Dismantling the Illusion: How Information Control Shapes Reality

In that vein, thanks for bringing up Whitney Webb. To take it one step further out there, it would be cool to see Ryan Dawson.

I saw a bunch of people here complaining about endless facts and jumping about. I think in that regard, he’s much the same. Also, from the way she talked, it seemed like Les Wexner was the main benefactor of Epstein. From what I remember of Ryan’s videos, there was also Leon Black at a similar level, and Bill Gates contributed significantly too.


Wooz News is a conspiracy theory site.

By “conspiracy theory”, I mean the usual definition - something, which if true, I couldn’t handle it. He’s probably right, but… it hurts.

That is to say, Jan 6th wasn’t an insurrection, it wasn’t even incited by the FBI, it was a production. Reality TV. There were some scenes of extreme BS there. Like a uniform handing a knife to a protestor so he could cut fabric for the crowd to go through. A guy with a bullet still visible in his cheek an hour later.

A lot of suspicious events around Ashley Babbitt, like the pretend CPR as she was on the stretcher. How was she fatally shot in the shoulder with a service pistol, as per some reports? Or was she fatally shot in the neck, which makes medical sense but is inconsistent with the video? Or… was the backpack full of padding for her to fall back on it safely in the production?

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It seems the woke mobs are jealous of this power and want to make it that way for every conversation you could think of having.

Who do you think is behind the Woke agenda?
You can’t be jealous of the pool in which you’re already swimming.
The Letter People are in that same camp.

What books did the Third Reich burn in Berlin, as famously depicted in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

From Wokepedia:

On 6 May 1933, the Berlin chapter of the German Student Union made an organised attack on Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (roughly: Institute of Sex Research). Dora Richter, the first transgender woman known to have undergone sex reassignment surgery (by doctors at the institute), may have been killed during the attack. The institute’s library included around 20,000 unique works on intersexuality, homosexuality, and transgender topics. On 10 May 1933, the students publicly hauled the library to the Bebelplatz square at the State Opera, and burned them along with volumes from elsewhere. A total of over 25,000 volumes of “un-German” books were burned, thereby ushering in an era of uncompromising state censorship.

I will get back to this in a second.

Compositionally speaking, my opinion is that American cinema has been on the decline. This means that more of it will be blatant programming mixed with banality disguised as art. (Predictive Programming) As part of my UFO research (years ago), I did a tally of films featuring extraterrestrials. The 1980s and 2010s were bursting from their film cannisters.

So here’s the experiment:

  1. Create a spreadsheet of 2023 films produced in US, UK, CAN, AUS, NZ
  2. Make asterisk next to each film featuring woke themes.
  3. Calculate the percentage of western films that promote wokeism, lqbtq, etc.

Kinsey said 10% of US was homosexual. Modern estimates say more like 7%.
We should be seeing that type of stratification, right?
Well, that depends on who produces films doesn’t it?
Well, who produces what we watch?
Folks aligned with zionism?


My weekend task is to download the ~2015 version of EN text-only Wikipedia to offline storage.

Wikipedia 2015 archive files
qBittorrent client

Download the .torrent file, open it in the client, and off you go :). Looks like it is about 24GB total


Hers is certainly not the most dulcet of speaking voices. I had a similar reaction the first time I heard her speak. Tuned out and turned off within about that 5 minute mark. I gave her another go round for an hour long conversation on someone else’s platform. Perhaps she was more comfortable with him, perhaps I was more comfortable with her. Either way, I stayed for the duration. Her mandate is as a factfinder, after all, and not as a captivating public speaker. I believe she knows of which she speaks and cares for her intended audience. All the same, I sure wish our side had some truly great orators through whom we might get the wider word out.


It’s also worth considering that those who are paraded in front of the cameras and are purported to be our rulers are not, in fact, anything of the sort, but are merely the stage actors who have been cast in such roles for our collective amusement/bemusement. I think the very point of their constant and insufferable “ineptitude” at our great expense is to drive us quite literally insane with grief, demoralization and dejectedness.

Think about it: absolutely NO ONE that any of us actually knows has even a modicum of hope for any semblance of a rebound and recovery from our current loathsome living environment in the near-to-long term. We’ve all resigned ourselves to preparing to fend for ourselves for the entirety of our natural respective lifetimes. And this entrenched, all-consuming impotent rage we experience is precisely what the true Masters of the Universe have designed for us. They accomplish it in stages, bit-by-bit. All of our populist hopes for a savior in the form of Trump or Meloni or Orban or Lil’ Kennedy or any of the rest is part of the smash-and-grab assault upon our psyches. We hope. We wait. We vote. We rage. We despair. We hope even more desperately. We wait forever more. Losing vital life force all the while. And our children are numbed to the bone by dint of their multitudinous dope factories.

