Fauci Gets Covid, Kids Get Vax, NY Gets 2nd Amendment (Again) All Headline The Informed Consent Livecast

Danish = Not Dutch

Chris calls Danish minister Dutch again.
He’s wrong, and is he sure he’s not confused?
I’ll keep pointing it out untill he has learned :wink:

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Just to confirm: Bruegel data showed 67% of Germany’s thermal coal imports and 81% of Poland’s thermal coal imports came from Russia in 2020.
At this point it’s cheaper for all the “unfriendly countries” to just invade Russia and take what all these “unfriendly countries” (the United States, the EU, and NATO) don’t have – Russia’s coal, natural gas, rare earths and minerals.
With Russia being a nuclear power, World War 3 is going to be a resource war until plutonium steps in.



I really like the constellation/tree graphic that you have. I think that may be too recognizable for use in a true hunger games resistance sitaution. I propose a constellation that contains 8 points of light, for the forms of capital. The constellation Ara (the altar) is one. And any pidgen form of the sound “ate”. Misuse ate as a suffix. Talk about things you don’t “ate”. Talk about the things you just ate. Pieces of 8. What sayest thou, aspiring non gmo humans?

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This is the crux of things … Unlike every case so far, the US (West more generally) can’t just ‘Kick their ass and take their gas’.
Russia is more than capable of defending itself conventionally and would seem to have nuclear superiority … and has made it clear that it won’t hold back from using them either, if their territory is invaded.
Therefore you can either pay Russia for the resources or try and get them somewhere else. For ‘get them’ read ‘steal them one way or another’.
If I were Venezuela I’d be feeling quite worried right now, wouldn’t surprise me if an operation to grab their oilfields is in the advanced stage of preparation. Iran would be a tougher nut to crack but probably is on the ‘delivering democracy’ list too …


The Sacrifice Of The Children

I have been looking at a lot of data which show strange [unexplained by the powers that be] patterns of high levels of death, since the start of 2021, amongst all different age groups, and from all around the world. The most tragic and harrowing data I have seen so far, is that which indicates this may also be affecting new born babies too.
For example, the graph below shows the number of deaths of babies within the first four weeks of life, from Public Health Scotland’s “Wider Impacts” website.
The blue dots show 8 consecutive data points in a row which are above the background levels, and the red dots are data points well in excess of alarm signals.
The Scottish site also indicates that the number of pregnancies not reaching term was above baseline during the time of interest, and occurring earlier in the gestation period.
They also provide data for developmental issues in infants, which seem to indicate that since the start of 2021, the number of issues has also been consistently above background rates. In particular, in speech, language and communication, gross motor skills, and problem solving.
We await confirming or disconfirming data of the Scottish experience from around the world, and can only hope this is not the case elsewhere.
[Unfortunately, useful data about changes in developmental issues are unlikely to be forthcoming from the USA. In February 2022, the CDC in the US [not sure why a Centre for Disease Control is the authority on child development?], massively altered the developmental targets for infants.
These major change include having fewer developmental milestones for each age (the total number of markers having been halved), yet added markers “to show clearer signs of autism”, bumped up many other markers to older ages, and removed crawling as a milestone altogether.
The timing of this first major change in 20 years, creating a major discontinuity and disturbance in the records of developmental issues, is quite unfortunate because it means it will be impossible to make clear comparisons with historical data. Very unfortunate this happened just at a time signals of strange developmental issues were emerging].


I am especially fond of the graphic also, wish I had it as a
gif and some patches. Not glow-in-dark though.


Not too sure of number one Chris, but believe strongly in number two. As soon as we break ranks on our resolve and dip in one toe for the sake of convenience or necessity, our efforts up 'till that time will be for naught. I think it will be very difficult not to “cave”.


I take 91mcg/kg of my body weight, once per week without any new symptoms and have for many months. No covid yet.

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PS Can’t get HCQ!

