Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus

This is what I heard.

I’ve been respecting this site’s norms for almost a decade, and I continue to do so.
You are welcome to point to exactly where I discussed politics in my original post. I pointed out the crazy utterances of an individual who happens to be a prominent politician. Big difference. I think you’re being more than a little presumptuous.
However, if I were discussing politics then in this case it would be completely relevant. Politics and public health policies are inextricably linked, as are politics and the economic policy, politics and environmental policy, politics and monetary policy. Are you suggesting that these links don’t exist?
I’m uninterested in anyone’s political affiliations, but I am most definitely interested in politics when those who irresponsibly execute public policies have an impact on my health and well-being, and those of my loved ones. In this case perhaps you should be too. Easter indeed!
As a last resort, if you really can’t cope with criticism of a public figure’s* dangerous policies then you have the option to stop seeing the content of my posts on this site if you wish.

  • “Public figure” might be a more palatable term than “politician”.

That would sound rational , if it actually worked as you are thinking it works. They have made such a big over-inflated deal about how this only affects old people, that young people think, they dont catch it mind get sick.
However, as I keep saying , that is not true. Young people get infected just as easily and get as sick just as easily. But obviously dont die just as easily, that would make a lot of sense… So what you are saying let all the young people get sick … ( most will be mild ) or asymptomatic . Not really. Again, just because the deaths do not show it, doesnt mean young dont need hospitalization and vents and antibiotics , IVs , antivirals etc. Again , i turn you to the NY study. 5% of worlds infections… It clearly stated that half the people hospitalized where under 50 years of age/ additionally, half the people in the ICU were less than 65 years of age. There is no way , to say that these people do not need tons of health care… They are just more likely than someone old to pull through… or better yet someone with co-morbidity. which makes sense… the older you get, the more likely you are to have other crap.
Regarding the controlled segment exposure. Someone in another country suggested this. Its actually a good idea, if you could anticipate that once you actually get over the disease, you are have immunity. But it may not be the case with this disease. We need to figure that out… And then if you do get some part immunity, then we could do a controlled release, allowing the most critical people in the economy to go first… delivery, food service and production. healthcare workers, police, military, and so on. And everyone else is full lockdown till their turn… This would give you a finite amount of sick “hopefully” if obeying lockdown. And it would give you a finite time-line of what and when will be closed and open.

Hi DTrammel,
Thank you for the link and info. I’ll do that when I get home from my shift. Any thoughts on what I can do with the 1 N95 I’m given for a 12 hour shift? Obviously it would be best to leave it on but realistically that’s not possible. I was thinking this spray would be better than nothing? And I don’t want to breathe in bleach or Lysol like some people have suggested. That just isn’t safe and we see people in the ER for exposure to bleach or other cleaning fumes.

I’m off to the store for more Copenhagen!

Chris this is awesome, thank you for this. I thought I will share on this topic for everyone who would like to find a bit of peace, try yoga! It really helps!