Exposed: Government and Big Tech Colluded to Violate The 1st Amendment

? That article is from 19?? and talks about “the radio” ???

I think its an article from prior WW2 late 30’s … Germany edging on the US to support Nazi’s showing a pattern of same behavior today

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yep wouldn’t start on my new computer again today… of course is my office one with preset firewalls etc… something likely in settings my office settings hangs up

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Hey Count, aren’t all of those Org’s setup with private money? UN was setup by Rockefeller’s, WEF absolute private, IMF by banks, WHO by Bill and Co. Please correct me if I missed something here.


honestly I don’t know “I thought the UN” was a voluntary government deal post WW2? but that was just an assumption …I could barely stay awake in political science 30 years ago…I’ll defer to those more knowledgeable like yourself… However, if you are correct in their $ sourcing you have just confirmed they are all 1 in the same by the global parasites…I can’t think of ANY reason NOT to delegitimize em all lock stock and barrel… why are sovereign countries deferring anything to private interests?


I guess I missed their invitation somehow…?


You May Want To Spend More Time Looking At The Intercept Article Before Shooting Off Flares…

Seems to be dubious reporting, at best:

Or your link is absolute garbage. I think that is more likely the case. Hahaha your pic and name crack me up. 1776 my ass. Generally people with 1776 in their names are usually PRO free speech and ANTI censorship. You seem more like a troll. You don’t refute certain points of it naming specific instances. You just promote a canned story written by someone with a certain political leaning. I am not saying either view is 100% right or 100% wrong but I tend to believe that there is at least some truth to the view that some government agencies did willfully intend to manipulate people through manipulating online content. You can see some of that in the mainstream media as well when viewing the same story on multiple channels. It is like they are reading from a script where certain phrases are mandatory. I would assume the people that came up with the script consider them key parts of the message they want to hammer home. Unfortunately for them it just comes across as weird and creepy. However it is super awesome to make video compilations of that shit!

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there is a pattern with 1776 posts all of them look like a duck quack like a duck and walk like a duck… Soo he’s a…


FWIW the author wanted the article to be better and is pissed that they made a mess of it - because that makes it harder to expose true examples of government overreach (of which there are many).

Dr. Shiva Uncovered This Over A Year Ago

Great commentary on this issue, but it is strange to me that in 2021, Dr Shiva presented solid evidence of this govt- social media cabal to influence elections happening in MA during his senate run - with diagrams and names and 8x10 color glossy photos (as Arlo would say) detailing the deceitful way they constructed the set up. It not new information, and it alarms me that people are reacting to it like it is new - as time goes on, the Intercept looks more and more like it is a IC shell company - Glen G left them for having no integrity a year ago and made Substack famous - some of their funders & financial backers are slimy big tech types who also fund censoring organizations as well. This “scoop” coming out so late and so diluted makes it look like a limited hangout/pressure relief that allows govt leaders to make it public without any admissions or criminal charges, normalize it happening in this election cycle, and condition people to move on. Why now? How did such a “massive” drop get uncovered? FOIA release? Really?


Censorship And Suppression Of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics And Counter-tactics

Minerva (2022), Springer Link, Published 1 Nov 2022. Yaffa Shir-Raz, Ety Elisha, Brian Martin, Natti Ronel & Josh Guetzkow
Abstract: “The emergence of COVID-19 has led to numerous controversies over COVID-related knowledge and policy. To counter the perceived threat from doctors and scientists who challenge the official position of governmental and intergovernmental health authorities, some supporters of this orthodoxy have moved to censor those who promote dissenting views.
The aim of the present study is to explore the experiences and responses of highly accomplished doctors and research scientists from different countries who have been targets of suppression and/or censorship following their publications and statements in relation to COVID-19 that challenge official views.
Our findings point to the central role played by media organizations, and especially by information technology companies, in attempting to stifle debate over COVID-19 policy and measures.
In the effort to silence alternative voices, widespread use was made not only of censorship, but of tactics of suppression that damaged the reputations and careers of dissenting doctors and scientists, regardless of their academic or medical status and regardless of their stature prior to expressing a contrary position.
In place of open and fair discussion, censorship and suppression of scientific dissent has deleterious and far-reaching implications for medicine, science, and public health.”


It’s worth using the regular video download link - (the file seems to come from Odysee, last one I downloaded shows as the source).
You typically get an mp4 or mkv file which you can then play in something like VLC on a PC or put on NAS and send to a TV streaming box with suitable media player.
I would say that these files tend to be pretty massive in size given the resolution - they could be coded with a much lower bitrate and still look just as good whilst being much smaller. They would also download more quickly and presumably save on hosting costs.
I always reencode them and resize them, for archival. eg I have a downloaded file 221031_ep4.mp4 which is 1920x1080 AVC format with a whopping 8467kb/s average rate(!) and takes up 3,468,259 KB.
I re-encoded using handbrake to 960x540 with a setting of 950kb/s and it looks almost as good on my TV for a file size of 438,414 KB (one seventh the size). I could have kept the resolution at 1920x1080 and maybe upped the rate to 2000kb/s and it still would only be around 1MB in size (less than 1/3 the original) and look pretty much identical.

