Disrupting the Data

Well that’s an interesting anecdotal TCooper. Colds are a form of coronavirus. What you are experiencing could well be related to this concept of original antigenic sin in that your immune system has been hit with such a powerful sledge hammer of specific, spike protein SARS-CoV2 antigen, that it is this battle that your immune system will always fight when activated by another coronavirus.
There was a lot of discussion about this phenomenon that kicked off after the UK data started demonstrating clear negative efficacy, at least in respect to infections, for vaccinated vs unvaccinated. It’s very possible that this phenomenon of original antigenic sin applies not just to the case of new variants of SARS-CoV2, but your more general immunity, especially in the case of other coronaviruses. This is speak nothing of other forms of immune system damage that the shots may bring about, like CD4/CD8 cell suppression.
Here are some articles;


Never forget that we are in the midst of an experiment. Using our newfound gene therapy contraptions, we are literally flooding our systems with ONE antigen from the corona virus that originally caused Covid-19. Our immune systems have never before been taught to create antibodies in this way… it’s highly unnatural. For all of history, including the recent (in evolutionary terms) vaccine-era history, our immune systems have always learned multiple antigens from the viral pathogen that is attacking us, the nucleocapsid protein being the most widely discussed as a marker for natural immunity following Covid-19. Learning multiple antigens, many of which are more highly conserved (i.e. not so readily mutated) vs. the spike protein, is thought to be one of the main reasons natural immunity is so much better and long lasting vs. mRNA vax. immunity.
It is very possible that this narrow, sledge hammer approach could drive a whole new level of Original Antigenic Sin, never before seen because it was simply not even possible in nature. This old advertisement (for margarine) comes to mind;


“The wise man knows what he does not know” - Lao Tzu
or if you prefer
“True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing” - Socrates


FLCCC has a long Covid protocol, irecover https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-protocol/. That may give you some ideas that might be worth trying.


QAnon and Russiagate are proof women have no trouble going down rabbit holes; they just have to be rabbit holes wide enough to accommodate their social circle. If I were to complain about a way women have influenced the public conversation in recent years, I’d point to their tendency to militant conformism. In that sense David Collum is right: women do tend to enforce social norms on anyone going down unapproved rabbit holes.


Chris: “VAERS could have been perfectified” LOL!!!

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Not sure if this has already been posted somewhere.
https :// July 21, 2021 - The COVID Blog® why-have-so-many-african-leaders-died-of-covid-19/

Seventeen (17) of the 24 deaths were African ministers and heads of state. Researchers blamed several factors on this unusual trend, including low-quality healthcare, comorbidities, and higher overall mortality rates across the continent. They drew one more interesting conclusion about this strange phenomenon:
“…the COVID-19-related deaths have been associated with substantial changes in public health policy in cases where the response to the pandemic had initially been contested or minimal. Ministerial deaths may also result in a reconfiguration of political leadership, but we do not expect a wave of younger and more gender representative replacements.”

“I believe I heard him say the virus had not been isolated. That seems to be the area of crackpot science.”
why crackpot science? because the virus has been “sequenced”? that’s just a series of letters. it doesn’t prove the virus exists.
here’s another explanation:
Has SARS-COV-2 been isolated and purified to show existence?



You might consider getting some blood work done. You track everything. So how is your immune system? I have read that the CD8 response is important for viral clearance. Is your CD8% too low? That requires both a CD4 and a CD8 test. Here is an interview with Dr Cole that lays out his observation that CD8 counts were abnormally low in vaxxed people. This might be one reason for your poor response to common cold.

