Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus

Covid-19’s exponential spread across the world continues unabated; except in China, where the rate of officially reported new cases has slowed dramatically.

At the same time, cases in India are on the rise.

Might India be the next big outbreak trouble-spot? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, this honey badger of a virus shows that it “just don’t care” who you are.

We are getting more reports of young & healthy people getting hit hard. Rich, famous, royal, powerful – it doesn’t matter, all socioeconomic strata are coming down with it:

We're also seeing more reports that social distancing, PPE and good hygiene practices really do make a big difference -- so keep up your efforts, folks!

At the end of today’s video, Chris mentions our book Prosper! and its relevance to the changed world we’re entering into. More information on the book, which is a great read for anyone currently under home lockdown, can be found here.

And speaking of lockdown, PeakProsperty.com just released this new resource: The Covid-19 Home Lockdown Survival Guide.

We’ve written this to be a comprehensive collection of the resources you need to stay safe, sane and solvent through the covid-19 crisis. It’s a great tool for getting everyone in your household on the same page — print it out and have them read it.

Hang in there and stay safe!

Adam & Chris

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/even-the-young-healthy-are-getting-the-coronavirus/

The economic shock will cause more damage than the heath crisis.

So we need to keep the economy going. The politicians are only making it worse. Stimulus packages and giving money away without looking after “the people”
The young aren’t worried about the virus because very few of them have serious problems. (Although some get sick)
Sadly I think Boris had something.
The virologists/statisticians pick an age. And everyone over it goes into lockdown (somewhere between 40-60?)
Let it rage amongst the younger exposed age group. Once the hospitals settle ... we bring out the the next age group in a controlled release ....
So we don’t flood the health system. So we keep the economy going.
But again the baby boomers have all the world assets so the wealth disparity is not correct. Will the young want to do that ?
And somehow we need to fix our greedy capitalist society .... a complete restructure required.
Instead the politicians are going to stuff this up and the world will become like mad max....
I am so dismayed at the people in charge. I watch play school or Sesame Street and they seem so more intelligent than our leaders ....

CNN 3.23.20 4:30 am Hong Kong started relaxing restrictions thinking they were successful in controlling spread. Cases have started to spike again

Huge shout out to Chris for having me purchase n-95’s when they were still available. Also to a couple other PP members who helped me compile information concerning facemasks. My wife’s pharmacy crew will be showing up with glasses and masks tomorrow, those working at the counter will have n-95’s. She is taking action on her own as she waits for plexiglass to be installed within the next couple weeks. The outsides of the masks will be sprayed will a 30% saline solution and used masks will be placed directly in paper bags to be sterilized in home ovens. The wife and our neighbor sewed 2 dozen in the last few days. The neighbor is now sewing 50 for a clinic in town. Here is a link to the pattern. You can certainly sew is a high filtration rate furnace filter or vacuum bag if needed. We went with elastic all around the head instead of just ears. The largest size works well for most. https://www.craftpassion.com/face-mask-sewing-pattern/?

WATCH THIS CHRIS OR ADAM!. i’m an Australian and this is “a national press club” interview (government sponsoered) with “experts” in epidemiology etc and in particular at around the 36 minute mark where 2-3 of these experts say masks don’t matter: https://iview.abc.net.au/show/national-press-club-address all i can say is Wow!. thanks for your material which overwhelming supports mask usage

He’s gonna do it…donny…talking like he’s gonna send everybody back to work next week, and pretend it’s all taken care of. Watching the presser now. They are actually telling themselves they can control it–because they’ve LEARNED so much already, that they can do some kind of tracking by zip codes to identify hot spots.
Fauci made the mistake of speaking his mind last week-end. Now he’s not on the stage. But, pooh, what does he know anyway? His absence wouldn’t be because he didn’t approve of the plan, would it?
They are going to order people back to work, and send the infected back among the general population. Two weeks was all they needed. “Great knowledge was gained.” They think people not touching surfaces will matter, as if that’s the only means of transmission. They’re talking about opening the schools again, too, because kids never catch anything at school and bring it home, do they?
They are going to kill uncounted numbers of people by this action. If they re-open everything next Monday, by Easter it will have exploded. There’s no one to stop him either. Because Dow Jones. Because Boeing. Because “great big beautiful businesses.” Because money. Because re-election. Because rally withdrawal.
This is madness.

