Defeat the Mandates March on D.C.


Jo said,

I do not agree with those who judge harshly Bret Weinstein and his reasons for not attending the march yesterday. I feel he had some valid points as to why he chose not to attend, and at the end of it all, only he knows and can make the assessment(s) on what his best moves are or should be, and how he can best serve the movement. None of us are in a position to judge others and know what their best actions should be. But as I said, expressing one's opinions are fine and I fully support free and open dialogue. As much as I would have enjoyed attending yesterday, it did not work out in my personal plans to do so. I watched in awe and listened intently to those who bravely and boldly spoke. It was epic and inspiring and was a great launch point for the movement to take back our freedoms. It was and is a beginning, but by no means an end. Just the kickoff, so to speak. Each and every one of us has a role to fulfill in this battle.
Thank you for your excellent first comment here. It's easy in our state of passion to fall into judgement of others who are in the fight with us... but unless it's the very sincerity of a fellow combatant you are questioning, we should always stifle the desire to criticize. OMG.. I am watching the Senator Johnson hearings and Dr. Paul Marik was just brought to tears recalling how he had to watch patients die after having his hands tied regarding his ability to provide the necessary treatments.....


Absolutely love the sign with Fauci’s face on it!


You can bet your bottom dollar Australia won’t. Folks here still are clueless about ivermectin

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rozmoz1 wrote,

You can bet your bottom dollar Australia won’t. Folks here still are clueless about ivermectin
Actually, in my social circle there is a good level of knowledge of IVM, of what it can do and had done, and of how it is being denied to us. And knowledge of the other dismal aspects of the big reset agenda. But when does this add up to a change in the national direction?
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I too was at the spot on the map that day and walked around for a while to try and find fellow PP tribe members but found no one. Sounds like there was a lot of us around but no central coordination.


The biggest hill to climb is getting more people to break out of the narrative. I’m not sure of the best strategy there. We have facts and science on our side which is not to be underestimated, but the reluctance of too many to look at the facts is a deeper issue.
For that, I’d look at contacting a persuasion / influence expert for a consult or an interview.
I heard about this first from Scott Adams (Dilbert cartoonist) but Robert Cialdini may be the top expert. Talking to someone like this may point us in the direction of a more effective strategy.


Anti-Mandate Rally! War w/ Russia over Ukraine? Maher v Whoopi! W/ Max Blumenthal & Peter Lavelle!
The whole show is only replayable to paying members on their site. I’ll post the video segments here when they put them up. Probably within a day or two. Max Blumenthal read the speech that he was going to give! Him and a bunch of others didn’t get to speak because they ran out of time and the park service cut the power to the mics promptly at 3:30.


I like Bret (and Heather) — I really do. I still support them financially and they are important voices or reason. That said, two things:
First, his political instincts are awful. We’ve seen this before with Unity 2020 (for another thread another day) and we saw this yesterday with his decision to stay home at a rally he was supposed to be leading and organizing. As a leader you have to not just be brave, but be seen to be brave. Else no one will follow. I get his argument, but with an ounce of savvy he would have known to go.
Second, I can give him a pass for being a bit spectrum’y (I am too) on #1. That’s part of what gives him his incredible smarts and original insight. Not so easy is that he did nothing to promote or cover the rally above yesterday. Not one solitary tweet. No video broadcast. Nada. Zilch. Tell me if I missed something, but I searched and searched. It looked very much like he decided to disown the whole thing.
Chris (or anyone who has his ear) please suggest he hires an image manager, or a political strategist, or a tik-tok influencer — someone who can help him navigate the real world so he can stay relevant after all his hard work. A mea culpa for yesterday might not be a bad start.
Do tell me if there’s something I’m missing. Quite possible.


I finally listened to Chris’ and Bret’s conversation where Bret gives the explanation for him not attending.
While it sounds “reasonable” on the surface, it clearly shows a lack of courage. I agree with prior comments that leaders need to LEAD, as in, being IN FRONT of people that follow them. What better way to show this than in a march.
Trying to fight tyranny while playing it safe won’t work. Can you imagine our founding fathers playing it safe like that ?
The stated objective of acting as a “dead man switch” cold have been achieved in various other ways.


