addressing the massive data fraud with hospital complicity and the amazing variation between American hospital data and… other places in the world.


I came across this insane link to a commercial for a new lanyard based face mask today- so insane:
At first I laughed at how rediculous it was but then I thought this is Soooooo frightening- will be a best seller in SF for sure…I went for a beautiful hike yesterday afternoon and can’t tell you the number of crazies I came across either wearing a mask outdoors or not wearing a mask but the second they saw me coming pulled it out and put it on for the two seconds we walked by each other- INSANE…but this bloody commercial showed the exactly same thing…
I enjoyed the time with nature mask free breathing in the fresh air and scents of the wonderful earth we call home and even felt the Holy Spirit beaming through the trees and reflecting off the beautiful Pacific. We truly live in a clown world driven by fear and control to feed the mass formation psychosis but only if we accept it…Live your Life and be BOLD


Way to go Zack on RE!!! So sorry I missed you guys there! Got there around 9am, finally made my way to LM with a few other PP’ers, with the firefighters carrying the flag. Got right up front stage left where everyone entered, which was really cool to shake hands with a few of the doc’s. Hope you guys are doing well and can’t wait to see everyone again!! Peace, Love, Rock and Roll!!


Bret owes a better explanation than he gave for not showing up because honestly, the explanation made NO sense. I have followed him for years and I have to say, he lost my respect on this one.


Those of you who don’t read Kunstler’s blog are missing out. He is a friend to PP.
Today’s missive is worth reading just for the one liner about fruit loops.
But more than that, he paints a picture of the cognitive dissonance going on everywhere. In The Left, in European governments. Maybe even inside you.


I like Brett. But I am glad he did not speak. He is so cautious and hesitant in making statements (which is good from a truth-speaking perspective) that he would have made a deadly boring inspirational speaker.


Hello all! My first post here.
I support everyone’s right to speak their minds. I do not agree with those who judge harshly Bret Weinstein and his reasons for not attending the march yesterday. I feel he had some valid points as to why he chose not to attend, and at the end of it all, only he knows and can make the assessment(s) on what his best moves are or should be, and how he can best serve the movement.
None of us are in a position to judge others and know what their best actions should be. But as I said, expressing one’s opinions are fine and I fully support free and open dialogue. As much as I would have enjoyed attending yesterday, it did not work out in my personal plans to do so. I watched in awe and listened intently to those who bravely and boldly spoke. It was epic and inspiring and was a great launch point for the movement to take back our freedoms.
It was and is a beginning, but by no means an end. Just the kickoff, so to speak. Each and every one of us has a role to fulfill in this battle. Whether it be participating in public rallies or speaking one-on-one with your family, friends and neighbors and others in your circle of influence about the grave dangers we face if we don’t take a stand…we each have our own strengths and opportunities and we each know how best we can contribute.
One event is not a make-or-break, but each rally, podcast, YouTube video, post on a forum, or conversation we each have with one person or many…it all adds up to further this critical movement. I’m reminded of an inspiring quote from the great tennis player, Arthur Ashe, who said… “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” May we take from yesterday’s march in D.C. the inspiration and fire to do just that and save our world from tyranny’s grip!


This article made me happy inside.

On Saturday, Boston began requiring anyone eating in a restaurant to show proof of at least one COVID-19 vaccination. That day, police responded to the pizza parlor’s Fenway location after a group refused to show their vaccine cards and wouldn’t leave, officials said. And on Sunday, police responded to the original North End location after a man walked into the restaurant without a mask, against ongoing city restrictions. When he was stopped, the man said he was “from the neighborhood” and then pushed a general manager and punched him.