Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus

I might be crazy, but I’m starting to think nordicjac and RebelYell are the same guy.

DHS has released an interesting document listing what they know about the virus and the questions that they still need to answer. Regarding the question of viral load and severity of the disease, they don’t have answers for humans, but there have been studies using animal models with MERS. These appear to support Chris’s hypothesis that a higher viral load increases the severity of the infection. From the document:

  • Genetically modified mice exposed intranasally to doses of MERS virus between 100 and 500,000 PFU show signs of infection. Infection with higher doses result in severe syndromes.7, 41, 81, 150
The referenced papers are listed at the end of the document, which is found here: https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/2020_03_18_mql_covid-19-sars-cov-2_-_cleared_for_public_release_0.pdf
There's lots of other interesting information in the document as well.

Following my mixed messages comment (that I’m replying to here), Chris’s latest video now does not have the bullet point that previous videos had, in the conclusions:

Life is now changed. Forever. What was is not coming back.
So I'm not sure if Chris now thinks that life may not be as changed as that previous conclusion claimed. Personally, I just can't imagine how societies get over this and what life may be like if there is an end to all this.  

Was I having a sudden narcoleptic nightmare, or did I just read that Trump wants packed churches at Easter? Has he been tested? I haven’t noticed “wild hallucinogenic ravings” on the list of COVID-19 symptoms, but I’m beginning to doubt my own literacy. Let’s hope that Americans have more sense than to listen to The Special One’s oratory.

Want to double your Natural Killer T cells? These cells express a specific antigen receptor but also resemble innate immune cells through their rapid activation in response to multiple antigens as well as cytokines?
Just eat some shiitake mushroom every day. Yes… it’s that simple.

http://www.sdmyco.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Dai_etal_2015_Shiitake-and-immunity.pdf Original Research Consuming Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Mushrooms Daily Improves Human Immunity: A Randomized Dietary Intervention in Healthy Young Adults Results: Eating L. edodes for 4 weeks resulted in increased ex vivo proliferation of gd-T (60% more, p < 0.0001) and NK-T (2-fold more, p < 0.0001) cells. Both cell types also demonstrated a greater ability to express activation receptors, suggesting that consuming mushrooms improved cell effector function. The increase in sIgA implied improved gut immunity. The reduction in CRP suggested lower inflammation. The pattern of cytokines secreted before and after mushroom consumption was significantly different; consumption resulted in increased interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, and IL-1a levels, a decreased macrophage inflammatory protein-1a/chemokine C-C ligand 3 (MIP-1a/CCL3) level, and no change to IL-6, IL-1b, MIP-1b, IL-17 and interferon (IFN)-g levels. Conclusions: Regular L. edodes consumption resulted in improved immunity, as seen by improved cell proliferation and activation and increased sIgA production. The changes observed in cytokine and serum CRP levels suggest that these improvements occurred under conditions that were less inflammatory than those that existed before consumption.

Trump said nothing of the sort. He said that he would like to see us back to work by Easter… he would like that to be our hopeful timeline. He is projecting hope, but was careful to say it would be predicated on medical reality. You can listen on youtube if you would like.
Ah… the UK, where you can get dragged away by the police and put in jail with no actual charges just for trying to report the news from a public walkway in front of a courthouse. Thank God we have freedom of speech in the US. https://www.rt.com/uk/463910-robinson-jailed-contempt-court/
You may not know it but Trump is talking code to Patriots. There is still the matter of the seditious coop attempted against him and his administration using the powers of the US (and other nations) intelligence agency assets. While the virus gets most of the attention now… don’t think that this evil mess will be forgotten. The invisible enemy will get light shone on it soon enough.

i’ve been getting over some illness for the last 10 days or so, and while i haven’t been tested, i believe it to be the coronavirus, due to the symptoms - started off as a lingering sore throat and then spread to the lungs.
it was a pretty mild experience overall, which i believe is due to taking vitamins, zinc, selenium, and chaga on a daily basis. or maybe i just got lucky with which variant i encountered.
but now that i’m 90% back to normal and ready to start getting back to daily life, how do i make sure i don’t infect others?
the virus is spread through aerosolized particles, right? which means coughing and sneezing, which i haven’t been doing anyhow.
so if i wear a face mask when going out, i’m not endangering others?

