Disrupting the Data

We humans already have the technology to produce essentially unlimited free energy in the form of the LFTR. Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactor. Developed at Oak Ridge, a prototype was built and operated very successfully from 1965 to 1969 when it was shut down - because it didn’t produce weapons-grade plutonium.
The scientists were enthusiastic about LFTR’s potential as a source of cheap plentiful electric power, but they were overruled by the military, which is why we have dangerous, pressurized-water cooled uranium reactors.
The advantages of LFTR are many: Thorium is four times more abundant than Uranium. The reactor operates and ambient pressure and cannot melt-down. It burns 99% of its fuel c.f. 1% Uranium. Much less toxic waste. It can actually re-cycle waste from Uranium reactors and clean up the existing mess. The high operating temperature enables direct production of hydrogen for vehicle and aircraft propulsion. etc. etc.
The technology is proven and simply needs an engineering project to bring it up to date and take advantage of modern materials. Unlike the much vaunted Fusion Reactor which is still only a theoretical dream. Japan and France are working on LFTR and at least one US company, FLIBE Energy. For some reason our government seems to be ignoring the technology.

We humans already have the ability to produce essentially unlimited, almost free power in the form of the LFTR, Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactor. Invented at Oak Ridge, a prototype was built and ran very successfully from 1965 to 1969. The scientists were enthusiastic about its potential as a source of electrical energy, but the LFTR did not produce weapons grade plutonium for bombs, so the military shut down the LFTR experiment and dismantled the prototype.
The advantages of LFTR are many and overwhelming compared to the dangerous pressurized water cooled uranium reactors we have as a result of the military decision. The LFTR operates at ambient pressure and cannot melt down. Thorium is four times more abundant than uranium and the LFTR burns 99% of its fuel compared to only 1% of uranium consumed. This vastly superior fuel use means we have enough thorium to last for hundreds of years. The Thorium reactor can even convert existing uranium waste into fuel for its own use and use it’s waste heat to produce Hydrogen fuel for automobiles and aircraft.
Japan and France are working on Thorium reactors. At least one US company, FLIBE Energy, is too. However, the US government doesn’t seem to be interested.

I don’t know. Humans love a story and a story where everything fits is incredibly appealing as you no longer have to think about what’s going on and why. I’m not saying Dr. Chetty is wrong especially not about the spike proteins (I ain’t no doctor) but a worldwide depopulation plan rolled out with no leaks from inside corporations, labs, governments etc. Methinks our elites, whether they be corporate or governmental, are much too incompetent to pull this off. I don’t think that we can begin to imagine the infighting amongst all their inflated egos. That “they” would all work harmoniously together? I tend to doubt it. Didn’t Dr. Malone say in the first podcast with Brett Weinstein something to the effect of the spike protein being a toxin and that they didn’t know this. That was the reason that he started speaking out if I’m not mistaken.
So how about this. It’s just panic and full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes. They know the vaccines are defective but they’ve bet the house on them and to admit now that they made a mistake would mean a lot of extra-judicial justice being meted out in short order. The pandemonium would be unprecedented. Also these people are all neo-libs, they never admit an error, it’s always doubling down and denial. It’s also the classic neo-lib pathology of kicking the can down the road, this time the can is filled with catastrophe and the smell of impending doom is in the air. Maybe Brandon isn’t the only one with poopy pants. It will take a few years probably before it all falls apart but a lie always conflicts with reality. You can’t build back better if the foundation is a deception.
Like Chris pointed out recently with the 2 charts of energy consumption and the energy cost of production, that’s reality. We won’t be building back better for quite some time if you take our energy predicament into consideration.
Anyways just a few thoughts that came up after listening to Dr. Chetty.


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https:// www.bitchute.com/video/IQoUmvcoiStX/


Free energy has been my expectation since I digested peak oil theory more than fifteen years ago.
I’m not sure exactly the source, or what form it will take. Low energy nuclear reactions are a good candidate, and I’ve even made provision for a small heat-generating cell to provide heat to my new construction house via hydronics, but it might turn out to be more natively an electrical cell. Perhaps they’ll say it’s from zero point energy by way of the Casimir effect, but what they’ll say may not be the actual mechanism.
I’m especially skeptical of those who would shift the paradigm entirely beyond the humbling business of establishing objective facts to a new cosmology in which human thoughts can affect the universe, because didn’t you know by looking inward that the universe is thought and spirit and we are but manifestations of it? To which I offer a disappointed frown.
Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to people, according to legend. And I expect something similar in the next few years. But as welcome as free & decentralized energy might be, I don’t think that rebel Prometheus is the good guy he says he is.