Thank you so much for the face mask pattern! I have bookmarked the page and will upload a pic after I make it.

The gist of this government document is that Zinc ions in the cells can disrupt the ability of a coronal virus to replicate. I believe that while a regiment of zinc supplement will not stop one from catching the HB virus, it might “flatten the curve” by inhibiting the growth of the virus internally.


This plan overlooks one little detail…the dead won’t be voting in November (unless they are in Illinois)

  • The coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days, a study published Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.
  • The study examines two public health responses to COVID-19 outbreaks on the Carnival-owned Diamond Princess ship in Japan and the Grand Princess ship in California.
Wow, 17 days, makes you wonder about a lot of other public places.      

The question is, do our leaders have what it takes to, without bias, find and implement the necessary balance of actions that will do the least amount of harms on all fronts. I personally am not optimistic…

Did you actually watch the presser today? (I can’t bring myself to do it.) If so, what the heck was Bill Barr doing there? Did he speak, or answer some questions?? Nothing on the national news about Bill Barr. Just the wartime consigliere, at the boss’s side??

An excellent newsletter by Dr Michael Murray answers the following questions:

  • Does the flu shot increase the risk for coronavirus infection? YES!
  • Could a new flu vaccine be partly responsible for the COVID-19 mortality rate in Italy? YES!
  • Is the rush to a vaccine the best solution? No, it could bring catastrophic results.
  • How does the SARS-CoV-2 infect and are protease enzyme supplements the key to creating our own endogenous antiviral protease inhibitors? Yes, I believe so!
  • Are there certain medications like blood pressure drugs and proton pump inhibitors that increase risk for infection and mortality? YES!
  • Is it chloroquine or is it zinc that is working as a possible aid in treating COVID-19? A strong case can be made for zinc!
  • Can plant polyphenols and flavonoids act to increase the antiviral effects of zinc? YES! And they possess other benefits too!
  • Read the full newsletter here: https://doctormurray.com/does-the-flu-shot-increase-covid-19-risk/

…but here on Maui we start lockdown on Wednesday and it’s to remain in place for 5 weeks (until 4/30)…
Running around getting my last ducks in the row, and supplying my son and his mother (who have been self-quarantined since Saturday). I’ll make a run every Monday to re-supply them with whatever they need (that I can get). There is a cutout in the lockdown for those who are traveling to “support dependents or the shut-in”… I buy what she and he need, then leave it on their doorstep. She does the decon, and they’re good for the next however long.
I’m going out to the off-grid land my sweetheart’s family owned. About 30 people once farmed and lived there. Going to get some gardens started. Before long we’ll have food, regardless of what the JIT economy wants to do…
May fortune smile upon us all!
VIVA – Sager

What are you talking about? I must have missed some big revelation. Can you please elaborate?

I can’t handle watching the press conferences anymore. Such a bunch of brown nosing and lies, plus a lack of social distancing. I had been fairly satisfied with Trump to this point but science is not winning out. I guess the ship USA is going down.
But many of us prepped and studied what was possible within our own communities and extended family/friends. That is what will matter ultimately, not dependence on the feds to come to the rescue.
We grow 136 kinds of seed in my county. We have irrigation water so watering is controlled all summer. Everyone I know has chickens and knows how to preserve the food grown on trees and in the gardens.
(Not true for Boise, ID 25 miles away) No one talks about the gangs who will want to steal other’s labor results. That will be more of the unraveling of our society.

I think the headline is misleading.
I believe what they meant was “detected after 17 days.” To make the claim of “survived” you’d have to take swabs and transfer them to cell cultures and demonstrate viable replication.
I’d be willing to bet that they swabbed and ran PCR tests and found nCoV RNA.
But I’m not 100% sure of that…just reading between the lines.

Makes me wonder was the 1918 virus that was dug up in an Alaskan victim just “the RNA” or was the frozen virus viable?
Would be interesting to know. Are there ancient viruses that are frozen that could become viable? Just speculating.

In Birmingham, AL there’s an active movement to provide masks for healthcare workers. Our local research hospital gave clear specs, and the crafters are cranking them out! These are reusable cotton with a pocket to receive disposable filters. A big improvement for caregivers who are havin to reuse a single mask per day.