Expert Virologist: Here's Everything You Need To Understand About Coronavirus

To answer your specific question directly, Dr. Zelenko prescribes the chloroquine/zinc/azithromycin treatment as soon as patients show breathing distress. I am not going to try to summarize all the details, but watching the first ten minutes or so of the video below should give you adequate information.
Chris: can you please try to get an interview with Dr. Zelenko? I think the PP tribe would really benefit from hearing from him directly.
Here is a letter I put on my Facebook page…I hope it is useful to my PP friends. Some of my anti-Trump friends reacted along political lines. Too bad.
“First, here is a link to Dr. Zelenko’s own letter (over a week old now) to the world-wide medical community regarding his use of hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc and azithromycin to treat Covid-19.
I don’t see any reason why Dr. Zelenko would be misleading us deliberately. He is obviously a dedicated physician. He has nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose by speaking out like this. Zelenko frankly acknowledges that his treatment of hundreds of patients was not a regular clinical trial, it was more “battlefield medicine” But we are actually in a war with this thing—so battlefield medicine is appropriate for the situation.
Here is a recent video featuring Dr. Zelenko that describes his efforts to help his patients with this treatment.
Note that Dr. Zelenko prescribes this treatment as soon as anyone shows breathing distress. If you wait too long, the treatment is not as effective and the outcomes are much worse.
Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved emergency use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as a possible coronavirus treatment, concluding that the potential benefits outweigh the risks. Here is the whole letter from the FDA
And here is the most relevant quote from the letter (top of page 3):
“Based on the totality of scientific evidence available to FDA, it is reasonable to believe that chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate may be effective in treating COVID-19,” FDA Chief Scientist Denise Hinton wrote in the approval letter.
“When used under the conditions described in this authorization, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate when used to treat COVID-19 outweigh the known and potential risks of such products.”
The FDA is now directing a number of clinical trials to better understand the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and other treatments, so we will have such information before too much longer. Please see the third paragraph of the next letter regarding these on-going trials.
It appears to me that this potentially valuable therapy got politicized the moment President Trump mentioned it weeks ago. Sadly, a medical issue became a political issue: full bore Trump Derangement Syndrome on display. I wonder how many lives politicization of this issue will cost.
Doctors other than Dr. Zelenko who are using the chloroquine treatment have found the same political issue emerging as they have treated patients. You can read about these other doctors and their experiences at this link.
Please read it through to the bottom and ignore the stuff on the side—typical web clickbait.
Hopefully, we will soon have supporting evidence from the clinical trials.”
That’s my posted letter. Again, I hope we can have Dr. Zelenko on for an interview with Chris…it would be really good for this group.

Bats are becoming critically endangered in many areas, including North America due to White Nose Syndrome. If bats decline further, we will feel the loss- loss of insect control, loss of pollination services, loss of biodiversity as other animals are dependent upon bats.
Dogs are the leading vector for rabies in the world. Rabies is 99% deadly (worldwide) if one becomes infected, yet we keep dogs for their many benefits.
Bats are no threat to us unless we have intimate contact with them.
Please keep building your bat houses. I think the real message is- don’t trap, transport and eat bats!

I was being facetious.
I’ve heard interviews from people with multiple doctorates talking in incredible detail about the RNA sequencing of this virus, explaining, clearly, that the chances that it occurred naturally are vanishingly small. I’ve heard them talk about the history of coronavirus research, in China, going back to 2010.
I’ve heard other virologists make short, vague statements about this viruses source coming from an animal, probably a bat, but they can’t trace it.
Who to believe?!
The thing is, I understand that, in order to continue to receive funding, some experts are required to adhere to approved dialogues, regarding specific topics. The problem is, if a scientists makes one statement that is difficult to swallow, for example, “don’t use masks”, then it calls into question everything that scientist say about anything else.

