Do Vaccines Cause Childhood Illness & Autism?

Yes. Aluminum as an adjuvant seems like a great way to program people for autoimmune diseases. Once they teach the body to react to something, it could easily be increased in the environment to garner an autoimmune response.

Toxins Found In Umbilical Cord Blood

Over 200 man made toxins found in umbilical cord blood. Study from 2004-5. This could/should have a negative effect on children’s health as well. BPA’s is one of the main toxins talked about.

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2022 article from the Environmental Working Group about toxins in cord blood.

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Yes, just because you are in a religious community doesn’t mean you eat a healthy diet. I visited a Hutterite colony in Alberta. They were very fond of candies so their teeth were terrible and pride of place in their kitchen was a big brand-new deep fat fryer. They (the ladies) very kindly took my friend (another girl) on a tour. Really interesting!

Missing Microbes

Another possible factor may be the reduction and homogenization of the various microbial communities that are within people and the overuse of antibiotics. The Book Missing Microbes by Martin J. Blaser was quite enlightening to me and changed the course of my graduate work.
The increase in C-Sections was associated with negative outcomes, but then they began the practice of what is now called vaginal seeding, allowing the child to be exposed and covered by the microbes that otherwise would be inoculated with during normal birth. This is simply done by taking a swap of the vaginal fluids and then moving it around the mouth and nose of a newly born child to innoculate a population. They also found indications that the female’s body would seem to put a lot of emphasis on microbes in the run-up to birth as if to prepare the field as much as possible. I believe in that book they reference a study in Puerto Rico which saw a dramatic decrease in allergies for those who were inoculated vs not but I may be misremembering and I do not have the book handy.
This practice is/was still controversial though the evidence was high for the pro-practice side, a study just came out a few days ago showing that microbial seeding was a positive event or at the very least not harmful (the safe part):
In my own studies, I became interested then about how the modern food system is otherwise devoid of microbes that otherwise would be present in healthy soils or waters/oceans. In a permaculture or regenerative setup with living soil, the seed would sprout and have microbes all around it and follow up as the plant grew and surrounds the fruits which typically would be eaten within 72 hours which is about as long as most of the complex micronutrients can stay bioavailable before devolving into less bio-available forms due to entropy on a chemical level as the plant is no longer maintaining that molecular form.
Plants grown in industrial systems are essentially devoid of microbes, as tillage causes the UV radiation to kill most species off and pesticides finish the job and the long supply chains are focused around sterility to limit liability and concerns of poor transportation conditions along the way. This has also been antedoctially associated with (perhaps are studies) how a plant such as a tomato fresh from a garden has been reported to be far more filling than a storebought tomato, suggesting to me that the micronutrient density is superior (that is well studied) but that the micronutrient bioavailability and associated microbial community is also improving digestion and nutrient takeup, suggesting that we are deficient in a number of vitamins that may also be negatively impacting health and encouraging overeating as the body scrambles to accumulate trace nutrients it is otherwise not getting.
I do not know the rates of C-Sections as a common practice and correlating with these other issues, nor the prevalence of pesticides or changes in food transport but I would suspect they also correlate rather strongly with your timelines as factors for consideration. In the 90’s C-sections were apparently about 6% and now C-Sections are 30%+ apparently suggesting either there is something seriously complicating childbirth or perhaps this procedure is also being overused.


Adjuvant Deep Dive

Chris, I’d be indebted if you do an adjuvant deep dive and/or keep digging about childhood vaccines (potentially finding a legitimate control group like the amish would be amazing). The best info I’ve been able to find is an NIH toxicology paper thats best takeaway is that there aren’t many human toxicology studies revolving around aluminum. I have a 9 month old and the topic makes me sick to my stomach. We’ve gotten him the 2-6 month schedule without any apparent effect. We’ve spread the shots out far more than is recommended. Also conscious of potential environmental chemical hazards. NYS requires the recommended shot schedule for daycare as well as school (only medical exemptions) and my current situation makes it very difficult to avoid this.
Thank you for your investigation so far.


And look into Chris Exleys research of aluminum in the brain. Very high in Alzheimer’s victims and the highest was in autistic victims. And he said no aluminum in the brain, no Alzheimer’s.