Brendan, after reading your insight (and agreeing significantly with, let’s face it, all of it) it made me truly wonder how this situation can be rectified, if at all. The prominent thing that keeps coming to the forefront of my mind for the majority of these issues are re establishing self sufficiency for each individual in our society.
I have had many conversations with people over the years about the growing concern that I had to see year after year the growing dependence on our society on an ever growing global scale for basic needs and governments (as well as engorged private enterprises) increased dependence on outsourcing to the cheapest workforce to get something made or done at a fraction of a cost to make as much money as possible, instead of locally investing in jobs, resources and keeping things locally.
We, as a global society, predominantly have become like locusts, consuming products at a wasteful, disposable rate that has fed the bank accounts of these CEO’s, governments alike. We are responsible as a society for where we are at and in saying this we have to rethink, readjust, reprioritise our habits, ways that we think and spend our money. The positive thing (if you can see it amongst all of this situation) is this, corona virus is forcing everyone to rethink what is vital in their lives, what truly matters and what is absolutely essential and it is also waking people up to the fact that they have to learn how to get this done on their own because it is going to become a situation of every man for themselves. Self sufficiency to grow your own food, reconnect with your loved ones (immediate family, closest friends), learn new skills and adapt at a faster pace are some of the positives that this situation can give us. Also this has grossly exposed the blatant inadequacies, corruption and problems of the corporate and governments, the rats have no where to hide now.
We have a unique opportunity for our society to balance the scale and the best way to do this is by not investing in to the corporate fat rats that have now realised that they are actually at our mercy BECAUSE the reality is this, if we can’t work to get an income, we can’t funnel money in to their corporations for them to get richer and they are losing a ridiculous amount of money from markets crashing everyday.
So don’t be too upset or bitter, their day is coming much, much quicker than everyone thinks. The little guys like us we are smart and strong and we will be ok and get through all of this.
Keep healthy and safe, lots of best wishes to you and your family.
?Kylie C

Do not exceed about 30 mg of Zinc/day. A mixture of zinc to copper at a 15:1 ratio ( 2 mg Copper) may be best.
The Quercetin Phytosomes source the Doctor mentions is out of stock. Quercetin bio-availability is somewhat improved in a high fiber diet. Here is my POV on zinc ionophores:
Approaches to moderate onset COVID-19 disease using Chloroquine as an off-the-shelf hammer approach to treatment have toxicity issues. The use of the alternative Hydroxychloroquine, or its sulfate salt, will reduce these toxicological effect but one must still be careful with the dose in the case of diabetic patients with the SARS-CoV-2 infections.
A slower release of this drug along with a higher uptake across epithelial cell walls both in the throat and lungs could be obtained by using niosomes that allow the encapsulation Hydroxychloroquine into labile organic nanospheres.
Preparation of niosomes involves encapsulation of Hydroxychloroquine in a non-ionic surfactant-based vesicle comprised of cholesterol and a non-ionic surfactant.
The recent development of these niosomes have advantages over earlier designed liposomes due to a longer shelf life and the ability to encapsulate hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs. Niosomes containing hydroxychloroquine have been shown to be effective in treatment of the oral lichen planus immune disorder.
As an alternative to Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin and other similar non-toxic bioflavanoids appear to serve the same function as Hydroxychloroquinine and Chloroquinine as Zinc Ionophores for inhibiting virus replicase as described in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AToF8O5T86s.
Quercetin bioavailability via this mechanism is generally less than Hydroxychloroquinine, however, its encapsulation in liposomes has been shown to increase its effectiveness.
Quercetin may be even more effective if incorporated in phytosomes where it is chemically bonded to phospholipids. The preparation of liposomes and phytosomes and some of their applications are described here:


You make personal comments to people and seem to be in the mental position that you are correct all the time and belittle people.
You Called me a narcissistic psychopath that needs to see a psychologist (which I do and I can assure you I am not... according to my psychologist. But maybe you will argue this as you seem superior to everyone.... is that narcissistic in itself? Everyone should have a psychologist just like we have a mechanic for our cars)
This comment was based around me saying the way to heard immunity is to create it amongst the young first that don’t create many complications on the health system. So a lockdown that staggers the age groups upwards as heard immunity is solved (including virologists and statisticians to manage the age cut off points).
Also I am worried that if the economy and our supply chain stop. Then mad max is a possible scenario. And that’s my fear. I don’t have any guns. And I actually don’t want to live in a world where guns are necessary.... so it’s by choice that I don’t have guns. Peace not war bro.
I also made some criticism of politicians. I actually assume now (and as you and I know ass-u-me”ing makes an ass out of u and me) and that you are actually a trump supporter and as such personally responsible for the president in charge “the commander and chief of the country”. Hopefully I am wrong and you aren’t a supporter (but I will picture trump when I see your name on any posts here ... p.s. it’s not a good look).
As a side note.
I have also paid for my premium membership. But I don’t have access and it says I am not enrolled. I have messaged Chris. And wonderfully he responded to me to contact support. I did. But still no access.
So it seems like I am on the outer.
I will continue to watch Chris and Adam and their wonderful work. But it seems like it pays not to contribute ... without fear of rebuke from people like Nordicjack and glitches in the matrix which means I have paid my $au43 dollars for premium access. But I don’t have any.
Sometime it pays to watch from the sidelines with some popcorn ....

Hi guys
Please read attached article, maybe also show your hospital and fellow medical staff. You guys are absolutely in the firing line of this and I hope this can keep you guys safe. I have a black (UVtorch in my powder room for my kids to double check their hands when washing up (they think it’s an awesome science experiment) they now know that if they see anything glowing on themselves that they need to wash their hands again.
maybe set up a dark room in your house, ie bathroom, basement or attic and change normal globe for us one and hang your masks and medical gear in their to sterilisation.

I really shouldnt even addressed your post. I was just really in shock that you suggest that we just throw caution to the wind and let the economy roll , and just blow this thing off. Not, that its not a scenario that should be evaluated. Several on this board , along with me, have wondered whether more people could die from economic fall-out than from the illness. This is something to discuss… But to come-out and say hey , these people stopping the economy for this - is wrong, we need to let everyone get sick and keep the economy going, whilst at the same time stating that the govt officials are wrong for messing with the economy… my gosh trump , how could you? and anyone that supports your decision should be hanged. What is really ironic , is trump wanted to do what you want to do, maybe worse than you wanted to do , for all the more wrong reasons you wanted. The problem is he had to go with something that was more rational, when you carefully evaluated the “OUTCOME” of what you suggest. you have made sound good… just the flu – no one really gets too hurt - let it burn through the poplulation , most will recover… especially the most important people.
All without having the facts, without knowing what this disease really does, not knowing if you ever recover or keep this forever like herpes… whether you have longterm disability or permanent organ damage. Its just way too early to know… studies that have been done dont look good… So, you want to let it burn through the population , like its nothing more than the flu. If it were nothing more , id agree. But why do you think its the flu? what if its not? people are sick longer with this than the flu… more hospitaliztions… it will overwhelm the system we see this in italy and NY… but you think, if we do nothing, this just goes away? We can do this, open everything up again, go back to work and life. Let the bodies pile up, shut the doors at the hospital to all with the disease… and just put those souls in a ditch and call it a casualty of war. Its an option… but , regardless of who dies, young or old. I assure you with this option , the numbers are going to be alarming by the time its finished… and it will be something way worse than anything ever imagined in the holocaust , civil war, black plague, crusades, etc. It would leave a scar on humanity as a tragedy of epic proportions… we can do that… ! but , only if you know and understand what it means.