I don’t know. Humans love a story and a story where everything fits is incredibly appealing as you no longer have to think about what’s going on and why. I’m not saying Dr. Chetty is wrong especially not about the spike proteins (I ain't no doctor) but a worldwide depopulation plan rolled out with no leaks from inside corporations, labs, governments etc. Methinks our elites, whether they be corporate or governmental, are much too incompetent to pull this off. I don’t think that we can begin to imagine the infighting amongst all their inflated egos. That “they” would all work harmoniously together? I tend to doubt it.
You may very well be right about that but let me play devils advocate;
but a worldwide depopulation plan rolled out with no leaks from inside corporations, labs, governments etc. Methinks our elites, whether they be corporate or governmental, are much too incompetent to pull this off.
Well they pulled off an election fraud. That was pretty blatant. As far as leaks go, there were some leaks from inside the Wuhan lab early on, werent a couple of the Chinese scientists "disappeared" early on? Wasnt the first one to find covid19 actually killed, allegedly by covid infection in very short order? I also seem remember a female Wuhan scientist who claimed it was an engineered bioweapon. What ever happened to her, I wonder? Who else knows about it? Well you'd have to go to Wuhan to find out, and I'll bet you wont find the original scientists who worked at the lab there, and if you did, I'll bet they wouldnt say a damn word to you. Dont forget, China is not like the US, you dont go "public" from behind the iron curtain of a Communist regime very easily....and you dont tend to stick around long if you do. Hey, I wonder if thats why they made it in China?
I don’t think that we can begin to imagine the infighting amongst all their inflated egos. That “they” would all work harmoniously together? I tend to doubt it.
I keep telling myself this everytime I hear a mainstream narrative....at some point some anchor at cnn is going to say "its not horse paste, its a legitimate drug and of course we all know that" or "Trump wasnt really working with the Russians, we never had any real evidence of that and we lied" or even just "these arent totally peaceful riots, people are getting hurt"....but they never do. They never break rank. Thats the amazing thing that suggests to me there is some power holding them in line that we dont see. If not SOMEBODY, some high ranking person from within these organizations would break rank, tell all, write a book and make millions. They havent yet. Also consider how many people working within these circle really know whats going on? In the entire Wuhan lab there may have only been one guy who knew the whole plan. Out of the thousands of people working to pull this off, 99% of them may be legitimately under the impression that they work for good and the people criticizing them are just crazy conspiracy theorists. If they suspect otherwise, they are probably smart enough to keep their mouth shut.

G.H. Lang, a well-respected theologian of the 20th Century, wrote in his The Revelation of Jesus Christ in 1945,

It will be a dreadfully depopulated earth over which the Beast will reign and to which Messiah will later return. Indeed, so shocking is the carnage that the horse of this Seal is colored chlorotic, that is, with the sallow hue of the plague-stricken.
That would be, of course, the fourth horseman. Lang was confident that this rider indicated China—a nation of relatively little power at the time of his writing. And Lang knew nothing of the staggering advances that would be made in biological warfare.
The word for the sword used by this rider describes the weapon of the ancient eastern world. It’s use goes back to remote antiquity:… In our own days national isolation is already wholly past. In the Great War of 1914-1918, West and East, with both North and South America, were irresistibly drawn into the strife. This has been the case in the 1935-1945 wars. Thus will it be again. The far eastern races will be so bitterly affected by the furious wars in the west and the near East as inevitably to be sucked into the maelstrom. Imagination reels as it contemplates an avalanche of the countless hordes of the East, with their pagan recklessness of human life and cruel callousness to suffering. Napoleon is reported to have said: China is a sleeping giant : Let him sleep! But the great powers of the west did not take this sage advice. They first pricked and goaded him by opium wars and the like…
Lang could not have imagined the tremendous economic power that China would attain, so he could not have foreseen China actually pulling the strings that began the whole dreadful pageant of the four riders in a bid to take over the entire world. During WWII, many people thought that the apocalypse was upon them. Lang pointed out that, based on key points in Bible prophecy, that was not possible. Such was his confidence in the Scripture. I think there are no indicators lacking at this time, and current events seem to be sharply in alignment with John’s visions as well as other prophetic and apocalyptic sections of the Bible.   Interesting times.

