Exposed: Government and Big Tech Colluded to Violate The 1st Amendment

Chris, have you seen the redacted interview with Dr. V.A. Shiva - he’s the guy that discovered and first reported on the DHS portals … in the article he talks about the playbooks, which are manuals for censorship that are used by the Govt to censor people. I’m sure everyone here will find this interview very eye opening. Here’s a link that contains the interview, you will have to scroll a bit to find it. I’m sure Redacted will be posting a separate video of just the interview.
Here’s a great quote from the interview: “a process that the Government actually uses. 1st - the conceal the whole truth. 2nd they delay the information 3rd they steal the information 4th they hijack it and put a a dribble - like the intercept did”

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sorry for not proofing the quote - lots of typos

Well I for one am sad. I really wanted to hear Antifa’s view on taking the shots, and the boosters, and the booster-booster-boosters. If they were all in on the 8-mouse booster, and everyone in the group had signed up, that would be very interesting to know. If the foot soldiers of the WEF were all taking the shot (and all the boosters) in order to Save Grandma (GGF), if they actually “walked the walk”, I would find it fascinating.


Everyone of the speakers at the fact checking event are just as guilty as the ACIP with the harm they have caused. Accountability is needed–how is the question.

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And silly us, we thought we no longer lived in a world ruled by the nobility. Seems like we never really left the 15th century.

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I have mirrored my laptop to my Apple TV and played PP content but my laptop inevitably starts running hot, the fans get really loud, and then I have one eye on my laptop and one eye on the PP video. So I don’t get as much out of the discussion as I could have.
Playing from the QuickTime Player or from YouTube’s AirPlay option greatly reduces the burden on my laptop. Fans are nice and quiet.

I admire your parience…


ehh, patience that is.

Yes, glad you fixed that, a parience can be deceiving.


Yes. I have this problem on my cell phone, but not on my computer. Also, there is no obvious way to jump forward or back 10 seconds. If I leave the video paused on my phone for a while, it seems to start off again at the beginning instead of carrying on from where I left off. Youtube is far superior in that respect!

New Codeword For Censors

In the latest assault on language, Joe Biden has conflated the word “censor” with “editor:”

“There’s no editors anymore in America,” the US president complained.
By acquiring Twitter last month, Elon Musk took charge of a social media platform that“spews lies all across the world,” US President Joe Biden said on Friday.
Censors are now called Editors
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Colluding Koopmans
As reported to Jeremy, I am not in favor of publishing anything specific about the lab-escape hypothesis because I agree with Kristian [Andersen] that this could backfire. By zooming in on a specific finding, which as far as I know is not public, I think this will generate its own conspiracy theories."
“So if it gets published, I would want to zoom out a little bit to begin with, describe that one of the main challenges is where the virus comes from, discuss some of the wild guesses that are out there, and then argue step by step what the challenges are in deriving this from sequence data, where you don’t know exactly what the pool is that you’re drawing from, so end up interpreting the needle out of a haystack. This is where the many pieces of the discussion that have passed over the past few days can be included, such as evolutionary rates and dating of possible origins, examples of acquisition of splice sites from other viruses, recombination in the evolutionary history of coronaviruses, possible abrupt changes from spillover events, the ability to confirm or refute things in vitro, and so on.”
“And I would leave ‘lab escape’ for discussion, because I think putting that out in the open as a hypothesis is read as 'see, they thought so, too.
Text continues below tweet
translated with Deepl


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