Disrupting the Data

Thanks Chris.
I’m glad to hear it.
Having grown up and lived in a society in which Southern accents were the go-to for characters depicting idiots and axe murderers I and perhaps a few others get prickly too quickly.
A brother-in-law from Massachusetts told me that his first impressions of Southerners came from Deliverance and Easy Rider. Then he told me that his impressions were proven valid by his observations after moving to the South.
That sort of thing colors one’s impressions of Northeasterers.
Happy to stand corrected in this case. And I was sincere in my suggestion to consider those 14 acres.
And thanks for the times you’ve chosen to use “y’all” as a remedy for the flaw in modern English’s second person plural pronoun. I mean, “youse guys” just won’t do.


Because of the no jab no fly rules coming in to effect in Canada the vast majority of workers at the mine site I worked at are now injected.
They recently had a Vid breakout where nine workers were quarantined. Turns out they were all double vaxed.
Several workers are also not coming in because they tested positive.
This article from ZeroHedge tells a similar story of rising case rates in jabbed populations.


“And thanks for the times you’ve chosen to use “y’all” as a remedy for the flaw in modern English’s second person plural pronoun. I mean, “youse guys” just won’t do.”
I sometimes think we should go back to Thou and Ye for singular vs plural “You”


Hi Yinz,
If I use yinz to refer to 2 or more persons from where do I originate? Clue: Teams from this geographic area wear Black & Gold as do their fans and their fans are sometimes called yinzers.


Hi Mysterymet,
Right you are. Go Steelers.
And for those of you that don’t know, a jagoff is a noun which means a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person. Example, “This jagoff won’t stop talking about the Eagles!”
Call me what you want. I don’t take it personally. Ha ha.
I am off to row my boat now. Have a great day.


Lived there for a while and still have many friends in that area of PA.

Great interview and fantastic guest, but the rate at which he interrupted Chris was exasperating.


Great thanks

Here is a Dr. Been video discussing a Swedish study which indicates that the spike protein inhibits DNA repair. More research is needed yet early conclusions present even more dire consequences for the spike protein and it’s interference in DNA repair

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An hour and 49 minutes and it passed so quickly. I think Chris should do another with him on a variety of topics.

Agree Collum is pompous and egotistical, as well as having a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth. Not sure any of those traits translate to a lack of cred, but they do make him unlistenable.

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Ok, This is all too depressing. I’m gonna stop listening to your podcasts, take my weapons, buy lots of freeze dried food, and move to a sparsely populated area with a bunch of toothless folks. I’d even start a garden but what I’ve been hearing is that gardens all over the country are failing, including those of experienced gardeners.

Dave’s interrupting -and as a non native hard to follow.

Just filter out what Chris said and it’s a 5 minutes show.

Because of the no jab no fly rules coming in to effect in Canada the vast majority of workers at the mine site I worked at are now injected.
road to serfdom

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Right at the end Chris you say China gets an edict from on high to …
please define ‘on high.’ Who would China be taking orders from
Serious question btw!

I recall seeing a youtube video where a Dr was saying something about this, I think came across this becasue he kiijed at the T-Cell and B-Cell counts of his patients - so this may be a good starting point…their was more to it but it was something along these lines…a good Dr should be able to tell you waht your counts mean in a relative manner…If I remeber the link Ill add it here

Hi Chris, big fan of yours and of Daves. Great hearing you too together… Best Regards, Nasir