For those unaware, the word Catholic is defined as “universal”
To those of the Faith, we are all members of one body. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, and again in Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians Chapter 4.
Dr. M: why are they in such a rush?
Dr. C: there is a small chance they're thinning the herd
Dr. Collum: I got the injection, at the urging of my wife. Cornell Univ. mandates the covid vaccine for their students. But not their faculty..................... 'Hey Mom, my chemistry professor just said the vaccine they made me get is part of a depopulation agenda.' There's a lot of cognitive dissonance to unpack in that 1 minute of the interview: Since the Club of Rome, TPTB have talked about the need to reduce the world's population. They've toned it down a lot since covid began, lest one of the commoners should put two and two together.... 1,100 Colleges and Universities mandate the vax for their students. Are we able to measure a dramatic reduction in covid deaths among those students? Or those faculties, or surrounding communities? How many of those young adults have had miscarriages? How many have had myocarditis? Fertility problems? The burden of proof is on those pushing the mandate, and the experimental gene therapy. .................... We need answers to the following questions: are these injections intended to harm us? If so, how, and why? Who is behind the scenes, making schools and employers enforce the rules, telling nurses to inject the poison? Curiosity, medical ethics, and compassion are three good reasons to pause the experiment, and analyze the data, before causing more harm. Unless... this really IS a thinly disguised culling of the herd. My kids were supposed to start college this year. They deferred, thank God. Because ... the Nuremberg code, DARPA, and patented biological weapons. I'm still having a hard time understanding if the world was always this evil, or did it change? We were told the "vaccines" would prevent us from catching covid, prevent transmission, prevent bad cases of covid. TPTB were 100% certain of these "facts." This is the "science" we were were told to trust. The foundation of the "vaccine" mandates and passports. TPTB have all the best genes, the ones that make people so smart, and ethical. As commoners, we're cursed with nothing but "defective" genes. We get punished if we question their authority. Their science is "settled", once and for all. They can't be wrong. The world is their oyster. They have the "good" genes. That's why they're in "The Good Club."
Great for you! But let’s get this straight. You claim that there is only one true view because you experienced it?
I recommend that you start reading Kant. Especially his thoughts about people thinking that the world is as they perceive it…
I do not want to ridicule you, every mini-enlightenment is one for the benefit of humans. I think that “thruth” shows itself in a multitude of experiences and forms. Claiming that there is only one truth, the truth that one believes in, is imo the recipy for disaster, dictatorial regimes, mass suffering and other minor nuisances.
Chris- really appreciate your thoughts on this, what you know and what you sense? Does anyone else have a theory? between 80-90% of Australia will be required to be vaxed before xmas, that ain’t no vaxident.
Thanks for your response brushhog. You’re definitely right about the blatant rigging of the American election and their brazenly getting away with it. It’s also so that you should be careful what you wish for. The Brandon cabal now own the expanding economic chaos. John Michael Greer said in Nov 2020 in his astrological reading of the presidential inauguration that the incoming president would be heading straight into a buzzsaw. Well ain’t that the truth. Ha.ha.
I think you’re also right about China and the shenanigans at the Wuhan lab. If you open your mouth in China you disappear. In the West you also get disappeared but it’s usually through censorship, shadow-banning, controling the narrative, small Overton window, smear and libel campaigns etc and if you really get to close you tend to have an “accident” or a “medical emergency”.
The sock puppets in the legacy media are just well paid stooges and in most cases not the brightest bulbs in the room. Yes these media people are truly owned whether it be through blackmail, fear or money something is keeping them in check.
I think these days we’re all just like Kremlinologists during the Cold War, trying to figure out what’s going on based on glimpses of passing shadows and snippets of information which may be false or true. It’s all smoke and mirrors in the narrative war. That’s why this site and the commenters are so valuable in helping us keep our eyes on the ball and trying to make sense of all the nonsense. All the best to you.
Chris, really enjoyed the open discussion with Dave, he is an interesting guy, likes to talk allot but that is Dave… also have watched the video of the Ashley Babbit shooting, it was staged
Even more interestingly 90% of NSW (close to 95%) have been already vaccinated and the other states (already reaching 75+%) will follow, which will make Australia the most vaccinated country in the world! It will be also interesting to see what conclusions we could reach looking at their covid and mortality data (available today and in the future).
Today’s article said something along the lines of: “Australians can reach herd immunity if over 90% of the population continues to keep high level of immunity through the vaccine. Also the government has secured enough mRNA vaccines for a third dose and it is unclear if more boosters will be requred in the future.”