No, I say our true enemies are wily as foxes, slippery as snakes, and deadly as cancer. They are whipping the pants of of us freedom lovers. As long as we continue to be afraid of our own shadows and refuse to take definitive steps to confront them head-on, they have nothing to fear from us.


The over-abundance of caution is the hobble they will have us place upon our own feet. Perhaps what we really ought to do is let it rip, from here on in, and deal with the blowback. If everyone who absolutely detests this sick, grey, insidious death cult apparatus were to speak out loud, from behind their monikers and avatars, perhaps we might actually discover that precious, life-affirming actual in-person community of like-minded patriots we all profess so profusely to want to surround ourselves with.

“I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

-Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear


I’m in the process of reading her book. So far, makes sense to me.

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Nice. Another truly open-mind commenter here at PP. I visit UnzReview every day and have ordered several books from their Banned Books department.


No - the steel struts warped. If the mafia hadn’t been in charge of so many concrete companies back when the WTC was being built they would have had more concrete and NOT come down. This is known. Troofers authors are selling a book - Troofer believers selling a worldview. I’m sad this is where a peak resources forum has ended up. It doesn’t help the credibility of the environmental movement.

Do you know that for a fact? Do you somehow need to believe this assertion, which is itself just a component of your own, personal worldview? Why the seeming hostility to the differing opinions of others? What makes us such “sad” specimens of humanity? Because we have the temerity to question the official findings of a government which has been proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, to have lied in the furtherance of their wicked agendas time and time again, going now for over a century?

For myself, I know very little beyond what I can observe with my own senses, on a daily basis. When it comes to fomenting my own worldview, I am forced to rely upon the tireless investigation others have conducted, as that was what both their passion and their need to derive income to support their lives required of them. They publish, then I ponder, then I pontificate. But, and I truly hope I exemplify this principal in my daily discourse with my fellow Americans, it is not my mandate to go around refuting others’ notions of what is and what isn’t, especially in regards to what will always be a subjective debate as the “What brought the towers down?” is. I have no idea. I will never know. But, my sense is, at the very least, it wasn’t 19 Saudi ruffians with box cutters. Not by themselves, anyways. Not without MASSIVE amounts of assistance from players on the inside of things.


Thought you guys would enjoy this. Unfortunately, with the deterioration of our social and eco systems, we might already be there.
Life conditions certainly show the systemic interaction between collectives in their own “dark night of the soul” and approaches that want to concentrate on tweeking ecosystem without consensus and of course without any real attempt to understand the system they are messing with.

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Yeah I know it’s just crazy to believe that fully fueled Jets flying into 2 massive skyscrapers and burning at thousands of degrees might have some kind of effect on those buildings! It’s just insane to believe the architectural models could be rendered in computer models and demonstrate or actually happened. I mean, sure we can model sophisticated chaotic patterns like climate impacts decades ahead, architectural model and computer simulation of thousands of degrees of jet fuel? That’s just crazy! It just must have been an insight job. In fact if you just watch my YouTube series and contribute a little to my patreon, I have this whole series on how Mickey Mouse and Ronald McDonald were involved…


I see civil discourse is not your forte. Fare thee well.


Well, yes and no. Fear of speaking out is for sure a hobble, although where I live, leg-irons can also be the result of throwing caution to the wind. Free speech around the world is not the same as free speech in USA.

In German-speaking countries, some “topics” are 100% forbidden to discuss or speculate. 100%. A no-go that seals the lips of most people where I live, whatever they might think privately.

And culture also runs historically deep, resulting in verbal caution. Here in Switzerland, from 1400 through to the end of the 17th century, it’s thought that over 10’000 “witches” were burned to death at the stake, many of which were accused of witchcraft by people they disagreed with. Some towns in Switzerland eventually contained almost no women at all by the end. Silence is not always a sign of weakness.

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I should probably show restraint and not join this conversation, but I’d like to know exactly which jet it was that took out building 7 many hours later?


Perhaps it was this one, George & Judy Jetson… oh no, can’t be … it’s being intercepted.


It wouldn’t be that 2 artificial mountains on either side of it came crashing down like an earthquake?

Actually no. There are other buildings in far closer proximity that didn’t “come crashing down.” Deutche Bank building was far closer, had more damage and somehow didn’t come down. And Building 7 stood perfectly well for hours so it’s not like it had the other towers crash onto it.


Has anyone come across Pol.is?
“Inside OpenAI’s Plan to Democratize AI
[Recognizing the limitations]of traditional democratic systems, which often fail to accurately reflect the diverse beliefs of the populace, OpenAI has partnered with Colin Megill, co-founder of Polis. Polis is an innovative open-source tech platform that uses machine learning to map out users’ values based on their voting patterns and short statements, thereby identifying clusters of people with similar beliefs. The groundbreaking aspect of Polis lies in its ability to highlight shared beliefs among groups who typically disagree, offering a potential solution to political polarization. This unique approach has already been adopted by the Taiwanese government and Twitter.”
