Disruptions Triggered By The Coronavirus Are Now Exploding Everywhere

That virus has parts of tb and HIV. Maybe you recover, but what do those bits floating around in your body do? Kill you in 18 months from a scratch? We have no idea how infection will play out. Best to not get sick at all!

The rank and file (sheeple) have wokened, and it ain’t pretty. Runs are occurring on TP and sanitizer and the other I’m Panicking But Don’t Know What I’m Doing consumer goods (spam, rice, bottled water, chips, salsa (let’s survive the Nachocalypse!).
We have a couple last few items ordered but not arrived (2 O2 concentrators, some mycological supplements) but overall when I go to Costco today I’ll be buying day-to-day groceries (eggs, smoothie ingredients, matcha tea powder) and not lockdown supplies.
My son can feel that something’s up (age 3). He’s needing lots of extra hugs. My son’s mother (we coparent very amicably) and I touched base today about our bug-out plan should lockdown get pre-announced (as they did in Spain today – gave everybody a day and a half notice…we only need about 4 hours). She and I live in separate towns (she has overnight custody of son, although he comes to work with me six days a week) about 20 mins apart. Our bugout location is with my sweetheart’s family in a rural area on the North Shore. We’re on full red alert. I expect lockdown by end of the coming week (or next weekend it’ll be announced to take effect the following Monday 3/23).
Having said that, they randomly tested 37 people in Honolulu and got 0 positives (so they say). So maybe Hawai’i is lagging way behind – warmer and more humid here, higher UV levels due to proximity to equator – all that may slow the virus way down. If there’s really only a couple cases here, we might have a delay on lockdown too (barring a Federal order of nationwide effect).
People here are pretty mellow about it, even when they’re in panic mode. It’s a Hawai’i thing, I think. But there are still people scoffing at the notion that there’s anything momentous afoot. >shrug< As the saying goes, that’s not my circus, and those are not my clowns…
In the old days, Hawaiian life was organized around the ahupua’a system – each island was divided up into pie-shaped pieces from the highest spot down to the shore. Each pie piece was a separate economic/political entity. This sort of division ensured each parcel had a piece of every sort of ecological niche, from ocean to jungle to upcountry – and therefore a variety of the bounty the land has to offer. People near shore would trade coconuts and fish uphill to the people in the middle, who had fruit and veggies (taro etc.) and the people up top would trade beef, pig, deer, and upcountry produce downhill for the goods those folks had. If we get our wish and time to bugout to the North Shore, we’ll be in the middle, sort of. Farming. Trading avos and garden veggies and fruit uphill for meat and downhill for fish.
I relate this so as to get you to consider what sorts of alternate economic arrangements may shortly arise, in the absence of the just in time economy, and what useful role you might play or niche you might fill. And to consider – if you’re not able to stockpile tuna and beans and other foodstuffs – what other necessaries people might be ignoring and leaving on the shelves but will have a need for in 3 or 4 weeks? Which you could trade for food or whatever…
The old way of BAU is shaking itself to pieces, with some help form COVID-19. I’m mostly hoping to stay out of the way of falling debris and keep a keen eye for opportunities to build something new.
It all comes back to community, eventually. Be diligent in cultivating connections with the people around you, to the extent it’s at all possible. We’re only getting through this together. Lone wolves perish, and they die lonely. The pack endures.
May fortune attend us all! Prepare to be surprised! Don’t forget to play, and dance, and laugh.
VIVA – Sager

…That is not so crazy that it won’t happen. Conspiracy theory is the best source of “how to” ideas a government can find. Given enough time and technology, they find a way to make conspiracy a reality. Science fiction becomes science fact… if it’s possible.

“Nairobi asks if the UK is nuts. I haven’t heard discussion (I may have missed it) as to whether some countries might think this virus is a solution to overpopulation. Not wanting to be paranoid, but it does look like a way to clear out older more dependent and medically expensive people, and leaving the country “cleansed” so to speak. Am I nuts?”
had just this thought this week. They’re calculating their SS savings on a spreadsheet somewhere. “If 10 million die, we save X over the next 10 years!”

It’s an idea that’s been around quite a while, now.
I doubt it. The problem with such a “cunning plan” is that the elite are not spared exposure to it.
Were I a cunning self-styled planetary ruler I’d make sure whatever my plans for mayhem, they wouldn’t accidentally land on my head.

Lets see, the price is just about where it was when this virus popped up on the world’s radar. Gold has served as safe haven status for millennias. Central banks all around the world have been buyers for years and are going to print money like mad. I’m thinking about buying the dip.
You have been warned

As the saying goes, that’s not my circus, and those are not my clowns…


This came from research in Spain. To check for lung fibrosis, a symptom that covid19 causes but doesn’t appear outwardly until later: breath in deeply and hold for 10-15 seconds. If you can hold without coughing, you don’t need hospitalization. If you can’t, time to see the doctor.