Fascinating …
Hi @cmartenson and all,
In an effort to figure out what we do know about MRNA vaccine side effects and given that new research is being systematically censored, I’ve been researching old articles investigating the effects of SARS vaccines. Searching google scholar, I was only able to identify one from 2012 - Here’s its conclusion:
The SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.Reference: It seems to confirm the anecdotal evidence we're seeing that these vaccines negatively affect their recipients' immune systems and actually make them more vulnerable to disease. I am not sure that I understand the article correctly however. I'd be grateful for help in improving my understanding and perhaps finding more research articles on the topic (for those who have access to science databases) - I have a sneaking suspicion some search results are being censored. Thanks all!
Doctors for Freedom Rally
Remdesivir scam: my old posts as have a lot of this study.
Referenced in the body of this study are three other similar vaccine attempts- 2 animal and a 3rd on children. The animal studies had similar outcome- vaxxed animals died when exposed to illness of hyperimmune responses. The kid vaccine was against ARDS. All the kids got very sick, some hospitalized and one died.
So the idea that these shots are “new and novel” is only true if you know the ingredients ought not be used in any injection, there are no animal studies, and they collapsed the control group at the end of the initial Phase II trials meaning you have NO LONG TERM DATA of sequelae. Add to it that Moderna has never produced a single vaccine before, and Pfizer created a subsidiary company to be the vcxx producer to protect from future liability.All of that screams “we lied and have no idea what will happen to you.”
Remember FDA,CDC, and NIH have coordinately participated in the lying. I think it is treasonous and should incur those penalties.
The international figures, and they are also mirrored in New Zealand, show that on average 97 per cent of the people ill enough to be hospitalised – some of whom are seriously ill – have not been vaccinated.
Derek Fox New Zealand Herald 10 November
This is information supplied to NZ by the totally reliable media under the control of the Prime Minister Jacinda Adern who has declared herself the final arbiter on COVID. The figures shown by Israel. UK etc ,etc do not mirror these facts so obviously world figures should be altered to comply with the world experts ??
Just to throw my hat in the ring here; Free energy is an oxymoron. By definition energy is a RESULT of the destruction/consumption of something else. This is the condition of nature which is absolute.
Its like the idea of “deathless life”. Life only exists because there is death and vice-versa. They are one thing. Life IMPLIES death, and death IMPLIES life. Existence implies nonexistence. In order to have Yin you must have Yang, Yang cannot exist without Yin, and Yin cannot exist without Yang. These are the laws and structures that underpin all of reality from top to bottom.
Your life exists because you destroy/consume the life of something else. So death is a requirement to sustain life. There is literally nothing you can do that doesnt destroy something else…you got up this morning, you consumed/destroyed calories. You went to work, that decision came at the COST of doing something else. You stayed in bed, that came at the cost of going to work…etc, etc… Nothing can ever be “free”. Everything, from the smallest thought to the grandest execution comes at an equal and opposite COST.
I dont care if you are an alien from the furthest reaches of space who has studied “science” for a trillion years. There is no escape or exception from the immutable laws of existence. Nothing is free in this life, maybe the next?
‘long time friend and colleague’?? CM you are demeaning yourself and the credibility of your analysis and opinions to align yourself with such a pompous rabble rouser and egoistic sensationalist as David Collum. He was rude, disrespectful, arrogant and pure farce. Your face even showed it several times as he was pontificating on some tangential extremity, that you were insulted and distancing yourself from his outlandish claims of ‘evidence’. Don’t do it again. Don’t put him in the spotlight again. Poor poor judgement, low signal to noise ratio, dirty ethics.
The following is an excerpt from my NLT Study Bible. It is a “Theme Note” embedded in the text of Jeremiah 24. I read this particular note some years ago, and it made a lasting impression on me, such that it occasionally comes to mind, especially when there is some looming threat.
It was a bit of an undertaking to find it again, but here it is.
Cultural Collapse
Suddenly and completely, impressive cultures full of creative and skilled people fall apart. While digging, archaeologists often find a layer of ash between strata of remarkable artifacts; the ash indicates the destruction of the culture. This is one of the most disturbing aspects of human history.
The note went on to describe the destruction of Jerusalem in 586bc and the prior fall of Samaria in the 700s bc and before that the defeat Israel suffered at Shiloh—and the reasons for those calamities.
But the point here is that calamity is a “thing”.
The Picts were defeated by the Celtic cultures, the Celts by the Saxons, the Saxons by the Normans. These examples from the British Isles are just examples of what all of history shows.
But the truly “disturbing aspect”, the reality we are facing, seems to be a global effort to “scrape the pad”, as either Chris or Dr Collum put it (can’t recall), to clear the foundation in order to build something the new global raiders want.
It isn’t going to be a smooth transition.