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I was watching the latest video of Brett Weinstein and Geert Vanden Bossche discussing covid. It was interesting in that their discussion included why IVM doesn’t seem to be as effective as it was previously (thus FLCCC recommending HCQ more for variants). Geert believes that the jabs have trained the virus to know how to slip past our immune system defenses for everyone who has been jabbed - by giving the virus a common method for infiltrating our bodies thanks to the jab.
Brett did a good job of simplifying what Geert was saying. Conclusion was that it would require higher doses of IVM to accomplish the same thing that it did with the original virus. There was also some discussion about how Geert isn’t a fan of using any drug prophylactically. He compared it to using antibiotics when they aren’t really needed.
It is a long interview (2hrs), but was well worth it IMO. In fact, I think I will listen to it again to try to learn more from it.
(21) Bret Weinstein - A Tale of COVID Trade-Offs: Vaccines vs Innate and Natural Immunity with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (odysee.com)


Good find Karen and I like the summary.

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When I took IVM for treatment, I had cloudy vision which really concerned me. Another person I know reported the same. I had a cataract removed and a lens implanted 7 years ago and now the sac around the lens has become cloudy, a new script for glasses can’t fix this. Makes me wonder how much IVM caused this.

Just a couple of points to through into the mix. Germany is one of two countries in the world that use brown coal to generate electricity, the other is Australia. More accurately three power plants in one state of Australia. Maybe more countries do now, my info is a few years old. Their is no way you would import Brown Coal, it comes out of the mine wet and heavy. You get more bang for your buck with the dry Black Coal per truck load.
So did NYT spell that out or is Coal all the same to them?
Now what’s with the ‘narrative’ anyway?
Seems like we are going around in circles regurgitating the same stories with a new spin, to fit the current thing.
Is that to hide Germany’s Energy F@#$ up in the first place? Apply rule #5 Blame Russia.
This story I vaguely remember, as I was working at one of the Australian power plants at the time, with the same issue for a town nearby. Anything for progress!

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Here is the June 15th FLCCC meeting. https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Weekly_Webinar_June15:d?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=e0a0d1e5-d211-4eb1-8101-3e28319951dc
They interviewed one of the top OB/GYN doctors in US about what is going on with women and children. It is riveting.

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make sure that no laws are written to restrict people trading in other currencies/money. then communities can create their own local money systems and within the community be free of the control of the central banks.
Bill Gates et al have already considered the barter system work-around. that’s why they’ve been proposing for many years that all produce/products be tagged and traceable (the excuse once again is climate change and carbon reduction). they can then even control produce/product exchange between friends/neighbours.
at some point, the governments will introduce taxes for all assets, and these taxes will be used to force everyone to release their assets (eg, taxes for the unvaccinated because they ‘increase the burden on the medical system’, or taxes on all non-electric vehicles because of climate change, etc). if your community doesn’t have an army to protect your district from state/federal corrupted forces, you’ll lose everything.

(reportedly) according to the Pfizer trial documents, more than 80% of the pregnant women in the Pfizer trials lost their babies.
and now they want to inject newborns with not one but eventually 3 or 4 poison jabs (in addition to the 50+ poison jabs already on the schedule). there will be no next generation for anyone who is jabbed.


a friendly comment from the terrain side of the pond… there is no virus, so IVM and HCQ are not necessary, unless you’ve been jabbed. the bioweapons are real.
we personally helped a young friend recover from life-threatening vaccine-induced (2nd jab) myocarditis by putting her on a mixture of supplements including IVM, based on the recommendations from Zalenko, the AFLDs and personal research. if not for our immediate response to her midnight call for help, she’d be dead. she’ll be on the supplements for a full year. her heart will need time to heal.


Pp Is Getting Tiresome

as a European watcher is getting harder and harder to watch these rants. You as a Nation and PP as a channel need to find that greyzone somewhere in the middle. After all we all are just humans and that’s the important thing.

Hi Puma, I can not follow the conversation path above well enough to know how to understand your admonition. Could you give me a little context? I want to improve.

do you mean that PP / Chris are a little extreme? sorry. they’re already just ‘grey zone’.
Chris intentionally holds back on many fronts. he proclaims stupidity where I would proclaim evil intentional psychopathic malevolence, including everything to do with the plandemic/scamdemic, the Federal Reserve, the Central Banks, the food chain, the fuel chain, the education system, the work unions, the medical boards, the ‘science’ journals. Chris always holds back. he is either unwilling to accept the ‘extreme’ truths, or he’s worried about scaring away new subscribers who might not be ready for the truth.