Disruptions Triggered By The Coronavirus Are Now Exploding Everywhere

Question: is ordinary tap water likely to contain corona virus. I‘m referring to advanced 1st world countries here. I use a filter similar to a Berkey filter and I know that these filters do not stop viruses, which is why I‘m asking about tap water. I understand also that tap water is treated recycled sewage water so I would guess that it would contain corona virus as the infection spreads. Should I stop drinking home filtered tap water and not use it to wash fruits and vegetables? Should I boil it before using it? Thanks for considering this.

Something that hit me: Some masks as well as respirators have an exhaust valve. So, these devices filter incoming air (Good for the holder) and just let go out possibly contaminated air if the holder has the virus (Bad for nearby people).
Looks to me that the best masks/respirators are the ones that filter in and out. Not just one way.
We don’t have masks. Just three respirators (with replacement filters) for my wife and myself. The reason is simple: masks must be frequently replaced. One of our friend, a surgery nurse, told us that one nurse can use between 40 and 50 masks a day as she have to replace them often. A mask used while taking care of one patient must be replaced before going to the next patient. Which makes sense to avoid more spread.
So, we decided to go with half-face respirators, with goggles (less expensive than full-face respirators) instead of stocking hundreds of masks. If we get sick, then we know that we are not protecting other people.
To follow…

I don’t know anyplace where the tap water is recycled sewage water. Sewage effluent gets used for things like watering parks and golf courses, not for people to drink.
That said, if you are concerned about your tap water, yes, do boil it. The best way to drink boiled water is with a variety of interesting teas and a pretty teapot!
Boiled water would be safe for washing fruits and vegetables. Also, somewhere in the threads someone wrote about how homemakers in Africa use a bit of bleach in the water they use to wash produce from the market. Worth considering.

So here we are in the late stages of a commodity price deflation that began back in 2011 and we are abruptly seeing precipitous declines in two of the most heavily traded and speculative commodities. Those two resources are gold and crude oil which are normally among the most liquid and active contracts on the futures exchanges.
What we are witnessing now is that the bears are back in charge while the gold and oil bulls scatter in disarray as the primary secular trend comes home to roost and reasserts itself forcefully. You could see this coming a mile away of course because commodity markets trend cyclically and are somewhat predictable but as the latest declines are coming coincident with our current stock market crash there is an added sense of pain and bitterness as commodities investments, which are typically counter-cyclical, offer little refuge from the pain.
Unfortunately for traders, the bearish reversing trends seen in gold and crude oil markets are also being mirrored across much of the remainder of the commodity sector as oats, beans, wheat, cattle, canola, hogs (yes hogs too), silver, platinum, natural gas, gasoline, orange juice, coffee and you just name it…are either falling in price or have been trending down for a some years already.
The combined effects have added an aura of stress to markets that ordinarily always find a way to pivot into alternative investments but in the age of the so-called “everything bubble” there are few good alternatives available except just staying in cash or bonds and hunkering down while the various speculative asset classes sort themselves out.
Certainly not many investors are thinking of running to make commercial real estate investments when the writing is already on the wall for brick and mortar malls subjected to the tremendous strains brought on by the recent success of online retailing. Nor does the opportunity look so great in farm land where farm incomes can be projected to keep falling across the board due to the commodity rout and ongoing trade tensions.
Even apartments don’t look so good suddenly as the global economy grinds to a halt and dismal projections of future unemployment are already being calculated. Who will be renting at the current prices and how many will still be able to afford those rents if we really tip into the much expected recession? And lets not even talk about office space, hotels, clubs and restaurants at a time when most of China is still locked down due to Corona fears and the Western world is now just waking up to facing the same reality. All of this creates a very difficult near term quandary for investors who are used to having access to a wide range of alternatives of where to put their money to work. We have entered an age of indecision and few good options.
Does anyone really have expansion on their minds at such times when both tourism and business confidence are in sharp retreat? These combined effects are part of what is behind the recent sharp drops in gold and oil as we move into that paradigm where the only solution to low prices is even lower prices. We will just get there faster now and I expect this last part of the cycle will end with a very rapid commodity price deflation setting us up for the recovery that must follow once those key technical price lows have been hit.
It’s not that far away anymore so we can be hopeful in that regard. What happens between now and then will really depend upon the skill of the managers tasked to run their own enterprises and who manage to stay solvent through a protracted and potentially difficult economic downturn otherwise known as a recession.
Gold meanwhile is not going to recover for some time. It lost about 200 dollars over the past five trading days and is now set up for an obligatory dead-cat bounce but don’t expect it to hold that bounce for very long. To see gold’s future with clarity you should be looking carefully at the chart and at much lower prices. There is exactly one open (unfilled) gap on the daily gold chart that was created between 1305 and 1312 and I can tell you with certainty we are going there now that this gold price collapse has begun.
Crude oil meanwhile will most certainly head towards its projected 20 dollar lows no matter how preposterous it sounds. That’s what the charts imply and there is hardly any point in arguing about it. There is an urgency in the marketplace now to seeing those long standing basement targets realized for once they have been hit (as the technical people know they will), then markets will reverse back up once more. And this is what we are now seeing take place.
That crude oil and gold, as just two examples, have begun to be sold down violently to meet the conditions of their necessary price lows while some currencies like the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand dollars are being similarly sold off and following sharp declining paths in sympathy to the resource price collapse is also predictable.
It is all going to be over faster than you imagine. But brace yourselves. Especially if you are a gold bug…because this market is not taking any prisoners any more and it will rip your bleeding heart right out of your chest and ruin your gold relic dreams as it makes its way to the destination it must go to before this carnage can end. And now I have told you I don’t want to hear any bitching afterwards when gold is selling for a 1000 bucks an ounce.
You have been warned.

