Fauci Gets Covid, Kids Get Vax, NY Gets 2nd Amendment (Again) All Headline The Informed Consent Livecast

Hi Puma, I’m from Europe too. Unfortunately, I do not understand what you are talking about. Could you give some examples please?

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Judge a man not by his answer but by his question society needs to look back at that we need to ask more questions we need to hold our government and our authorities responsible
My wife and I would like to come to the honey Badger gathering gathering the problem is or maybe it’s not a problem we have a 2 and a 1/2 year old and a 3 week old at the moment
I don’t know if it would be too much for them but we really like to come be part of the group meet new people and explore new ideas
We would love to camp but with the baby it might be a little more difficult is something the tribe would be open to young ones

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Are you sure the politicians in Europe are humans ? They seem like something else to me.

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It could be coincidence that it happened right when you started IVM treatment. This is short version on what you can find on the net,
“There are cases after cataract surgery where the patient is still experiencing cloudy vision. This may develop weeks or even months after successful surgery. This cloudiness is not uncommon, and it can be corrected using a procedure called Posterior Capsulotomy. The lens of your eye has a cellophane-like outer lining called the capsule.”
It is another, even shorter operation from what I read.

@nancki Hi there. I had both eyes done as you did, one a few years before the other. A few years after the first one, my vision started to deteriorate in that first eye and the doctor who did the surgery, and the check up, just put a few drops to dilate the eye then took me into the next room which held a lot of their testing equipment and such. Among them was a “laser microscope” device that I looked into as he flashed it a few times. Took about 5 minutes and done. Has been clear since. That is the Posterior Capsulotomy mentioned by @george. It really is just a minor procedure, at least here in Thailand, and was only a few hundred $$. Could be thousands in the USA… Good luck. I’ve taken IVM and have experienced no side effects.

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Danish in Denmark
Dutch in Holland
or something like that

Does Fauci Really Drink The Kool-aid?

After reading RFK Jr’s Fauci book, I have serious doubts that Fauci himself would actually use most of the drugs and vaccines his cronies have “developed”. Who thinks he’s really only had 4 rounds of saline since COVID arose?

I like it too. First it’s stars/constellations, then its as tree-filtered sunlight that turns into fruit.
Perfect as a symbol of energy and production.