About Ag Scmitt’s Lawsuit

The lead story in the video starts out highlighting a “really big deal” - the order granting depositions from top Biden Administration officials in a case alleging first amendment violations.
The first alleged transgression involves supposed suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The text of the lawsuit states “Perhaps most notoriously, social-media platforms aggressively censored an October 14, 2020 New York Post exposé about the contents of the laptop…” and claims “Biden, his allies, and those acting in concert with them falsely attacked the Hunter Biden laptop story as “disinformation.”
The only problem with this? Biden was a private citizen at the time - there was no Biden Administration to violate anyone’s first amendment rights.
The rest of the lawsuit is as frivolous - in the section about “Speech about the efficacy of mask mandates and COVID-19 lockdowns” the lawsuit doesn’t even bother to claim any Government involvement with social media companies at all so it is unclear what they are accusing.
Let’s put the lawsuit in context - Missouri Attorney General Schmitt is a man with national political ambitions and is currently pretty much a lock to be a Senator. In this interview with Fox Business News he is practically salivating (as Chris appears to do in the video here) at the prospect of digging through that sweet disclosure material. Wink wink we’re intent on winning but moving forward we get to ask for documents, emails etc etc.
And finally I would point out that AG Schmitt is hardly a white knight about first amendment issues. He filed a lawsuit against a private not-for-profit entity alleging it violated sunshine laws - “regulations requiring public disclosure of government agency meetings and records”. He was seeking information about mask mandates and vaccinations among other things. The case was dismissed: ““I’m reading this statute as plainly as I can, and I think the definition of public governmental body means that it has to be created by either a legislative, administrative or governmental entity,” Jacobs said. "… So I’m going to grant the motion to dismiss.”
Schmitt also sent cease and desist letters to 52 school districts in Missouri threatening them with legal action if they did not halt mask mandates after a Judge’s ruling - even when the mandates were created by local school boards and outside the jurisdiction of the order.
Schmitt also created a tattle-tale page at the official site encouraging parents to “submit information about objectionable curriculum like Critical Race Theory, teacher training materials, school initiatives and speakers, administrative overreach, and other issues and practices that don’t prioritize student education and success in their children’s schools.”

If You Want To Report On Dhs And Privacy…

Finally I must say when I saw the title of the post about the Government, DHS and Big Tech trampling the rights of citizens my immediate thought was finally a post about the recently unreacted report on massive failures in DHS intelligence collection in Portland in July 2020 involving a massive invasion of private citizen’s privacy and 4th amendment violations.
Basically outlining how teams of woefully untrained and badly equipped “collection” agents operating under a “false sense of urgency” among other things released Intelligence Reports they had created about two U.S. journalists covering the unrest.
How these Operational Background Reports (“baseball cards”) were gathered on citizens who had been arrested “for offenses seemingly unrelated to homeland security”.
How they collected “devices” (cell phones and computers) without warrants. How the acting US Information and Analysis director without facts or evidence directed reports about protestors in Portland to replace references to them as “violent opportunists” with “Violent Antifa Anarchists Inspired (VAAI)”.
How these teams basically hoovered up information from social media using generalized search terms and the software “Tangles”, for intrusive background checks including friends and followers - and how some agents refused to do this out of concerns of the legality of such collection.
Read the whole thing - it’s chilling.–%20Revised%20Redactions_1666979250997.pdf

So you’re Antifa! It all makes sense now.
I do have a curiosity question. Are all you guys in the Antifa brigade all quadruple-vaxxed? After all the vax fuss, what’s the uptake rate? Everyone all up-to-date? Or did you skip the 8-mouse booster?
And - how do you guys feel about the whole “Save Grandma” thing? Still all in? Or did that interview with the Pfizer director shake anything up?



The only problem with this? Biden was a private citizen at the time – there was no Biden Administration to violate anyone’s first amendment rights.
Hunter was on the board of Bursima, and the laptop had numerous international dealings with China and Ukraine which made it both a politically relevant issue for the election as well as a national security issue. Anybody who tries to spin it as you have is out of the arena for being a useful contributor here.

This user is too low fidelity for this site. They have been blocked.
I don’t mind critiques, but purely partisan spin jobs are tedious and unwelcome.

The only problem with this? Biden was a private citizen at the time – there was no Biden Administration to violate anyone’s first amendment rights.
There are two problems with that position. One, if - as reported - the FBI was involved in protecting the Biden campaign by suppressing the laptop story, then it is government involvement in censorship, which is a clear violation of the first amendment. That is just what Chris' article says. The government is engaging in first amendment violations. Two, if Biden was in involved promoting those actions (the suit apparently alleges that) his status as a private citizen would not immunize him from violations of the first amendment. That is because if a private party conspires with a government official to deny constitutional rights - then the private party is just as culpable as the government actors. That is what the law of "conspiracy" says, to wit, all the conspirators are equally liable.

DF, remember when he opined a while back, on the unexplained increase in cardiac deaths since 2021 – (gee, what happened in 2021…anything significant? oh, yeah, we jabbed a billion people with an experimental vaccine that underwent no safety trials…), – cardiac deaths among young, healthy people with no previous heart issues. “It happens all the time!” ?