Overnight food deliveries did not arrive at my local food coop here in Vermont. Food distributors cannot satisfy demand for non perishable staples. Some shelves are empty this morning before the Likely inundation from shoppers later today.

Question: is ordinary tap water likely to contain corona virus. I‘m referring to advanced 1st world countries here. I use a filter similar to a Berkey filter and I know that these filters do not stop viruses, which is why I‘m asking about tap water. I understand also that tap water is treated recycled sewage water so I would guess that it would contain corona virus as the infection spreads. Should I stop drinking home filtered tap water and not use it to wash fruits and vegetables? Should I boil it before using it? Thanks for considering this.
Short answer, yes chlorinated tap water is safe. Long answer HPSC Science Paper on Covid and Drinking Water has to do with Covid19 being an "enveloped" virus. Its a short pdf read it if you want specifics, but drinking tap water is safe. Now the other junk they put into tap water, chemicals to cut down on lead from old pipes and stuff to make it flow better isn't the best thing to drink, but keep using your filter, you are fine as long as they don't do a boil order.  
Some masks as well as respirators have an exhaust valve. So, these devices filter incoming air (Good for the holder) and just let go out possibly contaminated air if the holder has the virus (Bad for nearby people).
The flaw in your plan blackeagle, is half masks have a exhaust value that will let contaminated air out without filtering it too. I own several of the 3M half masks and if you look closely at them, they have a small rubber value that opens when you breath out. If you think you've gotten Covid19, put the half masks away for later use. You'' need them to guard against reinfection if you survive. BTW, not sure of your filters but try finding some of the "pancake" filters like these: They are cheaper than the oblong can filters and for this virus just as effective as P100 filters. This from a rep at 3M. You should be able to still find these on Amazon. You can also disinfect them with either an isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide bath (30 minutes), then water rinse followed by air dry.

So naturally I have to ask why flights to England have not been banned given that the method of dealing with Covid19 in England is to just let it run through the population in order to build herd immunity. Meanwhile over in Europe where actual steps are being taken to slow infection rates, those countries cannot have flights to the US.
Unless our defacto domestic solution to the virus is exactly the same as England’s.
Ooohh, now I get it. LOL

Saturday morning is when I make my usual store runs, usually 7-9 in the morning. Went out today to do normal grocery shopping and as always add to the pantry. My smaller grocery store is normally dead usually 5 people 10 tops. Today there were 50 plus cars in the lot, the store was busy and most fruits were picked over and meats and eggs were 75% gone. I then started to the farm BOL location to put final touches on it for the extended family. Like notes on everything and reminders of what to do with anything they bring in to the farmhouse. So stopped on the way at the rural Walmart to top off some insulin preps for the farm, that Walmart was busier than usual but seemed to be decently stocked.
I now have it through two trusted sources that have DC connections that a national quarantine or lockdown is being heavily considered. Possibly 48-72 hours notice to get where the heck you need to get and a 7-21 day lockdown quarantine.


Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program)

Location Dallas, Texas, El Paso, Texas, Houston, Texas, Seattle, Washington, Anchorage, Alaska, Los Angeles, California, San Diego, California, San Francisco, California, Miami, Florida, Atlanta, Georgia, Honolulu, Hawaii, Chicago, Illinois, Boston, Massachusetts, Detroit, Michigan, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Newark, New Jersey, New York, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, San JuanDepartment: Department of Health And Human Services
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Job Announcement Number: HHS-CDC-D3-20-10640010
SALARY RANGE: $51440.0 to $93077.0/Per Year
OPEN PERIOD: 2019-11-15 to 2020-05-15

What will happen to gold when the Fed and every other central back print a few trillion dollars/euros/yen etc. to bail out the entire world economy and then the economy reaches its nadir and begins to recover with the passing of this emergency?