Yeah, just what sailors want to hear from a “Suit”.
Acting Navy secretary blasts ousted aircraft carrier captain as ‘stupid’ in address to ship’s crew
TPTB so expect that people in the Military will just line up to do what they are ordered to do, lol.
I’m reminded of the observation that the second owners of large estates and expensive bug out locations of the Elites, is usually the people they had hired to guard them.

Summary - he states that it works but only if used in conjunction with Zinc, in that hydroxychloroquine by itself did not help. He states that his patients get dramatically better within 8-12 hours!

The truth is , I dont think anyone ( the powers to be - FDA - Big Pharma ) want to save lives - in fact they would love to get rid of the old and infirm burden in the country. They do not want a cheap and easy cure. They simply want the most expensive - exclusive, FDA approved treatment. Period.

Us 50 year olds certainly are getting sick. My wife’s 103 degree temperature went down to 101 after three days and she felt almost like a million bucks. The difficulty in breathing came after the high temperature broke. Now, harder to breath during exertian, resting most of the time.
I have had a weird case with low temperature, and extreme fatigue later in the day. Never a temperature at normal, always low. If I breath in deeply, one dry cough is the result. My lungs have gradually gotten a little more noticeably affected, but it has taken 2 weeks for that to happen.
We have both been “mildly” sick for about two weeks now, with no end in sight.

I can’t help but think back to Nordic’s comment about the father of a friend who went to the hospital, was sent home, and then died a day or so later. What if he had been given the regimen right away when he first went to the hospital? Might he still be alive today?
This is why I am such a rabid supporter and yes, promoter of this regimen… because it’s literally all we’ve got at the moment, and much of data we have suggests that it works. Again, as far as I know, Zelenko has had NOBODY die on his watch. This may have changed in the last 24-48 hours… but it’s still the best we have.
I want to also make clear the mess we are in regarding what DrBruceDale describes as Trump derangement syndrome. This syndrome is readily on display when it comes to the subject of hydroxychloroquine. I was talking to my elderly mother in NY last night and she is completely in the grasp of the deep state mass media. Everyone is welcome to their opinion, and some will say this is just an extreme of mass media political bias at work… but I will continue to suggest that this is much, much worse; This is the Globalist Deep State using their control over most of the mass media to shape and control the opinion of the Sheep. I don’t always like the way Trump delivers the message… but I will tell you that there is in fact a war going on under the surface, and for now at least, my mother believes Rachel Maddow more than she believes me. She thinks this problem is due to our differing, “politics”. It’s nothing of the sort.
Best to all, Sorry about the interlude here… I will try to keep this to the, “hydroxychloroquine vs. The Deep State thread”

I want folks to recognize some of the subtle things going on, that you might not notice if you don’t view the world, and especially the mass media, through the lens that I do. One of the talking points being used now against the use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 is that you are creating a shortage and taking doses away from people who need it for their Lupus and arthritis treatment. While that is true… those people are not going to *&%$ing die if they don’t have this drug, while some fraction of those Covid-19 patients who don’t get it most definitely will.
The TV talking head makes the point here, and I am sure you will hear it over and over in coming days;
Interesting YouTube video. Possible first infection in November.

Here’s an interesting article

Just outside of Albany, New York, 37 electrical grid operators and support staffers are currently cut off from outside human contact, living two to a trailer, to make sure the state’s power stays on.

“We’ve had it in our plans as a hypothetical drill that we walk through every year to practice,” said Rich Dewey, the president of the New York Independent Systems Operator, which oversees the state’s energy grid and deployed those sequestered workers. “But we’ve never actually had to put it into practice.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Looking over at Italy and Spain and the U.K. is really like us looking 7-10 days in the future,” Aaronson said. “One of the things we learned from Italy in particular is that incremental doesn’t work. Just expect this is going to get worse.”