Kylie, You speak about UV disinfection but also a black light for seeing organic residues. The black light does not disinfect , its useful for see the crud. a UV-C disinfection light would damage your skin if you were to expose it. But , I am all for using both types of lights , one to see how much slop was not cleaned and the other to sterilize.

Have a read of this guys analysis of the numbers
in his posts on HB19.
Elsewhere I have seen commentary on the risks of the current US course of inadvertently selectively breading more aggressive strains and leaving the lowest risk demographics open to a second nasty wave.
Article claimed this is what has happened in the past.
At present huge decisions are been made on sketchy information, but the data is improving.

It just keeps coming.
Yesterday I got information that the protocol for medical (and support) personnel who work with Covid-19 patients in our province should work without facemask except in certain high-risk cases where there is a risk of spraying. Protection equipment should be donned and taken off in the room with the patient. If I remember well (have no copy of the protocol here) an MD must give permission for staff to use a facemask… If I’m not mistaken they even claim that it is safe to work without a mask around patients with Covid-19 (not suspected cases… that is confirmed cases…). I still have to get my hands on a physical copy of the protocol so I can confirm all this and analyse.
And that in a society that is normally extremely risk-averse…
This goes against data (even if not peer-reviewed) and observations:
Against principles that should be used in this case (e.g. precautionary principle)
And against about any ethical (society) and moral principle (of ‘experts’ and ‘managers’) that I can think of
I can only see 4 possible reasons for this:

  • They don't know the facts, and are not willing or able to read up on them -> Incompetency, these people should not be in that position
  • They work based on models that don't reflect reality. But if reality doesn't coincide with your models, it's not reality that is at fault (don't know who said that first, but great quote), you adapt, fast... -> Incompetency; these people should not be in that position
  • They are trying to hide the fact that they cannot get these materials, that they are out of their depth and that they have not prepared for anything beforehand. Then you take responsibility, fess up, drop the rules that say that you cannot use protection materials used for construction, set up a local facemask production line with the best materials and design you can get your hands on, and go sixth gear. Go this way and in no time you have the support of a large part of the population -> Incompetency, lack of integrity and responsibility, lack of vision, lack of moral fibre; these people should not be in that position
  • They think it's going to be too expensive -> I won't even go there...
Trust is very hard to build, and very easy to lose...   I sent an open letter to municipal coordinators and local politicians with a scenario and recommendations (based on my experience in emergency response and preparedness in Doctors Without Borders) on what they should have in place to make the best of it. A standard thank you, we take it seriously, we know what we are doing in reply. But inside information indicates that they're flailing and don't understand what they are potentially dealing with... I'm just gobsmacked for the moment, medical staff who is going to be pushed to the frontline of this deserves so much better than to be exposed to potential severe suffering and death with obvious lies and inadequate equipment. The Chernobyl liquidators come to mind, but I find this almost worse, because in this case there was time, there were the resources, there was just no vision, competency, courage, commitment, and right prioritisation. Carbon-based bipeds have had their moments of glory, this is not one of them...

Thanks for your response. Black light is fantastic to have in hand washing area to help everyone check whether they have actually washed their hands, brushed their teeth, cleaned up etc properly. Great for seeing if you have done the job properly or not. I have worked in public and private hospitals and aged care settings and some of these places have been smart and had these lighting systems in place so staff can make sure their hygiene practices are up to scratch as many immune compromised people are directly effected if you are not responsible for adequate personal hygiene. I personally think it’s a fantastic practice and one that I have found to positively work. I had a younger brother with compromised immune system from radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment for pineal blastoma brain tumour. He was given several months to live and he managed to get an extra 12 years because we practiced extensive hygiene protocols at home.
in regards to UV and UV-C lighting I have attached an article relevant to the scientific support and uses that China have applied in support of this to disinfection. I hope that this can assist people in making an informed decision or to encourage people to look further in to researching the validity of it. If experts have already tested this process and endorsed the method in a variety of environments then it is an assumption that there is some validity to the process and desired outcome.
Thanks, take care Kylie C

so with all the clear directives in the western world it’s don’t need to use masks
but we at least think.
I have disposable masks. There are a few studies on uv sterilisation. But maybe we aren’t thinking about all things. This study says if sterilisation damages the structural integrity of a mask. So what does washing or steam do ?
we are all guessing …

