Disruptions Triggered By The Coronavirus Are Now Exploding Everywhere

New here. This is my goto site for accurate info. Chris and Adam are heros! I live in France which I now call the Alfred E Newman country. Thanks to PP, I‘ve been stocking up on food, water, and PQ (tp) for a month and continue to do so when I must go out. I‘m 70 so I use a respirator outdoors or N95 masks. I cover that with a long scarf which is up there with eating frogs for defining who is French. I don‘t mind looking weird to other people, as nonconformity never bothers me. I didn‘t have to go through the adjustment process. Once I started listening to Chris in January on this subject, I immediately saw the light, kind of like Peter and Andrew when they heard the words Follow me!

In your recent podcast you were wondering if travelers could circumvent the prohibition for travel from Europe to the US. It is not only easy…but in fact encouraged by the lunatic government in Mexico. They came out the same day the prohibition was announced in the US…saying that all those potentially cancelled flights would be welcome in Mexico. Fortunately, that is not going to be potentially possible as the airport infrastructure would not be sufficient.

NZ PM Jacinda Ardern announces new rules for travellers to NZ (including returning New Zealanders)
Effective from midnight Sunday, all travellers, except for those coming from the Pacific Islands, will have to self-isolate for 14 days on their arrival to New Zealand.
• The PM says the rules are the toughest in the world.
• She told New Zealanders not to travel overseas if they don’t have to and issued stark advice: no hugs, hongi or handshakes.
• All cruise ships have been asked to not come to NZ until June 30.
• There will also be further announcements on mass gatherings.
Strict new border exit measures for people travelling to the Pacific have also been put in place:
• People who have travelled outside of New Zealand in the past 14 days are not permitted to travel to the Pacific islands.
• No travel to the Pacific for close or casual contacts of a confirmed case.
• No travel for anyone who is symptomatic.
• Health assessment including temperature checks will be done.
• Restrictions prevent foreign nationals travelling from or transiting through mainland China or Iran from entering New Zealand.
• The Government has also issued a stern warning for people with health conditions to reconsider overseas cruises.
The restrictions will be reviewed in 16 days and there will be more advice for self-isolation next week. There were already clear guidelines for employers on sick pay and working-from-home advice.
Ardern said New Zealand was already registering all travelers who are self isolating once entering NZ . 10,500 people have already self isolated in NZ.
The PM says the pandemic which hits hard and fast must be dealt with by “flattening the curve” to have the cases in the right place - either at home or in hospital if needed. “We must go hard and fast.”
While all that is good news, the fact remains that the NZ Dir Gen of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield still believes there is no asymptomatic transmission and no aerosolization of the disease. Oh well.

I’m so pleased to see this! It feels like very few people here in NZ ‘get it’ (especially among my age group) . I’ve been hoping the government would take some decent measures after seeing the situation rapidly deteriorating elsewhere. I wasn’t too optimistic considering the standard of information being given but this is a positive step!

The was a Zero hedge article on it, an economics theory that got the guy (team ?)a noble prize, and the effect named after him. forgot his name though…
Cheers Hamish

Behind the former Iron Curtain, things are moving fast. It was announced at 5am on Saturday morning here in Czech Rep that all shops with the exception of food/medicine/fuel and 1 or two other exceptions are shut for 10 days. The state of emergency lasts another 28, so I expect this to be extended. We’re fully into the ‘flatten the curve’ phase but with ‘only’ 150 cases so far, there’s still a chance (hopeful of it, but not entirely optimistic)
I was planning on going to the outdoor garden centre to buy a raspberry plant but I guess that’ll have to wait now. But if that’s the worst I can complain about…
I still get the impression that this isn’t being taken seriously despite the sweeping measures. Should not take too much longer though

Hello All,
I live in Southern California in LA County. Here’s a paragraph from the E-mail that Kaiser sent out to its members.

"If you’re healthy, you don’t need a mask
The CDC doesn’t currently recommend the use of masks for most people. Only people who are sick with COVID-19 and the people who are caring for them should wear face masks. We’ll provide masks to members and patients who have symptoms when they come to our facilities." Real stupid advice if you ask me. They also list 7 bullet points on "Advice on staying healthy". One of those is
  • Stay home when you are sick (and keep sick children home from school).
Instead of saying Stay TF home PERIOD. Again to me this advice is so stupid because it ignores the fact that persons that have been exposed don't know it. They don't know they are sick. They will be out and about doing their "thing" thinking all is well and they won't be wearing masks because why should they, they are not sick...They don't realize that they are potentially passing it around. Since early January I have been dealing with several deaths (not from the virus) of persons very close to me personally or significant or inspirational to me in many ways, including two brothers and my drum teacher/inspiration, a total of 6 persons so far. And I know that the potential for me to lose other close persons/relatives is going to happen because of this virus even hough I tried to warn them. But they wouldn't listen. That's what makes all of this so heart breaking for me. As Chris keeps saying, "It didn't have to be this way".


