Do Vaccines Cause Childhood Illness & Autism?

So sorry merryb2. Thank you for sharing.

Ask Purdue, LOL, the king of "Oxy"morons.

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Sometimes, depending on your location, a good primary or family care doctor is a better path as they are more accommodating compared to pediatricians who are probably heavily propogandized by big pharma and the AMA etc.

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Merryb2–Did the VAXXED Bus get your story? We could compare notes. My son was born in 87. Different journey, but vaccines all the way down. Discovered homeopathy quite by accident. Changed my son’s journey and mine. Here’s the catch–everything which made my son worse was covered by insurance. Everything which made him better was out-of-pocket.
I like it when Chris points out that the markets, Federal Reserve, stats, they are all rigged. And the biggest rigged racket is anything called health care.


More Than One Sign Points To Yes

Definitely a hot topic and yes, I think there’s a link between the two, which I wouldn’t have said before Covid hit (my kids were sadly fully v’d up until the CV shots arrived). Your video was also timely. I literally had just finished watching Bigtree’s 2016 movie, Vaxxed (1.5 hrs.) wherein he shares CDC whistleblower Bill Thompson that the CDC knew of the relationship between autism and MMR vaccines, but chose to cover it up.
“Vaxxed” findings from Thompson, Andrew Wakefield, et al:


Aluminium Studies - Dr Chris Exley (uk)

Worth reading Dr Chris Exley’s lifetime work on aluminium…toxic, and found in the brains of people who have died with autism and alzheimer’s. He was pushed out from Keele UK as Gates Foundation started making donations…a study grant from RFK Jnr was rejected by the Uni. Aluminum wasn’t bio-available historically. Silica-rich mineral water can reduce the body load. Defo worth reading and his negative experiences are par for the course as vested interests capture more and more areas of study and communication


Correct, this all has a very simple solution. We should repeal that law.
We gave these companies immunity from thier own actions and then mandated thier products, what did we think was going to happen?


Here is a collection of 214 published papers showing the link between autism and vaccination.
Autism Link


My cousin was diagnosed with severe autism around that same time period. I believe his mother blamed the vaccines and tried MANY various methods to try and reverse the damage. My whole family, myself included, thought that she had gone crazy.
I am so sorry for all of you who were gaslit, told you were crazy, and how dare you criticize vaccines. I was one of those people who would have thought you were crazy until this whole covid craziness opened my eyes. Please accept my apology.


Amish And Autism


Found Vaxxed The Movie In 2016

Thankfully, I found Vaxxed the movie in 2016 before my son got too many of the vaccines that they were pushing down our throats.
It was hard to watch, but really woke me up.


Yes! Good interview with him on Bigtree’s show:
One HighWire commenter also shared this:

Dr Exley says mineral water with silica acid gets aluminum out of the brain in an article
3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain
Author Image
by Gabriela // in Health & Beauty

The number of neurological diseases connected to aluminum toxicity has been continuously increasing. The intrusion of aluminum into our gray matter can’t be stopped by the blood-brain barrier, so aluminum builds up and stays in the tissue that doesn’t have quick cellular turnover.

The natural death of cells and their replacement that happens in our body is called apoptosis. This process excludes the cancer cells whose reproduction and colonization in tumors continue, except if it is directly introduced or the cells are obliterated by synthetic and natural chemical compounds.

Aluminum gradually accumulates in toxic amounts in cellular turnover tissues with a slow rate of apoptosis, like the heart, bone matter, and the brain. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue, MS, and other auto-immune or neurological diseases are manifested in the brain and its related nervous system, including the full autistic spectrum.

Aluminum toxins are everywhere around us: in beverage containers, cookware, cigarette smoke, foil, antiperspirants, cosmetics, antacids, sunscreens, and the omnipresent but often ignored chemtrails, whose aluminum nanoparticles can be inhaled into the lungs and carried directly to our brain through the blood or sinuses.

Moreover, all vaccines contain aluminum which reduces the chances of getting rid of it naturally. It goes directly into our blood and then is routed into the heart and brain, increasing their levels of accumulated aluminum toxicity.

People have come into the age of aluminum, as explained by Dr. Chris Exley, Ph.D. Although many believe that this metal is the most common on earth and completely harmless, Dr. Chris Exley has been researching aluminum toxicity for more than 2 decades. As he explains, the “Age of Aluminum” had begun in the early 20s and lasted up till now.

Before this period, aluminum was the planet’s most ample mineral which hadn’t been mined. But ever since it started mining and using it in various ways, there is a noticeable rise in the number of neurological diseases, as Dr. Exley explains.

The Message of Dr. Chris Exley to the Vaccine Safety Conference, 2011
At this conference, he was focused on improving the neurological damage of vaccinated children, which involved silica-the second most ample mineral on the planet. He has put children with neurological damage caused by vaccinations, such as autism disorders, on a silicic acid- a silica form that showed extraordinary results.

According to Dr. Exley, silicic acid is the most bio-available and effective method to get the silica into the blood through the gut, and then into the brain matter. Here, it binds with the molecules of aluminum, safely leaving the brain cell tissue, and eventually eliminating it through the urine.

Dr. Exley has successfully used the Spritzer mineral water produced in Malaysia on aluminum-toxic kids with autism disorders. Almost all vaccines contain aluminum. Together with his team, Dr. Exley gave 1 liter of this water daily to 15 patients with Alzheimer’s disease for a period of 13 weeks.