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/idaho-doctor-reports-a-20-times-increase-of-cancer-in-vaccinated-patients/ Cole explained that two types of cells are required for adequate immune system function: “Helper T-cells,” also called “CD4 cells,” and “killer T-cells,” often known as “CD8 cells.” According to Cole, in patients with HIV, there is a massive suppression of “helper T-cells” which cause immune system functions to plummet, and leave the patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses. Similarly, Cole describes, “post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,” “And what do CD8 cells do? They keep all other viruses in check,” he continued. Cole goes on to state that as a result of this vaccine-induced “killer T-cell” suppression, he is seeing an “uptick” of not only endometrial cancer, but also melanomas, as well as herpes, shingles, mono, and a “huge uptick” in HPV when “looking at the cervical biopsies of women.”
Although the CD8 issue might just be about latent viral infections (herpes, HPV, etc) vs new respiratory virus challenges. Could also be that antigenic sin that JimH talks about too. For my next cold, I will make use of the nasal irrigation as per FLCCC at first sign of symptoms. While there's a good bit of data on nasal irrigation for SC2, I'm thinking it might work for the common cold as well. Of course it might not too. Then again, I like experimenting on myself. :) If your CD8 counts are low, I'm not sure what the "fix" for that is. Hmm. After a search - here's one article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/202010/working-out-may-boost-immune-responses-cd8-t-cells "Exercise" It might also be an S1 clearance thing, as Brushhog suggests. Which will take time, or intervention (per Patterson). Patterson is focused on post-COVID, but same thing is likely true post-vax. Its (virtually) the same spike, after all. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.25.449905v1 Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection "We really don't know" is the actual answer. If it were me, I'd "doctor myself", especially since the vast majority of the medical community seem to be hypnotized - convinced by Pharma that the shots are "safe and effective."

Well, makes sense. Most of us have been raised and conditioned to take responsibility for the harmony and social cohesion of the group/family/community, and sometimes that conditioning runs into overdrive. Harmony must be maintained at all costs! All geese must be kept in line! Etc etc


Interesting story I heard today at work (via Teams). A guy I work with flew back to Ireland with his family for a big social event (I’m guessing a couple hundred people?) All were vaxxed, both in his family and at the event. He said they were super careful during the whole journey to minimize risk. Someone at the event had the sniffles and ended up infecting “half” the people there with Covid. He flew back to Canada with his family which includes children and they’ve all been at home for 10 days getting through Covid.
What’s funny is that this was a values moment he shared at the start of a kickoff meeting for a big project we are starting which is expecting 3-5 days of attendance in the office per week. And last week the company came out with its Covid vax policy that as of Dec 1 you won’t be allowed in the office without it. And in this meeting he also said that if anyone had any issues with the 3-5 days a week in the office to mention it to him to address it. I will, and it will be an interesting conversation since by now he can’t possibly believe that the death jabs are effective.
No one in the meeting raised the irony of his story (understandably given it was a kickoff), and I think he brought it up on purpose to make the point. I don’t know, how long can this baloney narrative continue until everyone has been in a situation like this where it’s blatantly obvious they don’t work?


So this was a comment that was ghosted on Dean Walker’s latest video;
‘’I’ll do what the fuck I want”, couldn’t agree more Carolyn. Had Mr Jenkinson not just delivered that message to me in his latest book, that would have been my “dark gold” handed to me, squirming in my throat. However, let me return the favour. I have just witnessed my government commit murder by acts of omission and commission. If rejecting their poison, based upon the evidence (which you may be ignorant of) is my “doing what the fuck I want”, I have to say that I suspect your “dark gold” is “you should do what the fuck I say”. Was this your subtext? This seems to be a common stance from left leaning people, and is the reason I fear fascism from the left more than the right. Tell me, do you support the “no jab no job”? Would you force my children to be injected to reduce the risk to your very elderly father a tiny amount? A child with a far higher risk from the v… than the the C. Do you support the censorship I’m currently dodging? I have to say, I find the ignorance everywhere, and I’m disgusted by most. I now live in a world where I will be forced to accept something I know could kill me, when I’ve had the C twice. It wasn’t the C that killed my friend it was the V, officially registered by a doctor. One of the now at least 1700 in the uk.
With grief and condolences.”
if you go incognito you can see your comment is not there but looks like it is on your account. This is how bad censorship is now.
This is no joke….