Thank you Dr Rob for sharing this. I’m guessing the US is 2-3 weeks behind this type of situation…

Hi All,
Like I said, I live in Southern California, LA County which is an area of 415 square miles if memory serves me correctly. What is it known for?? Earthquakes!!
We have a drill every year in October called “Shake Out” (title close enough) where we are instructed to drop, cover and hold. Good advise. Much better than in the “old” days when we were told to stand in a doorway. Afterwards, we’re always reminded that the BIG ONE is coming “one of these days”. There have been some significant ones over the past few years but not the ultimate BIG ONE. Lives are lost. Buildings fall and freeways collapse. Many persons suffer the consequences of not being prepared. And many persons just shrug their shoulders after it’s over and life goes on. But does the general populace learn anything? Do they take the advice to get ready? Nope. Instead it’s A BIG NO TO THE BIG ONE.
I have been volunteeringly self isolating since Sunday, March 1st. I have taken very few calculated risks on going out even though I have a very strong prophylactic. I also practice all the safety protocols while I do my few “hit and runs” with the last one being Wednesday. I have not been out for two days. However, I had a report from someone that was out today at the stores.
The stores were packed. Lines at stores formed before opening times. It was if tomorrow is Christmas and nobody had done any shopping and were now desperate to find the “perfect gift”. Hardly anyone had masks except a few Asian looking persons.
The reason why I mentioned earthquakes is because we’re all supposed to be earthquake ready here in So. Cal (and CA et large). I am! I can hunker down for more than a month if I have to. Guests to my home often ask why do I have so much water. I ask them, What? Don’t you? They usually just laugh and say something like, “Oh you’re a prepper”. Your damn right I am. The water is visible. The food I have is not visible. They either don’t think the BIG ONE is coming or if it does they will deal with it then. How stupid.
So now a different type of BIG ONE has arrived and they aren’t ready for even an earthquake. God forbid we don’t have one of those too on top of dealing with the virus. Oh, but it is not “earthquake weather”. So, don’t worry. Shit is hitting the fan and it is getting on everybody. If more persons had been prepared for an earthquake then they wouldn’t be panic shopping right now. And this virus is more than earth shaking!
Some have said they don’t have the money to prepare. Well, from where have they found all the money now to buy the toilette paper and water and what ever else they think they need now. Credit cards I suppose.
You know, I have 2 litmus tests for relative intelligence. One is 9/11 (NYC is obvious of course but it is what happened at The Pentagon that is actually more important to the whole story (not going into that right now though). The other one (prior to 9/11) is cross walk signals. That’s right, I said cross walk signals. How so you may ask?
Most of us have been pedestrians all our lives right? How many times does a person have to press the cross walk button to make it work? It’s once. Yet I have been in my car at red lights observing pedestrians or just walking on the streets and I am amazed by how many persons stand there at the pole pressing the button over and over and over again trying to make the signal change. Well guess what? That’s not how it works. But for them the walk signal final comes on and they are victorious.
My point is that these persons have been pedestrians all their lives yet they haven’t figured out how the walk signals work. The button only needs pressed once to activate the cycle. Pressing the button only lets the system “know” that there is a person there waiting to cross the street and when the time is right in the cycle/pattern of traffic the walk signal will come on. The walk signal doesn’t come on unless the button is pressed at most intersections. But their power of observation is so weak that they haven’t figured that out yet. Maybe one time when they were just starting out as a pedestrian they reached a cross walk and pressed the button and the walk signal came up almost immediately after just one press. That was because they just happened to time it just right within the cycle. Then they spend the rest of their life thinking that’s how it is supposed to work. Or, as a kid walking with their parent(s) they witness their parent pressing the button over and over until it changes and then they think that’s how it works. The times I have pointed this out the person usually gets mad at me for making them look so stupid. But maybe they are just that, stupid.
I know some of you may think I am being harsh on my fellow human beings but I think it is so sad that they haven’t figured out something that is so simple. But it’s the same thing here with this virus. It’s no worse than the flu they say even when the facts indicate otherwise. I really think society has been really dumbed down and it’s going to be a tragedy this time on so many levels and I will have to suffer through the consequences of their stupidity too. I know we’re all in this together but it is very demoralizing knowing who I’m dealing with.
Only a very few persons of all the person close to me have been listening to me since late January.
The masses are so gullible and with the governments like ours that don’t truly care about them living, instead caring more about the stock market, telling them to go jump off a cliff is really getting to me. There’s not much else I can do. As Chris keeps saying, It didn’t have to be like this.