Brandon…Here is the conclusion from the study you just cited:
”The capacity to disinfect and reuse disposable N95 respirators may be needed during a pandemic of an infectious disease that spreads by airborne particles. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation is one possible method for accomplishing this. In our experiments, UVGI had a small effect on filtration performance and essentially no effect on flow resistance at doses up to 950 J/cm2, while the structural integrity of the respirators showed a noticeable decrease at lower doses. The strength of the respirator straps was less affected by UVGI than the strength of the body material. Our results suggest that UVGI could be used to disinfect respirators, although the maximum number of disinfection cycles will be limited by the respirator model and the UVGI dose.”

I wore my first mask in public in an Australian domestic flight on the 29th jan. I felt like I was over reacting and then didnt wear one for another couple of weeks. In the 15 times I have donned my n95 mask on, I have broken the elastic band twice. So always carry a spare. I will probably reuse 10 times then bin.( Time rotation in sun)
Also did you know that a lot of n95 masks have a flapper valve. This allows aerosol transmission from the person breathing out. So that means it’s not a two way filter. And a lot of the masks worn by people have the valve to make it easier to expire … but not the same two way protection …

This is how PPE should be used in Sweden, following WHO guidelines (automatic translation):

Eye protection and face shields Protective goggles or visor are used together with mouth protection or respiratory protection to protect the eyes - mouth and nasal mucosa. Visor protects the entire face from splashing Mouth and respiratory protection The spread of the covid-19 can be through contact, drip and aerosol infection. A liquid-repellent mouth guard in combination with a visor or goggles constitutes an adequate barrier protection for healthcare professionals in both sampling and care situations, with the exception of aerosol creating procedures. Respiratory protection FFP2 or FFP3 is used for working operations where local risk assessment indicates that this is necessary. More information about respiratory protection can be found on the Work Environment Agency's website. Protective coat Coats have a long sleeve and are liquid repellent. The protective coat also needs to cover the working clothes well and be able to be taken off safely. It is important to use what is well practiced in order to reduce the risk of infection. Protective apron Alternative to protective coat is long-sleeved plastic apron. It is important that the apron covers the working clothes well as can be safely taken off. If you are normally trained on and use a long-sleeved plastic apron, you can use it. The same basic requirements as for the protective coat then apply. Protective gloves Protective gloves should be used in close-to-patient contact with cases of covid-19, see §14 of AFS 2018:4. Replacement of protective gloves is done between each care or care component and, if necessary, based on local risk assessment, in line with local procedures.
(Source: https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/smittskydd-beredskap/utbrott/aktuella-utbrott/covid-19/information-till-varden/#skyddsutrustning ) The lack of enough PPE resources has been a known issue since this whole thing started - and even before that. We are getting daily updates in Swedish media. No one is trying to hide it. The PPE problem has been mentioned pretty much daily for weeks now. But what to do about it? Just-in-time works as long as not the whole world wants the same thing at the same time, as long as production is running, as long as borders are open. Then it is just-isn't-there. And it's not about the money. Money can't buy what's not there. Overall planning seems to be fine. But planning for pandemic scale PPE needs seems to have been pretty much non-existent. And when there is not enough PPE, what do you do? Regions have the possibility to make local decisions, but doctors and nurses are scared: https://lakartidningen.se/aktuellt/nyheter/2020/03/forbundet-kraver-svar-om-kortarmad-skyddsutrustning/ https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/stockholm/vardpersonal-uppmanas-jobba-i-kortarmat-trots-corona We haven't even begun the steep climb yet. This needs to be solved or we are up for a disaster.