Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus

Okay, in normal times I am what you might call a bleeding heart tree hugger.
I am overly empathetic to the pains of others.
I am confused by the sudden concern about starving kids not getting school lunches now. Nobody cares about hungry children in normal times. Oh now we send kids home, suddenly everybody is worried about the children. Where was this concern before?
Oh and small business. Everybody is worried about saving small businesses. On January 1st, everybody was shopping at Walmart. NOW people have to stay home, they are worried about locals bars. WTF, if you are so worried, why have you never gone to those places?
Thanks for letting me rant.
My husband has stage 4 cancer and insists on running around town. He believes what Trump said, it is no big deal. He loves Trump and does not understand why “liberals” want to destroy business.
I have played him Peak Prosperity stuff and he was on board, but backslid. Hey, I am just his tree hugger wife, so I don’t know anything.
But he did “let” me buy 3 months of supplies, even if he thinks it is all a plot against Trump.

I live in Virginia and doubling the amount of sick every 4 days, we will be in a very bad place by Earth day.
Nobody is really doing the stay-at-home thing. Nobody is wearing a mask…….
Thanks for the vent of a helpless wife.

I thought they did say it was an avian flu. Can it come back? Oh that gets into territory about viruses escaping from permafrost in Siberia and wiping out humanity, lol. So I hope not, but I have no clue.

Thanks so much Chris! We have been following your work since 2010 or so and following your excellent videos since end of January- we are grateful for your help to help us get ahead of the curve. We have shared the links to more than 20 people and shared on a Discord server used for an online class. In our county of 26,000 in central Texas, we now have 2 confirmed cases - one at home and one in the hospital. The adjustment reaction video we shared with time codes so people could watch quickly and start on their journey to resilience. Make sure to rest and take good care of yourself!

I am not sure this is even worthy of reply. As you have serious adjustment disorder and probably severe enough to need a psychologist.
Anyway, the politicians are now mostly doing what has to be done. They made mistakes and the mistakes where to let is get this bad before acting. Of course they may be smarter than us here - knowing people like you would laugh it off, and if they jumped too early, they probably would have lost so much credit by the time they needed to take action , none would be taken because of people like you. So, they are right.
Believe me they are advised and have a think-tank of advisers working on all the scenarios. You obviously have no ability to see what you propose would do. That is ok , that is the difference between genius and average IQ. But let me draw out more of a madmax for you. Right now people are home not working… people are safe, no one is rioting, people should have food. ( if you listened to the CDC a month ago ) no one is getting killed and there is no madmax deal going on out in public…
On the converse of what you want to do - let everyone do what they may and let chips fall. Oh tell the oldies to stay home like they are all worked out and wheel chair bound. The problem is what you describe is reckless disregard for human life - as you know it will kill many , and the many it will kill is not your demographic… that is very non empathetic , rather short-sighted and rather psychopathic and narcissistic.
But let me paint the better picture for you, hundreds of thousands of not tens of millions get sick in less than a few weeks. The hospitals have only enough resources to treat 1% of them the other 99 are left on their own… people start dying on the street, that could have lived with supportive care , like IV fluids, antibiotics, antivirals, oxygen, ventilators, anti-inflammatories. Then because the hospital staff and resources are so low, people that are in need of hospital for other reasons, cancer, surgery , injury , secondary bacterial infections, heart disease, autoimmune diseases , inflammatory disease, food -poisoning, car-accident and sport related injuries, dog and animal and bug bites etc. all can not get treatment - many young and with nothing apparently fatal. All can becomes victims and parish… Practitioners start to make mistakes because of fatigue, so do pharmacists. Many quite or walk off the job because they cant handle it anymore - some get sick and infected… some are great risk because they have medical conditions themselves or are just over 40 as you say. There is your madmax you speak of. That is a guaranteed scenario. If we do as you say. That is not a maybe. People start rioting when their loved ones die when no one did anything … or when your neighbor got the vent and you didnt. or when a 65 year old is getting the antibiotics your child should have gotten when there is none left/ You tell me how madmax this will will look? No one prepared. no one on home isolation… people not prepared and educated on hygiene and no one thinking its more than the flu.
You need to run the scenario in your head. what an over-whelmed medical system looks like. Not just people sick with this will die… everyone who needs a doctor or hospital will die. Now, if we all were ok with accepting that there is no given medical care for anyone (like there was never such a thing that existed… and let the chips fall where they may ) Then maybe we could all be good. and and go on like people did 500 years ago… with pandemics being a way of life claiming as much as 1/3 of the world. It would be nice - as we do need to thin the population, but which 1/3 and who ? and are you ok if your child that loses or your mom? and if your mom is elderly she is probably ok with it… but believe me if you have small children and they are going to lose a mom or dad without a fight… you are wrong… or someone loses their wife or husband and has 6 kids… its going to go over well.
Well enough with this rant… You have no empathy… if you want to put dollars before human life - i guess, as people without money can die because of lack of it. And if things go mad max because of no money flowing in the economy, its not bad as you say - our system is screwed up… where is the harm - you can only lose money if you have it… so who is this going to hurt? if its really bad… ? the rich. however, if it doesnt destroy us and mad max us, the rich will probably profit in the long run from it. So in the end, you worry about mad max scenario… but complain about the economy. basically the two shall never cross in your fears. If you have one , your one fear is irrational, if you have the other, the governors have ruined nothing.

