Do Vaccines Cause Childhood Illness & Autism?


Chris, thimerosal was quietly removed from most childhood vaccines that contained it in 2001, amidst many assurances that this was not due to any actual evidence of harm but simply an attempt to follow the precautionary principle. (This article, though clearly written from a pro-vaccine point of view, explains how this action came about, but treats it as a “cautionary tale” of what happens when medical institutions try to follow the precautionary principle without due evidence of harm.)
However it was not removed from ALL vaccines. According to the CDC website: “Influenza (flu) vaccines are currently available in both thimerosal-containing (for multi-dose vaccine vials) and thimerosal-free versions.” Not surprisingly, your doctor is unlikely to disclose to you that your flu vaccine contains thimerosal, or to give you the option to choose one of the other. According to Robert W. Sears in The Vaccine Book, a doctor’s office or pharmacy may carry both types (with vs without mercury), but most will carry simply one or the other.

Here is a list of “vaccine-friendly” doctors in the US - those that are willing to see patients who do not follow the vaccine schedule. These lists are hard to find and not complete, but it’s a place to start if you’ve got no other options.
Note that “vaccine-friendly” means they don’t care, whereas “vaccine-tolerant” means they might give you a hard time about it or might not allow you to be totally vax-free, but they won’t refuse to see you over you not following the schedule to the letter.

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Also, I have found that the most tolerant doctors are the ones that don’t take medical insurance. This makes sense when you consider the insidious, incestuous relationship between pharma and the insurance companies. As we saw during Covid, there are powerful interests that can deprive doctors of their licenses to practice if they don’t follow official protocols. And it’s been documented many times that pharmaceutical companies offer strong financial incentives to doctors who keep their vaccination rates in the high 90’s, and penalize those who don’t.
If you have the financial resources and really want medical freedom, look for a naturopath or functional medicine doctor who doesn’t accept health insurance. As an added bonus, many of their offices are also mask-free. Those of us who are stuck using insurance will unfortunately always have to fight for the right to make our own medical decisions here in the Land of the Free.

Usually it shows up around age 2, give or take 6 months. So…right after that huge onslaught of vaccines. Often a toddler is developing verbally, making lots of progress, then suddenly they’re regressing, and regressing, and they start exhibiting repetitive behaviors - tapping, head-banging, rocking, etc, until they’re completely non-verbal and riddled with those alarming tics that are indicative of autism.
Other stories are more dramatic: a child around age 2 is developing normally, then they go in for a booster shot and have a really bad reaction - won’t stop crying, really inconsolable for hours and hours, then go into a deep sleep, and when they wake up the next day they have lost all verbal ability, can’t maintain eye contact, stare straight ahead and won’t engage - it’s like the child is completely gone…and they never come back.
These are the experiences that make parents convinced that vaccines caused their child’s autism. All the gaslighting from medical professionals about how parents are just seeing what they want to see, drawing false connections - it’s insulting to people who see this kind of dramatic change literally overnight.

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Reading your comment also makes me wonder if prematurely born babies as a group have less exposure to a healthy colony of vaginal microbes. If foetal development happens along a timeline and the woman’s body also changes along this timeline in readiness for birthing and baby care, is there an optimal time point for microbial availability, variety, quality, density, spread.
I would guess premmie babies are more likely to be born via caesar due to the reason/s for their early birth? Therefore more premmies than full term bubs miss out on these microbes? Is there a higher incidence of Autism in children born prem?
I know my premmie was loaded up with antibiotics, because ‘aspiration risk’… Are premmies in general hit more with antibiotics, and the damage they cause, than full term bubs?
And because they often end up in NICU and tube fed, they are also missing out early on on more general day to day home life germs, older siblings, pets, visitors, etc?
And do premmies end up less likely to be breastfed because of early feeding situation/difficulties?
Do premmies as a group also receive a lot more medication interventions in their first XX number of months or years of life? I know my body, and then my baby did. How do all of these REALLY affect the developing fetal brain.???
Another interesting question would be whether older or younger siblings are more likely to have autism. Do older siblings have less autism because they had a couple of less shots, or are younger siblings the group with less autism because parenting becomes less ‘sanitised’ along the way and younger siblings are exposed to more germs and earlier.
So many questions.
I suspect vaccines are a cause to some degree, but as mentioned by Chris and others, there are a number of other chemicals, practices and factors that would also be detrimental.

I’m a month behind in Chris’s videos, but this is timely. I was only having a discussion this week gone with someone who was pondering why the ‘hell’ were they here, and what point is there to being here if it’s all going to turn turtle on us. I told them I’m not necessarily happy to be here as a human body at this point in time, but I understand that my soul chose to come back for/at this time, and I’ve just got to deal with that and work my way ahead with that knowledge. It gave them another perspective and something to think upon. Thanks Sandy

Recent ep of Highwire has a segment with Dr. James Neuenschwander who quotes a study showing the relationship between the aluminum adjuvants and asthma

Yes and no… US census data shows an average of 7 births per woman in the mid to late 1800s.
I’m not currently finding a citation for this, but I remember reading or listening to a lecture about the pioneering era in American history with people moving out to the unsettled West, some statistic around an average of 12 births per woman, meaning she was likely either pregnant or breastfeeding for most of her years between first menses and menopause (call that something like mid-late teens to late 40s/early 50s), or too lacking in nutrition be doing so