Not to hijack too much but I see today’s (and yesterday’s) events as extremely positive and yet, I still feel like a lot of people will need to be dragged kicking and screaming towards freedom.
And I for one don’t have the energy to drag them very far.
I’m amused to see Canada’s Prime Minister accusing the truckers of “fearmongering” for example. Good to see some pressure on him. I could hear nothing but loud truck honking coming from the main roads a few miles from my home on Sunday and it was like hearing Amazing Grace on bagpipes.
“Empty stores will suck, but wouldn’t it be magnificent if our “people-child” of a leader got really humiliated by this?”
Sure enough our otherwise completely lifeless Federal Conservatives accused Trudeau of running a vaccine vendetta against people. First strong words Ive heard out of them.
Alberta’s premier posted this today (these twitter links never work so here goes nothin):^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1485654697864089605|twgr^|twcon^s1_&
From Saskatchewan, we get this CBC headline:
Sask. premier says strict COVID-19 restrictions cause ‘significant harm for no significant benefit’
There is movement happening for sure. There were a few sheepish statements about Covid maybe being endemic right before the Delta lockdowns started up but this time there is more of a “WTF?” tone coming from those opposed.
So far, the establishment is publicly shaking their heads in disbelief that they have live around people who swallow misinformation they get online but what if it doesn’t work this time?
To circle back, I’m currently praying for Canadian Prairie Provinces to lead. There is a chance for Alberta/Sask to “pull a Florida” and become known as Canada’s “moron provinces” where life goes on just fine and the all cause mortality is lower than it is in Quebec for reasons that experts assure us can only be understood by people who science.


i could not find any names of who the organizers were. the speakers were listed on the website and sponsors but no actual organizers

Just looking at the speakers and the amount followers/traffic/viewers they have, we should have been able to get million people there if just 5% of their engagement showed up.
I don’t get it.


Texas to DC was a long way for this old lady living in genteel poverty to stand in the cold. Still, it would have been great if it had been possible. I really dislike the finger pointing at Bret–it’s a long way from Oregon to DC also. His household is recovering from Covid
just sayin’. Time for everyone who is finger pointing to remember that when you point a finger at anyone, there are three pointing back at you.


Something occurred to me; before anything else we need to get the message out to state legislatures to require the vaccination status, and Covid status of every death recorded on the death certificate before a death certificate is issued. We are in a fog of war at the moment.
The longer we wait to collect the data the longer it will take to show a clear indisputable signal; whatever it may be.
The official mouthpieces will be able to attribute the deaths to anything they want as they currently do.


Am just finishing watching the Chris-Brett simulcast
 agree, Brett moral courage fail. As an expert at speech reading & body language, his fear was palpable, to me. His excuse for not going to the march is seen as cowardice. Yes, I have lost respect for him
 big time

This is not the time to hide, watching, pulling up the rear in case things get dicey. It is a time to stand loud and proud, full on frontal assault.
Sorry, Brett, great intellectual discussion, but epic fail on the moral courage front.


That’s a kick that you saw me (my sign), zekard, but we didn’t know we were both from PP! I almost wrote “PeakProsperity” on the back of my sign when I couldn’t find anyone, to improve the odds of making a connection. But I ended up not doing that to keep the sign’s message clear and focused. Oh well!
Ok, going to take a shot at uploading a couple of photos


I was hoping for a much larger turnout as well but was still encouraged. As others said, it is a beginning.
As far as “locals” go, I am afraid you may be right about many of them not being able to recognize the tyranny all around them. Being from the DC metro area, I can tell you that I have been surprised - shocked, really - that people I know and had assumed would be against mandates despite being vaccinated are, in fact, in favor of mandates. Somehow they have convinced themselves that the tyranny they are in favor of will never be used against them. Others, despite being a against mandates, may not want to expose themselves - this is a highly vaccinated area with many believers in what Fauci, the FDA and the CDC are peddling, and it may be that they think it is just too risky and they have too much to lose. As for me, this is a hill I would die on. It was great to be among so many people that were willing to take a stand for freedom. I don’t generally encounter that many freedom lovers and it felt great to be amongst my peeps. I wish I had been able to meet up with others from the tribe but, despite that not happening, the day was truly inspirational.


Hey joe2baba
I was checking out the coverage of the DC march on the Children’s Health Defense site, and found info on who the organizers were for the event. See “30,000+ Demand End to Vaccine Mandates, Government Overreach at DC Rally”

"Children’s Health Defense organized and sponsored the event along with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Global Covid Summit, World Council for Health and JP Sears."
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