Definitive Ivermectin Toxicity Review


Thanks Bob. I was conscious of the fact I could be way off the mark with it, the flag for me being because it has the name of a metal in it. But Zinc, magnesium and others we all ingest safely and beneficially in foods and supplements. So the concern is unwarranted?

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All I can say is I wouldn’t have any concern, based on my personal experience and background as a biologist and years around medicine. Frankly I don’t pay any attention to the EU “risk” guidelines as for the most part they ignore doseage, and a sufficient quantity of anything is bad for you. I wouldn’t eat TiO2 for fun, but if it was in a medicine i needed I wouldn’t hesitate. The quantity you’d ingest has to be tiny. It’s pervasive in the environment, for example it’s the basis for most all white paints, if it were toxic I think there would be plenty of evidence.


I don’t have the link, but saw the paper and yes it reduces sperm count and sperm activity however, it was not by a lot. Less than 50%, maybe less than 25-30% and did not read on to see how long it lasted or if it was permanent. On the other hand, Ivermectin has been around a looong time, on the other hand, if it reduces fertility it could very well be in the WHO tool kit for population reduction.


Oh Boy, here we go. According to our prez, the new mandates will force 100 million Americans to get vaccinated or test every week. He is mandating that all employers with 100 employees or more must put these policies in place and pay for time the employee goes to get vaccinated. He claims that only 80 million Americans are holding out from getting vaccinated, but then claims the policy covers 100 million workers, or 2/3 of the work force. I’m not sure if these numbers pan out.
In case you missed it, here’s our prez this evening:
As usual, Chris does a great job. A real cool head.


Are we now to be frightened of toothpaste?


He said 80 million Americans have refused. That’s a lot of people. We’re not alone.


We ae either the only living planet or they are endemic throughout Creation.
Two sole living planets is not a possibility.
Credit: Dr. David Jacobs.


I have had 2 episodes since taking Ivermectin for prophylaxis. I started with a 12 mg tab then 48 hours later took another one.
Then for the next three weeks I took one 12 mg a week. The FLCCC protocol was exactly that but then they changed it to 2x a week because of Delta.
I was outside working in the garden and it was about 93 degrees and I started to get real sweaty and exhausted. Went inside and cooled down and heart rate stabilized.
2 days later on my elliptical i started sweating and my heart rate went up to 162. It dropped down to 132 then bounced back up. I got off the bike and went and laid down. Did some breathing exercises and the rate stabilized. I thought it was my Afib returning. (hadn’t had it in almost 3 years). Went and saw the cardiologist and the ekg was normal. Everything was fine but he said it might be tachycardia.
No where in any of my research did i find a reference to tachycardia and Ivermectin. Then I saw this video and I did a deeper dive and sure enough there it was tachycardia.
It apparently is transient since i have had no more issues. Of course I stopped taking it after my episodes, since it was the only thing that had changed in my life. I will be wearing an event monitor for 30 days to keep actual tabs on heart rate.
I am keeping the Ivermectin on hand in case I need it for treatment but no prophylaxis for me. Damn I hate being in the 2%.
Oh well it is real so if you have heart issues be very careful and use your pulse oximeter to check your heart rate or one of those fancy watches.
All the best


Response from Dr. Paul Marik of the FLCCC on the issue of IVM and male fertility:


Thanks for sharing this info on IVM and male fertility! I was actually going to ask one of the doctors about that.


I think almost 180 million Americans are fully vaxxed and 30 million partially. 60 million children can’t be vaxxed yet. Sixty million could get it, but have refused. The hundred million Biden mentioned are those working in areas which will be subject to the new mandates, but many of them have already taken the vaccine.

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Why does the diploma displayed at the beginning of the video say “Doctor of Philosophy”?

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Because that is his degree. A PhD from Duke University.


Check the page on the FLCCC web site. In many states it’s illegal for a pharmacy to refuse to fill a prescription.



Yep, if we has a chance to have a real discussion we could say things like young men should get the J&J and women on birth control shouldn’t.
Too bad we can’t have those discussions.



funny, but sad and true.