Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus

If you want to disinfect masks…or anything else…use a UV-C light. Spend about $150 bucks, if you do not want to make one yourself, and get a 36 Watt system.
This will create 12 Watts of UV-C output. Then, disinfect everything you want. Masks, clothes,rugs,toys,shoes,tools,car interiors,beds,rooms,closets,hats, anything. You could even install it in your HVAC system to clean the air blowing about the house, killing every organic pest and pathogen.
Your wife will stop sneezing from the pollen and mold spores, and all bacteria and virus pathogens die.
We use HV-C to sterilize our hands, too. Just a few seconds and done.
Just do not look at the light, or wear UV glasses, to protect your vision. Also, do not expose your skin too long…as it will give you a wonderful “Sun” burn.
Stop all the fuss…and just get…or make…a UV-C system. Easy to do, too…from easy to buy components. All you need is a ballast, a base, and a bulb…plus a power cord. Done. This is about $60 bucks of stuff off the web.
I just bought another three 36 Watt HV-C bulbs from Philips on eBay. They arrive later today.
So, if you want to disinfect, with the least damage, ANY ITEM, get a light. Why set a mask in the SUN for hours, to do the exact same thing this light can do in seconds?
A bulb will last about 10,000 hours too. No chemicals. No hours of treatment required.
It is what every hospital uses, every restaurant kitchen uses, and what many HVAC makers provide as standard equipment on their new systems.
They work.

You want complete protection from tiny pathogens? You want to be able to re-use equipment, over and over? You want to be able to change out used filters and replace them with new…in the same full-face, protective, mask?
We have thousands and thousands of such masks & the extra filters for them in storage all over the place. The filtration capability of these masks can be altered by the type of filter one installs in them. If our standard “Tear Gas” filter will also protect the wearer BETTER than a N95 will…there is absolutely NO REASON not to issue them to critical medical personnel, such as ICU Doctors and Nurses.
AND, when this crisis is over…the issued masks can be returned, cleaned, new filters installed…and put BACK in storage. I know…as I was in Military Decontamination and Shelter management.
Are we THIS stupid not to have immediately thought of doing this? EVERY branch as its own supply. Even an old M17A1 us better than a soggy paper mask!
This would solve the medical mask issue immediately.

This is a phrase from my post

The virologists/statisticians pick an age. And everyone over it goes into lockdown (somewhere between 40-60?)
Let it rage amongst the younger exposed age group. Once the hospitals settle … we bring out the the next age group in a controlled release ….
So we don’t flood the health system. So we keep the economy going.”
I didn’t mean rage uncontrollably. I meant maximum controllable. That’s why I said controlled in the following sentence.
Did you read it ? Or just become a self objectifying superior person seeking to belittle any that say anything you don’t agree with ? There are words for this that I choose not to use. ... I am sure you know them and will tell me what you think. (Google narcissist?)
Anyhow. Nordic. I watched this and I liked it. A lot of trump foolery in here. You should watch it !

Seems like a good idea to me.
Now imagine someone presenting this idea at a meeting with the Human Recourses Director, the Hospital Administrator and maybe even the President of the hospital in attendance. I suspect the “for profit” hospital would find a laundry list of reasons why gas masks would not work.

You want complete protection from tiny pathogens?
No, I think hospitals want profit.
Are we THIS stupid not to have immediately thought of doing this?
Absolutely, see reply above regarding profit. Besides, was it the CDC or the WHO that said the lay public didn’t need to wear masks or gloves. So really how bad could it be? (their thoughts). At least until the oh shit reality moment. Good idea though Ision! AKGrannyWGrit  

I thought China’s whole supply system had shut (9 feb) down and I wanted a uvc light from Australia. So I bought an aquarium one as they are popular. The funny thing was … when it arrived … the waterproof tube had broken (but the lamp still worked ). 36w uvc for $12 and domestic
I ended up getting the lamp that worked perfectly for air sterilisation for half price ( he didn’t want to refund the entire price and I still had what I wanted and half price seemed fair) ?

Thanks for posting again on this topic Krollchem. I ended up ordering phtysomal quercetin from Thorne, and while mine is on it’s way as of yesterday, the website is now listing, “out of stock”. Man, word gets around fast.
I will say this; In the case of Vitamin C, there are lots of videos on youtube that show how you can create your own … and I don’t see why one could not create their own version using std. quercetin. At the end of the day, you are just coating small particles of the supplement with a fat. This magnifies absorption, and ultimately bioavailability.

About a month ago I bought this UV sterilizing unit through Amazon for $129. The price has gone up about $30…not too bad. It is easy to use for sterilizing masks, phones, gloves and so on. You may want to consider it. It was still apparently in stock as of this morning.