First off I want to say thank you so much for your daily videos! They have been my lifeline through this crisis and because of you my family is well stocked up and ready! You literally have saved our lives. We are in WA state and its getting pretty bad, our tiny island off the coast of Seattle that we live on just closed all schools and the library is closing Monday. Our stores are sold out of most things and people are panicking or self isolating. Our town is small and very close knit and people are rallying to help each other during this crisis so that has been really wonderful to see. I own a retail store here and I made the choice to close today to protect my family and my customers. The financial loss is huge but thats the least of my concerns right now. My husband works at the fire department here and my son works at Tacoma fire. They are putting there lives on the line weekly and like the drs and nurses they are the brave heroes of this pandemic. We are all trying to stay positive and just get last minute prep done. Thanks to you we are ready to face this!

Hi everyone
Chris, thanks for the daily updates and thanks to everyone else for the comments and links to research and studies. The information here has been invaluable and I have managed to prepare as best I can as a result of that. Asides from that, it’s good to know that I’m not the only one that has been banging my head against a brick wall for weeks and weeks…
Like a few others, I’m also in NZ and whilst we have some good news today about managing our borders with more discipline (let’s hope they have moved beyond thinking a clipboard and pamphlet is sufficient), I would have liked more action, sooner. I’ve written to the Health Minister, the the Health Department, have bombarded various reporters with links to research but still, incorrect stories keep coming through our media channels. So frustrating and disappointing.
Here’s hoping the changes today make a difference, and stop the “she’ll be right” Kiwi attitude in its tracks. And just maybe our DG of Health may have a lightbulb moment, and realises it’s past time for him to move on…
Cheers and stay safe

The global just-in-time delivery system is about to slap us in the face. Hard. It affects everything, including hospitals. With borders and transports closing, it only gets worse.
If we close down everything too late it will be a disaster.
If we close down everything too early it will be a different kind of disaster.
Some choice!
This is what governments and authorities are juggeling with. And they’re actually telling us, between the lines. All you have to do is listen carefully to their choice of words. It’s like going to the doctor - if he is “concerned” - then you kow you’re in deep trouble.
I may be wrong - perhaps very wrong - but I don’t think they’re stupid. Our CDC equivalent have experts that are in frequent contact with other countries like South Korea and Italy. They’ve been speaking about flattening the curve all week long. They know what is happening. I think authorities are silently prepping for closure. And when they’re done - it will come.

Bravo! Worth a watch. Flatten the curve.
Share. Stay safe. X

Those audio tapes from Italian doctors are alarming. Maybe its because they are talking about such a crisis in a casual matter of fact manner. But running out of ventilators is no joke when so many people are coming in and unable to breathe on their own. That one aspect of this illness is really frightening since we are hearing again and again of cases where infected individuals suffered total respiratory failure and could only be saved via mechanical ventilation.
So a critical shortage of hospital respirators might mean you have a death sentence.
I would have to agree its much better to isolate than take the risk of being among the infected at the top of the bell curve since we don’t know how each of us might react individually. Somewhere else on one of these threads were Italian Doctors saying there are a fair number of people in lower age groups in the serious category so its definitely not just an old persons illness. There must be something that victims have in common besides age that is causing them to succumb to this disease while others breeze through it with just a stuffy nose. And I wish I knew what but we have no way to even self assess our own risk profile without knowing what those specific variables are.
Is it a vitamin D deficiency perhaps? Or Zinc or vitamin C? There has been enough written on vitamin deficiencies and viruses lately to make me think these could put you at higher risk than the average person. But I am not a Doctor and have no idea other than guessing at this point.

I’m taking a day off from the calamity after yesterdays translation marathon :smiley: think i deserved it. Don’t forget to rotate off the front lines guys! If we’re supposed to treat this as a war remember that outside massive offensives, it’s mostly defend against incursions and rotating your forces on and off the battlefield while supply lines are established.
However there’s always time for memes so i just came by to post this :smiley:

I want to echo the thanks to Chris and Adam as well as all the contributors on here. Relatives that follow Chris closely alerted us to check this out back at the beginning of February. Since then we have been in preparation mode and feel like we are way ahead of the game.
My husband is a firefighter here in the Midwest. He has been trying to talk to his crew for the past 3-4 weeks about what is coming and they would just roll their eyes and say he was a little to obsessed with the issue. They just don’t get it and they are on the front line. They all think it is a political game and you won’t hear anything more about it in a month. OMG! Its mind blowing.
Well, on Thursday all the area schools started shutting down. And the panic buying began - including my husbands best buddy he told to start stocking up 3 weeks ago but blew it off. Thanks to all of you, we have not had to participate in the panic. We are waiting for the panic to die down so we can go get a few more items. Luckily, it’s nothing we need right now.
Again a BIG THANK YOU to all on this website. Chris’ videos have been my baseline for information and voice of calm and reason. With his info, I have been able to reach a few people and wake them up. I have at least tried to do my part.
Stay Safe!

That’s new.

Dutch government link below Chris’s video. Not sure how long that’s been there but thats the first time i’ve seen it.

I don’t see this one posted:
Coronavirus: How To Inform Your Friends & Family Without Creating Pushback, March 12th