Expert Virologist: Here's Everything You Need To Understand About Coronavirus

Is there a stock and mortgage crisis chat somewhere? Didn’t want to high jack a virus thread but I can’t seem to find a current chat. Thanks!
Healthcare related, here are some doc interviews I have found interesting:

Hey Jim
This is anecdotal and from me some anonymous doofus who has no medical credibility whatsoever, so believe it if you wish.
I just got in from an emergency Dermatologist appt. I had 2 very painful boils that need to be lanced. (I think one was a brown recluse bite). As the good doctor was cutting on me I casually asked what he was hearing about Sars cov 2. The very first words out of his mouth were " I am hearing very good things about Hydroxychloroquine" I swear I did not prompt him. We chatted about it for quite awhile. He said "all the media hysteria against it is bullshit " I was in no position to fall out of the chair but was pretty surprised at his leaving his professional decorum by the side of the road and letting fly.
He said it is an extremely safe drug and dermatologists actually prescribe it. Now I found that pretty surprising but we did not have time to get into all of that. He was definitely of the opinion that it should be widely used.
It occurs to me we should be talking to our doctors about this.
As a matter of fact I think we should be contacting our doctors, hospitals, clinics etc to find out what their protocol is before we find ourselves at their mercy. Remember once you end up in a hospital you are not free.

"Maybe the clinical trials will be ready in 12 weeks. "
I feel like I am in Cheech and Chung nightmare. Listening to this lady reminds me of a book I read (I was a stockbroker) the Tao Jones Theory - something like that - where the author talked about left-side brain thinking versus right-side brain thinking.
I am constantly amazed that we collectively have allowed ourselves to give up all our freedoms without the slightest objection. A remedy is found - we critise the doctor for not doing scientific testing. Other doctors use it - it works - but the academedics who get paid big grants by Big Pharma tell us - Gotta wait 12 weeks. If the arguments against the usage of hydroxychloroquine is that you would deprive Lupus patients from their drugs - THAT BEGS A QUESTION !! Are there ANY Lupus patients with COVID-19. Common Big Government - that’s not alot to ask.
My daughter just told me that our deconfinement is now is planned for May 11th - we have already lived 3 weeks of confinement. The number of new cases in France is plateauing except for a one day jump when they added all the cases from old folks homes.
By that time the economy will be ruined. The Blackrock guys of this world will be hovering overhead. Perhaps we’ll talk tomorrow together.
Have you watched or read any of Jon’s information. He makes a lot of sense to me, and in the articles cited on his website, he shows that there really isn’t a a good test for this virus and that they are likely misdiagnosing a lot of people in order to “prove” that there really is a danger here. We’d better get this right, because a lot of economies are tanking, and if it turns out to be a hoax, or even just a huge mistake, the longer we let this go, the worse it will be. I don’t have time to wade through all the comments on this site, but I just wondered if Chris is aware of the ideas that Jon is putting forth.

30 seconds and I found the link for HCQ and dermatology.

Yeah, Mohammed, I agree. We need to take the initiative here for ourselves. I am going to contact my own doctor tomorrow and ask him what he knows about the Zelenko protocol. My doc is pretty open to alternative medicine and is a very thoughtful guy, so I will tell him that it is what I want him to prescribe for me if I get this virus. I think he will say “fine”, but if he drags his feet, he may stop being my doc until we are past this thing. :slight_smile:

A problem with an “anyone can post anything” forum is the lack of fact checking / screening for posts. Mr. Rappoport, recommended by the comment in #64, has a long history of promoting hoaxes. The best way to get hoaxes believed is to mix a small amount of facts to bait the reader into believing the rest of the claims.
Of course, viruses don’t care about anyone’s opinions.
Critical thinking is part of the antidote.

Remember those people. I really wonder what all those people who said that and PUBLISHED that crap have to say now… Basically, harming or killing tons of americans.

I have heard the exact same from my cousin, who is a specialty just as loose. And he said the same about 3 weeks ago. The protocol of Hydroxychlor… with zpak, AND zinc sulfate crushes this virus. I am not sure what is going on. The chinese said they had good results with it… Several other doctors have confirmed. Not sure why its not standard protocol , OH wait… its in harms way , of those who can profit by have a much more exclusive , lucrative FDA approved therapy. So , many will die to protect that interest. Except for the few doctors who’s Hippocratic oath will not let them fail the patient for money.