Hey Locksmith UK,
Lay off on the political attacks on this site. We don’t do politics here. We try to help each other and our communities with useful advice and support. Either help with the problem at hand, or get the heck out of the way.

I still have my ultrasonic jewelry cleaner and was just thinking about ordering some bulk lecithin and giving it a go. Haven’t found any instructions anywhere specific to quercetin, but figured I’d follow the Vitamin C instructions.
By the way, thanks for suggesting quercetin early on. I have a supply on hand.

I wonder what their human recourses (sic) managers thought about this, lol.

watch from 5.55
(English subtitles)



Quercetin is a strong antioxidant flavonoid with several bioactive properties such as anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic activities, becoming an interesting compound to be incorporated into pharmaceutical, cosmetic or food products. However, these applications are limited by the low bioavailability of this flavonoid. Quercetin is poorly soluble in aqueous media, such as gastrointestinal fluids, being also degraded by gut flora. Thus, it is necessary the development of quercetin's formulations capable of improving its water solubility resulting in increased bioavailability and thus higher biological activity of this compound.

The aim of the present work was the formulation of quercetin using three distinct natural origin surfactants, namely OSA-starch, Lecithin and β-glucan, by precipitation from a pressurized ethyl acetate-in-water emulsion. Formulations of quercetin with encapsulation efficiencies up to near 76% and a micellar particle size in the range of nanometers were obtained using lecithin. An improved antioxidant activity (3-fold higher per unit mass of quercetin) was also observed in these formulations, demonstrating that lecithin is a good emulsifier for the encapsulation of quercetin. Furthermore, the addition of glycerol as co-solvent increased the colloidal stability of the suspension and the encapsulation efficiency of the flavonoid.

Apparently, "phytosome" is a patented process, which explains not calling it a liposome;
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/phytosome Phytosome is a patented technology that involves chemical interactions between phospholipids and water soluble herbal compounds, suitable as drug delivery systems for topical and oral administration. From: Lipid Nanocarriers for Drug Targeting, 2018

I’ve heard this from our health agency as well. This coronavirus seems to be pretty stable with only slight mutations, this far. That would increase the chances of finding a working vaccine.

Hello Captain Queeg,
I understand your observation. Many people in the US will scream for the “government” to do something. But that still doesn’t address the question I was posing . It may be that there is so much between now and getting to “how do we work together” that it’s too hard to fathom. I think we still need to start discussing it. People on this site understand the earthquake that is happening and the moral hazard that is occurring with the “just print money” approach.

Dear Chris,
You have been so helpful to me in understanding, preparing and perspective with the COVID 19 updates. My family and I are weathering this storm a thousand times more gracefully than we would have without your information and assistance. For that I am sincerely grateful.
I have included a link to Dr Seheult’s medical review of the issue with Ibuprophen. You mentioned that you had some trouble finding information regarding the concerns and his youtube discussion is very helpful. You can find it at: https://youtu.be/dT6mHi_8V5E.
Thanks again for your courage and insight in these times. I can’t tell you how much your help has been appreciated. --Robin Thompson

I heartily endorse the MedCram corona virus video series… I like the way Dr. S tip toes around the line between hopeful, data-based speculation and the ever limiting and slow moving allopathic standard of care BS. His teaching style is wonderful - if folks don’t know it that is actually the underlying business model for MedCram.com… they make professional training videos for the healthcare industry.


March 21 (GMT)

  • alert 6557 new cases and 793 new deaths in Italy
  • March 22 (GMT)

    • 5560 new cases and 651 new deaths in Italy:
    • March 23 (GMT)

      • 4789 new cases and 601 new deaths in Italy
      • March 24 (GMT)

        • alert 5249 new cases and 743 new deaths in Italy
        • March 25 (GMT)

          • 5210 new cases and 683 new deaths in Italy.

Jim H -:
“Trump said nothing of the sort. He said that he would like to see us back to work by Easter… he would like that to be our hopeful timeline. He is projecting hope, but was careful to say it would be predicated on medical reality. You can listen on youtube if you would like”
Incorrect. Here’s your reference point [listen from the 7.05 min mark onwards, then tell me about fake news again]…
By the way, your UK reference is irrelevant to this post.

Without detailed studies to guide us, I think we will have to make intelligent guesses with regard to how long we can sterilize masks by UV without degrading the performance of the mask. UV light (and ozone) degrade nearly all plastics/polymers, eventually causing them to become stiff and brittle.
So for me, when the stretchy material around the sides of the mask becomes stiff so that it no longer conforms well to my face, I will be throwing it out. So far, I am not at that point. If the elastic bands go first, then I will discard it even earlier. We have to keep the mask comfortably sealed around our face, mouth and nose. Off with that facial hair, guys. :slight_smile:

Please respect our norms/mores here. We don’t do politics on this site. If you want to talk politics with Jim H, continue it in another venue.