Definitive Ivermectin Toxicity Review

/ (September 10 )

This video is a compilation of the New South Wales Australian Premier. It probably gives the true opinion of the elite class of the great unwashed


It’s likely those in charge fear Ivermectin because it might replace so many more profitable nostrums, but consider also their deep gnawing 3 am fear that someday it will be universally recognized that a simple, effective treatment would have saved hundreds of thousands of parents, children, wives and husbands, but was blocked by their obstinate decisions- and legions of lawyers will methodically strip away every mansion, yacht, congressman, hedge fund, bitcoin and golf ball which made their lives worth living.


Funny people with video editing skills you are our salvation - show everyone how ridiculous they are!


As Rob11 indicated with the link to the Australian website article.
This was the media release by our local version of the FDA, the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) on Friday 10 September.
No early treatments for us!



As no doctor is allowed to prescribe Ivermectin here in Sweden, it is hard to get hold of it. You can buy it online but not in great numbers. So I wonder what to think when using it as prevention, how much and how often? Or only just before seeing people, as we otherwise live like off grid on the countryside.
FLCCC recommends 0,2mg per kilo bodyweight twice a week. Which means quite many pills every month for two normal adults…
The deltavariant seems to vanish here just now, but the schools have just started again and you never know. And we want to be able see our children and grandchildren, keeping social distance of course, but indoors. The summer is over here.


You asked about using ivermectin on a regular basis as a preventative.
The FLCCC Alliance discusses using 0.2 mg/Kg/dose twice a week for this purpose.
I am a doctor, and throughout my career we have played cat-and-mouse with many common bacterial that develop resistance to the commonly used antibiotics over time. In general, I prefer not to take an antibiotic over a long period of time. This practice will breed resistance to the antibiotic in time, IMHO.
In addition, we are learning to rethink the role of SARS-CoV-2 in the world as it become endemic–a bug that lives with us humans long term. I don’t think the long term adaption to living in the world with SARS-CoV-2 will involve having everyone take ivermectin long term. Again, resistance to ivermectin would develop with this path.
I believe that we will all get this infection in time during this endemic phase and that this is one of the best ways through.
The goal, in this viewpoint, is to have a mild infection, and to develop immunity.
I’m taking the route of using vitamins and botanicals on a regular basis to keep my general immune function as good as possible, but not using ivermectin unless I get sick.

sand_puppy wrote: I am a doctor, and throughout my career we have played cat-and-mouse with many common bacterial that develop resistance to the commonly used antibiotics over time. In general, I prefer not to take an antibiotic over a long period of time. This practice will breed resistance to the antibiotic in time, IMHO. [bolding by Grover.]
sand_puppy, I agree that taking Ivermectin as a prophylaxis will cause strains of the virus that are resistant to Ivermectin. I always found it curious that doctors would prescribe antibiotics to people who had flu issues. Influenza is a viral disorder and antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. Was it something they did to make the patients feel like they were doing something. Frankly, a sugar pill with a hard-to-pronounce name would be a better placebo. A shot of saline water would be better. Flooding the body with antibiotics gives bad bacteria a laboratory to mutate. When one is successful, it can spread to others. Normal medications then will be less effective and eventually useless. As an example, look at methicillin-resistant staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). This bacteria has become so adept at resisting available medications that more and more toxic cocktails are required to defeat it. I've got horse paste for when I start showing symptoms of Covid. I won't take that as prophylaxis. I will save it for when it is needed. Instead, I keep my terrain ready to fight infections with a range of vitamins and minerals. The terrain acts as a chain and is only as strong as the weakest link. Since I increased my vitamin intake, I haven't had so much as a cold. Hmmm. Grover

Totally anecdotal, but I’ve had Cold sores for 30 years, but since I’ve been taking Zinc, D, C,Quercetin, and Melatonin haven’t had a breakout or a cold… Interesting.


“but not using ivermectin unless I get sick.”
I like this line of thinking and Im much less of a doctor than sand_puppy but I also find myself using ivermectin a bit to deal with “the new reality”. I have a social engagement coming up which I would be forbidden from attending (at great $$$ expense) if I showed signs of Covid. So I end up taking a dose or two in the week/days leading up to the event.
Something similar will happen (someday) when I travel to Europe and I need covid tests on either side of the flight. I would strongly consider taking Ivm in addition to other substances in the hopes of “beating the tests”.
Something similar happens when my son comes home from school with a note saying they have cases in the school and we have to visit his (now vaccinated) grandparents. I don’t know if they need to be protected from me but I feel strongly that I dont want to give covid to them. I dont give it to my young son because the FLCCC guys seem reticent to recommend it to kids and kids seem to be “immune” (to use Trump’s words) to covid.
This doesn’t mean I take Ivm constantly but I do find I take it more than “just when Im feeling sick”.


I believe that I once heard Dr. Vanden Bossche say in one of his early interviews that he was concerned about people taking IVM prophylactically because the virus may become resistant to it.

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Another irresponsible article… because you know what, the Fed is full of experts too.
Doctors won’t experiment with drugs that aren’t approved and confusion over efficacy isn’t conspiracy. Ivermectin isn’t vitamin C, you can OD so until there’s conclusive proof that it will do no harm Doctors should leave it in the bottom of their medical bag.
PP really should try to find some new material. besides DavidFairtex’s work there a distinct lack of useful information here. Who has the time to listen to ‘experts’ desperate for limelight alongside hosts waxing worthless rhetoric that might actually harm the sheeple.

If you don’t like it then don’t read it. Personally I come here FOR the alternate view on things than what is presented by the gov. I want to see BOTH sides of the issue. There are plenty of sites devoted entirely to financial stuff only if that is what you are into.


Yes he said so also in his Last Post article that was linked to here on PP this weekend.

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Dave is wonderful, pgp, a true treasure.

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Doctors used to constantly innovate and try new things; sometimes I would do some drug therapy that would do no harm, and maybe some good, while I had to wait for OR time/beds or “to do something” when I had nothing much to offer. Sometimes things worked unexpectedly well, that’s how learning works, and it would take years before if became “officially” accepted treatment. Some ‘off label’ routines are so established people have forgotten how they started. A good example is how batrim started to be used in aids treatment despite obstruction from Fauci.


As Chris alludes to Ivermectin likely works through a number of different mechanisms which make it quite challenging for anything to figure a way around. This nature article list 20 mechanisms through which it may be acting on SARs-Cov-2.
Also from this nature article:

"somewhat bizarrely and almost uniquely, no confirmed drug resistance appears to have arisen in parasites in human populations, even in those that have been taking ivermectin as a monotherapy for over 30 years.' That said nature is brilliant and one could argue that the delta variant is such a mutation, though the mutation seems to have first occurred in California in the A2 variant, not sure if there is any relation, it does indirectly by virtue of being more virulent make Ivermectin less effective, thus the higher doses are now needed.

Dr Martenson
Been watching your videos a long while and have always found them on point. This video regarding ivermectin is most helpful and informative. I would like to pass it on to others I know however there is a problem. When you talk about your qualifications (of which I have no doubt whatsoever), you display a Duke Univ. Degree which is for Philosophy. Not Pathology and/or Toxicology. At this point my friends would likely turn off the video.

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I asked my primary about treatment protocols and she just looked at me. I am 75 and this is the first time I have ever seen a serious illness with NO treatment protocol.