All participants showed reduced aluminum levels by 50-70%, and 8 of them no longer deteriorated, while 3 showed significant cognitive improvement. Coconut oil might be better for reversing Alzheimer’s disease, however, mineral waters with high amounts of ionic silicic or Orthosilicic acid will lower the brain’s aluminum toxicity, protecting it from Alzheimer’s disease.

Mineral waters in the USA with similar amounts of Spritzer’s silicic acid which have the capacity to penetrate the blood-brain barrier are Fiji and Volvic. The Fiji water contains more silicic acid and has a more available price of about $1.99 per liter in Walmart, and its bottles are BPA-free according to the analysis of People’s Chemist. They give the names of other water bottles free of BPA: Smart Water, Evian, and Voss.

He suggests drinking 1.5 liters of this water a day, but for higher aluminum toxicity levels, consuming the same amount of water in one hour period is the most successful way to detoxify the brain from aluminum. According to him, there are 3 commercial bottled drinks of the water that list the amounts of present silica as milligrams per liter on their bottles, out of which Fiji contains the highest amounts. Just to make it clear, we aren’t affiliated with Fiji.

You can help prevent dementia by consuming silica mineral water or stop an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease and even reverse most of its symptoms by using it with pure cold-pressed coconut oil. If silica is sufficiently supplemented, the person will be able to eliminate aluminum through urine. Apparently, there are no side effects of taking too much, but make sure you consume adequate water and maintain your potassium and vitamin B1 levels.

More About Silica
It provides collagen elasticity in tendons, cartilage, and all other connecting tissues in our body, which in turn lowers pains and aches and keeps the flexibility of our body. Moreover, it has been shown that blood serum silica in higher amounts prevents the building of plaque in arteries and the formation of clogged blood vessels.

Recently, the main reason for building plaque in arteries has been shifted from cholesterol accumulation to arterial calcification from unabsorbed serum calcium. Silica is considered to play important role in the building of bone matter. Calcium won’t be able to become part of the bone matter if there’s no sufficient silica, vitamin K2, and magnesium, so it will remain in the blood that might calcify in the soft tissue of the inner walls of arteries and the heart.

Therefore, silica is crucial for keeping a healthy cardiovascular system and strong bones, which makes it a vital anti-aging mineral rather than just a deep-skin beauty mineral. More good silica sources are cucumbers, the plant Perfect Balance, and NCBI, but these lack the ionic suspension of silicic acid used in the previously mentioned waters that are able to get through the blood-brain barrier.

Via Perfect Balance | ProLiberty | Eidon
Copyright 2022 Health & Love Page, All rights reserved.

Yes More On Aluminum Salts

Hi Chris, Thanks again for a great episode. I would love to learn more about the aluminum salts and other additives!


Congrats my friend for getting the top comment:)
My son had all his shots and he did get ADD. Don’t know if that was related, but this contributed to us only having one child and he had to be well supervised. He was never on meds and is now a successful and happy adult. If he was born now, I’d be much more cautious. There is also a connection to aborted fetal tissue and vaccines, which I find repulsive.
I love the Amish.



This episode is terrifying for a woman of 34 who does not have children (yet? In the current world possibly never…). I can’t help but to also question whether or not the age at which women are choosing to have babies is a contributing factor. Imagine all the toxins, stress, etc that accumulates by the time women are having kids. I have seen it countless times with my friends, over-stressed women attempting to keep up with the “schedule” of career + kid by whatever arbitrary number, and of course prioritizing career up until it’s almost too late. Then working stressful jobs until just before they’re about to give birth. Several of my similarly aged friends’ very young kids have health issues. The “careers” are not worth it, but I wish I realized this earlier ?. That, and now you can’t even trust that healthcare providers don’t have financial incentives for their recommendations.


Would Love Peak Community Input!

I know the focus here is primarily the link to long-term impacts and childhood illness, but my colleagues (heath educators/advocates) and I have used this analysis (below) for some time to share the link between vaccines and SIDs and SADs.
I know this may be considered dated to some, but I feel it’s potentially timelier than ever due to what we’ve watched with COVID vaccine-related deaths. I’ve shared this before and didn’t get any feedback so maybe this comment area is the better place since the topic is more closely related.
I’d appreciate anyone offering their opinion on the analysis, especially if it’s even to let me know they believe that this study is no good. It kept me and my family vaccine-free since 2012 until, regrettably, the propaganda got the best of them all in 2020/21.
With gratitude…


What Might Be Missing

I would like to see other things taken into consideration and cross-referenced, such as breastfeeding (probably beneficial), genetics and trauma. I know doctors saw more problems in children after 9/11 and certainly we are seeing post-Covid issues. It is an assumption that this is environmental.
I’m not at all defending vaccines, but I think if we looked more comprehensively at this, we would learn some important things.

We Need To Test This Asap

The only way that I see that we can get an answer is to run blind random experiments on a large group of kids. You could run hundreds of these by controlling a single variable.
We could test vaccinated vs unvaccinated, kids that run with scissors vs kids that do not run with scissors, kids in stable 2 parent households vs single mothers, kids with cats/dogs vs no pets, kids in a house hold that has smoking care takers vs non-smoking. etc…
We would have to wait about 20 to 25 years for the final results. We could however analyse the data every year.


Chris, I have always wondered what happens to Thimerosal when injected into the body. Is there any data to suggest that it can behave like dimethylmercury in the body and attack lipid rich nerve tissue?

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That is very interesting and useful information, @163557
I remember reading Exleys writing on silica as a way to detox Aluminum but had never heard of a practical way to implement this so forgot about it.
Fuji water from Walmart. Who would have though such a common and non-health oriented store would have an aluminum detoxing substance for sale.