One of the great powers Big Pharma has, which was birthed during the Clinton Administration, is the power to directly advertise it’s drug products to the public. Take that away, and watch Big Pharma’s power shrink.
How powerful is the media? The internet went to shit when Alphabet and other social media platforms partnered up with Big Pharma - that’s when the algos changed and the Bollingers, Mercola, Erin and a slew of other natural health sites got taken off the search results.
If Big Pharma lost the right to directly advertise to the public, then the media would have to find another way to make money. Maybe the MSM would have to change it’s business model from censorship and propaganda to investigative reporting.
The FCC was de-regulated during the Clinton Administration - in opposition to 90% of the public. An un-elected agency.
Get rid of the abc agencies, get rid of the deep state.


I love this kind of interviews. It is so relaxing, because there is no rushing to Q&A. It is all just like friendly conversation and it is so spontaneous.


Amazing Polly telling it like it is. I was a fan of Dr. Campbell until he started promoting the jab’s. Have watched very few of his videos since. There will be many in the medical field whose lives will be “adversely affected” not only from taking the jab’s but encouraging others to ruin their health or be killed by taking the pseudo “vaccines.” One may try to rationalize giving bad medical advice that harms others, but there will be a price to pay. It is abundantly clear we cannot trust the CDC, the FDA, the NIH and other government entities on anything related to Covid. It is best to be prepared.


Dr. Collum said he expected a bloodbath (I think that’s the point where he made the good-natured-yet-still-offensive slur against patriotic rural folk as being “toothless?).
Never mind the given of elitist programming in Ivy Leaguers (even if they are from, say, Texas, as was one of my Princeton-indoctrinated professors), thinking people know to take that with a box of salt. Love covers a multitude of sins.
He is, I believe, correct in his assumption. I don’t think there’s much hope for peace until some time after one side or the other lances their perceived boil—in the US, that is.
Unlike other nations in the Western alliances—NATO, the Five Eyes—the US has the Second Amendment. So there will be a general throw down or a lot of isolated throw downs. A lot lot.
It’s the Second Rider who wields the Western-style sword and to whom it is “given to take away peace from the earth that men will slay one another”.
I don’t know if that means civil war or general mayhem or some wag the dog conflict, but I’m suspecting mayhem. That will play into the hands of the globalists and the CCP. A badly degraded US is certainly what they want—and they’ve got a pretty good track record of late in getting what they want.
Whatever the case may turn out to be, it seems one would want to be in an area where there are fewer Communist operatives—whether they can flash a full set of choppers or not—and more patriots, whose teeth are usually both figurative and actual.
Any man who has slept with a shotgun in his bed for fear of being murdered by rampaging, anti-American, leftist goons is by default an ally of mine.
So there’s a nice 14-acre tract for sale just a couple miles up the county road. I can assure that none who live here are toothless, at least in the figurative sense.

I am an avid triathlete/Ironman competitor and type A about my workouts/training. I have an xl speadsheet where I track my daily workouts, time, distance, injuries and health. I am now on cold #6 since I got my Pfizer shot end of March. Historically, I would maybe get 1 a year. I won't even get into a disastrous summer where I could barely swim or run for an hour. I have been taking D3, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC and a multivitamin. I am really worried that my natural immune system is wrecked. Any thoughts?
Yes, I do. These 'vaccines' seem to suppress/depress people's immune systems. I think DaveF is on the right track with the CD8+ data. There are protocols to get around that problem, and I think the FLCCC white blood cell "repolarization" substances would be a good place to start. As well the Patterson protocol looks solid. Beyond that, I'd personally keep using IVM until I felt that the spike protein effects were no longer dominating my life. I'd personally take IVM weekly and then taper it off carefully watching for effects, such as getting colds again or feeling super low energy. That's just what I'd do. I'd doubly especially do this if I had any significant underlying condition such as cancer or an autoimmune disorder. The anecdotal data (so far) coming out about explosive resurgence of such conditions in vaxxed people is horrific.

I can assure you Collum refers to “toothless” as a means of denigrating those who wielded the term, not as a descriptor in which he finds utility.


I’ve found you can get around Youtube ghosting your comments by mis-spelling any potential trigger words — political or medical. Spell them phonetically. “Vaccine” becomes “pvaqzeen” etc etc. Never use words like “tyranny” for example, it should be “tihriny”.