Do Vaccines Cause Childhood Illness & Autism?

Sorry to hear about your son.
The generations following me got unhealthier and unhealthier.
It is a sign of how corrupt the West has become that there are no legitimate inquiries as to what is going on.


Food Is Also A Possible Cause Of Poor Childhood Health

Lots of people, adults have been eating a lot of junk food for the last fifty years, and feeding it to their children, and no one believes that’s a good thing. but people do it anyway.
But there are other reasons food might be a key factor in the child hood health mix.
For one, there are all the chemicals sprayed on food, glyphosate being the best known, but I’ve heard there are over 900 others. As these chemicals are sprayed on all the food a child has eaten, from day one in the womb, the numbers could be adding up.
Another source of health or the lack of it in food, may be that industrial grown food just doesn’t have the nutritional punch of crops grown via the old fashioned biological and ecological processes. The book, The Prophet and the Wizard (2018) by Charles C. Mann describes the long and on going struggle between the two opposing philosophies of food production – chemistry and technology on one side (The Wizard’s path) versus biological and natural processes on the other… There was an interesting tidbit in the book, referwhich referencing an early study involving rats, one group fed scientifically developed crops, the other crops grown the traditional way. The rats eating the food grown the traditional way thrived; the other group of rats, not so much
The latest twist on food as health comes to us via the soil scientists, prominently Christine Jones (Australia) and Elaine Ingham formerly of Rodale Institute and now of her own Soil Food Web School. Their contention is that food grown in healthy soil containing trillions of microbes produces food infused with microbes, which then enter your own system when you eat them improving your own gut health.


I wondered 20 years ago if breastfeeding might be the problem, as it was pushed very hard in the late 90s. Here’s my little study n=3:
Child 1: not breastfed, yes vaxxed medium amount of problems
Child 2: breastfed 4 years, half vaxxed until got messed up by MMR, most problems
Child 3: breastfed 3 years, not vaxxed, least problems


My youngest, unvaxxed, was born when I was 34. She has the least problems of my kids because I’d been eating according to naturopathic recommendations for 3 years prior to her conception and taking vitamins and cod liver oil.


Possible Source Of Information

Greetings Chris,
There are some researches done related to this subject. Unfortunately the last scientist actively working with aluminum and neurotoxicity has been demonized and discredited. Now he is not allowed to do more research about this matter. His name is Christopher Exley. Some of his work can be found at Most of his work was done while he was at Keele University, England. Hopefully you find this info useful.


Thanks for the book lead! I’ve been thinking about this more and more as I eye the labels at the grocery store and realize how many “foods” contain bioengineered ingredients. It’s scary. But “they” can use that argument when forcing us into their vertical lab-grown food clown world – see, no difference from what we’ve already been getting you to eat all these years.
My paternal grandparents were both raised on farms; my grandfather grew many veg in their suburbs backyard later in life too. Both lived into their late 80s / early 90s and had their own teeth until the end. Definitely a motivator!


I opted to jump on the Fiji water train after reading that, but only did 6 mos. (it is an expense, after all, but shop around). Smoothest tasting water I’ve ever had! Just got back to sink water in the Brita and boy does it taste metallic. Will have to work the Fiji water in from time to time since my trust in what crud they’re putting into the drinking water is also on alert.


Short Film (3 Minutes) By Charles Eisenstein: The Fall

This discussion of vaccinating healthy children brings up quite a bit of grief for me. My beautiful grandson is 15 months old and my daughter, a traditional nurse, is vaccinating him fully not able to entertain the possibility that her trusted pediatrician and the CDC might recommend something that causes harm.
This short film is about the descent of spirit into “the 5th or 6 realms of hell”, life on Earth.
He offers a different mythology of “The Fall.” Not being kicked out of heaven for insubordination or being kicked out of the Garden of Eden involuntarily.
It is a voluntary descent into hell by us to serve those still in the realms of hell. Charles is struggling with this same trouble as many of us.

My recently published short film, The Fall, is a metaphysical parable that arose from my anguish during the time of Covid. The insanity around the pandemic brought to a head the pervasive wrongness of the civilized world that has often made me wonder, “What the heck am I doing here? Who marooned me on Planet Crazy?”
This film offers an answer to that question.
It is the same feeling that makes so many people now reluctant to have children. Why bring a child into such a world?
The film here

Keep These Investigations Coming

Yes Chris, please deep dive. They need to be investigated.



My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars…All i was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that i got from this agency i discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour. …>

I took an upper level polymer chemistry course in undergrad taught by a prof who spent the majority of his career in industry. A student during a lesson on teflon asked if teflon was a hazard and related to alzheimers. His paraphrased reply: I’ve signed a lot of NDAs, but what I can tell you is that I own ONE teflon coated pan and I never use it on high heat.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder And Transgenderism

There are reports of linkage between ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and transgenderism.
The first report concludes that people with ASD have about 7 times the rate of gender variance compared to non ASD referred people. 


Please consider including aluminum also, not only that contained in vaccines, but cookware, in antiperspirants & elsewhere.


I’ve presented this data before, at the country level, which shows a strong correction between the number of childhood vaccines and SIDS:



Microplastics are in soaps (really detergents). All kinds of soap like substances, most noticeable in hand sanitizers known by the names carbopol, carbomer, polyacrylic acid. This substance is in the liquid vinyl category.It is also used in fracking fluid.

Maybe because autistic people are very naive when young and want to fit in so badly that when someone comes along and suggests this is their issue they go along with it to be popular.

C-section May Cause Autism

I have read quite a bit about children’s vaccines relationship with autism, sids, etc. Was recommending a book to a co-worker last week, who has a child that is almost 24 months old. They spent around a month UCSF. He mentioned that a couple Dr’s mentioned the correlation between C-sections, and autism. I had never heard of this before. Did a quick search, and did find a study on PUBMED, that seems to back up their statement. Haven’t looked any further yet.

As a mother of an autistic child, I was surprised to learn this statistic. I don’t think what we’re seeing in these children are true gender-identity issues, rather, I believe it is a way for these children to retreat to a societally driven, distorted “perceived safe place”. These children are not trans. They’re seeking a “perceived” safe place to belong, and the evil predators in our society find it easy to target and trick them into thinking the “trans” path is safer and a place where they’ll be more accepted. It’s sick, and it’s evil.
My daughter may not be “traditionally girly”, but with 3 brothers and the difficulties of relating to catty, emotional, tick-took obsessed and attention desperate “normal” tween girls, who could blame her for wanting to retreat from that craziness. Sadly, as she retreats, I know I will have to protect her from the predators who seek out children to string along that destructive path. At least her 3 brothers are never far away - for now.
I would love for her to one day fall in love and have a family. I am also terrified of some boy or man taking advantage of her as she grows up, and would almost prefer that she find a female friend & believe she’s gay - if only to keep her safer from the alternative. My heart breaks to write these words, but they’re true.



We were just visiting with 2 friends. One is regular lesbian (50 ish yrs old). While she was telling her story of being tortured in school as a kid for not being a girl, my other friend realized this: the evil people who think they are in control, use the small minority of truly androgynous women who are sexually attracted to other women, as the base to do real evil to others. It’s the same game as usual, using truly the gay people as the scapegoat group. The weak of mind always follow along.

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