Here’s an article that lays out what happened. There are two schools of thought on Crozier’s dismissal. The Navy’s official position is that Crozier stepped out of line by blasting a letter to "20 or 30" people in the Navy, didn’t walk down the passageway to go through his direct superior to elevate the request, and created unneeded panic. His own crew and many observers not hampered by their office believe that Crozier did the right thing and that the Navy—and the Trump administration—are shooting the messenger of bad news.
Clearly the Captain was trying to protect his crew. Could he have looped his superior in? Certainly I would have done that, if only to check the box on my way out the door. Maybe, deep inside, he was afraid his boss would convince him not to send the letter. Plague in close quarters aboard ship is one of those deep-seated fears.

Hi Mohammed,
Here is a copy of an email I sent to Chris about possible defense against the Cororavirus which does not involve big pharma.
There is a simple way to boost your immune system and it has been proved with a scientific study.Jeong SC, Koyyalamudi SR, Pang G. Article in Nutrition 2012
To save me a lot of unnecessary typing you can access this experimental data on Google Scholar by just typing in their names. IgA levels in your saliva are considered the first line of defence against respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and influenza. The conclusions of this experiment were that you can boost your IgA levels in your saliva by 50% by eating 100 grams of COOKED button mushrooms a day for a week. If you then stop eating the mushrooms then your IgA levels slowly return to baseline level. Whether this helps fight off the coronavirus is obviously unknown but this definately works on my hay fever allergy and calms my immune system response to pollen. Also I was pleasantly surprised that it helped me comfortably fight off a cold virus two summers ago.That was a first for me.
Best Wishes

They are actually cutting people with lupus off from use of the drug saying that we need it for the coronavirus. But I am sure most are not prescribed it. Its like be hoarded and not used. Govt will seize it - officials and bigwigs will get way more than they need- everyone else go to HELL.

Thanks for the thoughtful replies. I don’t take the silver as a liquid (into the stomach), only as a mist into the sinuses and throat/lungs, which as you pointed out is essentially a topical application, just internal to the body and not on an external surface. The amounts of silver in question are far too tiny to turn anybody blue, esp since I’m using rather infrequently (after the initial regiment to clear the sinus infection). The guy I get the ionic silver from is basically giving it away as a friendly gesture (he gave me a pint, which is about a year’s supply at my usage rate, and gave me 2 1-liter bottles to circulate to other members of my social circle, which I was happy to do). I gave him some local-grown Maui coffee beans as a thank-you.
Community, y’all! It ain’t a noun, it’s a VERB!
YMMV, DYODD, this is not medical advice! May fortune smile upon us all!
VIVA – Sager

I am not exactly sure what point you are making… but I think we are seeing the same thing. My point is that this talking point has been adopted by the Globalist controlled mass media to make you feel guilty for even having the thought that hydroxychloroquine might be used for treating Covid.
In many cases today, if you don’t get hydroxychloroquine, along with the rest of the regimen in time, you will die. If a Lupus patient can’t get their HCQ, there are other newer medications that can actually in place of it, like immunosuppressants, and in any event if they stop their meds they are not going to die in the next few weeks.

Yeah, I forget were I was reading a lupus patient letter from her health provider was a virtual death sentence as it read and thanked her for her “sacrifice” she hadnt had a lupus flair in years… and this would for sure bring one about. Very terrible.

“All that hilariously misguided and counterproductive criticism the media piled on chloroquine (purely for political reasons) as a viable treatment will now go down as the biggest Fake News blunder to rule them all. The media actively engaged their activism to fight ‘bad orange man’ at the cost of thousands of lives. Shame on them.”

Here’s what I would personally do if I had lupus and did not have access to my medication. Therapeutic fasting for several days (water only) followed by a healthy plant only vegetarian diet (i.e. no lacto-ovo). Acta Physiological Scandinavica published a paper years ago from Karolinska Institutet comparing various treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Turns out, the most effective one was therapeutic fasting followed by a vegetarian diet. Also turns out, this protocol was helpful for other similar auto-immune diseases like lupus and (true) fibromyalgia. This isn’t medical advice, just something I would personally try if my back was to the wall. YMMV.