I think that model fits in with my model. I digested those Corbett films and I had only a handful of disagreements on his conclusions.
Over the course of eleven years of UFO/Abduction research, several themes have kept popping up:

  • Deep State/Cabal has technology 30-50 years ahead of we plebes.
    • This claim has been iterated by fringe whistleblowers and reiterated by well-respected individuals working in the aerospace industry.
  • Alien Invasion is/will be used to mask an insidious agenda.
    • Evidence suggests that most of the popular UFO lore may in fact have been fabricated by the U.S. government (Roswell, Majestic-12, etc.).
  • Aliens are not extraterrestrial.
    • Deep State/Cabal is keenly aware of this fact.
  • Sex, Sex, Sex - honey pot ops, human/alien breeding, and ritual sex magick
    • Anal Probes? More like rape/sodomy.
I would say Apollo was a psy-op. Like any good psy-op, multiple goals can be enmeshed into the same strategy. This also doesn't necessarily preclude Arthur's theory that Apollo was a cover for what they really found up there. And all of the original evidence (telemetry data, schematics, video, and photographs) has been destroyed, because it was hoaxed in the first place. I can debunk the official Apollo narrative with Occam's Razor. But if you want a real treat, just go back and watch the press conference after Apollo 11. Those guys look like someone just brutally murdered their human spirit. Conversely, you can watch the Gemini conferences and they're as giddy as school girls. Why this is important: Mark McCandlish came out about the Flux Liner over twenty years ago. In 2013, the film Zero Point came out. The film's director died from a rare form of cancer before the film was complete. Last year, Mark was "suicided". The whistleblower testimony said that the Flux Liner had chipped paint, and looked as if it had been around since the 60's. It's difficult to tie this together. Unless the Deep State/Cabal was going around masquerading as ET, abducting and raping people, and experimenting on them for their eugenics/transhumanist research. I've never thought of this conclusion until just now, and to be honest, I wouldn't put it past them.

The CDC predicted an outbreak of rare Acute Flaccid Myelitis in young children, which just happened to coincide with the Pfizer vaccine approval for 5-11 year olds… Hmm

I know I'm not Arthur, but I think the whole "resource" thing is due to the Oligarchy ("whomever") keeping control over the globe by denying us free energy.
I'm inclined to agree that 1) there's more out there than science 2) an energy source exists but is kept hidden If we are truly on the brink of extinction and sliding back into the dark ages, why would the power elite invest so much effort trying to stay on top and in control? For what purpose? To be kings of planet bug-out for the next millennia? That seems like a stretch. The power-elite behave arrogantly enough to suggest that they already have the next-gen energy solution in mind but are biding their time to roll out... And if the power-elite and their blackmailed ruling classes really are driven by satanism and injesting the blood / andrenochrome of children, then there must also be a Yin to that Yang. What the answers are - I've no idea at all...but I'm very open minded and curious about what the answers might be. Nevertheless...despite my curiousity, I'm still prepping anyway :-) Seems prudent.