Autism - How Early Can It Be Tested?

I just came to think about this.
How early in a childs life can we test for Autism, and has that been taken into account in the graph?
If not, then the correlation between shots and Autism would be skewed, which could lead to faulty conclusions (of which vaccines that had a negative effect)

Thank you. I didn’t fully understand what you were saying about breastfeeding being “the problem.” I would like to see if breastfeeding results in better outcomes for vaxxed children.

I’m convinced my son single-handedly gave his 5th grade teacher a nervous breakdown.
And I picked him up in Kindergarten one day and the kids crowded around me and said “He’s a bad boy!” I got mad at them.

Compare To Other Countries?

Hi Chris,
I’m so happy this topic came by! The first thing I thought about was that it would be very interesting to compare the data to other countries. For instance, here in NL we have quite some vaccines under 2 years old, but it is nothing compared to the US. That overview frightened me! In a very simplistic way, if the percentage of autism among Dutch children is lower compared to the USA, the “signal” might be linked to the cumulative effect of the vaccines and not necessarily the combined effect (DTP/MMR, same here). Would be interesting to investigate I think.

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Please Keep Digging Into Children’s Vaccines

Yes Chris, please keep digging into the situation with the children’s vaccines.
Like you said, a healthy society looks after its children. We need to get the message out and keep this ball rolling by providing more and more irrefutable signals that something is the matter.


So, What’s The Rate Of Autism In The Amish Communities In America?

It seems like we have a perfect control group here.
But I am amazed (sarcasm) that nobody wants to dig in.
There was a movie about vaccines. Where the data showed a 7x increase in autism in young black males. All brushed under the table.
Also, a TRICK they used. Date of Shot vs. Date DOCTOR declared Autism (to show no temporal correlation)… But they IGNORED when the parents noticed the change. THOUSANDS of parents had Videos of their normal babies, making eye contact, before their vaccinations… And then slowly losing the ability after… All ignored.
Our daughter had a serious negative reaction to her 1yr vaccine. We stopped vaccinating her after that. You WOULD NOT believe the pressure we were under. Uneducated parents telling us “your child puts my child at risk” (sound familiar), and the doctors PUSHING us to giver her the Chicken Pox vaccine. BTW, the kid she caught the Chicken Pox from… Was vaccinated. He was an Asymptomatic Carrier, and spread it… Because he didn’t appear as sick as he should have. Until it was too late.
Now I count our lucky stars this happened. We were forced to take our daughters health into our own hands. She went from missing 65 days of Kindergarten because of constant illness, asthma, and needing 5-7 breathing treatments/day… To a High School attendance record of missing like 2 days of school in like 4 years…
To be clear, I had to buy a Stethoscope and learn to listen to her lungs/heart rate. (OMG the asthma medicine can crank a childs heart rate up)… But you do what you have to do.
I was already skeptical… That made me certain things were getting covered up. And the DOCTOR refused to report the incident into VAERS. At the time, I did not realize I could have! He never mentioned that. He said it was a coincidence that she got the shot on a Monday, developed a fever that lasted through Thursday when she was admitted to the hospital…
Keep up the work!


How Do Unvaxxed Kids Get Medical Attention?

Most doctors will refuse to see a child if they are unvaccinated. Does anyone know a way to find a doctor who will actually see an unvaxxed child. I am partially vaccinating, and even that is a fight every time I see the pediatrician. The local family doctor won’t take a child until they are 5, though I’m not sure they would be any better.

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More Info Please

Yes, Chris please dig deeper into this subject matter, please.



Interesting that aluminum is a suspect for Alzheimer’s and autism.

Honestly I’m struggling with this same issue, I have recently (my abby is JUST two) I’ve had lots of hesitancy… and my doctor gas told me if I donr continue with approved schedules I can’t continue… its VERY concerning. I asked her (the dr) if she could insure and sign to the fact he wouldn’t be harmed. She told me to leave or she would call the police. Because I was causing a scene. I left, I terminated my medicaid. I won’t go back. This isn’t ok.


Where Did Part Ii Go?

I was watching this very informative video several days ago. I want to watch it again. Was it removed from odysee?

Amish And Autism

This article is enlightening,