There has never been a time like this, and all I know is that everything is going to change and for the worse. This isn’t your grandmother’s Fourth Turning.
That’s why I so appreciate Chris pushing folks to become more self sufficient—not that even the hardcore preppers will be able to avoid facing scarcity or violence or some totalitarian heavy-handedness. You gotta do something.
The prudent sees the evil and hides himself; the simple keep going and suffer for it.
I forget the reference for that proverb, but it’s easy to look up.
But there’s a proverb for Fourth Turnings. It’s wisdom for the time we’re living, and it has spoken to me since the Arab Spring—which I believe was the event that clicked the switch for the time clock of the end of this age, per Daniel 7. Whether I’m reading that right or not, mi amigos, we’re in for some very heavy weather.
Proverbs 27:23-27
23Know well the condition of your flocks,
And pay attention to your herds;
24For riches are not forever,
Nor does a crown endure to all generations.
25When the grass disappears, the new growth is seen,
And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in,
26The lambs will be for your clothing,
And the goats will bring the price of a field,
27And there will be goats’ milk enough for your food,
For the food of your household,
And sustenance for your maidens
”When the grass disappears” could well be code for “after the big depopulation event”, as the Bible often refers to humanity as “grass”. This, I think, is wisdom for the turning of the age.
I am an avid triathlete/Ironman competitor and type A about my workouts/training. I have an xl speadsheet where I track my daily workouts, time, distance, injuries and health. I am now on cold #6 since I got my Pfizer shot end of March. Historically, I would maybe get 1 a year. I won’t even get into a disastrous summer where I could barely swim or run for an hour. I have been taking D3, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC and a multivitamin. I am really worried that my natural immune system is wrecked.
Any thoughts?
I think VT Gothic put us all on troll alert, sure hope you are not trolling a bit of juicy bait here…
I am sympathetic to your plight, would hope that you can do some research and bring what you find back for us.
Thanks Hohhot. I also agree that we need to bring our so-called leaders and others involved in this malevolent hoax to justice. I know a lot of people are working on doing just that. Sadly, the hell troops seem to have worked systematically at corrupting our justice systems. Personally, I’m focused on ensuring survival for the largest number of people around me. I am honestly starting to think covid and vax mandates are being used as a distraction from the urgent and accelerating life-threatening energy predicament we all face. The more people are focused on covid, the fewer of them will prepare and survive it…
I am an avid triathlete/Ironman competitor and type A about my workouts/training. I have an xl speadsheet where I track my daily workouts, time, distance, injuries and health. I am now on cold #6 since I got my Pfizer shot end of March. Historically, I would maybe get 1 a year. I won't even get into a disastrous summer where I could barely swim or run for an hour. I have been taking D3, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC and a multivitamin. I am really worried that my natural immune system is wrecked. Any thoughts?That sucks, dude. Going by DaveF's data that the body takes several months to a year to rid itself of the spiked proteins you may just have to wait it out and hope no permanent damage has been done. My opinion is that the body is an amazing machine with tremendous healing/regenerative abilities. My guess is that if you stop blanketing your system with spikes, eventually you'll clear them and heal up. Good luck.
Very interesting conversation indeed. However, I believe he underestimates both women and millennials when it comes to the urge to wander down the rabbit hole. I am both, and I have found plenty of fellow female millennials on my journey down said hole.
But then again, we’re Swedish, so we tend to do things a bit differently…
You make a good point about energy transference, but it feels like a loose interpretation of the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Dogs will never drive cars.
I say this phrase to remind myself to stay humble.
Pathological human hubris manifests itself as human supremacism. Scientism, Cargoism, etc. falsely leads humans to believe that science and technology can solve any human predicament.
Yet, dogs will never drive cars.
What it means is that humans have physiological limitations that will prevent us from ever attaining certain goals (misguided or otherwise). If you had to describe the human species with a word, that word might be “relentless”. “One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
And still, dogs will never drive cars.
I’d like to think that they have no desire to drive cars.
What’s my point? We’re so arrogant a species that we refer to our scientific observations as “laws”. What monumental hubris for our “flash-in-the-pan” species. What we observe in fifteen thousand years time may just be one incremental part of some larger million-year cycle.
Special Theory of Relativity turned out to be really good.
General Theory of Relativity? Not so much.
Where the hell is the graviton? Newton and Einstein’s math just doesn’t add up.
Yet it is a law, so we obey it. Kind of like a naked king’s promenade.
You are correct, however. The energy has to come from somewhere.
It’s just my opinion, but I think that gravity is standing in the way of zero point energy.
Full disclosure: I’m no physicist.
I’m just a happy dog riding in cars.