So, “it’s just the flu” and China is entirely transparent. Ok.

Noridcjack is spot on when he notes this: “Several other doctors have confirmed. Not sure why its not standard protocol , OH wait… its in harms way , of those who can profit by have a much more exclusive , lucrative FDA approved therapy. So , many will die to protect that interest. Except for the few doctors who’s Hippocratic oath will not let them fail the patient for money.”
In my view it might be a lot worse than that. I am deeply suspicious that there has been a deliberate propaganda campaign to convince everybody that this disease is far, far worse than it actually is. And social distancing was imposed to ensure that the disease hangs around for months instead of all being over in a few weeks.

As Ayn Rand wrote, “'But there’s always a purpose in nonsense. Don’t bother to examine a folly–ask yourself only what it accomplishes.
As for the Pandemic, JP Hassman tweeted the other day something like, “If the crash happens on the day that an organ grinder’s monkey throws a coconut at the bronze bull on Wall Street, they will blame the crash on the monkey.”
SARS-CoV 2 is the current monkey. The inevitable crash of the system will be blamed on a virus.

Coronavirus Cases: Turning The Corner? (4/6/20)

Yes - it’s the flu. Probably worse than the average 'flu - maybe as bad as the Hong Kong 'flu, but nothing like the Spanish 'flu for example. There is almost no way to look at the data and conclude anything else at this point.
Italy didn’t implement social distancing until the virus was running wild in Northern Italy. It’s almost impossible that less than 5% of the population were exposed which would be 3 million people. My guess is that that number is more like 20 million people. Only 16,000 deaths. EDIT - upon reflection I think 20 million is probably too high. But I would take a large bet that the number’s in the millions.
Sweden never implemented a lockdown. A country with 10 million people. 400 deaths so far. My guess is they will end up with less than 20,000 deaths in total for an IFR of 0.2% or thereabouts. They will hit peak in the next few weeks - let’s see what happens.
In London, based on the people I know, about 1 in 5 has had symptoms which probably means 50% of the population has been exposed (maybe more). That’s ~5 million people with only 5,000 deaths in the whole of the UK.
Wuhan - at the height of the epidemic 60% of tests were coming back positive. They achieved herd immunity. Even if there were ten times as many dead as the Chinese are admitting to, that’s still an IFR of under 0.25%
In The US we’re going to get a second wave as a result of our foolish lockdowns, and not only have we damaged the economy, we will actually have more deaths than if we had protected the vulnerable and the rest of us carried as normal.
This whole thing is/was a monstrous fraud. It’s possible it was the result merely of panic and politicians who have no mathematical ability. It’s also more than possible that we have been played by people with an agenda.
How convenient that

  • Event 201 was held right as the epidemic was getting started
  • A number of wealthy, politically connected people were given a heads up to sell their stocks and bonds
  • A massive bailout has been provided to Wall St. and Big Corporation World.
  • The press and social media co-ordinated a hysterical campaign based not on any sensible evaluation of the evidence but on appalling misapplication of what should have been well-understood statistics. e.g. Equating CFR with IFR
  • Testing (the one thing that might have given us good data early on) was conveniently crippled in larger countries including the US and UK thus guaranteeing bad data and misleading statistics. Statistics from those countries which did a good job (e.g. Iceland, and to a lesser extent Singapore, S. Korea and Germany) are glossed over or utterly ignored.
  • Deaths are systematically overcounted by including people who died of other causes just because they alos tested positive for Covid-19
  • Bill Gates is now politicking to gain acceptance for mandatory vaccination and a digital vaccine certificate as “the solution”.
    Comparing apples to apples:
    Seasonal 'flu CFR = 10% (IFR estimated 0.1%)
    Covid-19 CFR = 5% (IFR … ?)

I’m intrigued what Chris might be referring to concerning the numbers being low in the U.S.

You can see every intensive care unit in Germany here, together with current space avalaibility the number of COVID-19 patients.
Plenty of spare capacity.
As an aside, you gotta love them Germans for being organized like this :-). It would never happen here!