Thanks to Chris and Adam for superb coverage of this Sars-Cov2 situation. I’m grateful to have listened to you a month ago and got masks, gloves, booties, and sanitizing wipes and betadyne (plus H2O2 in the gallon size) when things were available and there wasn’t price gouging yet. Also because, thanks to PeakProsperity.com, I’ve been preparing for years and now have a garden, chickens, etc. In Pennsylvania, the governor just shut schools for two weeks. I just shut down all of my in-person groups (I’m a therapist) and am offering all individual and group work via videoconferencing. Individuals can also come in and sit more than 6’ from me. As the writers above, we are seeing vegetable shortages and crowded stores, though not panic (as of yesterday when my spouse did the shopping). I’m staying home this weekend but, will go to the office (since it’s an office of 1) as long as I’m well. If there’s actually a national quarantine as someone above suggests, again thanks to PeakProsperity.com, we’re all set. What’s baffling to me is why it took our governments so long to take this action? They’ve had the same information, I’m guessing that Dr. Martenson did, yet have done nothing until yesterday. I guess it takes the leaders being directly exposed to the virus for the people to get help. Baffling… Thanks from us, Jonathan



Absolutely crucial advice - should be posted over and over again in all caps. Now’s the time to “stay off the skyline” as we used to say in the Marines - the willfully uninformed are unleashed and in panic mode right now, so stay out of the way!
I’m going to the beach.

Thanks for your reply Cicerone. Those were exactly my symptoms the first week I was sick. I wasn’t sure I had it, because, back then the news said high fever and I had only a mild fever, and it seemed to come and go. I hope you and your wife recover from what you have quickly.
Yes, testing’s a JOKE. The reason I did tele-medicine twice was to avoid going in to the urgent care, if I had the virus. They really need stand alone test check points like South Korea has.
Instead we are left to wonder and to wander…about spreading away. I put on a mask and stay far away from others when I’m out, just in case. I get the odd looks, but who cares, very soon they’ll all understand.
Another thing to note, I called my primary physician’s office to try to get my visit record corrected and ask them what to do. The nurse said, they didn’t agree with the conclusion of the P.A. at the triage, but he’d already “made the call” not to test and they wouldn’t do anything further and it wasn’t up to them to ask me to self isolate. I predict this virus is going to over run my particular medical provider, esp that hospital and it will fail. Jonas Salk save us!

When you post about local conditions or anecdotes, please state where you are. Country, state, etc. Thanks.

Well Lemonyellow, just ask yourself what happened so far after multiple QE’s, trillions in Central Bank interventions, untold amounts of money in overnight repos, the Japanese CB buying almost all the bond market followed by most of that nations ETF’s and you know the rest. Maybe you can answer your own question. It has not done much for gold or miners or oil so far has it?
Then you might be able to explain how after all those interventions that the price of oil still cracked below 30 dollars on March 9th which is less than half its price of a few months earlier while gold just got its brains splattered on the pavement after falling off a high-rise roof and there is more splattering to come.
Look, I know you bugs can’t do math and I don’t want to lecture but the US alone is a 20 trillion dollar economy and China’s is normally equal to that. Look at the size of the economy of the G20 and you should realize that a few trillion here and there is really just nudges in a certain direction. It’s not going to cause hyperinflation and it certainly has not even caused traditional inflation to break out yet.
I know you guys hate to hear this. But we are not even in a bull market for gold yet. The bear market has still got to finish playing out. Everything has a season and its going to play out just like always. On that note, the people who have been predicting high inflation and hyperinflation are starting to look pretty foolish at a time when the world economy is literally deflating in front of our eyes. It’s going down so fast there is not even enough money to reinflate it because the core problem is excessive debt and credit. And debt problems are by their definition deflationary when we arrive at the conclusion where you either pay up, default or go broke.

Two people in Forsyth County, where I live, have tested positive after going on an international cruise where other passengers were infected, bringing NC’s total to at least 12. Our local public health director will not reveal where the couple travelled, nor how long they have been home. I also have it from a reliable source that a patient with the virus is being treated in the ICU of a local hospital.

So that’s my red line.


I chose the screen name Torii in honor of the vermillion torii (鳥居) gate at Heian Shrine in Kyoto, my favorite city. Towering 80 feet above the street, it signifies a pilgrim’s departure from the mundane world and entrance into sacred space. Similarly, I am the gatekeeper of my home’s sacred space and the guardian of my family’s wellbeing. All my strength and will now focus on protecting them from this contagion. We are stronger in the shelter of each other. Thank you, PP community, for sharing your ideas to help me prepare.


My bad English… (Nous pouvons discuter en Français; ce sera plus facile et rapide pour moi). In writing “respirator” I meant half face and full face. So, yes, we agree and I mentioned that my half mask does not protect others from myself.