Probably untrue chewie.

Yes i think we are over-populated - and need to thin the herd. But how to thin right people? I know bill gates wants to thin the herd with vaccines. You hear him state over and over again - we need to get the population down - and do it with vaccines.

Up here in the alberta oilfield, things are looking…confused. Just returned for my shift at undisclosed Oilfield fix broken stuff location.
I drive, no airplanes for me. Mandatory Covid-19 health check, which consisted of a short questionaire, and a temperature check. Fortunately this rigorous inspection allayed my fears, and I am in top shape! Sarcasm aside, at least they are doing something. I witnessed first-hand some parking lot ugliness at my local costco earlier this week, so the stress is there. The economic impact of this virus will be a sledgehammer here in Alberta, I believe, but, we’ve got gotten good at getting back up. This time, people will die, so it’s not the same as '08 and '15. It is certainly not hopeless, however, and if we hang together and give each other the dignity and respect we deserve, it will be a time unity.

Has anyone run across any scientific studies as to whether freezing kills the virus? I assume it either kills it or keeps it alive indefinitely.

Freezing has no effect on viruses/ does not deactivate them… It preserves them indefinitely. Pretty my how they do it at the bioweapon and bsl 4 labs… just freeze and study…

Hi everyone. I am new to PP and finding it useful.
Thanks to you I missed the mad rush on the shops and feel fairly prepared.
Can someone please link me to the video where Chris goes thought the “adjustment reaction” as I cannot seem to find it.

Quebec declared a sanitary emergency state this afternoon.

  • no more casual visits to relatives/friends in hospitals
  • no more visits to people in elder’s residences (public and private)
  • people 70+ stay home
  • government has now power to declare any measure it deem necessary (example: purchase stuff it needs without public bidding process)
  • all health fees related to the COVID-19 will be assumed by the RAMQ (Quebec’s health insurance agency).
  • all schools are closed (from kinder garden to universities). No end date is given.

NordicJack— You go first.

I found this on Dr. John Campbell’s you tube site. I don’t know much about 3-D printing, but there should be those on this site who do.

Jürgen Rojahn
I have a favor to ask, that might save a lot of lives. You've done an amazing job, analyzing, informing and warning about this pandemic and you will directly be responsible for saving a lot of lives with the work you are doing. I've been very focused on these events for the last two months, public and independent sources, doing the math and I came to similar conclusions. I live in Berlin and if I look at the capacity of medical facilities in Germany - even with the measures the state has taken up till now - I estimate that they will be saturated/overwhelmed at the beginning of April at the latest. This will mean a sharp rise in the death rate. One of the problems is that there isn't enough medical equipment available. If this happens in Germany, it will happen in most countries. It's happening in Italy. They cannot be produced quickly enough to reach the demand. You are in a unique position to solve this: You have a lot of nerdy early adopters that listen to you. Some are hospital workers, some are computer scientists (e.g. me) and all sorts of highly motivated highly qualified minds trying to get ahead of this circumstance. My suggestion is this: Make an open call to initiate an open-source project (or more) that analyzes the equipment and processes needed to save the hard cases but only requires means that are accessible to everyone. We don't need a respirator made of stainless steel, it can be made of 3D printed parts that a lot of individuals and companies will be able to produce very quickly. We don't need medical personnel, we need an instruction set for the 8 of 10 cases that have mild symptoms to save those 2 of 10 that are at risk to die. My hope is that if you talk about this in-depth on one of your broadcasts, there will be enough people that see the value in it, are qualified technically and will be able to implement this quickly. One crucial thing you will have to address is the psychological risk of putting our egos before the cause. Some people like playing the hero in situations like these, but good insight and methods will have to be the priority. Some people that are more apt, to solve this problem, are very insecure. I think it would be wise to mention that "human resources" and acting selfless is a major part of making this work. Hopefully, more than one project will emerge and hopefully, some of them will make a difference. Every 0,1% we can reduce the death rates literally represents tens of millions of people worldwide. We still live in a relatively centralized organizational structure within companies, organizations, and society. This is very slow. It's time to parallelize and speed it up! Jürgen Rojahn ANYONE: It doesn't really matter how this gets spread, it just needs to reach the right people, so feel free to copy/paste this and spread the possibility. Viral vs. virus

That freezing for biolabs is done very quickly to extremely low levels using liquid nitrogen, etc. I know that viruses and bull semen are two totally different things, but semen is easily destroyed if it is not kept at very low temps and then reheated in a very specific way. I know that viruses are not a complete cell so I assumed that it wasn’t as fragile but I was hoping it was. :slight_smile:
P.S. I am NOT trying to start up the whole bull semen thread again!!! :wink: