Even The Young & Healthy Are Getting The Coronavirus

Hi everyone,
PP’s metals primer:
And if are going to stay confined to our homes, why not see a cat video.

Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population
University of Oxford Professor Sunetra Gupta said it could mean less than one in a thousand people who contract the disease will need hospital treatment.

How about taking a look at what the Public Health Agency itselfs says about it’s goals:
You are of course entitled to your opinion.


As a Canadian living abroad for many years, I have been alarmed for weeks - months - actually now with regards to Canada’s (lack of) approach to this…
Late January I warned friends in Canada to be scoffed at. Even when I did the math and demonstrated how the hospital system could not manage all people if there was to be great spread. They all seem to hold allegiance to only what CBC says, and many do not look much farther. They also are hesitant to spend money to prepare. Helping others and altruistic actions of those well off in the big cities does not seem too visible. A blind faith in their governments and health care systems seems unwavered by many perhaps not conceiving as to how such high taxes have not seen their country prepare for a pandemic event even in the simpliest of materials. In Ontario, the population is 14 500 000 with 100% able to access health care of all levels and at all expense almost.
If 1% get infected and if 1% of that 1% needs respirators, Ontario is already behind the 8 ball
Ontario has (before COVID) 1057 respirator ICUs in total with of course some in use before COVID…
1% of 1% of 14.5 million is 1450, thus Ontario at full capacity 2019 stats was 393 respirators in the red.
I have been completely ignored.

Infections may already have peaked in Italy and UK. Study suggests that disease arrived in UK in ealry January, between 36% and 68% of population may already have been exposed and herd immunity close to being achieved. Hospitalizations and deaths will lag but should peak shortly.
Antibody testing of general population is necessary to confirm the result and is expected to begin shortly.

Ohhhh…so much sucking-up and back-slapping!
I can hardly stand to watch Kidlow. The rescue package is now up to $6 trillion!
Pence: We’re opening up the country in “weeks, not months.”
Commenters on the chat express concern that Faucci looks ill.
Several presenters expressing concern about the numbers of potentially infected that have/are leaving NYC, strongly recommending 14-day isolation and testing if symptomatic.

President Trump refers to Drs. Fauci and Birx and “Dr. Fauci and Deborah”. Unfortunately, I’m sure it happens a lot to Dr. Birx.

Lates Oxford study suggests main difference between COVID-19 and seasonal 'flu was just speed of spread. So 60% of population got it in 1/3 the time that the regular 'flu spreads. So 18x as many patients in hospitals. But basically just the darn 'flu.
Can I get my $6 trillion back?

Stop trolling… I dont have anything else to say. You have one argument----- this is nothing dont worry about , what is wrong with you… lets go back to work… its over - nothing to see here.
Trust me - as we were already proved right what we were saying months ago… keep it up… call me in 6 mos… I will show you a letter and emial , getting into it with an editor and legal journalist. And how what they said in their publishing. that was reprehensible./. and wrong… which now is obvious i was correct. 3 mos latter the journalist now has contacted me asking where I got my info and how I knew so much when the authorities were saying other…
So… this is you… call me in 6 mos. Your are suffering from serious adjustment disorder.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Forces Leaders To Decide: Save Lives Or The Economy? (3/24/20)

I picked that up too Sparky and was irked.

She’s knee deep in Ukraine corruption and dirty money. Look up PEPFAR and UN Global Fund Fraud.
Even by government standards the fraud is sufficiently egregious that its attracting attention:

Fauci did strike me as a little off. (Maybe it was just a reaction to the off screen dressing down he’d gotten from donny for having opinions.)
Also lost count of how many times Pence was noisily inhaling during his remarks. Sounded like he had the sniffles.

Back in January I thought just as you do today. I had no problem with adjustment whatsoever. Several friends told me to shut up about the corona virus. My kids thought I was crazy for telling them I was getting ready to pull them out of school. However, the evidence is becoming increasingly clear that it is not all that dangerous at all. So - as the new evidence emerges - I am adjusting my opinion again.
I just posted a link to a study released by Oxford University today. Have you heard of Oxford University? Do you think Professor Gupta is trolling? Or just me for posting her study?
Here it is again: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oxmu2rwsnhi9j9c/Draft-COVID-19-Model%20(13).pdf?dl=0
Did you look at the study? Did you understand it? If you disagree with the study, what are your grounds for doing so?
The study may not be correct, but we should know shortly once they do antibody testing.
Meanwhile, our governments have stolen who knows how much money from us? You are looking where the magician wants you to look (look over here - virus), not where you need to be looking (don’t look here - fingers in your wallet).
Oh - and here is the FT article talking about the study.
Oh and we won’t have to wait six months. Looks like they expect to be able to start antibody testing in a few days with results within a week after that. At that point we’ll know what percent of Uk has already been exposed and therefore much more accurately how serious the disease really is.
And if it turns out not to be that serious it will have been the greatest robbery of all time. Ever. Anywhere. And done in plain sight.

Wintergreen, when was this dressing down by Trump on Fauci? I missed that. Or is this just the usual political pile on by the left. Believe me, nobody runs Fauci. He’s a big boy and has been around Washington for years. The ego weights are well matched. Anyway, per Fauci himself, they get along well enough to stay on mission and that’s good enough for me.

I liked Dr. Campbell initially, but he’s shown some very poor judgment in who he associates himself with. He made at least two videos with Paul Cottrell, admitting in the first one that he hadn’t bothered to vet him at all, stating he’d never seen his videos. Cottrell has done some very shaky stuff in his YouTube offerings.
Also, and this is just a personal pet peeve, Doc’s repeatedly taken judgmental pot shots at people for prepping. Maybe everybody in Britain has a Harry Potter wand that they can use to magically materialize supplies they need to survive. But they haven’t distributed any wands in the USA yet. I had to acquire my munchies (and TP) the old fashioned way. So, I’m a bit prejudiced against him now as all the prepper-haters have gotten on my last nerve.

This stuff that only old people die is garbage. I know the numbers suggest this and what is reported makes it look that way. but we know is young healthy people do die too.
The rates are nowhere near what people think if just to look at what is reported. I cite NY report study. It is very relevant. What they found , is that women got the infection more than men - so lets stop with its a mans disease. Next , they found that half the hospitalized were under 50… so stop with the serious illness in only for elderly decrepit people. And finally, the study found that “HALF” the people in the ICU were under 65 years of age ( that is young and working age many are healthy and work much longer ) This in a place that accounts for 5% of the world’s diagnosed cases.
So , what I infer here is , young people are just as likely to get ill, just as likely to get severely ill, ( and not as likely to die given supportive care )… This would make sense that a young person give all the supportive care would have a better chance than someone with co-morbidities. But make no mistake, get rid of or overwhelm health care – those young people all perish…

The problem is its not a study at all its a simulation or projection based on garbage data interpretation. This is not a study at all. its all speculation, conjecture. and opinion.

I have been watching Chris’ videos since the end of January and feel comfortable with my family’s preparations, and like many on this site, am as best mentally prepared as I can be. I am not a scientist nor a medical person. I am a co-owner of a family run engineering and manufacturing business (educationally I have a B.S. in Finance and an MBA). I provide this information because after trying to understand the medical aspects, my brain is now focused on the downstream ramifications of the government shutting down the economy, printing money into oblivion and making things even worse by stealing our freedom.
Our government is incompetent, so why would we give them more power and dominance over us, when they have consistently made the problems worse? Giving bailouts to corporations is completely unethical. Printing money does not solve the structural problems; it will only exacerbate them. Stealing from your neighbor doesn’t solve anything either (i.e. saying it’s ok to only give money to individuals or an identified interest group for political gain, etc.).
Before I receive hate mail about not caring about people, please don’t start down that path. I am posting this article for discussion purposes, with a clear eye to the future and what will become of us. Civilized societies are based on mutual cooperation and the essence of contracts (meaning one agrees to do as one commits or promises to another). Specifically, I have been trying to get me head around the breakdown of contractual obligations and how this plays out.
You all understand the cascading impacts, so I am back to my original concern. If all contractual obligations fail - if one’s word is no longer good for anything - how do we engage with each other?
P.S. I know that Johnson has now put the UK on lockdown (see article).