Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus

Antibody studies are useful for somethings but to see who has been exposed, its not an exact science. You know you have antibodies to every cold strain in the world? but you can still get the cold because its a different strain. eventually, they beleive the human population will be able to get the cold and not know it… but it doesnt mean they are not infected with a new strain. or new virus. the antibodies can show positive to similar strains. We have been living with coronviruses for millions of years. We all have antibodies to several. In fact , i believe the way one responds to this infection is based on previous exposures to coronavirus… hence the ADE effect. I do not believe they will find that a person with antibodies has been exposed , nor that he is immune. This could lead to dangerous and deadly consequences.

How did you decide that this study is garbage? Could you explain exactly what you feel is wrong with it? Your current criticism is sweeping but lacks somewhat in detail.
In any case you may be correct. We should know one way or the other within a couple of weeks.
Interestingly I am English although I have lived in US for most of my life. My immediate family still lives in UK though, and I stay in touch with a couple of old friends. About 20% of the people in that immediate circle (including my sister and niece) are currently suffering, or have recently suffrered, from a nasty bug featuring persistent cough and high temperature lasting about ten days. Actually one of the sufferers (a friend’s mum) doesn’t have a cough but has diarrhea and vomiting. It is of course possible that they all have some other disease or diseases, and that certainly isn’t proof of anything. It’s interesting though.
I promise I’m not trolling though. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to point out a new study from a prestigious university.

Aw, crap…I forgot to select the sarcasm font again.
Aside from that, we’ve watched this Real Housewives of DC drama for over three years. It will be interesting to see how long Fauci lasts if he continues to disagree with the boss. It certainly hasn’t worked out for an interminably long list of other people–there are almost as many of them as there are Co19 cases.

If the picture were a little clearer we would be able to read the name and phone number on the flyer. Any chance of a clearer picture?

Grocery store crowd visualization - sample size : 30 persons entering the store, 3 of which are initially infected - Left free random movement, Right : organized queue



in Australia, they talk about social distancing and coughing into a tissue or your shoulder, but nothing about wearing a mask. that’s because there’s not enough masks

I want to ring the bell on your ongoing pissing match… chill out please. You are hijacking threads and generally being, well, annoying. You are both relatively new, quickly making your mark and losing credibility by your ad nauseum back and forth mud slinging.
And some of your insults to the comments made by others are, in my opinion, inappropriate. If you want respect for your comments at PP you need to do a better job of earning it. You can start by considering quality over quantity. I am not the comment police or censor, but just offering up a thought. I am confident I am not alone in my thinking…
Thanks, appreciate it!

Hi Jeff, It might work better to copy and paste the link into the text box. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello Heather.
I agree with your points about abandoning the obligations, especially with the now 6T “Coronovirus Rescue Package”.
Your statement: “Our government is incompetent, so why would we give them more power and dominance over us, when they have consistently made the problems worse?”
It seems that our general population is apathetic and not aware of (ignorance is bliss?) what the government is doing and more importantly not interested becoming active enough members to demand change.

Tina Fey’s comedy skit aside (I’ll have to watch it again*) you could see Russia from Sitka prior to October 18, 1867:

Sitka was the site of the transfer ceremony for the Alaska purchase on October 18, 1867. Russia was going through economic and political turmoil after it lost the Crimean War to Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire in 1856 and decided it wanted to sell Alaska before it was taken over by Britain. Russia offered to sell it to the United States. Secretary of State William Seward had wanted to purchase Alaska for quite some time as he saw it as an integral part of Manifest Destiny and America's reach to the Pacific Ocean.[11] While the agreement to purchase Alaska was made in April 1867, the actual purchase and transfer of control took place on October 18, 1867. The cost to purchase Alaska was $7.2 million, 2 cents per acre. -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitka,_Alaska#History
*If Biden gets elected there will be few comedic sketches directed at him as it will be seen as the equivalent of kicking puppies.


Now up to 15%.

Rebelyell, Chris’ latest video puts a spike in that study as being very easily debunked. Perhaps you would like to watch it and retract your support of it?
I’m going to agree with Jan, the group of hair splitters here and your arguments on whether CFR is 1 or 2 or more, with long posts to support your point of view are getting to the point I scroll right past them without a look.

Would you expect anything else from the WSJ?

Fox News reports a 7 month old boy in South Carolina has got pneumonia from HB-19 coronavirus.
I thought the data showed that children were practically immune. New strain, maybe. Very troubling development.

Where did you find the information on the 30% saline?
I am a nurse in the ER and am planning on saving my N95s and bringing them home to “disinfect” and sit for 9 days in case I have to start reusing them.
I emailed Edens Garden (the essential oil company I use) and they had a certified aromatherapist email me back and sent me a recipe. It comes with the disclaimer that they don’t know how it will affect the integrity of the mask and there haven’t been any studies on essential oils and this coronavirus. I wanted something that would be safe to potentially breathe in. I figured this would be better than wearing a bandanna like the CDC is recommending!
3oz distilled water (I had to make my own but it’s not difficult)
1oz 190 proof grain alcohol
40 drops of either immunity, fighting five, guardian or healthy hero
10 drops tea tree and 10 drops oregano
Maybe this could be useful to you guys too. Stay safe!

Where did you find the information on the 30% saline? I am a nurse in the ER and am planning on saving my N95s and bringing them home to “disinfect” and sit for 9 days in case I have to start reusing them.
ER.RN, there was a study that found that soaking in a saline solution tended to increase the efficiency in a mask to filter virus particles. One of the ways a mask does this is a "electrostatic" mechanism as well as a drying mechanism. Let me hunt down the specific study. We have collected a variety of disinfecting methods in this post: https://peakprosperityfilelibrary.wordpress.com/2020/03/10/covid19-ppe-sterilizing-and-reusing-masks/ The gold standard is heat. Cooking a used mask in 170F for 30 minutes has been found to kill SARS (we are going with Covid is the same as SARS for now). UV light exposure for 30 minutes per side is also good. Chemical disinfection with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes, followed by a water rinse and air dry, work but seem to degrade your mask filtration some to an unknown amount, though one PPE manufacturer ran their filters through 5 minutes of alcohol soak 4 times a day for 18 months with little degrading. We have no scientific studies at present on essential oils and their efficiency. Bottom line is you can reuse masks quite more than the manufacturer says. And surgical masks and hand made ones of cotton filter much more than the CDC or manufacturers want you to know. PM me if you want more data.

There’s a you tube video claiming in the last three months, over 21 million cell phone accounts have been closed in China. Now, from what I see, the only way you take away someone’s phone, you’d have to pry it from their cold, dead hands. Just sayin’.