Greetings Everyone from Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida. Just got an alert stating Alachua County has issued a stay at home order beginning midnight 3/24/20. Sounds good, but there is a long, long list of businesses that will remain open, including but not limited to, laundry mats/drycleaners, hardware stores (very happy about that!), small businesses with less than 5 employees and no interaction with public, airlines, taxis, office supply stores, of course banks (we’ll see how long), hotels, motels, factories, warehouses, daycare centers with restrictions, construction sites but those are on the chopping block, … and more.
It would have made more sense to list the places that actually closed! Here’s the link:
Good News on the Grass Roots Front. Ran into an old friend today who is steady making face masks along with a group of people coordinating the acquisition and distribution of materials, sewing, and then the distribution of the finished product. Thought Chris would like to hear about that.
Another shout out to Chris, just planted 60 feet each of cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloups, and honey dews - all on fence lines, and a 60 foot row of Seminole pumpkins out in the orchard, those suckers will grow 50 feet in every direction. We have lot’s more seed to plant. So fortunate I’m with a group of people who see the worth in planting a big garden right now.
It would be very foolish not to anticipate supply chain disruptions…
Good luck and good night.

It is claimed that a dispropotionally high share of deaths in Stockholm due to hb-19 have been Somalis. There could be several explanations for that; it could be that their culture involves more close contact with others, that they often live in more cramped conditions. But that would also apply to several other migrant groups. I’m thinking that it could be that they, being dark-skinned and living in a cold climate, naturally have much lower levels of vitamin D and thus have a disadvantage in fighting infections. It is said to be at least 6 out of 15 in Stockholm.

You won’t find me getting a flu shot!

The Dr. Murray newsletter was quite interesting. I followed the link to the paper regarding quercetin uptake and the data was quite convincing as to the improved absorption/bioavailability of this form. I went ahead and bought some - though not from his source.
This is very analogous to liposomal Vitamin C, which is also very, very well absorbed based on the same principle. The potential relationship between what Italy is going through and the new flu vaccine is also very interesting.

I would love to see levels of this on people that died. I think there are people doing this kinds of studies now., but yes dark skinned people in northern climates, are at risk of deficiency. We did see some association studies with H1N1 with this… Who knows… I want to know what is going on in italy. I would not think there is a problem with vit d there… but someone broke out a study that shows its a bit worse than here in the US

Wondering if tiny levels of exposure, which many of us no doubt have had or will have, could be critical to averting a full-blown crisis. Chris is the only one I’ve found who remarks on the correlation between size of the inoculum and severity of the disease. Perhaps there is a MUCH higher percentage of the population “slightly” infected than is reported - particularly in populations that have taken steps to limit exposure. Would like to learn more about this.

He was conspicuously absent during the Presidents update. I liked the guy.

I’m going to say that you sound like anything BUT a helpless wife. There are times when it works to go with the flow, whether it aligns with your heart or not, and times when you need to assert what you know. Right now, I applaud the kind of ferocious spirit I see in you.

I know we’re all supposed to think of Russia as a bad actor, but hey, they are a major actor in this world, especially related to oil production. Don’t think Chris has them on his “cases” list. May be lack of info coming from there, or tainted info, but that’s true of several other places. Just wondering.

Chris has mentioned he has information coming out of China that suggests the numbers are way off. I’d like to see those sources. Thx.

I heard he went to court over this back in the day: http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/immuno/1999-October/014859.html
That’s just a usenet post so that particular slant may be biased - but he’s had his fingers in the cookie jar for a long time. Not that he’s different to any of the rest of those folks who head major public bodies. Their net worths never seem to match their salaries. But - no - I’m not a fan.

Per table at the end:
99.2% of fatalities were suffering from at least one serious illness.
48.5% were suffering from three serious illnesses.

Wow. I was only going by what I saw on the updates. Figured there was a conflict with the President maybe.

In Canada health officials insist that masks do nothing. One doctor even said a couple days ago that he gets a knot in his stomach when he sees a pleb wearing a mask because he says they should be reserved for medical personnel. Huh? Why do medical personnel need a mask if he just said they make no difference?

Wondering if tiny levels of exposure, which many of us no doubt have had or will have, could be critical to averting a full-blown crisis. Chris is the only one I’ve found who remarks on the correlation between size of the inoculum and severity of the disease. Perhaps there is a MUCH higher percentage of the population “slightly” infected than is reported – particularly in populations that have taken steps to limit exposure. Would like to learn more about this.
Great question Incredible. Chris did a good section on "viral loads", in a past video discusses that even if non-N95 masks don't protect to the level of hospital standards, that they are not useful is wrong. The idea is that you do get microinfections, and because the amount of viral exposure you get is less than what your immune system can fight off. Enough time of having this happen, probably does mean you build up a level of antibodies and do not activate your cytokine storm mechanism. Its when someone gets hit hard and long, like health care workers, that the viral load is overwhelming and crashes your system before it can mount a defense. Your observation is a good one and probably true.
I know we’re all supposed to think of Russia as a bad actor, but hey, they are a major actor in this world, especially related to oil production. Don’t think Chris has them on his “cases” list. May be lack of info coming from there, or tainted info, but that’s true of several other places. Just wondering.
There seems to be a sweet spot north and south, of temperatures. The major outbreaks are happening in a belt, where Russia is a bit too far north to be in right now. As Summer gets going though, that belt is going to move north and hit Russia and Canada. Expect to see them begin to get major cases next month. Here is a good video on that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0yjbTckQTc