I assume that consciousness is real and Reality is it’s construct. Let us use Clif_High’s term for observed reality which is The Materium.
Then we begin to have a working hypothesis for the evidence presented for the persuasive results of Remote Viewing, of which Ingo Swann was a superstar.
I was deeply impressed by Ingo’s stubborn assertion that the sun has at least 3 “envelopes” around it, when there was absolutely no reason to say so. He had been trained to write down what he saw, and not to filter his observations. Ref: “Penetration”.
It was revealed by the SAFIRE experiment decades later that the sun is an electrical discharge phenomenon and, yes indeed, such envelopes are naturally formed.
So, having established the veracity of remote viewing and telepathy, we can safely venture there, understanding the resistance we will have from trampling over everybodys’ belief systems.
Here are our discoveries outside the Materium.
The cosmos is not a frontier. It is wholly owned by teeming and competitive Civilizations. Each wrangling with all others for their own interests.
Let us not be Naïve. There are parasitical civilizations who would very much like to possess the Earth, but they are constrained by Potent militaries. (They blew us a gentle kiss on 911, for transgressing their turf on the moon.)
Long established rules are that the inhabitants of a target planet have to Ask for intervention. We are being hustled to ask for Help, on the mistaken thought that we cannot make it on our own.
If we do invite intervention, then we will be replaced by the “solution” which is a single minded, top-down hybrid human.
The Borg was a product of Universal Consciousness.
Thus endeth my tale. Washail!

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You may not recall, but the AZ trial Sept.’ 20 was halted due to the transverse myelitis case when done against a placebo. The next month they cleverly changed the 'Placebo" to a meningitis vaccine. Side effects of the meningitis vaccine are nearly identical to transverse myelitis so now you can claim that the vaccine did not produce symptoms different from the placebo.

The nature of the safety issue and when it happened were not immediately known, although the participant is expected to recover, according to Stat News with a subsequent report in the New York Times citing a person familiar with the situation maintaining that a participant based in the United Kingdom was found to have transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord and is often sparked by viral infections. A source at a major pharmaceutical company confirmed that a case of transverse myelitis during trails of this nature would be a cause of concern when developing a vaccine. https://en.as.com/en/2020/09/09/latest_news/1599639274_907646.html
Halting the trial over TM.

Mysteriously this new syndrome has emerged world-wide which behaves simiarly to polio, but experts assure us it’s not polio. There’s theories its caused by an enterovirus. Since epidemiologically it’s nearly impossible to have a similar illness spontaneously occur world-wide without a common toxic source, one ponders the Gates polio vaccine paralyzing and killing children in India.

Here's the search page on PubMed.

The depopulation campaign(s) of the globalists is/are based on toxic injections, thus far. I fear we ain’t see nothin yet. I strongly suspect their hand in this—I also doubt that we’ll see this disease plaguing China.


I would encourage everyone to visit this Christian run site. It gives monthly photos on various hand signals, and subliminal messaging. Also exposes rituals, media attacks, etc. in the public view that seem to be pushing a trans humanist / occult agenda.

I also doubt that we’ll see this disease plaguing China.
I wonder how they intend to fix India's wagon? "They" are running smack-dab into the chaotic nature of Humanity. Chaos is antifragile.

I love the work Chris has done since January 2020. He gave my wife and me the knowledge and understanding we needed to get through this time. (Unfortunately we could only give very limited help to our three sons. They have drunk the cool-aid.)
However, Chris is lacking one thing. He does not have a good human anthropology. Without the Catholic understanding of the human person (we are a very good creation, but we are severely damaged by Original Sin) you eventually come to the point where you do not understand why people act the way they do.
I learned this at the turn of the century. As I came into the Church over 18 months, the world totally changed. I could understand for the first time things that were previously unfathomable. Of course the world had not changed. How I looked at it had changed.

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but we are severely damaged by Original Sin
The Abrahamic religions are big on guilt tripping. Let Minerva tell you the truth about the origin of Sin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdWHMq-4-BQ&t=71s  

When you die, you go through a brightly lit tunnel.
You see your loved ones beckoning you to go into the light, Carol Anne.
You’re shown a “clip-show” of your entire life: the best of times; the worst of times.
You are told that you need to re-incarnate, because you made some mistakes in this life.
You’re told that reincarnation gives you another chance to be a better person, and to actually get it right this time.
Except that a man named Yeshua Yosef, aka Jesus Christ died for those mistakes.
You have no karmic dharma debt to repay, someone else picked up the tab.
The guilt-trip thing is an inversion of the truth. Chinese Finger-Trap.
To get you to reincarnate back into this soul Matrix that is likely their food/energy source.
The true story of Jesus ends in India. He’s buried there. Whoever this guy was, he figured out what the hell their game was. Just uttering his name ends the abduction experience immediately. Aliens are afraid of Jesus. This is not a joke. It’s in the research.